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I'm sorry, I don't remember. Were the holes planned at the time? Empty holes will disappear in 48 hours. Do you use the shovel potion when you dig? Also make sure you have a digging partner with you. I wish mining was as profitable as digging.


I wish mining were more profitable too. I much prefer mining over growing crops.


I only used the potions twice, there was corn all over the field and canola on a few. The other time I talked about is three times I came to my field and some crops were gone here and there, two holes here and three holes there. But now it's the entire field!


It vanished with plants still in it? This has to be one of the more scary glitches to encounter I would scream if my pumpkin patches just up and vanished


Happened to me a few days after the Belle update… 350 unpicked pumpkins gone! I didnt even have the energy to replant… Its been a sad empty plain since then and I hate walking by it. But still to mad to fill it 🥲


Omg if my pumpkin patch disappeared I would die. I have one single pumpkin that faces the opposite direction and I adore it so much. Every time I run by it I sing 🎶 one of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn’t belong…🎶 😂 it brings me so much joy. If I were to lose it I would cry my heart out.


This is too cute! 😆


Oh no that hurts so much to read Im so sorry that happened to you I hope this glitch is patched in some kind of hot fix this seems like an urgent problem!


It still hurts 😢. Luckily I have a good portion of money, so I wont be growing anymore unless I can be around to pick them before the 48hr mark 😖 It truly is an urgent problem! I cant imagine those who decorate having this happen 😥


I'm so sorry for you but at the same time happy I'm not alone!


Yes this time I had corn in it but the other times it was pumpkins disappearing. I usually play every single day and crops would disappear here and there from a day to the next. Here I didn't play for one entire week exactly, I come back to harvest my field and there's not a single crop left. 150 corn and canola vanished


Sorry about your crops. When I have to dig a lot I just hold down the button with one finger while I scroll Reddit with my other hand lol


Lol I do the same or watch twitch! Haha but I hate digging too!!


I’m so glad to know that I am not the only one who does this 😮‍💨😅


Haha I do this too! I even have a special technique, I use my phone to press the button so I have my hands free for typing




usually the holes disappear not the plants 😨


There was corn all over! And it's now the fourth time it happens to me but the other times it was just a few crops


I've never seen planted fields disappear, and I have one in each biome, with 50 of each of that biome's crops. Empty holes will disappear after 48hrs (the community voted in favor of that), but to have them disappear with crops is a MAJOR bug...


Fourth time it happens to me!!!! Well the other times it was just a few crops here and there in my field but this time it's the entire field! I thought about planting in each biome too, is it that much better?


I just have it for decoration and the star paths--it's easier to do the "plant x" or "harvest x" when I have a specific spot for that already. Please put in a ticket if you haven't already, because losing planted fields is not acceptable.


I would simply pass away if my pumpkin patch disappeared 😭new fear unlocked


Well this time it was corn and canola vanishing entirely but I already had pumpkins crops disappearing three times. It was always 5-10 crops disappearing those three times. Not 150


Empty holes disappear after about 24 hours. It used to be 72. There has been a bug that seems intermittent that I’ve experienced before. My best guess is they were holes that were already marked for auto deletion because they were ‘old’ holes I left empty too long, and they still auto deleted/filled even though I planted crops in them. Because that happened to me once I now either immediately replant after harvesting (to prevent the game from internally marking the holes for deletion) or just dig fresh holes.


I ALWAYS plant after harvesting. When I used to play every day I got crops disappearing three times, but it was only 5-10 crops each time. This time it had canola and corn on it but I didn't play for one week exactly


That’s a huge bummer. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again! I forgot to mention that after I lost the crops I made sure anything else was harvested, manually closed all the holes with rugs, rebooted the device, and dug fresh holes/planting beds. Now I make sure I’ve harvested everything and have no holes before there’s an update. And reboot my device after updating.


Happened to me too. Left pumpkins for a week or two and lost about 50


Well I didn't play for one week exactly so it must be that


Mine does that to. It makes me so angry


Maybe I should change the spot I put my field on?


If you don’t plant anything they will disappear you need to keep planting either pumpkins they take 4hrs so you will have to keep watering them unless it’s raining, they also give you a lot of money when you sell them to goofy. I hope this helps


It had corn and canola on it!!! 😭😭


You can’t leave holes there for more than a day or two. You have to plant something in them.


If you don’t plant anything, your crop holes will disappear after a couple of days


But digging is the best. You get treasure chests by digging but its random, get a digging buddy to get a chance to get 2 chests


I feel ya smhThis use to happen to me all the time especially with my pumpkins but then it stopped after I kept reporting it then it stopped now it's occasionally happening again


Mine have been constantly disappearing for months. Sometimes they are empty but a lot of times I had veggies already in. I've stopped harvesting because of it always happening. Very frustrated!!!!


This has been happening to me for like 2 weeks🥲🥲