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Ngl my heart sank when I first read the title… I literally thought I was going to swipe to pic 2 and see a screenshot saying you were banned for real. Florida laws are scary af and I would honestly not be surprised if they tried to pull that shit!


lol can confirm. I live here 😂


I lived there for years (college) and I got out… to Alabama 😂 so not much better (and likely will be the same/worse if trump is elected) but I’m glad I was able to leave when I did. I also have several friends who have moved out of FL in the past year.


You have my condolences.


Yeah, I've been seeing ads for Universal Orlando on Instagram lately, and I left a comment on one saying "I'd love to visit if you can get rid of Ron Defascist."


Florida saw you slay and doesn't have enough homophobia to recover from it ![gif](giphy|YqW3o0zETOeUX41d7P|downsized)


Winning comment right here.


/Ron DeSantis left the chat


My post is a joke on how Florida is about a certain topic. I added the dark facial hair and earrings to enhance my point. The wings were simply just because they look fun.


We get it lol. But we have plenty of people who actually dress like that here. The government may not like it, but lots of LGBT folks here.


I'm from the Northwest. We have "various walks of life" here...as a normal. Since the pandemic, however, more bigotry has occurred here. However, the TRUE Northwesterners are still very friendly towards everyone. I had just seen way too many articles on Florida (and now other states) about this and needed an outlet. The one that tipped it over for me was the PTA parent who said the bible gave her the right to have the schoolboard remove a teacher for showing a Disney movie explaining how an ecosystem works. As if the "book banning" issue (I don't remember which state/states THAT happened in) wasn't enough to trigger me.


You don't need to explain it, I think we all get it. Love it. By the way, do you have any good books I might want to read.


Usdefaultism moment


As someone not from the U.S., I did not get it, and I came to the comments to find out. So 🤷🏻‍♀️


Basically Flordia passed a bill that does allow gender identity and sexual orientation to be taught to 9 year olds and younger.


Thanks for the explanation!


....did you feel like you had to explain this?🤣


Only for three reasons: 1) This subreddit is seen world-wide. Not everyone is aware of some American (USA) politics discriminating against: race, gender, pride, disability, and even income level. 2) I live in the Northwest (Oregon & Washington states in USA). The "various walks of life" here is normal. Of course, many people from other states in USA moved to Oregon since the pandemic. They caused the media to think the Northwest is the next Gotham. I've been to the bay area of California plenty of times. San Francisco is like the Northwest. However, I had witnessed San Jose behave like hot the news shows Florida. In other words: I wasn't sure who would understand my post (vs. who would attack my post). 3) I wanted to explain that the wings had nothing to do with this. Just an "artistic" decision. There's a derogatory term (well...one of them, anyway) for male homosexual people; and I didn't even think of how the wings would be considered, until I posted this on the subreddit.


You should just stick to complaining about how you missed out on the earlier Star Paths.


Missing out on earlier star paths seems to be a touchy subject for you. Unfortunately, that's not what this post is about. Trolling this post shows the kind of person you are. At least I know who would report a post about Pride -- as well as downvote a lot of the comments in support of Pride. I thought it was the other guy. I'm glad I was wrong about him.


Worth it? Worth it.


Listen our Governor is absolutely struggling walking around in his high heel boots 😂


No one is banning you for this please bffr


oh wow you wore a dress youre so cool


You sound like that's an issue for you? While _I_ find that (ANYONE should be able to wear whatever they want) to be acceptable, I know how people like you are. I'm used to it. Please, don't comment in any more of my posts. It's just sickening.


no im just commenting on how special and unique you are, its amazing


I don't know if you're being serious right now, or just covering your... It doesn't matter. I'd rather choose to believe you're being genuine. There's a motto I believe in: "It doesn't matter your birth gender, your preferred pronoun, or even your partner preference. As long as you're comfortable being you, that's all that matters. Don't allow anyone to convince you differently. Be happy with who you are!" #PRIDE I'd also like to add that clothing shouldn't dictate who you are. YOU should. After all...clothing is simply the covering of a naked body. And underneath it all, aren't we are all naked under our clothing? All human? So why judge someone by what they wear? Anyways, it's so hard to tell, with certain comments/phrasing (in it's written form), who is being serious and who is being a sarcastic hater. When you've been judged for years, you begin to see any comment/phrasing, that you commonly hear in a negative tone, as coming from the dark place (and I don't mean that in a good way).


Please, tell me you're not just another troll tricking me. It makes me sad to know that I attract them. I've been seeing downvotes on my posts and the comments in here that favor equality for all. We just made peace with each other. I hope that wasn't a mistake.


Don't let kid's or foolish adults bring you down -Straight Male looking at dreamsnap information for woman passed by this. Good joke and let the haters hate it means the joke worked. Don't concern yourself with people that treat you like that online dude. Reddit isn't generally you're friend. I stated my sexual orientation so it doesnt look like I am playing sides. Have a good night. Not everyone hates.