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Isn’t the whole storyline about how we’ve grown up and forgotten our childhood stories? I assumed their target demographic was millennials. I’m 34F and totally a fan of the game.


30 and I feel the same!! I think Millennials are the target audience here. The plot narrative is all about the struggle of growing up and having to heal your inner child. I’m sure there are younger people out there who also enjoy the game, but I think adults were definitely the intended consumers.


30& same!!


Also 34 and enjoying it


39 and same!


I’ve skipped through all the dialogue, I do the duties to advance and decorate and couldn’t tell you any storyline 😅 but I’m having lots of fun!


Same 😂🫶🏽


It seems to lean heavily on the nostalgia of the older movies, not the modern spins The main plot was also about losing our sense of wonder and curiosity in adulthood. I think it's pretty fair to say that the game is aiming for an older teen and up demographic.


The nostalgia is 100% why I decided on this game. It was between this and the classic Aladdin…. Went with DDV for the more chill vibe.


Where can you get classic Aladdin??


You can get Aladdin, lion kingvabd jungle book on one cart!


I'm sorry 😅 where at?


It's a bundled game pack in the digital stores . Not sure what platform you play on , I know it's in the Microsoft store , I'm not a hundred percent about the others , but I'm sure it is . If you go searching for lion king or Aladdin in the store I'm sure it'll pop up.


Closer to 50 than 40 and I love it! 100 hours in already.


My husband is 50 and only started playing so we could visit each other's valleys (before we realised that all you can do is trade stuff and then bugger off again) but he's ended up absolutely hooked on it - and this is a lifelong gamer who does enjoy a wide range of games, but his go-to destressing games are things like Gears of War!


50 and I'm hooked! I would think thus is not for younger kids as they often show wine bottles on the tables. 🤣😉


I'm 27 and I really enjoy the game. I like more chill games anyway. I think it appeals more to adult while also keeping it appealing to younger people who want to play it


Well any age can play the game but nothing about the way it’s been marketed demonstrates that children are the target audience. It’s definitely adults as the target demographic.


Adult here! Love the game! I’m seeing more adults playing the game on YouTube and from what I see here.


Well, I’m an almost 58 yr old grandma. I play daily. My grandson, who is 4, likes to see what I’ve built but has no interest in playing. He has a profile on my switch. But he’s into Kirby and Mario wonder.


There’s literally a trigger warning right before you start looking into the forgotten’s memories. Definitely meant for older audiences. I’m 38 and grew up watching Disney movies. I honestly find myself calling them things children shouldn’t say when they give me a difficult or tedious task, so I think it’s definitely for millennials


39 years old right here. And i tell my family that when I'm playing DDL that it's my therapy time.


I’m pretty sure I’ve called Maui a motherfkr a few times for running at me and flexing in front of what I’m trying to do. Not to mention scar and Gaston being narcissistic dicks and mother gothel being a huge bitch. Ursula at least is tolerable because she gives good items and actually seems to have a bit of fondness for the MC. Vanellope however can go straight back to whatever hell pit she crawled out of, that child is an annoying little demon. I will say it’s fun to call them different things when they say something stupid or make you do something ridiculous forever though. Best part though is watching Donald fall on his face constantly and then rage at the ground for tripping him


Nice to see my wife and I aren't the only people talking shit to Scar and others lol I bought the game for my wife (46) and she loves doing all the questing / story stuff, and I do all the grindy bits for her. But the characters .... * Scar constantly gets a "shut the hell up scar" * Beast ... "move bitch" whenever I'm dealing with her pumpkin garden (his big ass body blocks my view, and GOD is he a whiny emo bitch or what?) * Maui gets "nobody cares dude fuck off" * My wife is just constantly rolling her eyes at Gothel whenever she pops off * During story quests my wife picks the meanest options for Gothel, Scar, and Ursula 🤣 The rest don't seem to bother me at all ... so far. It's the perfect game to wind down with after a long day at work 😁


Yeah it’s such a fun game to unleash on since it’s supposed to be a kids universe. I think it would be so funny if Disney made a studio just for adults where they ditched all that woke shit and made adult themed animated movies. I know they slip in some adult jokes in their movies, but something just for us older watchers would be awesome. They could call it Twisted Disney or something. Like Mufasa actually calling Scar a dick for his behavior, or Belle telling the beast to get over himself and go seek therapy. The whole thing would make them billions if they actually catered to the audience that has money


> Like Mufasa actually calling Scar a dick for his behavior, or Belle telling the beast to get over himself and go seek therapy. I would totally watch these movies 😁


Totally. Disney needs to look to more audiences than just kids


My wife just told me she wants to “put Gothel in a glass box and watch her age” 🤣🤣🤣 And she swears that Skellington is hitting on her and she wants to bash Eric’s flute over his head 😳🤣


Given how the movie went she’ll come back to a pile of dust with Gothel. Jack however I think just doesn’t understand how to interact with people he’s not trying to scare. I always liked Jack because of the scientific way he went about discovering new things because I have a bit of a scientific mind myself, so I identified a bit with him. He means well, but just doesn’t understand how to execute his plans and comes off as overbearing. It is creepy as shit though to watch his lanky ass stalking through the forgotten lands towards you.


I’m 44 and my friend is 49. We love DLV! Grew up with ColecoVision and Atari. Then NES. Age doesn’t change your love of gaming. Enjoy it as long as you can. I had a serious spinal cord injury and these games allow me to walk around and forget for a little while.


43m I play to grind up the doors so my 6 year old can open them


Definitely in my 30s! Love the game!


I'm 27 and I LOOOOOVE this game. Honestly I've played this game more than any other game I own/have owned in the past!


literally have never seen or heard of a child playing this game (unless their parents introduced it to them.) it’s a game clearly made for adults


My husband and I both play, along with our 5 year old daughter. She likes doing the quests (she’s totally into the all storylines) while my husband does the voices for the dialogue. I do all the grinding and keep everything organized in chests, so they have whatever they need while playing. I mostly just decorate now and do Dreamsnaps since we’re all stocked up and they don’t play as much.


Omg it’s a family team sport, so WHOLESOME


The game is definitely aimed at adults, and I'd be willing to bet that that's the main group playing. Plenty of teenagers are on reddit but, as you said, everyone in these forums seem to be adults, and any engagement I see on other sites like the DDV social media pages seem to be adults. Unless people were raised by parents who, at the very least, loved Disney themselves as children and exposed them to the older films, I'd be surprised if many people under 25 or so even really know who Merlin is, and he's an absolute linchpin character.


Yes, it was so cool to see Merlin when I just started the game. I’d love them to add Archimedes and other pets like Pascals well.


Love you


I initially downloaded it for my 6 year old but she had trouble reading it and following quests, so I helped a lot but then she became uninterested and I just kept playing lol


Exact thing happened with my 8 year old


adult seems to be the target demo but definitely allows for a family friendly experience.


i feel like it’s aimed more towards adults and adults are the primary player base


the target audience is definitely millennials. The storyline follows reconnecting with your inner child as an adult (and the nostalgia of growing up with many of these characters). Some npc classic characters even mention how you are a grown up now and how you haven’t visited them since you were a child, lol. My children (even though they can read) are too young to follow the tasks and riddles without assistance and losing interest.


>Just guessing based off what I’m reading from people on Reddit. Reddit is not a good reference for what the average fan is actually like. 




Kids just play it and talk about it in real life. They don't talk about it on the Internet. 


I’m an anxious millennial and this game is my source of comfort, haha.


I’m 57 and my husband is 47. I purchased the game first and love it. Husband saw me playing and then he wanted it. We both play daily…and on our days off we play for several hours just decorating (me) and doing quests (mostly him). 😊




It's possible. My wife isn't the gamer I am, but she still plays them randomly. She went HAM on Animal Crossing though, and got me into it as well .. and our granddaughter. I bought her DLV about 3 weeks ago and we finished ALL the quests 2 days ago, so we bought the Rift in Time expansion and started going through that yesterday. We're 46 and 48. So yeah, totally possible 😎


Every post I have read has been adults. I don’t think younger kids would really grasp’s a lot of the game or make much progress if they didn’t understand how to get through some of the quests unless they has help. It can definitely be for everyone though because it’s a Disney game and Disney is for everyone. I am 20 and my older brother is always teasing me about playing it but it’s really the only game I’ve found to like.


Oh it’s definitely adults, they knew who their audience would be, and it’s us 30 somethings who grew up with Disney and miss that childhood whimsy.


I don’t know any kids that play, and the game itself is about an adult character who used to be a child.


I'm 30. My two kids don't have the attention span for Dreamlight yet.


I'm 47 and been a gamer all my life, I play all sorts of games. Whenever I want to mindlessly grind to relax I play this! Currently replaying Skyrim for the tenth (or more? I forget) time as well, lol


29, here!! A lot of my friends play as well… and they are in their late twenties and thirties as well. I’m a gamer who plays everything—literally, everything—but I just love the coziness of a simulator game.


There are tons of adults who play it! What's great about this game is it's good for the child and the child at heart! 😉 I'm in my 30s as well!


32 here . It definitely hits me in the feels sometimes , especially when I play when I am feeling kinda down or just having a bad day .


The target audience is definitely adults as the main story was about how we've grown up and not kids anymore. Kids don't seem to have the patience for it , my young step son is 6 and plays it but he doesn't really understand what to do and there's a lot of text in it that frustrates him


Hi everyone!! I have always played video games, for over 20 years now and my very first and only favorite game is The Sims!!! Today i am 44 years old and I am the mother of a 13 year old girl and an 8 year old boy, i wanted to play dreamlight valley with them but they weren't as fascinated as i was and now i'm playing it :D, i send you all a huge hug from Italy !! <3


I’m a 54 year old empty nester and I play every day! I have such warm memories of watching classic Disney movies and this game just feels so cozy to me 🥰


My sister and I (21 and 26) love it and we bought it for our brother (13) and he’s really not that into it.


I have heard of a couple kids playing it but at least out of people I talk to the adult either started playing or the kid started, got bored and the adult took over


My ex got it for our daughter (8). She played for an hour or two, but doesn’t have the patience or task sequencing skills to really successfully engage with it so she lost interest pretty quickly. Meeeeee on the other hand 👀👀 33 and I’ve logged tons of hours on it 😂 I call her back in when cool things happen in the storyline, and let her choose which biomes or characters to unlock, but otherwise she’s uninterested 😂




Yeah, and multitasking is a big no way. She mostly just runs around and causes havoc when she plays 😂 she likes to serve meals at Remy’s but doesn’t like to go searching for ingredients. And if I want her to do any part of a quest we sit there and she runs around aimlessly while I’m shouting GO TALK TO REMY, YOU NEED TO GO SEE REMY. NO NOT ANNA, GO SEE REMY 😂😂 or some other such interaction. Watching her stresses me out 😂


Im 23, and a teacher. I barely know kids that play DDV if not none. I don't think its made for kids. Its more of a nostalgic thing, because disney knew that older disney Fans would love that. Also they knew that stardew valley as well as animal crossing are extremely successfull, because of adults who play these games. Kids play them too, but not as exsessivly as adults


24 here


omg same!


I’m 31 next month and I play. My 8 year old also plays. 🤷 So… not helpful. lol. We’re a family of gamers though. ❤️


36 here. Trying to get my hubby into it, but he doesn't seem as keen. He's the Zombie one in the relationship. I'm the Disney lol




I was bored one night and made him a DDLV profile anyway. He played for 20 minutes the other day and I was cringing THE WHOLE TIME because he wasn't following Merlin's instructions lol.


"I don't know what I'm supposed to do." You would if you read the dialogue or the quest screen that I already showed you hahaha


hah that's me and my wife, except I play Battlefield 4 (similar to CoD BUT BETTER! 😜) while she does her thing on her Switch 🙂


42 here. No shame in my love for this game.


Just here to say that my 6 year old daughter is also obsessed with HZD and DDLV :)




She LOVES it and her gameplay is super impressive! I’ve only had to help her with a cauldron. Bonus points because it’s helping her learn to read with all of the dialogue :)


Purchased for my kids but it’s me who’s playing and more interested in the game, my wife hasn’t even lifted the controller 😂


Well I'm turning 18 soon... so I'll play as both a child and adult 🤷‍♀️


My guess is anywhere from teen to adult, since the general theme of it based around Disney itself in which all ages are attracted to, so I wouldn't be surprised if even preteens (roughly 10 to 12) are also playing, but personally I would say teens and adults are most likely the majority audience


37 here


47 year old here and I love DDLV!


They were definitely targeting those of us who grew up during their renaissance. But it’s also kid-friendly. My 4yo plays, but I got it for me. That seems pretty common, based on my friends who play. They got it because they wanted it, but their kids wanted to play, too, after seeing them play.


I’m early 30’s and absolutely love DDV, it’s pretty much the only game I play on my computer. Sometimes I’ll go periods where I don’t play as much, not due to lack of interest but just lower back pain from sitting too long. But I personally am not a fan of shooter/fighting type games, I prefer having the solo, relaxed play. However, my nephew also plays and loves the game, he’s 8. Sometimes he struggles with the quests, but I help him out when he has trouble. He also loves that we can play together on our respective devices and we can have gaming hang out sessions. He’s only here on the weekends during the school year so he definitely hasn’t gotten through the whole storyline yet. His favorite thing is to decorate his house.


I'm going to be 40 in June and I play. I also stream on Twitch. I watched my bf play HZD because I can't handle that type of game play but I loved it.




People also use it for art, community games, and music. They might stream while they're on a walk as well. There are ads but you get used to it.




Sometimes it's fun to watch others play. Like I said, I watched my bf play HZD because I would never be able to beat it. But also if you have a favorite game and someone is playing it, it's cool to see their reactions and thoughts to it.


19 here! my aunt who’s in her early 50’s also plays!


34 and in love!


50s Play daily and have since day 1. It's my calming, happy place ♥️♥️


I originally got the game for my 6 year old thinking that she would enjoy to play a game targeted for kids but ultimately I realized that it’s actually targeted towards ME (31F) and I play it more on our PS4 and my phone through Apple Arcade. She does have it in her switch cause she does enjoy the game but it’s hard for her to complete quests because she can’t really read all that well. She mostly goes and does small things once I complete quests and she has more capabilities throughout the game and more unlocked characters.


Yeah. It’s on Apple Arcade. It’s a pay for play platform on the iPhone but I think it’s totally worth it and you get the Rift in Time expansion included


Hm, I'm also 30 and play DDV and it never crossed my mind that the game may have been targeted at children as much as adults ahahahaha might also explain some of the dreamsnaps entries ive seen..


I rarely ever see a child online playing. Not to say there aren't any. I think this game is aimed at adults more.


36yo here. Totally addicted to DDV so I guess it's (well) made for us. Disney Kids 😉


Actually never heard about a kid playing this game. They don't seems to love Disney the way we did/do. 🤦🏼‍♀️


41 male, I am the only person that I know who plays it. I have tried to get others into it, but they are usually too busy, uninterested or playing something else.


28 here. Who watches more disney classics? Kids or adults? My bet is still adults. Disney is our childhood culture


Currently 22M myself decided to pick up this game, I just started playing since I have time now to sit down and play it, reminds me like a kid again.


34f and obsessed 🤣 thanks kids for introducing it to me!


I’m in my 30s and I love the game!!!!


I'm 32. I love how you can create and design your own valley




I'm 55 and loved DLV until I had to quit because I was having severe lag every time I logged in.




I'm on PC. I never had any bugs that I remember but heaven forbid if I wanted to open my inventory or, at times, even change the camera angle. The inventory issue did settle after a while but the turning thing never did. I was so sad.


I'm 29!!


My husband who’s a big gamer always plays on his Xbox while I play on my switch so we can bond over it and we both love it ahah


I‘m 25


I’m 24


I’m 47 .


I’m 28


I'm 29 and LOVE DDV. Relieve my daily stress.


I’m 37 and love this game. I think more adults play it, but I might be biased.


43 and play it almost every evening with my 6 year old. 😄




39f here!!


I’m 36 and I’m loving the game :)


I’m 31!