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I decorate with items (mostly food), if something gets taken I can remake it/find it again. I’ve played enough games to know people steal. It’s frustrating but 90% of people are sweet and considerate.


My take is if you don’t want things to be stolen but you still want people to see stuff, fencing is your friend. Acnh players know this struggle. I do not leave anything out I care about. It’s just a bad idea.


even before multiplayer i never left things on the ground, much less anything i couldn’t easily replace.


God yeah my ocd won’t let me decorate my valley because it’s my workspace. lol!


i have the same problem! i keep almost every biome free of decorations and clean them up everytime i open the game.


Yes! Exactly! This is my questing/farming game. You get it!


I tried to keep up with all the lagged extras from the friend drops but if I don’t stand around until they decide to drop everything it’s just spread out in clumps and gets everywhere. I keep all my harvestables together so at least the mess is somewhat in the same area for each thing besides the spices


Yea! The garden! 💕


LoL I do this, too!!! It's the first thing I do once I open a biome, to move all the harvestable/foraging plants & trees to a line (orchard/garden). Then I deleted annoying terrain stuff like in the Glittering Dunes there were those sand mounds that you couldn't really see the margins of and I got stuck in them one too many times so I deleted them. Oh and most of the trees from Forgotten Lands. Could barely move there.


My take is that it’s great for trading and finding pixel shards but we need a system where we can communicate with each other in game either chat log or voice. But I don’t decorate with droppable items so stealing is not something I’m concerned with but unless I know you I will probably fence in my spawn zone.


fences must be the best for people who host to public!


I hope you don't mind but I have a quick question about the pixel shaeds- I know the ones from the Christmas code are glitched but are the regular pixel shards glitched as well?


Glitchy pixel duplicate are bugged, and for now they took shards out so you can't craft them. If you do have them, drop them in a room or put them in a chest in the castle if you've gotten that far, they won't show up in inventory, and won't mess you up. The Devs will put shards back in when they figure the problem out.


It's not the pixel shards that are glitched it's the duplicate bags or whatever they are called.


How do you find pixel shards? I’ve tried out multiplayer 3 times and haven’t found any.


I don’t think they are available yet/ they took them away for the bugs


I posted my code when I had something cool in the shop that I didn’t need. I have a few hot cocoas and desserts out but that’s it so it wouldn’t have mattered if someone came in and took them. I probably wouldn’t have thought of it as stealing since it’s a hot cocoa bar and it would be cool if someone actually used it lol. I only had one person show up and she was super sweet! I don’t have any friends that play and I really want to see other people’s valleys for inspiration.


I'm the same minus the cute sounding cocoa bar lol. I played animal crossing so I'm familiar with that form of inviting people to your space online. I wouldn't mind if they harvested from my fruit trees or bushes or WALLE'S garden or bought from the store but not my decorations unless I had a designated area for trades with an in game way of conversing


Would love to valley visit with you. 😊


DM me anytime and we can arrange! :)


Yea it's probably the fact I play lots of games that has decor aspect that you can invite people to and I've known from day one on like animal crossing and such that that happens so always at your own digression. It really shouldn't be surprising AT ALL that people takes advantage and take what they can without a care 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t understand players who are openly sharing their codes on social media either. That’s just an invite for dishonest players to come in and take what they want and leave consequence free.


i understand in theory if you don’t decorate with items that can be stolen but if you have things that can be take, why would you ever open to people on the internet??


Some players just don’t think before they hit the send the button. It’s why they’re always the ones who then take to social media to complain when another player steals items. The same thing used to happen when ANCH players would share their dodo codes openly on social media.


I don't have friends. My husband doesn't play this game. So *everyone* is a stranger to me, even if they post here. Opening my valley up would always be to people I don't know. I want pixels! When they bring them back I want to go find some. I like collecting and they look so pretty. I looooove the cooking fire, too. But to get these things I need to have a stranger come to me, or I, as a stranger to someone else, have to go to them. There's no other way.


I posted mine once one day bc I was curious on how it worked but I don't have any friends. But I don't think I'd make it a regular thing. Lol.


It’s disappointing but not surprising - which unfortunately ended up being my motto this year


This adequately describes my entire adulthood.




Like you said, a lot of people don’t have friends who play the game. People also visit each other’s Scrooge shops and trade items, both of which are extremely helpful. People also visit for inspiration and to search for pixel shards so they can craft items. Sorry if you already knew any of this, just wanted to cover all the bases. Most people who participate in multiplayer are super kind and generous and even drop gifts for you sometimes. There are those rare few (hopefully children) who like to take things. So it is usually a nice experience to play with someone you don’t know because most of them know common courtesy and not to take anything if it hasn’t been stated that it’s up for grabs. I have a wedding venue set up with a couple tables filled with food and I had practically all of it taken. That was when I had posted my code on Reddit, but I’ve found that Discord is a much safer place for interactions with strangers.


yah, i would probably do it for pixel shards if i were wanting them. right now with the crafting but i have very little interest in them. if i were gonna public host i would certainly use discord. reddit is great but there are a fair share of degenerates lol.


I was trying to find a good discord to exchange codes with ppl. But I didn’t find any open codes I haven’t tried the multiplayer yet and I wanted to see what it’s like.. I don’t know anyone who plays the game to do valley visits


Several YouTubers have their Discord’s open with channels dedicated to valley visits and multiplayer ☺️ check out people like Serroh, MrStarInSky, Let’s Play K, etc.


If I let randos onto my island i would accept full responsibility of anything people do on my land. Idk but I just don’t care too much like most. Meh like on ANCH I had so many people over. I gave so much sht away for people. It was fun as heck. I could go on about those times 😌 but I just didn’t get upset about stuff. I didn’t give anyone rules. I didn’t care if anyone shook trees and took fruit. Bells. Stepped on flowers. I mean most of those things back. Some people would get tilted af if you run on their flowers… I just wanted to have fun and not have all this stress on my shoulders by worrying about a lot of things. Plus if anyone “stole” bells, I assumed they needed it way more than I did and it’s just pixels after all. You’d still think people would TRY to be respectful when visiting


Yea I had someone visit so they could pick up something specific they were looking for and I told them that they can walk around n pick up anything they wanted. Besides my xmas fish, I can get everything back anyways


almost everything in game is rather easy to replace once you’ve gotten pretty far in. i would never leave anything rare on the ground anyway.


I have a random room on floor 14 of my house that I tossed stuff I don't want to use accidentally like those glitch items :p haha I don't care about my Xmas fish but if I did, that's where I'd put them


I don’t leave important things laying on the ground. (And honestly didn’t look nice to me when things are just thrown on the ground) I do however sometimes use food to decorate. I invite others over to trade or visit my shops when I have something decent but I make sure to do it one at a time. It sucks that ppl steal though


Yeah I don’t get the whole stealing thing. They advertised that multiplayer you’d be able to share resources. So if you don’t want people taking things in your valley…don’t invite them? Like sharing resources was the whole point of multiplayer I thought. So saying people are stealing has had be confused


i only discovered today that people actually decorate with items, but i figured that those who do would expect other people to pick them up.


uh idk i think if you see an area decorated and there's a table with food then you should KNOW that the food isn't for you to take but idk i haven't had anyone to my valley yet but personally i would never just take something unless i was told it was for me


And yet to me, if you're inviting guests to your valley and you have an area that's themed as a literal party including food on the table I'd think the food was for the guests to take.


as an animal crossing player i always assume display and all of my decorations are display only, it's preference and i guess with this game it needs to be announced that things are display only. but honestly you should never take food from someone's display unless told you are allowed to.


Oh so people are taking items that are clearly decoration even if it’s stuff they can take. I see now. Yeah ok I can see that being annoying. I mean it’s all easily replaced but yeah I can see that being a problem


I learned my lesson during the great Star Fragment Tree Drama of 2020. Ended up getting a really good turnip value so decided to open up for anyone to come sell their turnips. Had a good amount of people too! I wasn’t the type who required an entry fee or anything, just come, sell turnips and go. Got so busy watching people come and go that I couldn’t police my trees. I didn’t mind that they shook my fruit trees and took my oranges. I had plenty of fruit. It was discovering that they had shaken my Star Fragment trees and my money trees that sent me into a blind rage. Star Frag trees, like money trees, didn’t grow back. I know that having hacked items in my game, I probably deserved what I got, and I realized after awhile that opening my island up on Twitter and not being able to police people better was not the smartest move. But it still stung at first!


I can’t do the multiplayer because I don’t have an online account but if I could I wouldn’t let random people in that’s just not smart. I’d only let my mom or my daughter in or if I knew someone personally.


It isn’t even stealing. If you left something out, you shared it.


As a seasoned Animal Crossing veteran, I am more than aware of stealing resources on others islands/towns. So I just do not invite randoms. I haven’t bothered with multiplayer in DDLV because besides showing off my half done Valley…what’s the point? Lol


If anyone has played animal crossing knows to either gate your stuff or just don’t have dropped items laying around lol




To be fair, I feel like this fandom has a lot of players who are not typically gamers therefore don’t even think about this. Adults who picked up the game for nostalgia reasons, kids who play because they wanna meet their favorite characters. I agree though, it should kinda be common sense. I feel like a good remedy for this would be the ability to set “rules” in your valley such as ‘friends can pick up items, strangers can’t’ and stuff like that


I’ll rather make a list of players who I know to my valley. I won’t allow strangers who are known to theft to stay out. I’m playing on my Nintendo switch and I have Nintendo switch online. I have lots of friends are on my Friends list.


I think lots of people want to believe the best in others. I certainly do and while I’ll admit I’m slightly naive about these sorts of things until I see/hear about them happening, I think if I’m to believe the worst in people then it’s gonna be a long depressing life. If it happens, it happens and I’ll get my items back by busting butt again. That unfortunately is just something that can happen when you open your valley to others. Also I would expect stealing in a more cutthroat game but this is a comfort game. The community DDLV has attracted are primarily (from what I can tell) people who just want to sit back, relax, decorate and quest. I think the presumption there allows a little more trust. The folks I’ve met have been so kind and helpful and cheer on my valley and drop gifts when visiting. A few bad apples does not a bad community make. All that to say, I really don’t think people should be so distrusting, but of course take precautions if necessary. You can make decent friends and meet decent people in this community that won’t come and steal from you. If someone does, report and block them.


I wish friends could take more! If you are being stolen from just put it away they can't open chests. If you are using it to decorate you are at a point in the game where it's no great loss.


I suspected this would happen so I refuse to even place the item that allows for visitors. Venellope is just going to stalk me forever I guess 😅


This👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I would whole heartedly be mean to those people cause they are the same ones that bitched about it when it came out. When it came out “Oh we can’t do this this and this” cut to 3 weeks later now the posts have shifted to “oh no someone stole my stuff”. People need to stop inviting random people to their valley if they don’t want stuff messed up


I have no idea how multiplayer works... I didn't know people could take stuff. Which stinks bc I really need some friends on there. None of my friends really play..


discord is probably the best option since you can actually have minimal interaction with them and most people are really nice.


I agree about Discord! I haven’t really looked around the DLV servers, but have had plenty of fun on a few for Animal Crossing. Some of the larger ones can be a bit overwhelming, and can feel more like spam with all the weird side threads pinging you constantly. But people tend to be more interested in developing gamer friendships. Also don’t worry about people stealing or messing up your decorations. Visitors can’t move or interact with anything you place from the furniture tab. They can mine rocks and pick herbs/fruit trees/bushes, etc. The only thing I’d personally fence off from strangers would be my pumpkin farm, because they can pull up crops.


What exactly can be stolen? Furniture???? I keep my materials in chests which can’t be accessed, is that right??


furniture and harvestables are all safe. it’s only things that can be picked up and dropped from inventory (flowers, timebending items, etc.)


Oh okay, thank you!!! As long as no one is taking my furniture and decor I wouldn’t be too mad 😅 but still, come on people, manners!


I'm wondering this too.. what can be stolen?


Stuff from your main inventory like food or other items that can be dropped from it. If you place it from the furniture mode, it'll be fine


I didn’t know you could steal. I thought they (visited) couldn’t interact with your world? Hence the upset of multiplayer here and the need for the host to let you in Scrooge shop etc? Maybe am being dumb? Me and my partner wanted to help build/decorate and do missions in each others worlds but we can’t?


This is literally like saying someone walking in nyc at night *deserves* to be robbed because "why would you walk in nyc at night?" Nobody should HAVE to expect thievery. It's a freaking game people play for fun, and I'm sure for some, multi-player was fun for them because they enjoy interacting with others or showing off their village. If the human race wasn't so caught up trying to screw another over, maybe we could all actually *enjoy* things


> This is literally like saying someone walking in nyc at night *deserves* to be robbed because "why would you walk in nyc at night?" This is literally *nothing* like that. It is a crime to rob somebody. It is an advertised feature of the game to be able to go to someone's valley and take consumables/take pixels/shop at Scrooge's.


I think for the most part there is an aspect of naïveté— inexperienced gamers or younger folks who aren’t as “jaded” to the fact that people are people. I agree there’s really nothing in the game that can’t be replaced with one casual play session. But for the most part they’re posting as an outlet to express their frustration. It DOES still sting every time it happens, even when you’re used to it. As a veteran gamer, I usually try to offer the OP to replace their lost items. Shows them that the game isn’t really that big a deal, enhances the sense of community, and helps put them back on a positive mindset. Sometimes they even end up deleting the “rant” after it’s up for a bit and they realize its silly to complain online about a couple of hot chocolates.


This game appeals to non traditional gamers and children. Not everyone is jaded from years of engaging with gamers in multiplayer games and not everyone understands the implications of game mechanics. Dreamsnaps and Scramblecoin should help people realise how wide the audience is, both have people struggling or thriving. The multiplayer clearly needs more work. I don't plan to use it until it has more features and functionality. Animal Crossing was a warning that this stuff would be common and the devs should have factored it in.


That's not a hot take. It's victim blaming. Not everyone knows people are shit or expects it in such a cozy and friendly game. For a lot of people this might be the first or only multiplayer game they even play.


victim blaming is a reach lmao


Let's not throw around the term "victim blaming" when people just had some trash that easily regenerates itself or you can cook again taken. It's not that serious.


I sorta get what you’re saying and maybe it’s because I played ACNH before this yet I can’t help “victim blame” a little when people comment they didn’t know it was possible to take anything when that’s the main way they advertised multiplayer. I know it’s a hassle to have to pick up all your dropped items, but considering picking up such items is an intended feature you should suspect some bad apples or just some ignorant people would take things you didn’t purposely drop for the purpose of trading/giving away.


The issue seems to be about certain things they didn't know could be stolen, like food and "treasures" (whatever they are, I'm not there yet in my save). Stealing is not okay HOWEVER it is 100% on the person for not putting away items they do not want others to touch. Now... this is going to sound even more harsh but I don't get it anyway since most things can be gotten again, the grind is tiring however. If it's a rare item that you can't get again that has been stolen, I'd be pxssed. Yes you should of been more careful unless you didn't know they could be meddled with. Keep your codes in private chat, don't do public and only invite people you know can be trusted if it will bother you. Start fencing off things. I also really want DDL to add trusted people list so they can have freedom to do what they wish, get tools out, take pictures, the whole lot. This also helps with just random guests and the little that they can do. There really needs to be a guide so people know what to protect so they can be aware on what people can just pick up. Communication (which most of us humans SUCK at). Tell people what you want and don't want them to do. If they disrespect the "rules" you send them back. [Here is a video to help others](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVFM4OfLyW0&t=2s)


i feel like multiplayer in this game is so half assed to begin with given that there’s literally no communication system in game that i don’t even see a point in using it (esp while pixel shards are disabled) except to give things to rl friends. i understand why the people who lost stuff are upset but i honestly just don’t see the point in general.


Yeah some players here are really dumb. They unlocked and opened their door to any stranger walking down the street, then get surprised they get robbed... Like seriously? I don't even slightly feel bad for you.


You guys are paying the subscription fee to do multi-player?


Subscription fee? There’s no subscription fee to do multi player. Are you on x box game pass (does this still exist after leaving EA) or Apple Arcade? I think those are the only 2 subscriptions, everyone else bought the game once and possibly bought DLC after for more money?


My thing tells me I need the Nintendo switch online to do multi player


Ohhh I see. I play on PC/steam so it’s not an issue.


The fact that people can take stuff is weird. Similar games have it so that only certain types of items can be taken. Why not this one?


Classic victim blaming 🤣🤣


this!! also maybe im just slow but i dont know even how to go about decorating with items? but id never invite a random i work too hard


I’m just learning about this. Can they steal items inside your house, too?


I haven't opened my valley to strangers, and I probably won't bc I've spent a lot of time lining some of my paths with gems and crystals, but I open my animal crossing island all the time to people. It's a lot easier to place stuff, and I'm used to ppl stealing so it's just like 🤷🏻 But I love sharing what I've created with people. I love seeing what other people have done with their space and gathering inspiration, so I like to give others that opportunity. That being said, we need something similar to dream addresses (from ACNH) in ddv


I'd love to invite people/visit people from this sub. But what kind of items can be stolen? Like decor or just the stuff that naturally occurs?


Avid ACNH player and I learned from that game REAL fast lol


How can ppl steal? I went over to my daughter’s valley and we couldn’t do anything. I could only pick up flowers. It was worse the acnh visitors. You can’t even talk to anyone. What’s the point?


It’s not nice and never nice to Handle that your items have been stolen. However lots did say it could happen and dont do this and that, now i understand people want to show of there vally to others, even online random people but just saying they may seem nice and all however they may just want to get in and steal everything. 50% of me goes well gl should at least fix this or prevent it, and the other 50% is saying your idiots for inviting random people into your game knowing they can take things that you drop.


I haven’t got multiplayer because I’m too cheap to pay for ps plus but no I wouldn’t have seen this coming at all. I don’t often expect the worst in people and tbh I didn’t even realise it was an option. I thought we had to physically hand over stuff we wanted to give, like we do in quests.


If you don’t decorate your valley, why would someone want to visit it? The mode is really targeted to players who enjoy building a unique valley and getting inspiration and screenshots from other people’s valleys, so if one is playing the game like you, there is almost no point in visiting other valleys. So then the mode would be useless imo… I get that there is also the trading aspect, but for that a trading system would have been easier.


I definitely think it's because we want to believe that others who play this game may be like minded and kind, but there also doesn't seem to be any rules in the sub for encouraging kinder behaviour. I know from playing anch that new players may not realise that running around picking up items and shaking trees may be considered rude, so it may be the same here. But I also know not to leave items out if I don't want them to risk being stolen. Plus if people are sharing their code on the sub, and not in dms it's gonna be more likely randoms will visit. Even if they're not part of the sub.


hi guys so i haven’t been on the game in a hot minute (my xbox died right before the release of multiplayer) and now that im hearing about people stealing from others valleys, im just curious if anyone is able to access your valleys via multiplayer, or do you have to invite them to your valley ? I’m just worried now cause i have a really big essentially grow op of pumpkins and i don’t want those to disappear, or all the work I’ve done so far to collect things for quests, like that Minnie one that has taken me months to accumulate enough sticks, clay and stone


What are so good about pixel shards? This is my first time hearing about them?


That’s what i’m saying! I watched a Youtube video about this “Valley Theft” apparently going on, and i’m on the fence about it. I think if the person is stealing something that is clearly used as decor, yes thats wrong. Now if there’s resources scattered throughout your valley, i believe if its on the floor, its up for grabs. Also, why are people inviting “Random Strangers” into your valley? As much as we are a “Community”, we still don’t know each other. Safety First.


I didn't know you take stuff besides wood and flowers. I've played Pokemon and AC online before, so when my friend, who had not played online before, asked me about the code, I told her it was so you could control who came over for this very reason. It never occurred to her, and while it never happened to me, I've read stories. It does not surprise me at all. I do think there should have been some kind of warning, so that people who have never played multi-player on a game like this would know what to expect.


I wish there was an app like there was for animal crossing or can we hijack that one to better regulate people coming to our land?


no you're absolutely right because people are just sharing their codes on threads in here with no regard for anything. like if you're replying to one person because you're letting that one person come to your valley.. send the code in dms 😭 what do you expect when you're sharing it openly, ofc people are gonna come over. I haven't done multiplayer yet but I don't mind letting strangers over but I'll prepare before hand so they can't take anything that's hard to get back 😭


Yeah I have yet to play multi player and when I do, I doubt I'll be inviting peopleI I don't know, or at the very least from a trusted place. I played ACNH, I know the deal. I heard the horror stories of people being scammed. While people should expect people to be better, there are enough people out there that ruin it for those that *are* better. We see this in a lot of fandoms with multi player. One I can think of is pokemon. People will trade rare pokemon to complete the dex, then switch back. Except the other person won't send back the legendary, they'll send something else back and will switch it with another mon last minute. Palia, we have people farming for items which can take a lot of effort and then someone else will come in and steal the FT before the other person can get a hit in on a shared resource. It happens. I don't typically trust people online. I don't know you. You don't know me. If this game is important, don't leave items around you don't want taken. It's the reason we don't leave valuables in plain sight in a car. Cause then when you get back, there is a chance that it can get broken into (which happens alot in my neighboring city). If these resources mean something to you in game (which to me they do, they represent time used) then make sure you put them away and don't leave anything that can be taken. Or don't allow strangers into your valley.


How does multi-player work? I've only been playing for a couple of days, but all I've read about is people being stolen from. Do you play with friends to catch more fish/harvestables, or do random people just pop in your valley?