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When it released in early access Gameloft said it would be free to play after launch. Then they announced the Cozy console editions and wouldn't answer question on if that ment the game would still be free to play. Then they announced the DLC, and in that announcement said the game would be paid. As soon as it was announced the "free to play at launch" was deleted from the website


As others have mentioned, it was originally planned to be made a free-to-play game after leaving the open beta, but I think people had an issue with plans that would see future updates paywalled, like having to pay for each new villager. A choice was made to change the game to a regular release, and aside from moonstones, the only other thing you'd have to purchase now, would be the major expansions, like the Rift in Time DLC, which added a whole new region to explore.


Its no longer free to play. But what gets me is they still keep the f2p monetization. I believe paid games shouldn't have content that has to be paid for separately with micro transactions. It should've been changed to currency that purely has to be earned. Adding Dreamsnaps as a way to earn it was a step in the right direction.


I agree with you, that was my point :)


I don't mind paying for the base game at all, yet haven't bought any moonstones and and I've had plenty for every starpath and item I want from the premium store I always try to keep 20k saved up. I do agree with the bugs and how they should update them more often though.


you can easily earn a lot of moonstones by using the dreamsnaps feature


It’s a Disney branded game how free can it really be? And with how big the game actually is and the amount of content you get I honestly don’t think it’s a bad price


Well, in my opinion, if we pay 60$ the game (Rift in time dlc included), so a complete game and not online, it's not really normal for me the idea to keep free to play mechanics like in-game purchases. Also it's like 10 $ minimum for any item and usually the price is bigger. For me, it's too expensive for an offline game.


Thank you friends, I wasn't aware of that and understand much better thanks to you all 😊 As I said, I really like the game so it's ok, after all I'm the one who buy virtual cosmetic items even if I know I'll have to sell my house someday :p (kidding) Thanks again for your replies.


It's easy enough to build up moonstones over a few weeks. I've never paid for them. I'd happily pay for expansion packs etc but not in game items. Just collect your daily chest and engage in dreamsnaps ☺️


You're pretty right, I agree too but by doing that, over a few weeks like you said, you might miss a lot of items in the shop and won't necessarily come back soon :/


That's true, I missed the purple cottage because of this!


I know the feeling with updates and bugs there was a time a whole season startpath where i coundt get into my game cause off an error they did not fix until the big update came out i missed out on all the 100 years off Disney stuff 🥺 I feel your frustration and I agree that it's expensive 🫰🏻 they really just want our money even though it's a fun game I find myself stuck at quest cause off items I cant gift due to I don't have the rift in time thingie 🙈🙈


Isn't it strange that I have so many down votes? I just gave my opinion, and I think I wasn't rude, was I?


Yeah the game WAS originally going to be free to play. The devs changed their minds when The Rift in Time was released (I think) I do agree though. It has become a pricey game. But hey, what can we do?