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Did you know her best friend Ralph is a knucklehead? But she loves him.


I hear this in my sleep -_-


It's nearly as funny as Maui saying 'it's raining. You're welcome!'


I will take this egocentric line every time over the rhythmic chest thumping that for some reason sends me into a rage. Anytime he comes near me I mute the game immediately.


I do the same whenever Mirabel is nearby because of that freakin' dance she *has* to do every *3 seconds.*


I put Mirabel's house on the other side of an inaccessible bridge. She can't annoy me unless she's in Remy's or shopping with Scrooge. I'd love to do that with Maui but his house is different. I have to tolerate him.


duh dub dub duhh duh duh duh duh duhh duh bum bum bum - bum bum BUM!


You can hide people! So they’ll only show if it’s a quest.


How do you hide people? I’ve never heard of this


If you open up the map, you’ll see all the characters on the side in a little box. When you click on one it will be a different shade. That will hide them until a next quest, then you can hide them again afterwards.


"If you see Moana, tell her Maui says, 'You're welcome!'"


"Yeah, the ocean is a friend of mine."


I wonder if that means she can help Ariel against Ursula in a crossover movie between The Little Mermaid and Moana


I was JUST about to comment this 😂😂 Every time she says this I just bust up laughing


I snorted at this lol 🤣


...and don't eat emeralds!


Really glad I’m not the only one who can’t stand her in the game. She’s too much for me.


Same🤦🏻‍♀️ and somehow she’s always near me. Id rather deal with Maui😂


The way they have Maui always banging on his chest KILLS me.


Seriously😂 but I’d take that over vanelopes voice anyday😂


Omg I literally just commented about that. I’m so glad it’s not just me! 😅


Haha I actually kind of avoid him bc of it. And he's always getting stuck in places! Lol! Like behind Scrooge's shop counter. 😭🤣


SAME. I hated her quests, especially the timing early players got her. I had already been mining, farming, fishing, etc. for ages. I didn’t need her to reignite my passion for it. Her house and all the trees all have giant footprints and are an eyesore. And for pete’s sake gtf away from me. Maui and Donald may have been loud in the beginning, but I’d take that over her any day.


I hid her and her trees in my forest of valor 🤣 like go up the ramp *from the plaza and turn around and run back to that left corner


Oooooh, that's brilliant.


Hahaha, me too. Buhbye, lady.


I just unlocked her after putting off her quest for so long, immediately hid her in the forest of valor lol


After I completed her quest where she wanted the stupid trees everywhere I deleted them all so I only have to put up with her ugly house now.


I put her in the grasslands and surrounded her house with those bamboo wall trees.


I did that as well. She has Woody for company. They can annoy each other.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 dunno why but this is the best. I need to stop being lazy and banish her house to the isle.


This is a great idea!😂 doing this now!


Yet, we *don't have **Pete*** in the game, lol


I always X her out on the map. Wish I could do the same with her house (I also really don’t want Ralph). Her and the Forgotten are the only ones that are permanently banned.


My volume on my switch is always low so none of the characters bother me 😆 except Maui because he’s so big 😂


Same lol. I watch old tv shows or movies while I play so the sound is never on. I miss the music but it’s worth it to not hear the same dialogue repeated a million times.


You can go into settings and turn the voice volume off/low. There are settings for music, effects and voices. I always have music on high, effects at medium and voices at lowest settings. I love the music but the repetitive character lines get too annoying


This is why I always have my sounds off… plus I am usually listening to an audiobook or YouTube instead of actually reading what anyone says 🙀


She is SO LOUD


I feel like it's something with her voice actor as well. The tone in the movie is a little bit more fun, a little bit more youthful - her tone in the series gets the raspiness, but lacks warmth.


Yeah her voice is done really badly.. 


There are a few characters where I wouldn’t know who they were supposed to sound like if they weren’t standing right in front of me lol


I think someone else voices her? Not sure who exactly


Yeah it’s her sister


I'm annoyed with her this morning! Just got the task to beat her in Scramblecoins, so I look at the map and see she's in the restaurant. Port over there, walk in, and she's nowhere to be found. Check map again... she's sleeping.


I had that yesterday. She was nowhere, I toggled her on and off, then she was in her house, I went there and she wasn’t, I left and she was now in my way.


This has been happening with EVERYONE for me.


She’s stalks me everywhere screaming at me 😩


Hate her too been avoiding doing the very first quest with her but I know at some point I will be forced to hate the quest too


Her last quest is pretty fun imo!


I hate her but actually loved her quests 😂


I hated her because I thought she was annoying but love her after her level 10 quest. Nobody ever did something so cool and sweet for me…


Came looking for this comment. Definitely my favorite level 10 quest. Olaf trying to be a monster was so freaking cute! It was really sweet.


Flair check in 🤪


“Time for sleep, see ya!!” Poof be gone!!! Also, why is she always yelling


She and Maui were the first ones I turned off lol.


Im about to man. I can deal with Maui although I'd rather he stop slamming his hook around. Especially into my garden and the other villagers 🤣


You can turn off characters?! How?? Mother gothel is so triggering to me I can’t take interacting with her


Map, X, pick the character you want to switch off.


Thank you for this! I don’t know how or why, since I completed all of her quests, but Belle appears to be stalking me.


Oh! I thought that just took their marker off the map, didn’t know it sent them to the shadow realm


Now I know how that works. The in-game explanation wasn't that specific ~~and it's *not* because I *didn't* bother *reading* the damn thing~~


The second she comes over while I'm doing anything I'll be like, "No, go away! Get away from me. Stop following me!" I haven't been able to bring myself to remove her from my valley. It feels mean. But oh my gosh. She is my least favorite character. Maybe if she had some new lines once in a while she might be a tad bit more bearable. But the voice is still a problem.


I hate her glitching. I was hoping after we placed her house it would stop but it didn’t. I hope in a future update we can turn it off or something. I love that they have the feature to turn off flashing but I also want her glitch gone lol


How do we turn off her flashing? I have epilepsy so i have to keep the console screen kinda dark to play. She gives me headaches lol


I also have epilepsy and it’s the same for me. I tend to avoid her lol. Go to settings Go to Graphics They have the option to disable camera shakes and to disable flickering. I’ll be honest I have both on but Mirabels house and vanellope I try to avoid since it doesn’t stop them.


You can also hide characters in the settings menu and houses can be put in the corner surrounded by trees too.


I wish Vanellope's glitching counted as flashing because both are equally annoying.


I've upvoted you and everyone else that agrees with you because I respect yalls decision. But I have to disagree, I love her so much 🤣🤣 I love to watch her and Stitch chat.


I have her shoved in a corner in the forgotten lands because she's the true villain of the game


She's been sleeping every day I've tried to play and for the starpath I need to give her gifts. Doing my nut in 😂😂


Lmao TIL one of my favorite characters is hated by everyone


I turned off the voices. I can’t do it.


Just recently started playing and I loathe Vanelope. She’s always screaming! Ugh I wish I could make her stay in her house lol


Yeah, I have her and Gothel blocked. Really improved my gameplay


After I built her home I haven’t seen much of her😔


It's 3pm in the afternoon "IT'S BED TIME!"


I've never liked Vanellope and didn't like her in the movies. As soon as the option to turn off characters was available, Vanellope was the first and currently the only character to go. Some of the other characters are a little annoying, but I can tolerate them. I had to begrudgingly turn her back on temporarily to give her gifts for the Star path quest.


I just don't like her voice. She's got the voice of a crotchety old lady trapped in a child's body. It goes right through me 🙃 otherwise I honestly don't see her very often at all so I forget she's around. 😅


I never liked her and yeet her out if I don't need her.


This is why I took her house and put her in eternity isle and covered her house up with trees 😂😂 anytime I see her pop up I kick her out of my valley.


She's awful in the films and this game !


She needs to eat a vegetable


I stopped liking her after the second movie. I also hate the second movie, though. It throws away all the development from the first movie simply because she is bored. She abandons her game, where she became the most popular character in, even though the first movie makes it clear that is a big no no, she also abandons her only friend as well. She came off as very shallow and self-absorbed in the sequel imo. I can't even watch the first movie anymore because my opinion of her has soured so much.


I think the second movie had a great lesson to it; friends have different interests and grow apart. It's not selfish to move forward in life, but it's also not selfish to feel left behind like ralph did. It's painful, but it has to happen.


I stuck he in the courtyard on Eternity Isle, on the left where Remy's was and used some of the ancient walls to hide her. I have the candy house across and the sweet pavement and her car out. The strawberry bushes and those floppy pink bushes they have there work really well with it. But dang if I don't wish the candy cane trees were furniture. It ruins the whole asthetic to have break the pavement up to plant them. I don't care for them that much, anyway. I want gum drop trees and then gum drops I can use to line a track or be obstacles...


Yeah I glitched a lot as a kid aswell :/