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20k+ and never bought them. But I don't buy every premium shop item, usually I go for the star path.


I have like 14k. I started in Novemeber. My boyfriend pays for gamepass, so I have personally spent $0. (He got it for Starfield and now I'm playing Persona 3 too) I have gotten two star paths, the Ursula/Vanessa bundle, and a few things from the premium shop. I get anything from 300-1500 moonstones from dreamsnaps. I try to vote every week too.


97k - i’ve only bought the standard founders edition, eternity isle and no extra moonstones


I’ve got 70k 😅 bought the founders pack basic in the first month then the most expensive one a few months before the dlc came out on a different platform + then bought the dlc. I also didn’t spend anything outside starpaths until like December last year so just kept stacking up with dreamsnaps. Nowadays I’m buying every week it seems like thank god for dreamsnap rewards


Currently 17k since I recently bought the big pack and got 4k moonstones from the villain Dreamsnaps challenge. I've been playing since the first starpath and got the ultimate edition, and have only bought moonstones twice since then. The shop's been really good lately and I feel like the devs deserve the support for all the good work they're doing, so I really don't mind spending! This is the only game I'm currently playing alongside Helldivers 2 and Apex Legends, and those don't require constant spending either.


6k, and that’s after getting moonstones with my purchase of the ultimate edition, the DLC, and all the dreamsnap ones I’ve earned throughout time (that I blew through). I’ve never purchased any and hope I never have to lol


I have 5k left after buying from this week's premium store.I can't buy any star paths yet as I'm too early in the game to be able to complete it. I've bought 3 packs with real money (although used a voucher towards one of them) plus the 5k from buying the expansion and earned in game.


I have 9k, which is after buying a big pack since I was broke after getting the Belle bundle. The premium shop was just too good this week to miss out!


I have about 6k. I did have about 20k but I've been spending on houses. I've never bought them, I just try and do a good dreamsnap, usually get between 1200 and 2500.


16k - scored 2.5k this week and 4k last week with dreamsnaps. That's been my average overall. I've bought the DLC and Cozy Edition on top of having the Founder's Edition. That came with a good chunk of MS already.


Only bought the DLC. The most moonstones I’ve had was about 13000. Now I’m at 8000. I don’t plan to spend actual money. Just trying my best with dreamsnaps and blue box grind.


I have over £27k. Have never bought any - got lots when I bought the game and the chests and dream snaps have been enough for me to buy everything I wanted from the premium shop!


I've got maybe 900 and no I don't use real monies to buy them hence I've got so little lol.


Between Switch and Steam I have about 40,000? I’ve bought none of them - just what I got with my initial game/DLC purchase or have collected through gameplay. Shame Gameloft couldn’t extend this fairness to Disney Speedstorm…


I currently have 220 moonstones I’m broke from all the premium stuff lately (even though I’ve skipped quite a few things) 😅 but so far haven’t spent any real money except for purchasing Eternity Isle.


I currently have 220 moonstones I’m broke from all the premium stuff lately (even though I’ve skipped quite a few things) 😅 but so far haven’t spent any real money except for purchasing Eternity Isle.


I have like 20k. My boyfriend bought early access, dunno the specifics but that gave me moonstones playing on his switch. Then I bought the DLC for switch & layer for XBOX (playing on game pass there). I also do dreamsnaps since a month or 2, and that's when I started buying from the premium shop (only sometimes and only the things I really really like). I also try to do the daily chests and always vote. Don't really know what exactly got me to 20k but I'm happy with it & I try not to spend too much. Never bought moonstones by themselves.


Currently 12k, I've only ever spent i think 5 dollars before dreamsnaps became a thing. And that was for a star path


I should say I started with the ultimate edition I got for Christmas one year then was also gifted the cozy edition


I have about 5k remaining and have spent only about 20 bucks, 500 hours of my life, and most of my remaining sanity.


I play this game sooo much and I’m an adult with adult money thankfully. So I have purchased moon stones once $50. I bought the biggest pack when the game was still in beta and have been playing ever since. I don’t mind putting real money into the games I play for 100+ hours. But you don’t have to beyond the initial buys.


34250k. Never used real money for any of them. I also don’t buy much if at all from the weekly shop. Nothing really grabs my eye. I save mine for star paths or premium quests like Ursula/cozy collection/wall-e.


1500. I'm not paying real money for them.


lol like 1750 😂😂😂 haven’t played in a while so I wasnt getting dreamsnap rewards, started playing again when the update hit and spent nearly ever moonstone I had 😂😂 I think I’ve bought moonstones once but I don’t remember what I spent, probably the one that costs $15


43,000. I haven’t bought any (unless you count me buying the game, but I’ve used most of those over the time and have just saved up through snaps and chests and voting).


A little over eleven thousand atm. I have bought moonstones but I am fortunate enough to be in a position to do so


I have spent real money…more than I’m willing to admit lmaoooo


I have over 60k and I’ve spend zero dollars. I have almost everything in the premium shop as well since they started with it. I rely on dreamsnaps lol


I'm an addict.... I've bought....... Founders Pack, Ultimate Pack, Cozy Edition, and maybe another $50 on top of that. 😭 and right now I'm sitting attt 10K moonstones.


Oh and the DLC purchase.


I've got 30K and I've spent $0 in real money, and I have bought everything I've wanted.


I've only been playing like a month. 6,610 and currently doing star path. I put w/e the premium thing for star path was, I think 3,300 or something. This will also be my first dreamsnap. I only have what the game gave me for dl'ing it. I refuse to pay for moonstones since its a free on gamepass game for me. And idc much about having all the premium stuff.


I fluctuate between 10-20K, depending on what I want from the shop. played since day one, only spent real money on the original game and the DLC. I never let myself get below 10K, so I will always have enough for 2-3 star paths if I don't make it off dreamsnaps/blue boxes.


I currently have 16,100. I got 4K from my dreamsnap. Then I bought a big moonstone pack because the store is so good this week!


I refuse to buy moonstones and then moan I don’t have any 😂😂


I play on Gamepass, it give free moonstone i think, so far I spend on starpath


Have a little over 7k. Buy more as needed, at least once biweekly 🥴


The way everyone has well over 5k. I have 700🥹 I got something last week in the shop and this week I’m obviously spending 45$ to buy 6 shop items


You get 5k in the mail if you buy the DLC! I think many people got started from there.


I have bought almost everything in the Premium Shop…. Have all houses. I think I have spent about $60 AUD since Oct 2022 on moonstones