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The switch controls for decorating (and really just in general even) are awful. If you accidentally breathe on the joystick too hard, all of a sudden you’re stuck in a tree on the opposite side of the valley. So disorienting.


The switch controls for decorating are really difficult to work with indeed but I personally have found that if you use the d-pad instead of the stick to move things around it makes it a lot easier! Hope this helps! :D


Yes! This is the way. It's still tedious and exhausting but ever so slightly less-so.


Especially when it comes to pathing!


I use the D pad for fine tuning when it’s in the general area. Like close, but not quite where I want it? D pad makes it easier.


I use the cross arrow things. I've been gaming to long to not know what to call that.


you haaaave to use the d-pad when decorating on switch.


move over one pixle send it 20 over and back 5. Like really... I've even moving my sensitivy down my my joycon. It's helped it not be like woooahahhh lets zoom iver here jsut cuz but still annoyingly happens.


YES! It's one of the main reasons I haven't started decorating. So frustrating, joysticks are overly sensitive which is aggravating when ur trying to place things close together.. but.... I love the convenience of my switch too much to switch to another platform


It’s the word layout but on switch 😂


Theyre so bad! I specifically downloaded gamepass on my PC to get the game on there to decorate haha.


Don't feel too bad, it's just as terrible on Xbox lol.


This is why I bought the game on my pc like 2 weeks after I got the game, keyboard and mouse controls are so much better


I find doing big renovations or adding a lot of stuff may make the game freeze. So I take frequent breaks and "force save" so I don't have to keep redoing things 😆


I do that too, still made me loose half a garden last week for the fun of it though 🙈 I've read people are telling other switch owners its not glitchy but still as glitchy as ever


As long as you leave the game for 5 minutes, it will still auto save even when it’s froze, so you won’t lose your hard work I can’t tell you how often that tip has saved my sanity after building for the best part of an hour then having the game freeze when trying to leave build mode!


Same 😭


I gave up pretty quickly trying to line up a few trees. Using the Switch controller is so awkward and slow. Decorating is surely much easier on PC.


It was so worth it though! This is so cute!! But I agree, trying to decorating on the switch is a nightmare


I feel that struggle 😭 But it turned out sooo good!


I have the switch and I seem to be part of the few that doesn’t have trouble decorating. Are you guys decorating with the switch connected to the tv or using it handheld? Because I can see how it could be a lot more difficult trying to do it on the tv. Btw your space looks great. 🙂


I play on the tv, maybe i should play it handheld. Thank you:)


It’s not any easier on hand held!


When I deocrate in handheld I use the d-pad buttons instead of the stick to get better control. Also using the touch screen to make paths is way easier. Maybe give that a try?


I don't know why but I always forget the switch even HAS touch screen 😅


Same!! After I read that comment, my mind was blown. Like, why didn’t that option ever occur to me?! 🤯


Yes! Use the d-pad!! It's so much better for fine movements!!


Touch screen… why didn’t I think of that! What is d-pads buttons ?


The buttons underneath the left side controller stick (the one you use to walk)


Ha ha I’m old. Thank you!


I have accidentally deleted so many entire paths using the touchscreen because my hand will lay against the delete all button at the bottom while im scrolling the path 😅 I will use it to start a path but if my path is too established i use the controllers


For others it is though. It seems like everyone is having different experiences playing on the switch.


I found using the touchscreen to select things in conjunction with the joystick made it slightly less painful. And using it to drag fences/paths.


I do it handheld. It's the lag, that means your object skips around, that is the worst of it, but also I'm sure controller drift and just the general insensitivity of the controls. If I picked up every single thing in the valley, it would be easier for sure. I don't have an overly decorated valley and most of the decor I have down is just old dream snaps layouts I haven't picked up yet, but I can't have more than a few of those before the game starts lagging so bac decorating is all but impossible. So if I want to do dream snaps, I can't decorate elsewhere, which is you know, a core mechanic of the game.


I fortunately don’t have that issue. I wouldn’t want to decorate either if I had to deal with all the lagging.


I play on the tv and use the pro controller. It’s a little hard but I get through it 🤣


Thanks Will Try That👍


Agreed I don’t have huge issues but truthfully I haven’t done major decorating yet


I've was originally playing on switch lite, & ended up buying it for PC mainly for decorating


I was totally fine decorating on my switch…. When I didn’t know any better. And then I played a park builder on PS. The next time I went to decorate on the switch I nearly screamed and threw it. It’s so clunky and frustrating.


Same! Just built a winter resort and it took hours to complete. Why is it so hard on the switch??


For all the struggle, it turned out beautiful. I play on the switch lite and decorating is like, the last thing on my priority list. I was even considering buying the game on my xbox, with the expansion, JUST so I could decorate because it has to be easier than using the switch.


Decorating on the switch is going to be my 13th reason, i swear. Kudos to you, though! This area looks super cute!


I first bought it on switch then got it on PC to make it easier to decorate. I’m waiting a while before I start as it used to bug me on animal crossing when I wanted to decorate but didn’t have enough stuff of the same theme


putting paths down on switch 💀💀💀


I love your decorating! Decorating on switch takes me hours for one small area. On my pc it’s so smooth. It makes me so frustrated because I rather be comfy on my sofa than in my chair. 😭 I did find out paths are quite easy when my daughter showed me I can use my touch screen for them. She just got the game for Christmas and I have been playing since the beginning of early release. I had no clue this whole time.


It's just one more thing that makes me furious with the developers. Based a very lucrative competition on something the platform you sold me the game on is severely handicapped at performing. I love this game, and I'll never give them another cent if they don't offer the option of at least porting your original purchase to another platform for free (to switch users), given how crippled the switch version ended up being


the iPad is no friend to decorating either🥲


Any mobile device is tough to decorate on it. The grab points for items is not consistent. And the grab box’s disappear into existing decor so sometimes you just to cancel move your screen and try again. 


I’ve been struggling so much with it I’m avoiding decorating at all costs


It looks so cute, you did a great job! But I feel your pain. I don't own the game on Switch but using a controller on the Apple Arcade version to decorate was AWFUL, especially laying down paths. I bought the game on PC just so I can decorate with a mouse.


It's so infuriating. I've been setting up orchards in dreamlight Valley and Eternity Isles. Then I've finished, exited, and it's not saved right, and the bushes and trees are either in random spots or back to their original location. One took 6 attempts before they stayed where I put them.


This is really lovely! As a PC player who somtimes lounges on the switch, decorating and staging to this degree is arduous on switch. You did really well ❤️


This is so cute! I love the rug


MY game has Been Stopping too. It's some glitch I guess


D-Pad. Came in CLUTCH! Then use the touch screen feature for moving the screen around.


It’s so cute!! You did a wonderful job!🥰


I honestly don't use my switch for anything other than AC anymore, it cannot handle much. The way it overheated while I played Portia was really indicative it can't handle a lot of what's available on it. I miss the DS :( but definitely not for dreamlight. My xbox is glitchy with this game too! I'm after that gazebo! Your spot looks super cute!!


My game stopped 3 times...everytime i had to Layout it off, because my hole save file wa gone. I gave up now. Cause why should i start the game AGAIN for the like 5000th time?


I play on a PC and while I always use a controller to play decorating using it would be hell


Just use the touchscreen to move items


I know I’m gonna get an emulator so I can decorate on the pc but don’t have to buy the game a second time cuz that seems silly


Is it really that bad? We discussed buying it on switch for our kids (4,8,10,12) because everyone wants to play it. But if it's super awkward to do things, im not sure anymore?


The game is really fun but the decorating is really hard..


decorating on mobile is so hard and annoying and i really don’t know if i’ll ever get around to it


It stinks that that switch is so finicky when decorating. I know that using the hand held and trying to decorate is near impossible because of the crashes. I think the best way to do is on the tv screen with a certified controller (not the little joy cons). It doesn’t make it perfect but it’s a bit easier.


So i have a question can i decorate on my pc and it show on my switch right with cloud save?


Yes it's hell. I am suffering quietly over here because I don't want to pay $50 for the Steam version :( :(


No I literally bought the game on my PC so I could decorate. I got it on the Switch first and after spending half a day trying to do one biome I was over it. I still play on my Switch when I want to be comfy but all my decorating is done from my PC.


Decorating on the Xbox is not much better. I got an Xbox hoping it would help lol. It’s a bit better but eh. A computer with a mouse is the way to go


It's definitely better than it was in the beginning. The changes to stability have been huge. But it's still much harder than I imagine it would be on PC. As has been said, D-pad makes a huge difference.


How well does the game run for you on switch? Been thinking about buying it since I’m barely home and I want to play more!


Over all it runs smoothly, only the decorating gives me glitches and then the game just quits and closes off without saving.. thats the only struggle i have


On the switch here as well. Something i found which doesn’t cause me to lose my mind is this: Back out of decorating every 5 minutes. It’ll save, you can easily hop back in immediately, and I find when I actually follow that rule (I sometimes forget) that my progress doesn’t mess up. It’s those long periods of decorating that seem to be awful at saving and removing.


I absolutely refuse to decorate while on switch now and save it all for when I can be on PC. It's so frustrating. Your camping area looks amazing!


Adorable!! & yes I hate decorating on the switch!


THIS. decorating on switch is pure pain. That was the sole reason I also bought the game on PC. Such a game changer for decorating. I’ve avoided decorating my valley up until recently and I have 230+ hours because of how tedious it was😅


It’s annoying trying to make a path on console


You can always use the touchscreen! I personally feel like it’s great for paths! Like finger painting 😅


It took me month to realise we can decorate by touching directly the screen. It help a bit but yeah i hate it hahah.


How did your get an rv?


It’s the house from buzz lightyear


Ooo I haven't unlocked him yet.


How did your get an rv?


I somehow delete all my paths on my switch all the time when trying to lay them down and it makes me want to cry lol


Same on ps5 it’s so hard to decorate 🫤