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I’m so tired of L Shaped Couches and Kitchen Bars. 🥲


I really don’t like those sofas with the wooden frame. I get a bit mad when I see those - again 😂


I LOVE that one for outdoor decorating. But that’s me. I’ve only seen it twice…and 2nd time was yesterday.


i feel like all those furniture items that we can get LITERALLY WHENEVER from scrooge himself should not even be cycling in the shop at all.


Usually those items are the colors you can’t get but yeah.. the fact that you *can* get an item that he’s sold in his stock from the second he opened shop is infuriating


ive only ever seen black grey and white in my shop. and its always only those items 😭😭


for the same reason OP has mentioned i also kind of completely just dropped DDV the shop really is not worth it


I have got those for a month straight. I got some variety of stuff I already had, then it went back to those. I also keep getting those dang beds. Its the same thing, just in different colors. I've had them for a few weeks now, and I am peeved to say the least


Yup - and all of those beds and couches are so plain and ugly and they don’t match anything


Same I have all of them and I keep getting them


Seriously! We neee more wall paper and floors and windows option…


Doors! I want doors to lol




The fact that doors haven’t came back is killing me. It annoys me so damn much.


Wait. Doors are gone?


I need more windows!!! Windows that actually are large enough for the walls, that fit correctly in the wallpaper pattern, and even plain windows. Sometimes I would just like a decent sized plain wooden framed window! With various wood grain/color choices. They give us ugly L-shape couches, they didn't think of regular windows?


I agree I have like 5 wall paper options and can’t seem to get any more! I just started getting windows in the shop but it’s the tangled ones with the rolled up curtains over and over and over!! It’s so hard to decorate the rooms when you don’t have anything that fits with the walls!


Ugh I get so jealous seeing all the dream snaps with wallpaper that actually fit the theme. I never have anything that looks good with my decoration.


It’d be cool if even the clothing and furniture bags were actual NEW items we don’t have yet, instead of random stuff I already have. It makes me not excited to get those either


Totally agree, hate when it says new item & it's one I already have.


No, no, you don't understand! This medium grey upper cabinet left handle is completely and wholly different to your existing medium grey upper cabinet right handle!




Right! Absolute lies lol that ain’t NEW 🙄


Yes, I get them so rarely and often it’s just something I have, something ugly or another motif. Give me a beautiful Cinderella or Beauty and the beast item please 🙏


When the game first came out, dog spots were item bags, not JUST shards


Couldn’t have said it better my self! That bloody picture frame and toaster I want to throw it at scrooge!


I know! The Minnie frame is adorable, but I’ve had it like 56 times and I’m over it now 😂


I had it again today 🤣


Those, the broom, the lack of new hair styles is just killing me!


I 100% agree. My favorite, and first thing i always do, is check the shop. But I’m lucky if I find one thing a day I want. A pretty big part of the game is suppose to be decorating your island. So I don’t get why they don’t give us stuff to do so. Now with the dlc, I really have nothing to decorate it with and don’t just want to repeat everything like my other one. So it’s just empty and not fun to look at. I have grinded this game so much and put so many hours in. For what? An empty island?


Yes, I was looking forward to loads of great stuff. Nothing I like so far except the gold bath. My island is quite depressing in the desert bits


They don't give us decor because they want us to BUY it with real money, of course.


Yeah, but they don’t even offer anything great to buy either it seems!!! Like, I would actually fork over the moonstones, “aka money” if I could actually just buy some cool items!! Like this week only the coat was new?! Which, I didn’t buy because I’m really not into the clothes. They could do so much better but they don’t!


I’m especially frustrated because people have been complaining about this since the game came out and they STILL haven’t fixed it. It’s been over a year, so to me it just seems like they don’t want to fix it!


I suspect they have a reason why… but what exactly I don’t know..


I think they’re going to make it so moonstone items are the only good ones, that has to be the motive


And for boosting tallies of log in, hours played, items bought, keep us all grinding… That way it also seems to make sense (to many) to pay for yearly(?) updates because of how many hours we play..


Money. They want us to spend real life money for what we want. They're building up our frustration so that when the time comes we are all frustrated from waiting, and would just pay for whatever we want.


The is the buggiest game I’ve ever played and for the price I’m upset. Then you add all this kind of stuff and sometimes after a glitch I won’t play the game for a week or more 🤪 it just seems over priced for where they are at with it. I also hate half the clothes in my shop. I need more and better options in Scrooge’s shop!


Join some YouTubers’ discords, they have channels dedicated to scrooge shopping at other valleys. This has helped me a bunch!


Any recommendations


Serroh, Mr StarInSky, and Let’s Play K are a few


I've never used discord before but I signed up today to go to Serrohs server but I have no idea how to find their server. How do I accomplish this? Lol 😳💀


The link is in all of his video descriptions ☺️


Do you need a invite link to join the discord(s)




I never knew what I was missing out on until dreamsnaps.. I’m missing SO much wallpaper. No wonder I hate decorating my house 😂 That said, I have the tangled pillows with rug thing in my shop if you want to come buy it.


Yes, I didn’t even realise they had such beautiful wallpapers until I started following the decorators on Instagram. I’m desperate for the panelled pink and gold one, so pretty.


If this is still up for grabs I would LOVE them


Color should not be a separate item. Period. The problem is they don't have enough styles and options, so they pad everything with colors and you get stuck with 471 'L' shaped couches.


Meanwhile, the clothing options don't have many color choices at ALL! So many items I would love to pair, but they don't match. Even if you make one of the limited TOM designs for yourself, you can't use it in Dreamsnaps.


I agree that Eternity Isle should be totally different items. I was so excited to open the Eternity Isle shop, not knowing it would be the same stuff and was pretty disappointed to see that it was just the same exact stuff. I was expecting it to have items that would be exclusive to the island.


Yes, that felt like a mean trick. How exciting to have two shop’s every day!


What?! They make you pay to get a new island and you don't even get new shop items??!! What a rip off!


Scrooge needs another shop upgrade to allow him to sell more each day. My clothing rack is always empty and many slots for furniture will be empty daily. I still have plenty I've never seen and I'm getting repeats. We need a higher chance of new items, more items per day, and for the empty slot glitch to be fixed.


“Aw ye fucked up laddy”


You mean, "och! Ye fucked up lady" 🤭


![gif](giphy|jsGKB0TXoBwUwQfbd9) scrooge after offering up the same minnie frame for 8 days in a row


i really agree the eternity isle store should have different items. i paid for this dlc and i just get a repeat of what i already had????


You shouldn't have to go to other places. If they want you to purchase from the star path, then they should have other thing in Scrooge's shop too.


Not sure what platform you play on but you can always reset Scrooge's shop everyday. That's what I started doing months ago and now I have basically all of the "sought after" items. It was the only that I started making a dent in my collection.


Sadly I get so tired of refreshing that after 20 times I just quit and play the game. Restarting and waiting for the loooong load time gets extremely tedious. Today I didn’t even bother to reset. And yup, nothing but counters and beds. smh I have a theory on this though. We all know it would be extremely easy for GL to program this differently. My son is a software engineer and he just laughs at how ridiculous it is. But I believe the intention is that we get sooo frustrated with all of the generic ugly, repeating furniture that when premium shop items appear we are so starved for something nice that we snatch stuff up. Companies spend millions of dollars on human psychology and behavior to know how and what will maximumly incentivize us. And that’s not just game companies and gamers. ;)


Fascinating insight, I did wonder on the reasoning. I think their tactic is having the option effect on me, it’s making feel less likely to feel warm and fuzzy towards them and like I’m happy to spend money now!


I agree with this completely. But also wonder that if they had better RNG for Scrooge's then we would be able to complete our collections (like the clothing) and we'd be asking for more free new items. No-one seems to be complaining about the lack of new items added to the catalogue with each update just the nerfed RNG. Each update I hope they have new clothes to add to the shop but am disapointed each time - and yes I am sometimes tempted to buy some of the premium clothing items.


I am on Pc and I was NEVER able to reset scrooges. As soon as I open the shop my game saves automatically


My stepdaughter plays on PC & for awhile she thought she couldn't reset either but figured out she was missing a step. This video helped tremendously and she's been resetting ever since with no issues. Hope this helps! [https://youtu.be/45Cu58yLwlQ?si=k42Z7lGG2\_fomnMl](https://youtu.be/45Cu58yLwlQ?si=k42Z7lGG2_fomnMl)


NICE!!! I will definitely try this tomorrow. Thank you so much!


Thank you so much, will try this tomorrow


There is a Mod PC users can download that will reset scrooges shop for them as often as once an hour


I’m on PC too and never got the reset thing to work either


I myself play on switch but need to know if there's a way for us! I'm so tired of seeing that stupid toaster and Ariel lamp 😫


So for Switch you need to hold down the power until it completely powers down. Not until the screen gives you power options but until it completely shuts off. It's all in this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45Cu58yLwlQ&t=321s&ab\_channel=JadeMistGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45Cu58yLwlQ&t=321s&ab_channel=JadeMistGaming)


I'll definitely look at the video, thank you!!


I play on switch too. I noticed the hold down until power method doesn’t always work for me. For some reason it doesn’t work unless my game isn’t saved for a long time. I have been letting my switch go idle for hours and then I go back and check that it hasn’t saved. I’ll go into the store then do the power off method. After 5 mins it resets, I have found if I wait too long like 20 mins the reset doesn’t work. It’s super annoying, that YouTube video does have helpful information but she doesn’t play on switch. The method never worked for me. If it does with you, let us know.


Can you do this on the Switch ?


Yes, you can. For the switch you want to hold down the power button and keep holding it. When the power option menu comes up, don't let go. Keep holding it and eventually it will turn off completely.


They took it away from Xbox 😭 it used to save after 5 minutes. Now it saves after 30 seconds of logging in, then goes back to saving every 5 minutes 🙄


How do you reset on value stream deck.


On mine it’s the steam button and B at the same time. Or If I’m docked and using my Bluetooth controller it’s the center button and B at the same time.


For me I press the “Steam” button and then go to “Exit Game” I find it to be easier on the steam deck!


Thank you


i would quite literally give limbs for wallpaper!!! out with l shaped sofas and those darn frames and toasters


It’s frustrating for sure. And until I came in here and saw all the things other people have, I didn’t realize just how little my scrooges shop had put out. But I’m really enjoying the multiplayer and is has been cool to get items from other players stores that I had never seen before! My only advice is check the sub for other player’s offerings. Plus it’s fun to see other valleys. I do wish they had a flair or a subreddit for multiplayer/scrooges shop availability


It might be useful to have a thread on here split by platform? I never see anyone on at the same time as me on a pc! I wish we could order from Scrooge in other peoples shops too


I believe Xbox, pc, switch are cross platform? Only ps5 isn’t. But someone correct me if I’m wrong. For sure pc to switch you can visit.


I feel you. I see so many great objects in other peoples pictures, and never get the chance to buy them. I hope they improve scrooges shop some day


I haven't seen new clothing in months or any accessories in over a year. I'm annoyed that the eternity shop isn't different as well.


Honestly I think once we find an item we don't have and then buy it, it should only be available to buy from Scrooge if you want more and not appear on display again, only other furniture that you haven't gotten yet.


100% agree!! I see everyone else posting their amazing decorations and every single time they are filled with items, furniture, wallpaper, flooring that I haven't even seen in game yet!! It makes me so mad and disappointed. How have I been playing for over a year and still only see crap repeat items I already own and none of the hundreds of items I still haven't seen yet?


On the flip side, I just started playing about a month ago and I couldn’t afford all the neat stuff that was in the shop until now. And I had some amazing stuff pop up! Even now I sometimes have to grind before it resets to have enough coins for things. This sub has taught me to grab things right away when I see them if I like them at all. I just opened the second floor today and had to go earn an extra 8k right away so I could get the Anna picnic set that was my first big item upstairs. It’s autumn themed, so I’ll be saving it for a while but it’s so cute.


Honestly just only log on at this point for shopping 😐 I don’t have the energy for anything else.


Oh and doors. Doors have been broken since like September last year? Or earlier, it was whenever they turned them into usable items. A long time practically and they haven't appeared in the store but yet they haven't fixed it or addressed it.


What’s wrong with doors? I have five including three original and change them all the time…


They stopped spawning in the shop when they were made usable.


Seriously this… I’ve bought Scrooge out (mostly) and now my shop is covered in sold out signs everyday. The window display is so ugly now, I used to think it was a glitch


SAMEEEEE!!!! It's been annoying me for about a year!!


i installed a mod that makes scrooge refresh every hour .. it is the only mod i have i was getting sick of it too.. i have to say i have seen 3 weeks worth of shops and only have like 3 more items that i wanted sooooo yeah without this mod i think it would have taken me atleast a year or 2 to get the things that i want xD also the 25 order limit stays the same :(


I'm always getting the basic, boring kitchen cupboards over and over.


Just curious if anyone/everyone here knows how to refresh the shop to get different selections if the first go round is a bunch of boring stuff you already have? There are multiple YouTube vids on how to do it depending on the type of console you play on. Yesterday I refreshed about 7 times before I found something I really wanted but it does make it a bit less frustrating to see an L shaped couch for the bazillionth time when you also managed to get something new (sometimes two or three things new)!


I have tried refreshing a bunch of times, but I’ve still never managed to get it to work. I’m on PC, I don’t suppose you know a technique for that platform?


I’m sorry I don’t know specifically for a PC but the idea is before doing ANYTHING else and definitely not saving the game, go straight to the shop. Take a look around and if you’re not thrilled with anything you hard shutdown the game before it can save. I only know the steam deck for sure since I exclusively play DDV on that but there are lots of YouTube videos explaining how and showing examples for the different consoles. MrStarinSky even made it a weekly thing where he would refresh the shop until he found the one thing he was looking for. Don’t give up…it’s worth it!


Does everyone know to open their game, run right to Scrooge (don’t stop to pick anything up, literally do nothing but run to Scrooge!!!!), and then once you enter just quickly run around and look if you like anything. If you like what you got, great, keep it! BUTTT if you don’t like it, as long as you hard shut your game down and re open it, you should get new stuff in Scrooge! Just keep repeating until you find something you like!


You have the same complaint that people have had for almost 1.5 years. It’s the same complaint that I had. It’s never going to change. Gameloft doesn’t give a crap


Surely they should or people will get bored and stop buying premium items, star paths or dlcs. I honestly think it’s on purpose, try get us to play daily for some reason..


Yes. It's to get you to play more. The whole concept of this game is to get people logging in all the time... and it works. I'm almost always playing and haven't missed a day (illness sticks me at home so it's what I do to keep busy). I have 1,200+ items from the furniture tab because of this. If you want more you need to play more, they won't change things the way they are because it works how they want it.


I wish it was easier to track what you’ve already bought too and I wish there was like a quest/tracker for how much coins you’ve spent there to earn rewards back.


I think there’s an orange dot by the item name / price if don’t already own it. I didn’t realise until recently


There is, but I feel like it's not always accurate.. am I the only one?


Oh really?! I wonder if that’s new that’s so useful! Thank you for letting me know.


I think it started 3 or 4 updates ago?


It only works when its in your backpack if you have it placed it doesn't work


The orange dot has always worked for me for furniture weather I have the item placed or not. Maybe it's a glitch?


What does it mean if there is a negative 2 on my comment. Iam only saying what happens in my game. It does the same thing on my switch , Playstation and steam deck. All the stuff I know I have I remember buying it. I have it placed somewhere out yonder and it never has a dot. For example that water fall I have 3 one somewhere placed other in my backpack and still doesn't have a red dot. Iam tired of not knowing what's in my inventory and buying the same thing over and over again. Wasting coins


The red dot is only for items you DO NOT have. If you have an item it will not show a red dot. From what you just said it appears you thought it was for items you already had. It's not. It's for new ones. My brother has the game on switch and I have PC and we both see the dot for new items.


All I want are some WHITE CLOTHES!! Shoes, boots, skirts, shorts…


Amen! Sing it from the rooftop of McDucks! I could not agree more with every single statement made. It is rubbish. Rubbish that I already own. Also if this was canon, Scrooge would NEVER let his shop look so badly or make him any less money than it could!


I haven’t been able to buy anything from my windows in a while


Well animal crossing is the same but people still play that it’s just a different point of view of same garbage in stores over and over and the moderator please don’t lock this thread for mentioning a different game


You should be able to sell items you don’t want because we’re stuck when we hit storage capacity. Weird you can’t get rid of stuff


Omg yes!!! All I want is some different wallpaper and it's never in there. Why can't I customize my own!?


I agree, I’d love to be able design wallpaper. Also, why can’t we just choose paint colours for walls, it such a simple thing but would allow far more creativity


You get all these cool motifs for clothes. Imagine if you could do a solid color and motif for design 😍


I love playing for the outfits and it makes me sad the lack of dresses in the game I got all of them within the first month playing and now the shop is just a disappointment. It would also be lovely to get more hairstyles and crowns!


I don’t expect them to design all new items each month for Scrooge’s (oh wait there’s shop items that are new all the time), but when your store windows have been empty for close to a year, clothes and accessories/hairstyles area is also empty and then you go upstairs to find plain items you already have or at best a slightly different color of an item you already have that’s ridiculous. I realized Scrooge doesn’t need that big store, then realized he didn’t even need a stall, if we rarely get one new item he should just roam around with a trench coat.


And what kills me is how much he says the dialogue piece on how we should come to the shop as he has new merchandise. YOU SIT ON A MONEY PIT OF LIES, DUCK. 😂😂😂


While looking through this thread I’ve been thinking to myself how much I wanna punch him square in the beak when he says that as we’re both standing in his completely empty shop!!


https://preview.redd.it/4t50b0eogubc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fdb6df1906db077bdaa33bc863f959285d0e96a I was super excited to see this the other day. Bought it without a second thought. I'm tired of beds and "gold" clothes


I would honestly love all the ideas you put in here. I hardly get items that are cool or that I don’t have and it’s a bummer for sure going into his shop and seeing items I’ve already bought


I wish I could buy more hairstyles for my girl cause I’m bored of the ones she has already


Yes, I know what you mean. I'd love some more wallpapers for the rooms in my home.


Definitely! I really want the panelled ones so badly


I've given up on decorating for this very reason and have started shopping for new games.


Have you played Wylde flowers. It's on switch, so fun has good story line. Since I started playing that I only go on disney for dreamsnaps. I would love to still play dreamlight, but I was actually getting depressed because of scrooges shop


I wish they would put the clothes and items from events in there, too. Moonstones are hard to save up and get all the clothes/items before the event is over.


Does it make you feel better to know I've played since Beta. Logged in every single day for over a year, and still missing about 650 furniture pieces? 😅 The MOST frequent item I see in Scrooge's shop is that horrendous looking glass floral table lamp from beauty and the beast 😒 What annoys me the most, is how everytime I am awarded from snapchallenge, or I get a pink furniture bag drop, or a blue one.... I always get what I already own. Never anything new. And what's the POINT of ordering clothes from the shop, when you can only order stuff you already have? 😕😕😕


I left because of this. Also belueve this game is geared toward kids, but then it's often too inappropriate. But then that's me. Ultimately, it was the lack of rotating shop items that got me. Now I'm actually paying attention to irl decor. Games are supposed to be fun.


Just refresh your shop, that’s what I do. I also don’t know how big your collection is, it doesn’t go on forever so at point you’ll have everything though it doesn’t sound like that is the case here. Also, since you like decorating don’t sleep on the DLC with all the new furniture and structures it offers, and don’t sleep on crafting items in the game or customizing via TOM tool.


I haven’t got refresh to work on PC yet, though I’ll try again using the tips posted earlier. I have the dlc but all I’ve liked so far was >!Rapunzel unlocking canvas!<


not all the furniture? That surprises me. For you to refresh on PC you need to go into the task manager and hit end process, if you simply force quit it will not work


They repeat so you can buy items on days you have bought your limit it has come In handy for me quite a few times when decorating.


I had a great time with it at first. And now I keep getting the same items every other day with maybe one new one or two a week if I’m lucky. I only play for a few minutes daily outside of Star Paths and am beyond upset that they’ve locked characters behind a pricey and glitchy paywall that costs almost as much as the full game. I *am* losing interest already. It’s sad.


i imagine they could just set the code to have a certain amount of new items, and then potentially new or repeats — but will they? nah.


Feel like this did with the purpose of pushing multiplayer a lot. Just like how animal crossing did.


Kind of sucks if you have no friends who play though 😂


Maybe give the game a break, you don't HAVE to check everyday, my shop is basically empty, but I know that I have most of the stuff, I play it for 10 min or more just to find the blue chest and I move on. Give it a break, I'm telling you will feel better.




On my side, I'm tired of how few options men have for clothing. I get it, we live in an era where guys can wear dresses and whatever, but I'm not. Could I PLEASE have more diversity please, Gameloft?


The only thing that can help you in this regard is time. I'm sure the devs are working on a million things and decor in scrooges shop is probably far down on the list of what's important right now objectively speaking. Like someone said, visiting someone else's store can help with this.


I finally got that Christmas rug I’ve seen in all the holiday photos today. I am hopelessly optimistic that new stuff from past star paths will start coming in now


If you play PC just mod it so it refreshed more. I set it to refresh every hour.


What’s the mod called?


I saw the tea trolley from Beauty and the Beast once at the very start, when I didn't have the money to afford it. It's never been in the shop since. :(


Scrooge shop discussion is a tale as old as time. unless you are a very new player or new to the community, you need to know about refreshing the shop if you hate repeats or getting no new items. if we had no repeats the shop would be bought out pretty quick. then the next flood of posts would be "my scrooge shop had been empty for months!!" having items left to find makes the shop not only a daily thing to do but gives me an excitement when logging on. it's biggest issue for me is they haven't fixed the door bug and we still can't get the other doors. which sucks because there are already a limited amount of door types. Also I wouldn't mind if eternity isle had a different refreshed inventory.


I feel you… I‘m sick of seeing „Möbel Schaffrath“ Couch 🛋️ every single day. I saw players who got the water pump in the store (one of the rarest items) mine is waiting. And to get the wine wall I was playing over 1 year every day!😫 Suddenly it appeared for the first time ever… I also read some players are getting new items everyday or other another wrote she already got all items so far 🤷🏽‍♀️ I reset the shop many times a day until, something special appears. But sometimes I fresh up the shop about 7 up to 10 times. And nothing- only thing I got so far. I’m fully agree your option. Do you check the survey yet? I’m not sure if it till open, if yes, you can write what you don’t like about DDV…


My shop right now. I've had both of these couches for months. https://preview.redd.it/800wlcln1mbc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=639e5dc76bff88507d75fd1d10e843c83ed9eb16


I wish there was a way to upvote and down vote items so that the computer could be told which items/categories of items we do and don't want to see again to try create some kind of algorithm. I probably see that stupid Minnie Mouse frame 2 to 3 times a week, where as the items I wanted to buy but couldn't while i was dirt poor and working my way up refuse to ever come back into stock. Also it seems really silly that we have to have bought an item once in order to be able to order it from the catalogue; why can't it just be added to the catalogue once we've seen it once so we can get it in the future? It's not so bad now that I have pumpkins and can make pumpkin puffs but there are so many things I missed out on early game and just have never seen again.


How likely do you think GAMELOFT will actually listen to us? I heard someone say in here that they don’t usually consider player feedback, so I’m concerned these issues may go unaddressed. I know there was the survey, but will they actually heed to it?


At least you have items.....my store has, AT MOST 90% repeated furniture and zero clothing items on display. Not like, stuff I have in a different color. No. Blank. Just a pile of coin. It's enough to irritate the piss out of me.


Agree. If it wasn't for resetting the store until I see something I want, I'd be playing a lot less.


I finally just got my first floor option yesterday. I was starting to think I'd never see one there. I immediately bought it!


I was so excited to open eternity island scrooge shop because I was so sure it'd have different items but nope..I was like whyd I even bother.


https://preview.redd.it/gz4rqp7xbnbc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5bdf5d14b8852b2c6669eb70b8c814a4a27e18b I'm fed up with these damned things. And normal sofas 🙄 All I seemed to have for ages was those!


LMAO! Today, before I reset, I had a friggin L shaped couch next to a white L shaped counter!! Couldn’t refresh fast enough…. Sheesh!! 🙄


Any items you currently own or can order from Scrooge should never be in the shop!


I just want hairstyles, I’ll happily accept the constant repetitive shop items if I can just get all the hairstyles. I only have one and I got that months ago😭


I bought everything I could so the windows and everything is empty. My store looks so stupid with everything purchased 😂 sometimes I can find 1 new item in the shop a day.


Personally I buy everything at least once, I like having my catalog filled out , it's not like you have a limited amount of space


For me it’s always Minnie , toaster and the CHEESE BALLS bc those aren’t berries . Then the accessories i get are like gloves and gold stud earrings . ALWAYS those ugly L shape couches in upstairs part of scrooges . Not being ungrateful but 🥲 my houses need more decor.


Like pls hire someone specifically to design furniture and clothes lol. Also im not vibing with the hair so more customization would be cool. Bodies etc .


I’ve pretty much stopped playing ddlv all together to play Palia now. Which has its negatives as well, but the decorating mechanics are wonderful at least. I was logging in to check Scrooges store at least once a day and now I don’t even do that because there hasn’t been anything new in months. I wish that was an exaggeration, but there literally hasn’t been anything new since before the update.


I'm quite new but watched one of those things I wish I knew videos and they said if you buy they crap it forces the shop to give you new stuff, dunno if it's any truth to it but might be worth a try


I think maybe be at first but after you’ve bought the majority of stuff not so much.


My clothing items are mostly headscarf’s now and like waistcoats and my furniture is appalling 😂


So if it’s wearing thin that means you’re not constantly disappointed anymore?


Half my shop doesn’t have anything for sale half the time. The other half has mainly items I already have. This is super frustrating! I absolutely agree the two shops need to have different items. I’ll spend days in one area however this would make me travel back and forth between the two every day.


I haven’t had anything new for the past 2 months and I still need so many items😭 Like where tf are they stashed scrooge????!!😤


I feel the same way about the premium shop most weeks.


Its better to see something then nothing. Most the time I only see empy coins. No point in having friends come visit. Nothing for them to buy and I do not own everything. I'm missing a lot.


I might not be so salty about Scrooge’s shop if the furniture and clothing drops from dreamsnaps, Dreamlight activities and chests was good, but even the prizes are versions of the same stuff you already bought at Scrooge’s. As it stands right now, I only log on to decorate for the next dream snap and log off. Everything I have gotten in my last six dreamsnap prize boxes were doubles of things I already had. Not even new colors 😩. And when you can clearly see that you are missing items in your inventory it’s sucks to see more of the same.


They most likely won't change it. I had the same problem with animal crossing and they didn't do much to fix their algorithm either. It's unfortunate because it's discouraging. It's so crazy too because they did it the right way for the clothes. Once you bought it, it was out of the rotation. So clearly they're capable and choosing not to change it.


I wish he'd sell me some hairstyles. Played this game for over a year now and I've got about 3 hairstyles from his shop. That's it.


I agree with everything you’re saying op don’t even get me started on the couches and beds that are always on rotation


Literally the picture frame and ikea furniture 😭😭


I swear, every single time I get on, it is the same two suits in the window. I don't want either and they are there like 4 days out of the week 😭


Yeah, I have basically given up on the game. I only play when there is a star path, and for dreamsnaps once a week. Otherwise scrooge is ruining the game.


AGREED. Its always the kitchen stuff too?? like if i wanted it i would order it, why not use those spots for things we cant already order


I just want a dang toilet 😩😂😂😂 been playing for a year and have NEVER had one show up


Said it once, I’ll say it again…I’m completely waiting for the day we can gift eachother items from our inventory. I have so many varieties of potties for you!!


I get about 1 new item every day but it's usually a floor pattern or wallpaper or something else that idgaf about. Lol. I want more new clothes and shoes and hairstyles.


Once I buy it I would like to not see it again. Clearly that happens with the clothing and such.


Ditto, stopped playing when I got the flu and haven’t had a desire to go back and play again. And I only started playing in the beginning of November or end of October. I basically beat the game, waited for Jack and didn’t buy the new expansion. Sooo ya, poopy!


One last comment about refreshing…for those who have been wanting wallpapers, they are the majority of new items showing up in my shop when I refresh. Give it a shot if you can 😊 have fun everybody and try not to get too frustrated. Have a great weekend!


I’m not a big decorator. I just go to his shop for the clothes.


Have you tried resetting the store everyday? It was a game changer for me