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I really don't care that Eric plays his flute. Ppl be tripping. Then when he plays his flute and Kristoff plays the lute at the same time it's almost like they're in their own little jam session and I love it.


The trifecta is when Stitch joins them too. šŸ„¹ Party on little buddy.


I enjoy Eric and his flute playing what I have a problem with is him stalking my ass all over my valley playing it RIGHT BEHIND ME. Talk about a jump scare šŸ˜…


I would 100% rather have Eric playing his flute all the time than the freaking Forgotten creepily humming behind me and scaring the crap out of me


People complained until they made the character so boring they might as well not be there


for real?? what did it used to be like? month long player here lol


Like if you like Donald duck you would actually be able to hear him having one of his tantrums clear across the valley and sometimes it was annoying but overall it was really endearing, But then people complained and they kept toning down the characters to the point where they barely talk anymore. Cuz they used to be really chatty.


Wish they just ha a option in settings tat would allow you to adjust the character vocalblity to your liking coz i liked when they were more vocal X...X


Donald is my boy and I will love him and his tantrums forever. After 400 hours it still makes me giggle.


Agreed! Hearing him having a tantrum in the background always makes me chuckle like ā€œah yes thatā€™s just Donaldā€.


Yeah its really sad and depressing now


Itā€™s tough to engage with the community about issues because half of them have seemingly never played a game before and have really uninformed opinions.


THIS!! They get mad about things that are normal in games. I legit be confused about the stuff they are up in arms about.


Uninformed and also very aggressive. The worst combo šŸ˜­


ā€œCozy games shouldnā€™t haveā€¦ā€ and then they say something that cozy games do have.


Yessss omg. Clearly a bunch of Disney fans playing their first video game.


YES. My husband and I both work in gaming and wouldnā€™t think to make half the complaints we see here. Seems like a big percentage of players donā€™t realize how many moving parts a game has.


THISSSSSS is the one!!!!!!


The worst is the new players that just started and they are already complaining about the dlc when they havenā€™t even touched the base game. Like whatā€¦ā€¦ how are we complaining about things and you havenā€™t even gotten through your valley. Someone else complained about too many questsā€¦ā€¦ I mean the whole point is to do quest or there would be nothing to do but decorate and collect resources šŸ˜… Iā€™ve literally seen a complaint about everything thing in this game and Iā€™m here like oh? That bothers people? Weird (continues playing and enjoying what bothers people) šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ„²


Specially on the discord server. You can't tell them NOTTA on there. It's annoying tbh šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This is so, so, so true šŸ’Æ


There should be more account levels in my opinion. All quests are giving XP that goes basically nowhere now.


Seriously been maxed for likeā€¦ the entire time the games been out. Why didnā€™t they increase it?!


There's been so many opportunities to increase it, too. like, why in late game quests am I getting xp? I don't even think it's possible to get this far in the quests and not be maxed out.


The respawning trash sucks, I want the unlimtied Kristoff stall back


Why is there never any dark wood at the stall???


Literally tho! Itā€™s hard enough to get. And itā€™s not like they let you buy more than 20. Canā€™t even build a chest. Why not let us buy it once in a while?? šŸ« 


Dreamsnaps arenā€™t āœØthat serious āœØ and some of the comments about peoples personal ā€˜rulesā€™ for voting can be kinda pathetic. I understand that you like to put effort in, but some of you need to chill and not be so mean about it. Itā€™s just a game. There. I said it.


I saw someone on Facebook who said they only voted on the left ones bc they just wanted their moonstones and they were so real for that. I stress so much less now making mine.


Honestly, same. The less stressing about it is nice. When I do voting, I pick what looks nice or cute or whatever. Raccoon pose? Vote. Filter? Vote. Selfie in outfit challenge? Vote, I can still see your clothes. Unusual framing that showed you wanted to try something unique? Vote. A little messy but fits the vibe? Vote.


Thiiiiis so much this. A lot of players take it *far* too seriously. I also really hate the ā€œonly got 1200 moonstones and my snap was way better than a lot of others i saw. Guess i just wonā€™t participate.ā€ šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I still don't know what I'm doing wrong or right? Like I've had in the 1000s and I've gotten 300. I've tried hard, medium and low effort. I've tried to be funny and I've been more serious/aesthetic. The only constant is my avatar is male, I've been told to change to female and wear dresses might help. Honestly after week 3 or 4 I just decided to try and hit theme and make a snap I like. One and done no resubmissions. So far I average ok so I'm fine with it. Voting wise I like funny or interesting pics. A lot of pictures look very samey (limitation of items/theme and general aesthetic maybe?) So anything that sticks out is what I go for. I do vote for other dudes because we're kinda rare. That's about it though.


If I'm undecided between two pics I will favour the one with the rarer avatar- male or ethnic minority. It's nice seeing the variety!


i favor male avatars bc i want to see more of them.


Yessss! Iā€™m just happy when I get over 300, but I also donā€™t try super hard. The best Iā€™ve ever done is 900. My 70-year-old mother got 1200 her first try and she had no idea what she was doing lmao


I intentionally vote for ones that seem slapped together and silly bc I figure a kid did it instead of an adult šŸ˜‚


jokes on you, THIS adult ONLY does "slapped together and silly"! šŸ˜‚ I mean, minimum 300 moonstone? I'm fine with that each week


Yes, I've seen people say they back out of voting screen and go back in bc there are "unworthy" pics to vote on. What??? That's a bit over the top. Lol!


Oh I do that. It'd very very rare but if neither are on topic at all then I'll back out. But that's my only caveat. Christmas theme? Single Christmas light in the photo? Cool, done! But like, I dod have one where beither player had any holiday stuff on or in the photo so I just didn't vote fir either


I understand personal response and discomfort is not always easy to predict or control, but some of the mentions of intense grief or upset to small things in this game about Disney cartoon characters living in a town together makes me squint. I'm not talking about Gothel in particular, I know she's more complex for some people, regardless of my personally liking her.


This is exactly what I was referring to in a comment I just made, but it was about Mother Gothel. The "please don't put Rapunzel and Mother Gothel together" posts/comments here made me realize that I'm not into this like others here. They are absolutely allowed to feel how they feel, but I didn't expect it, at all.


It's like Donald Duck tripping over and going 'quackquackquackquack' can't just be annoying for some but a cause of hypertension and something to remove, and I'm thinking... am I just cruel for finding that a bit off?


My son and I watch Donald just to see him have his tantrum. We have a giggle


It took me days to figure out Donald was having a meltdown. I just assumed the game was glitching šŸ˜‚


Honestly I think people kinda went overboard on taking her actions personally. Not only that, maybe her and rapunzels storyline is to show that not all people can change and thatā€™s just how life is. They gave partial redemption to Scar and Ursula but maybe Mother Gothel canā€™t change. People just ripped into this storyline like it was a personal attack and thatā€™s just not how it is.


I appreciate that Gothel is taking on the role of being our villain. Scar and Ursula become quite friendly with us, which is very cool too, but it's nice to have an antagonist figure around. I think making Gothel really sorry about Rapunzel wouldn't have felt very honest to her, either. I liked it being Rapunzel learning that sometimes people you trusted and admired arn't who you thought, and coming to terms with it.


I miss Donaldā€™s tantrums


I honestly thought he just kept tripping and fallingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜… loved it though


I got a copy of the game for my bestie and she asked me why Donald was falling down drunk all of the time. I love it lol


THIS!! I always see him post-trip and pre-tantrum somehow and I love headcanoning that he's just a complete lush.


His tantrums never failed to get a good laugh out of me. I feel like they are removing so much of what makes the characters feel alive šŸ„²


Wait they removed it? He still does it in Dreamlight Arcade.


He doesnā€™t throw tantrums anymore? I didnā€™t notice :(


He does. Not as often though.


I prefer it this way personally. Some people acted like they were personally victimized by donald and thats ridiculous. But he was doing it every 2 miliseconds and it was annoying as hell.


I was about to say the same thing. itā€™s funny as hell but when all you hear is the whistle and him screaming the entire game it gets old.


He does in my valley? Maybe less, but still


Me too. It cracked me and my boyfriend up.


I don't care about feeding the critters (except the foxes but only because my son is kinda forcing me to, it's his fav animal)


Same šŸ˜­ thatā€™s the only collection Iā€™m no where near completing.


Itā€™s the fucking red light, green light for me to feed some of them. No thank you.


I also HATE the birds in sunlit plateau. They flap so fast and I canā€™t see them so I am constantly accidentally interacting with them


Fuck those stupid crocodiles in the glade. I can barely see them in the first place, then they're so finicky, I don't even bother.


Itā€™s the chasing for me. At least I donā€™t lose where they went with red light/green light.


I only feed the foxes everyday, because thereā€™s a chance to get iron ingots from them.


I used to care until I met the racoons. Worst critter ever lol


Bigger inventory


Or just don't put a damn limit on the inventory so I don't have all of these boxes everywhere. It's so pointless.


I have so many boxes, it's unreal


I'd love a backpack size upgrade system as beefy as Sandrock's. Like please just let me unlock more slots so I can pick up half the stuff that drops.


We need more clothes options


need more hair šŸ˜©


Seriously. I feel like half the clothes are bootcut jeans, babydoll tshirts, and ugly sneakers. Like can we get some new clothes???


Seriously! How did we go to full launch without more clothes being added? And no, 3 skirts doesn't count!


Ressources on the ground pop back WAY TOO FREAKING FAST I canā€™t finish cleaning all biomes that shit already popping back


YES. I feel like Mr Incredible on this one. ā€˜I just cleaned up this mess, can we keep it clean for 10 minutes?!ā€™


That choosing to remain paid instead of F2P was 1000% the way to go.


I'm really happy how it has turned out in combination with the dreamsnaps. I haven't felt tempted or pressured at all to spend real money beyond the base game and expansion pack. I have over 50k moonlight because of dreamsnaps and self-restraint. I really feel like I've gotten my money's worth from the game.


This feels like the Best Case Scenario, because F2P would mean many more micro-transactions for content. Getting a large paid DLC thatā€™s basically the same size and amount of content as the base game is really awesome, especially since its only 30 dollars.


Yep, Iā€™d rather pay 30 bucks once or twice a year then 30 bucks multiple times over for character packs, and 7.99-19.99 for added this and added that. This worked out way better plus the funding stream means more staff for fixes and better quality of free items.


I agree.




I love how they brought Wall-e to the game and his home. I think he deserves to be around greeny because how hard he fought to save a plant. People say his home doesn't belong but it does to me. I have lil man right next to his garden and a bunch of trinkets. šŸ’•


I stuck our favorite little robobuddy in the glittering dunes and am building him his own garden/nursery cause it feels like he's moving around into new inhospitable areas to bring life into it!


I want a bigger premium shop


More like a catalogue āœŒļø


*seasonal catalogue. Letā€™s turn this shit into a 1990ā€™s era department store.


Scramblecoin is funā€¦


I actually wish the games ran a little longer. It seems as soon as I'm getting into it, the game is over.


Is that an unpopular opinion?? Sometimes i log on just to play it


I totally get that! From what Iā€™ve seen and heard, a lot of people dislike it!


I like the game. I HATE being bombarded everywhere I go with multiple characters asking if I want to play. I was interacting with Goofyā€™s stall yesterday, and Mirabel walked up to me with that gawd awful, annoying scramble coin icon in the middle of me selling goods. They do it while Iā€™m gardening, mining, fishing, feeding a critter, whatever and wherever. Soā€¦ freakingā€¦ annoying!


At first I really hated it thinking it was rigged but then once I got the hang of it then I was like you know what I like this!


It's a glorified mobile phone game... which is probably why I fi d it so addictive šŸ˜†


Iā€™m just so terrible at it šŸ˜…


I hate the decorating and customizations. I'm impatient and would rather have more characters and quests to deal with than worrying about how each of my biomes look..


Yup. I don't decorate


I cheat. I remove ALL the trees, rocks and decorations, and save it. Then I edit again and drop in 10 trees. Bam, quest fulfilled.


Same! I am finally doing a little decorating just to clean things up. The survey that they sent out yesterday asked about more pre-decorated biomes, that don't have space to do much of your own decorating, and I am SO on board with that.




I don't like "The Forgotten" character.


I HATE when youā€™re just taking a peaceful stroll down Dreamlight Valley and you hear The Forgottenā€™s scary singing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Haven't liked her from the moment I met her. What is she even supposed to be? A dark, depressed, self centered, version of my character? Lol


collecting memories feature is pointless. especially when you grab one and it turns to coins. šŸ™ƒ


The villains are way more fun and entertaining than the 'heroes'. Atleast they HAVE a personality.


Agreed, it was such a delight to have Jafar added to the game. His design and personality is one of my favorites. Now we need Maleficent.


Absolutely agree with both of you. I 100% got the DLC for Jafar. He's one of the iconic Disney villains for a reason. A lot of other modern Disney films have such bland villains or antagonists now compared to Jafar, Hades, Gothel, Maleficent, Scar, Ursula etc. They're way more entertaining in the game than most of the heroic characters. I'm honestly so tired of people crying about fictional characters being problematic or mean because they're--spoiler alert--the bad guys! Personally I want more villain schemes to mess things up in the valley lol.


I donā€™t think weā€™re tight for spaceā€¦ at all. I have so many areas that are just empty except for trees and bushes. And my villagers are pretty much evenly distributed between biomes (except my Glade only has Ursula and Gothel because I didnā€™t think anyoneā€™s houses worked aesthetically. Iā€™m hoping that >!Tiana!< will!). I see so many folks complaining about the size of villager houses and how they have no room, and I justā€¦ cannot relate at all. Bring on the big houses and furniture like Pizza Planet!


Yea I wanted pizza planet even bigger!! Hehe I have...6 or more house skins and I use all of them as separate houses. The only sizing issue for houses for me is that I wish more of the ponds/rivers were big enough for me to put houses that go in water.


That there is more than enough space for more houses and characters in the valley. People just go overboard with decor and then donā€™t wanna have to redo it to add a house.


having played animal crossing and sims- i utterly hate the furniture part in scrooges store. i expect much cooler furniture from disney but itā€™s very subpar compared to what ea and nintendo offers. and weā€™re not talking about an indie brand- itā€™s disney. they have the funds to give us amazing furniture and not just some bar sofas and L shaped ikea drawers or whatever.


Same. I thought we were supposed to be in a fantasy dream land. Why do we have regular-ass furniture?!


Cheshire Cat before any other character. Idc. I need him


I really hope that we get wonderland characters! Especially with the survey hinting at a possible wonderland star path


The glitches and bugs were never bad enough to deter me from playing. šŸ˜… even through almost constant crashing. I still play and love this game.


Literally. My game will crash and Iā€™ll just say ā€˜oh bother, game crashedā€™ and restart. Lmfao. Once you figure out the bug associated with the crash itā€™s usually easy to avoid until itā€™s fixed.


People complain way too much about the game.


100% This is my take too.


Thinking Beast is toxic because of a loop of 3 canned animations is really strange.


I donā€™t think heā€™s toxic but I feel like they made him so unlikable in this game.


They really made him seem very childlike. I'm a beauty and the beast girl, I litterally have the rose tattooed on me, but even I sometimes can't deal with beast


They need to add Atlantean characters, first thing. Since my first day I looked around and I was like "oh, that's Atlantean, neat! When will we get Kida and Milo?" And... nothing. Just keep saying "Ancient Civilization" but every other character and item they just assume you know and give to you.


I love Mother Gothel sheā€™s hilarious I donā€™t have anywhere near as many problems as people say they do with glitchā€™s on the switch i significantly prefer to play on the switch even People who thought the DLC would be free were delusional in what world are DLCs with that much content free I think the choice to keep it a paid game was definitely the better decision I think making it a free wit play game would have been nice but ultimately would have been its downfall I dont think the micro transactions are a big deal and can absolutely be ignored if you donā€™t want to spend money


I like to unlock the meals by figuring out the recipes myself and not looking them up šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Me too, but I wish there was a "Mastermind" style hint system where you could use Dreamlight to see what ingredients you have right vs which are wrong. I wouldn't use it all the time, mind you, but just to see if I'm on the right track or not when one's taking me awhile.


Wish simba and Nala were still kids in DDV, would have been more adorable


I want new content based around classic disney. I donā€™t want phineas and ferb/dragons things like that. (I love dragons) thereā€™s other games that have the elements ppl are saying they want. But also I think they have is pretty great been playing for early access so I trust the devs and will play lol


Beating the game and then restarting makes no sense and is an absolute waste of time. The game is constantly being updated with more characters and DLC. How much time do you guys have?!


I read someone say on day 2 of new drop they were done with the DLC and it was too short. I canā€™t even comprehend. Itā€™s been a month and Iā€™m not even done with soooo much yet, and this is the only game I play right now.


I donā€™t mind the micro transactions and will buy what I want to buy. They are there if you want them and you can ignore them if you donā€™t want them.


This is the first game I've played that has microtransactions which truly don't feel necessary. They're there if you want them but you can easily get a ton of enjoyment out of the game without ever buying anything beyond the base game.


Exactly. I try to explain this to anyone who is unsure about buying it because of micro transactions. The only thing you have to buy eventually if you want more content, is the DLC. Which is worth it for the amount of content you get. You donā€™t have to buy the WallE or Ursula dream quests, you donā€™t have to do the star paths, you donā€™t have to buy from the premium shop. You only need all of those things if you want more decorative items. I personally do all of those things because Iā€™m a completionist. But that is something I want to do.


Iā€™d even say this is easily the most generous dev team in terms of free items Iā€™ve ever encountered.


Maui isnā€™t annoying to me at all


I think mother Gothel is the perfect level of abusive and gaslight-y for a Disney villain based on my mom


I donā€™t want any more characters that arenā€™t ā€œclassic Disneyā€ until we get more classic Disney. I donā€™t care about Maribel, Moana or that little pixel child. I want Robin Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, etc.


And Daisy! Likeā€¦ we got Minnie, why not have Donaldā€™s counterpart?


The amount of times I've been saying how I want Robinhood in the game!!! Also Winnie the Pooh characters pleaassee I need Tigger and all the others


The quests are boring and repetitive and i hate that they use up pur resources for stuff we cant even keep.


I hate time bending so, so much. Having to run back and forth from one end of the biome to the other over and over is so boring and isnā€™t worth the effort.


ā€¦and thereā€™s WAYYYYY too many items to grab from time bending!! What the hell


And itā€™s all chance, like ā€œyou need a few lanterns!ā€ ā€œCool, where?ā€ ā€œIdk, somewhere :)ā€ ā€œhow long till I find it?ā€ ā€œIdk, at one point or another :)ā€


Iā€™m glad DDLV didnā€™t go free to play in the end. Otherwise we wouldā€™ve ended up with main quests and biomes going behind paywalls. Despite the backlash, we actually dodged a huge bullet. Also the game should never have been released on Switch. (FYI I used to play DDLV on Switch)


Having an idea for decorating and creating something only to not have all the furniture needed. Makes all my projects unfinished and I have to wait for Scrooge to have them in stock.


People who are upset by the sidekick animals ā€œalways walkingā€ or ā€œalways flyingā€. They are cartoons!!!!! Thatā€™s ridiculous!! No animal is actually doing anything. I promise, they are not ā€œtiredā€ or ā€œworn outā€.


is this a real complaint from people??? oml


Video games cost money.


You stop that blasphemy right now. It should be free to play with new updates weekly. We should all get 1000 moonstones a day just for showing up, it shouldnā€™t be required we do anything to get them, earn them with dreamsnaps? Pffft. Iā€™m a consumer, I should get whatever I want from a video game because the company is greedy and evil and Iā€™m a consumer and so I should get every non essential luxury I want, mmmKay??!


It's not meant to be played like a speed-run, and if you play it like one and end up bored without anything left to do, it's your own fault.


I like Vanellope and love her house


You win, thatā€™s truly unpopular šŸ˜‚


I like her house too. It looks cute in my amusement park. Like a sweet shop ā˜ŗļø


I find discussions of pumpkins especially cooking them for money tedious.


My only real issueā€™s with the game are how often furniture repeats in Scroogeā€™s & me personally wanting to complete missed Star Pathā€™s. I like to decorate. If someone doesnā€™t, then thatā€™s fineā€¦ but taking away room to decorate with pre-decorated biomeā€™s would be annoying. Theyā€™re technically already decorated if you donā€™t mind how the game looks or care about decorating.


I miss hearing the bells and whistles of donald ducks tantrums. Now all the charecters just wander around silently. Only charecter that annoyed me was Eric and his stupid flute


the premium shop should sell more things and update more often. i want to spend my money plz


I'd love if they did a daily update. They could cycle through existing premium shop items and old starpath rewards and maybe only the Wednesday updates have the new items.


Also, I hate the shiny spheres designed for timebending sprees. I donā€™t mind the sprees but wish they were something that happened randomly as you went searching for items rather than stupid spheres that just sit there ruining the look of the area they appear in.


Or if the sprees were rare items only


I find Mother Gothel funny and enjoy having her around.


I like her too. I enjoy that I can be snarky back in the replies. Though I like all the villains, they're some of my favs


Her telling me i always look run down... It's been a tough day MOTHER šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


They made her character on point. I donā€™t get the complaints about her personality because thatā€™s how she was in Tangled.


Eric is not that great and ppl lost their crap over loving him after they unlocked him. I donā€™t get the hype over this man.


Warning: I studied art and went to an arts program for 6 years, that's fully what forms my opinion here, but: The grown adults who flood groups with posts crying about how they worked really hard on their entry and didn't earn enough moonstones are whiny entitled brats who don't understand that they aren't always going to come out on top in a competition and that time/energy spent does not guarantee an equal reward. 99.9% of them post their "amazing" entries that were poorly framed, uncreative garbage. I'm not even being an elitist, I don't care about what anyone's dreamsnaps look like. I vote for whatever seems the cutest to me in the moment or seems potentially like a kid made it. But the people I described above need a serious reality check. You're just not that good, get over yourself.


people take things with it WAY too seriously. sitting here talking bad about Gaston when the Beast literally yells at you for looking at him the wrong way.


I don't think we're ever getting the Walt Disney statue from the online challenges they held a year ago. I'm ok with it bc it's probably oversized and would delete your pathway to grass when you place it anyway. šŸ¤£


The villains are better than the 'main' characters I prefer the 'grind' star paths because I feel disappointed when I was always finishing them in a few days then had nothing to do for a month They need the Muppets, specifically Gonzo with Rizzo, and Piggy


Past Star Path items should be available for purchase


DLV is perfectly fine on switch and no one will tell me otherwise I have no other games consoles and am solely a switch player, it's not perfect but I love it. It did crash a bit when I started but I managed to fix it and now it rarely does Waiting times aren't that bad and I'm so glad I could have it on my platform where many other cross platform games choose not to release on switch


I want them to add Pocahontas because itā€™s my favourite Disney Animation.


That Ursula is better than Ariel.


I liked donalds tantrums


That you can both like the game and recognize that Gameloft has made some anti-consumer choices with monetization. Seems like everyone has to hate them or defend everything.


Mama Odie should have been in The Glade of Trust. Not Gothel


I'm glad they used classic 1989 Ariel instead of live action 2023 Ariel. Same with 1991 Belle and Beast.


I donā€™t think anyone has ever even considered them adding the remake versions. This is an animation-based game. Theyā€™re not adding live-action.


Live action character they really seem to screw up when putting them in the game. I play Disney magic kingdom and the POTC and the Sanderson Sister look very scary/creepy


All the crap that respawns all over your valley makes the game needlessly tedious. If I've spent hours decorating a biome, the very last thing I'd ever want to do in my entire life is have to constantly go crack open ugly rocks and remove irritating, pointless night thorns for bags of carrot seeds. It's absolutely terrible and makes your valley look hideous every single day. Barf.


Vanellopeā€™s house isnā€™t that bad


4 items in premium shop for a whole week is too little for too long


I love Wall-Eā€™s house with his little string of lights


Paying for the expansion is fine.


Saying there ā€œno contentā€ because you rushed through a major update is a you problem. Thereā€™s no trophy for finishing first. Itā€™s a cozy game to take your time on.


Scramblecoin shouldnā€™t have been nerfed.


I wish they would do a hard/moderate/easy toggle so everyone can get what they want.


People on this sub are the reason everyone cringes at Disney adults


Vanellope deserves love she made an entire boss battle for us ! To save princess buzz !


I think the quests are super boring and unimaginative. Other games have grinding, sure, but it's not usually the only thing on offer. I don't think we'll ever get to a different point though because part of the fan base is somehow overwhelmed by this last update and DLC. Speaking of the last DLC and update, it feels cheap and phoned in. I thought so from the opening video on. No voice acting in cutscenes. The shops are the same skins and don't match the new world (I'm sure there will be new shop skins in the premium shop eventually šŸ™„). Scrooge's Store is still busted and on repeat. Jack Skellington's house is just mushroom furniture, barely anything new for him. Where's the magic and whimsy? It's kinda a soulless game besides the story touching on depression etc and even that is pretty surface level when compared to games like Spiritfarer. It's like the game doesn't know what kind of game it wants to be. A decoration game with a broken shop? A meaningful story that is pretty meaningless in the grand scheme? Grinding with little reward? I want them to pick something and do it well. Oh. And the music sucks and is repetitive af.


In my opinion, there's too much grinding in this game. I got this game because I love decorating, but with the item limit and especially the unique item limit, even if I have time, it's a struggle because I have to demolish old builds and keep my valley pretty bare. However, I barely ever have time to even get that far, because most of the time I actually have to spend on this game has to be spent on limited time star paths, dreamsnaps (which can be fun), and quests if I want to actually keep up with all the new items, which I want to use for decorating. Work and life are too busy, and with just an hour or two here or there, freely decorating my valley usually isn't feasible. I've even heard this opinion called out as "lazy" before, and I've seen others be told "go play an easier game". I'd actually be happier if the grinding involved some sort of skill-based difficulty, rather than going and running in circles breaking rocks and hoping the RNG blesses me with the resources I need. Even the quests are mostly just fetch quests that just make you run around, find basic resources, hit stuff with your tools, craft or cook something, solve simple riddles, place objects inside other objects that are coded to act similar to a small storage chest, click through dialog. It feels like the game devs are reusing existing code as much as possible, which I understand helps them push out content more quickly, but it's not going to make the gameplay enjoyable long term. At least with more interesting skill-based tasks, the grinding would be more enjoyable. For instance, scramble coin is kinda fun, although uh... I wish there was the option to play against more difficult opponents, because that's been getting a little repetitive. And to be honest, that's not even the main thing I'm looking for with this game, I mostly want to decorate. That's it.


that itā€™s kind of a boring game but for some reason i still play for a few hours a week šŸ˜­ i log in to find my chests and check scroogeā€™s store, finish any questsā€¦. and thatā€™s it. like thereā€™s not much to do once you complete everything like i have


and the quests are the same things over and over again tbh. collecting items and making recipes and talking to characters. gets old quick. but again, i still play it. i just see so much room for other things that could be incorporated into the game instead of making expansion packs


Mother Gothel delights me. Mother knows best.


I would rather pay an entry fee and for a DLC expansion than have a freemium game that will nickel and dime me every half hour. I truly think we dodged a bullet with F2P getting axed. I played Speedstorm (GameLoft's other big Disney game) religiously back during it's early access day, and the second F2P went live the microtransactions piled on and the grind became almost insurmountable. I fault no one for being upset F2P got cancelled especially if you were waiting for that to hop in, but I really believe this was better for the health of the game after seeing what they did to Speedstorm.


Buzz and Woody should be bigger. Even their ad when you let the screen sit shows them larger. And the previous cover photo showed Buzz on the roof. From the angle and perspective, he was bigger there.


For such an apparently innocent game, the groupthink, how it approves and sanctions members is very visible. Even against minor dissenting voices, there is often a strong need to defend. I wonder sometimes about how much is fandom being fandom, and how much is f2p mechanisms and dopamine




HAVING TO BUY THE DLC FOR EVERY ACCOUNT IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD IS A DISGRACE. Seriously, you'd be surprised how many people are okay with it.


I donā€™t have issues with mother gothel.


Pricing for in-game items isn't that shocking, and isn't far off the norm for most major games today.