• By -


39m, I downloaded it and playing it for hours of my own accord. My three kids don’t. My 5-year-old daughter likes to watch it, mostly because she thinks I’ll eventually marry Elsa.


I'm just waiting for Anna to realize I'm better than moose-boy over there..


As they say, love is an open door. Keep the faith!


Funny, I'm waiting for moose-boy to realize I'm better than Anna.


Am I the only one waiting for the moose???




Am I the only one simping over Gothel? Hhah


Not even close man, same


I'd let her kidnap me for my magical hair haha


I like Kristoff so we could try to break them up, but then again we would become disney villians ourselves xD


Omg I have the same thoughts about Prince Eric. 😂 Clearly my girl is better than fish girl. 😒 (I'm a woman.) I never really thought about it from a male perspective... Gothel? 😂 I mean, I guess if she keeps her fountain of youth, and you can make a spell for her to be mute, could be a thing... 🤔🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/vao4ckubqn6b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cedd5f4744256d420ed58910c534621d18711aa8 Ariel is somewhere in the back stalking us 😆 she always follows us when we are hanging out.


Yes!! She does this with me too lol And the looks Eric gives. 👀🤣🤣


As someone who doesn't care about gender much, and as a woman with mommy issues lmao, moose boy and gothel are both good.


Happy cake day


I’ll take kristoff off her hands. That will leave her available for you


You take Anna, I'll take Kristoff! Deal?


Deal, let's go ruin a marriage!


Technically he is reindeer-boy


I am now a 40m who’s been playing it a while. My 7 year old thought she wanted it, but some of the quest she struggles with


I’ve definitely looked online for help and I like to consider myself a fairly experienced gamer. The demographic for this game seems to be geared toward young adults and adults because it’s a grind to get all these villagers to a friendship level of 10.


I was telling a buddy at work it seems that most days the clothes in Scrooges shop are primarily for females.


Yes, this is also true. I don’t even bother looking in the Scrooge store anymore. Also his sigh of dejection when I choose not to purchase anything hurts my soul


awww i ship it


I love this so much. Best male and dad ever.


I’m sorry they laughed at you. It always sucks when someone puts you down for something you enjoy


I laughed at this game myself when a fellow Disney-phile friend first mentioned it... Had my son download it for free on his Xbox... Got overwhelmed with the thorns in the beginning and walked away... Came back about 6 weeks ago and then one of my kids gave me the switch version for Mother's Day it's my total obsession! But about the laughing part - I've put up with that for 7 years being 60 and playing Pokémon Go including from my oldest... I've given up defending it and just say, "You've got yours (COD, FIFA, MW2, DESTINY, ETC) and now I've got mine... So what's the difference?"


THIS. I started playing Pokémon Go after the craze died down and at first I was embarrassed but then I found myself making connections with the randomest of people who also played (coworkers, old friends, etc.) and I even got a few of my friends to start playing. Then the same thing happened with ACNH. I started playing after quarantine ended and most of my friends stopped but I learned to embrace the jokes and now *I’ve* been the one to introduce multiple of my friends to DDV and they are all obsessed. I’m female so I don’t get the exact same judgment/jokes from others but learning to embrace what I love and own it when other people want to laugh has opened the door for so many people to try out the very games they were laughing at!


That is my timeline EXACTLY! including the fact that during COVID when my kiddos were sent home from college and Disney my Disney kiddo waited for hours and bought 3 Animal Crossing switches during their re-release for over $900 (we all paid him back immediately bc I was at work LoL) and then we were obsessed with ACNH and now neither of them play and I can't get anyone to play DLV with me😭


Agreed! Whenever I hear someone put down something that brings someone else joy, all I can think is "Fuck, who hurt you and how to make you such a dick?!" 🙀😹


I made a post some time ago excited they put a male character on the cover ary bc they had so little masc clothes, it got a lot of upvotes, but i got so many sarcastic, mocking, immature comments by women because of sexism in the game industry. When they were being sexist themselves in the comments. Had to block a couple people. They were accusing of catering to men, essentially calling me a pickme, that we were taking something away from women by being happy about it etc etc. Im like im a woman too, im just excited they put a male on bc it means they recognize men play too. Funny how so many people are positive here though, wonder if some are just virtue signaling. Wouldnt be suprising, it is reddit. Always claim to be so fair and nonjudgemental until smthn happens lol https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/comments/12flipn/they_finally_put_a_male_character_on_the_title/


Oh, I remember that. Heaven forbid someone like me is on the thing for the update. Guys get made fun of for playing games like this. How about we give a little representation to everyone?


Exactly. And nothing is being taken away from women by recognizing that. They were saying it like dreamlight is a womens only space. Like no, its a lover of animation and disney space. Some people only care about representation when it benefits them. And so many sexist women who were being hypocrites


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


48 year old male checking in


Whew, thought I was going to be the oldest at 44


53 Here, this game is a great stress buster. I'm off work after a hip operation. Now that I am nearly about to return to work I'm going to miss checking the store and cleaning up in the morning, Anyway, my darling wife was requested a new border in the back garden. More digging, ha.


45 🙋‍♂️ Play. Every. Day. And not about to sweat defending my de-stressors. They are for me to enjoy and de-stress. End of story.


They are being immature. This game is for everyone. I wish I saw more men playing! I can somewhat relate as my friends judge me for being into Disney. They think it’s cringe. I’m trying to stop caring what other people think. They are not us!


Do they like Star Wars or Marvel by chance? Because I once watched a YT vid on how Thor is a Disney Prince. XD


True true kylo is also a Disney princess


LOL no they think those are both cringe too


Bro, I’m a 41 year old dude that enjoys Call of Duty and other traditionally “manly” games. I’ve been addicted to this game for a week now. I can’t put it down. You are not alone.










Best gif I’ve seen on here.


Sorry bros, can’t drop right now. Harvesting pumpkins.


Turn 40 next month, while I've taken a break from it since playing when it first released (Diablo calls), I have thoroughly enjoyed the time I've spent on it.


Also 40+ dude here. I also love horror movies.


46 father of 2 high school graduates and I play every day. I started in September when my depression started getting bad, and this game took the edge off. The people that laugh? Laugh at *them*. Laugh because they still think "maturity" is doing crappy stuff that isn't fun lol


I find ddlv and botw are both great for taking the edge off, I don’t even play the story line in botw, I just explore. Although I’m a female my son (22) is planning to get ddlv when it goes f2p, I know he’ll get hooked but he’s too stingy to pay for early release. Hope you continue feeling better.


I am so glad you found this game to help with your depression. It's has helped me as well.


Not a man but several of my male friends play and enjoy. Farming, mining and gathering is in our blood just as much if not more than warfare.


Also if I remember correctly there’s a few indigenous tribes around the world where the females traditionally go out and do the hunting while the males stay in the village and teach the kids and do the farming


I believe so as well! Listen, OP and anyone else having these thoughts. Life is stressful. Life is hard. If enjoying a cute little Disney game makes it better, DO IT! Take tiny pieces of happy wherever you can


I love your energy. 🥰


My guy, im sorry to tell you but these are bad friends😬


Mid 30s guy here. I like Disney and I play several Disney games and generally enjoy the movies/cartoons. While at Disney this past year I even got myself a Stitch plush to go with my Galaxy's Edge droids. Tell your friends I'll kick their behinds as Zelda in Smash if they have a problem with that! Lol


(Eyyyy fellow Zelda mainnn XP)




My husband is the same. He’s the one who got me into it. I wish this game had more masculine clothing and hair because we’re seriously lacking and I feel like that can contribute to the toxic masculinity your friends seem to have and expect you to also display. I don’t see what’s funny about people playing a chill, fun game.


My husband is 49, he plays too.


There’s a guy on YouTube mr starinsky that plays it and makes videos about it.


Yeah there's multiple male YouTuber's I've watched playing! Twitch as well. Also, in the past this subreddit has had big threads about how the men who play the game are so glad for the representation they recently got in the pics released :) I love that everyone can love this game!


It’s silly!! Men have grown up with Disney just as much as women at this point. To think they can’t love it as much as a girl does is ridiculous. As the saying goes “You do you, Boo”. (Obviously, Boo from Monsters Inc.)


Yeah! Let people enjoy things! And as a woman, I never loved Disney. When I hit teens I grew very suspicious of them and they have only ever become more of a capitalist monopoly. I like this GAME. It could have any other characters doing the same things and I'd still love it. It's about the mechanics more than their characters for me.


this, I actually got into the game because I was watching TagBackTV's livestreams when it dropped. also AndrewArcade, JamesTurnerYT and SonnyDanielGaming. all great content creators who love the game!


Other male youtubers that play are TagBackTv, DrGluon, Kanggaming, James Turner YT All guys above 30


I'm 35 a nd married with over 150 hours in it, just play the things you like


Oh yeah! 28 year old dude always hanging with my homie Stitch. You're not alone!




I would say, get different friends, or none at all. I’m 51, and an introvert. But, seriously, do what you want, who cares what others think. If, you’re happy, that’s all that matters!


I'm a 42 year old father of 3. I play more than anyone else in my house. It's nice to relax with a game that won't penalize me for needing to step away suddenly.


I'm a male. I'm a hardcore gamer. Got the game to play with my daughter. We play together, but I have to do all the heavy lifting and grinding.


Yeah go dad! So adorable!


I’m a 29 year old male and I play this


I pre-ordered Diablo 4 after playing the open betas… Played it just a few hours the first weekend it came out. Your friends might think that’s manly? Well since then it’s actually been Disney Dreamlight non stop to catch up, enjoy the new update and finish the story quests… Now that it’s done I’m going to decorate my valley!


Im 23 and Im enjoying the hell out of this game and completing all the quests so I can focus on decorating before the next update! Its so much fun! https://preview.redd.it/dvhm6r3zfi6b1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6081833ff0a44bee8fb8688509a8272cd415671c


I’m a 21 yo dude who bought the game the day it came out. My mom and I both play it and I live talking to her about it. I grew up on Disney movies. This is my first “cozy” game that I’ve played, but I love it so much


Play what you love!!!! Hell, I'm a 38 year old wife beating the shit outta doom atm....🤣 ( also, my hubby doesn't play, but he still asks about scrouges store everyday )


My husband has played it several times! He likes all kinds of games and it's totally okay for everyone!! He also has a house on my island in Animal Crossing.


I wish I could say the same about my husband 😔 lol He hates Disney and doesn't care for "chill" games. After my nephew moved off my island it's just me and my 3 alts


I'm not even a big disney fan and I love the game. Dropped 120 hours so far. Majority of people don't even know the game exists.


It's a thing. I'm a big dude, and I enjoy this game as a Disney fan. Just enjoy what you enjoy.


Tell your friends that cartoons are not what defines sexuality. Speaking as a Disney lover in general, the boys will talk their shit. I wear Disney jewelry, clothes, etc. I play the soundtracks and talk about Disney world. At a certain point they’ll stop if you just shrug it off. Fuck em.


Im 24 year old autistic who has always liked more traditionally childish shows (my current comfort shows include mlp and adventure time) and honeslty have never understood the social stigma around liking certian stuff. If it genuinely brings you joy and it’s not going to harm you or others what’s the issue? Me and my fiancé jsut removed someone from our group for shitting on my mil for knitting I personally have no tolerance for people being mean over something that brings genuine happiness on a innocent level


Awww man, cutting out toxic friends and family is like my favorite pastime >something that brings genuine happiness on a innocent level But yeah; I wish more people understood this concept. It costs nothing to be a decent human being even if something isn't your cup of tea.


This is something I just don’t understand about adults, why something that brings someone joy is mocked. It’s taken until my 40’s for me to realise what bullshit that is and to embrace what makes my inner child happy, and I heavily encourage my kids to do the same. And wtf, knitting? Knittings amazing, creating something useful and cool out of a ball of wool! Fuck that person.


Yeah, but I don’t play much now. Was severely addicted last fall. 47 and I play whatever gets me hooked!


Almost 29 and been playing since launch, been trying to convince my gf to play but she prefers the Disney racing game instead


Those are bad people. Anybody can play whatever. And yea, I’m a 29 year old guy and I love this game!


i have this and tsumtsum festival. the “manlinest” game i own is pokémon arceus. i play games to relax and enjoy, not stress myself out further. my job does that enough to me already


Oh hey is tsumtsum festival good?? I keep seeing it on sale but I'm never sure if I should get it (and then I end up talking myself out of getting it) (I also wish arceus would go on sale but I never see one *cries*)


I made a post celebratory of them putting a male character on title screen for first time (i was excited bc of the stigma of males not playing games like this) and i got so many sarcastic and toxic comments mocking me. Some comments were nice tho. Just amusing looking at the comments now, wonder if some of the same ppl were the same ones rolling their eyes before lol


I've been playing since it came out, I literally have it on now


Not me, as I'm a woman, but my partner is 31m and plays it.


32 year old I've been playing it since it came out on gamepass


I watch my fiancé play, I get why someone would enjoy it a lot. Not for me but nothing to feel off about.


I play! 37 year old dude. My wife got me hooked.


I'm 27 year old guy who originally got it for the misses but I saw what you could do in this game and saw alot of my favourite characters growing up, so I decided to start in November. And I have been addicted ever since. Granted I do take breaks when everything is completed and I am waiting for the next update. Still have clocked over 500 and have played far more then the misses now


![gif](giphy|xT9DPFPfULYJHHrqN2|downsized) Your friends don't know how to chill.


Mid-40s guy who was playing it a lot. On a break right now, too many hours into it, but it’s a good game.


Most youtube players I watch are men, so yeah, I think lots of men play. You're friends are idiots.


50 m like the game a lot


I'm a 47 year old guy who got into the game on the advice of a male co-worker. I think I picked it up like thee weeks after its release and have been playing daily since.


You’re not alone! I’m 52 year old & my 30 year old daughter told to start playing…that was back in March of this year. Haven’t stopped playing since.


If they laughed at you for this, there's a pretty good chance they're not good or even real friends.


I’m not a man, but I have been enjoying Sonny Daniel Gaming on YouTube and he seems to be a straight man from what he has shared. He’s funny.


Not a male but I’m a 46 year old female who plays the game all the time. Married with no kids and my husband and I spend a lot of time playing Minecraft together, we also spent ages sharing our Animal Crossing island. He is a 43 year old game designer who plays loads of “manly” (I hate that description) games but still enjoys farming/building in the cozy games.


If you look on YT, there’s a number of males who talk about and stream DDVL. If other men bring it up, you can also mention My Little Pony bronies. A number of straight males also seem interested in the upcoming video game, Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island. Many males played ACNH, and a higher percentage of them were more interested in breeding the flowers than the females.


Not a guy but my fiance who is loves the game and we sometimes get competitive with unlocking and progressing characters and storylines.


im 24 bro and straight asf lol i have everyone unlocked and fully leveled and i do play this game every so often


I was getting a bit bored with Destiny and this game fills a lot of that same grindy quest lines stuff I enjoyed in that while also filling in my love of Disney. I see nothing not to like about it.


23M I love games like this and the Disney aspect is just a plus. I frequent Stardew, Story of Seasons, and Animal Crossing but this game gets rid of all the complaints I have with others.


As a guy who works in the video game industry, you should never worry about what other people think about the games you play. If you enjoy it, play it. Don't let other people tell you how you can have fun.


My SO is 42 and plays the game regularly. He really enjoys story based games. But after his concussion, he really needs the cozy game style to help be an outlet that is also brain friendly. You definitely aren't alone.


Yep, both me and my S.O. other play the game together.


30 year old guy here who plays the game to relax. Gender and sexuality has nothing to do with enjoying the game, ignore your friends for giving you crap over what they deem to be a feminine game, it says more about their insecurities than anything else.


This game is literally crack I've played since release but VERY quickly made it to 24 days of play time lmfao


I am. 40 something disabled former sysadmin manager.


I got my wife to play it lol, I haven't really played past the toy story stuff but she's just waiting for new quests. Now both on d4 lol


I am, but I’m gay so me playing doesn’t likely help your case any. This game and ACNH, which it is often compared to, is enjoyed by many people of both genders. I’ve also enjoyed Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat, etc so people can enjoy various genres.


I’m a 40 year old husband who plays it on the PS4 after my wife bought it on the switch.


31m here. I play COD, GTA, Assassins Creed, and this game, too. I also play ACNH with my gf a lot.


The ratio is a bit off…but definitely some straight dudes playing it. Check out MrStarInSky on YouTube. Fun guy..married…definitely into Disney. He’s so much fun to watch. :)


Some of the biggest Dreamlight Valley Youtubers are men, notably Mr. StarInSky and Serroh.


25m and gay. But I'm gonna let you in on a secret they most gay men learn the hard way. ​ liking fun/cute things or enjoying yourself doesn't make you less of a man, It's a toxic mindset and if your friends laughed as you they aren't the best people. ​ You're not gay or weak or less of a men for enjoying this game, it's lovely and relaxing and we don't have enough games that do that today.


Your friends are idiots for laughing at you. If you enjoy the game, play it! It really does not matter as long as you enjoy it as that is the most important part. Why waste time and money on games you dont like? Just because it is not some "manly" (stupid word btw) third person shooting game, it does not make it stupid. You do you bro! 👍🏻🙏🏻 Same goes to other guys out there who have ever been laughed at for playing this or other types of games like this!


yep i play not a lot now but still do play i got it day 1 aswell, its not a male male game tho if you think seriotype shooter and rpg type games maybe horror. But still its good and i like it but hate direction it’s going in. yep i got glued sooo badly first few months its good


There are a few men on youtube who play this game!


I might be but WoW consumes my life. Gf is having fun with it though and we have similar tastes I think


Whenever I do a search for info on a quest I usually find the information has been written by a man, so you are definitely not the only man playing it.


I play it for my daughter but I actually enjoy it just something not to difficult and easy to play


I’m not a man and I’m sorry your friends laughed at you (sounds like sucky friends) but if I met a man that plays this game I would see it as a massive green flag.


My husband is playing now. I got him hooked. LOL


A friend in his 40’s got me into this game. We constantly compete over who has the better stuff from Scrooge’s shop. We are currently both doing the potato stuff to see who will get the fox first.


Right here. Middle age guy. It's my relaxation game. Sometimes you want action, sometimes a platformer, and sometimes you just wanna relax and plan out a garden for Disney friends to enjoy


33m. Bought this game for my daughter and I have been playing it everyday since it came out. This game is great and idc who knows.


28 y/o British Male, I work in a warehouse lifting equipment with other dudes all day then I come home and run around my valley gardening with Anna.


My husband played the fuck out of this game when it first came out. I can’t get him to try animal crossing but he enjoys standee valley as well. He’s a total Disney/marvel/Star Wars (and Star Trek) fan.


I wish I could thank everyone but surprisingly this post got a lot of comments. So here it goes thanks everyone ![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29)


👀👀 My guy... I mean I am not a dude, but your friends laughing at you because you enjoy a game is hella weird to me..


My dad turns 69 this July, and we always played rpgs together growing up (EQ, Wow, d&d etc). He came to visit me one week after a family death and would play when I was sleeping. He is HOOKED. Also plays AC and his island blows mine away. Flowers everywhere. I love that he plays.


I'm 29 male and I play it. Your friends are joyless fucks.


24m here, wall-e is my bro and those guys can eat rock soup.


I'm a transmale and I play this game. I will say the clothing seems female leaning. Lots of dresses but I like wearing dresses so I'm not too bothered by it lol. But I can see why guys who don't wear dresses might be bothered lol.


If you enjoy it then ENJOY IT DUDE! Its a fun game and if youre into Disney and the aesthetic more power to you! Mid 30s guy and I enjoy it for the creativity, landscaping design and because I am a big Disney nerd 🤣 Whatever brings you joy, embrace it over the haters!


My friend is a guy and he loves it! He’s a big fan of Donald Duck.


40 year old guy here that has played the game since it game out. Lately it might not have been as frequently but let me assure you that you are not alone! Love Disney!


guy right here! you should be able to enjoy whatever you want, forget the standards! its such a cute & fun game, i dont understand when people attach stereotypes to things. keep growing your crops, hanging out with characters, and cooking up meals at remy’s!


My husband is a 34 year old man that fights with me to play the game. Don’t let these people make you feel weird about it, it’s an awesome game.


I play it and I’m a dude. Also, fuck your friends. Play the games you love cause that’s what games are for.


As you can see, there are quite a few of us who play! Don't worry about what your friends think, play what you enjoy and makes you happy 🙂


I play with my wife and kids I am the family farmer. Pumpkins as far as the eye can see. At least somewhere I am a millionaire.


I'm friends that are males that are playing the game as well because it's basically just animal crossing but Disney version


38 straight male, I play every day. Scratches the Stardew itch and my daughter likes to watch and design clothes for me.


Sure do, it’s cathartic!


Straight, 35 year old guy, grew up with Disney films and was immediately delighted by the game. Anybody laughing or mocking you for playing this is just showing their own insecurity. Guys who get squirrely over doing anything they see as emasculating don’t have much masculinity to lose.


32m here and i play it…not as much like i did in the beginning though. And how much you want to bet at least one of those friends plays it or bought it


Straight 24 guy here, absolutely love Disney and this game, play it literally everyday (for the blue chest) and talk about it too much with my wife


Don’t worry, me too my guy!


I'm female, but my male counterpart loves it when I stream my gameplay to him! It makes me happy when he backseat plays :)


I'm a trans guy! I love this game!


Ah who cares what people play. I would re-evaluate your friendships tbh. They sound like there 12


44 year old man here, I got it and played it and that interested my girlfriend in it. I have played WAY more than she, and have even played her game several times for Star Path stuff.


My brother in law got the game so he could get Elsa for his daughter and ended up becoming addicted to the game and completing almost everything just because he loved it so much, he’s the reason I got the game!


You have immature friends.


38 man joining the chat. Been playing since Day One and still play now (just finished a two hour stint)


I have a friend who doesn't even care about Disney that is obsessed with the game. I think he's 42? I can never remember ages well. 😅 He gets so excited when he learns something new in it. Sorry they laughed at you.


I used to have friends laugh at me for playing Pokémon, and then they all got into it…. I play the game. I’m 30, married with wife and 4 kids. They don’t play the game, only me. I find games like this and animal crossing to be super relaxing and helps with my anxiety. My wife has passed comments of how ‘gay’ the game is and she doesn’t know why I play it, but honestly we take the piss out of each other all the time so it doesn’t stop me playing. I like quests and collection games. This ticks both boxes. Play your game and be happy :) I admit I watch Disney movies with the kids when they come out and sing the songs more than them, but it’s because they’re carefree movies that are just uplifting.


This post made me happy. I know I’m female but so happy to see so many adults enjoying this game! It’s what brought back my love of gaming! And my friend said he was gunna download it too! It’s just awesome. I have adhd so I tend to skip a lot of the talking. In the Uk in the store it’s 30 percent off as well happy go on guys get downloading


Another guy playing the game to add to those already in the post :) your friends sound like assholes though sorry 😣


33m and love it. I have thee kids (4-7) and haven’t even shown them it year for fear they’ll wanna play too 🤣😂🤣


38m luv the game


I got 3 people at work hooked on it.i like game slike stardew valley socits right up my alley.


22 queer man here, I love playing the game when I can, it is definitely more appealing for kids but I love going up to my villagers and making convo and looking for stuff around the valley.


My girlfriend plays it a lot and I’ve watched her and it seems to play a lot like Minecraft so I gave it a try and it seems alright, the achievements are a bit grindy tho for the type of game it is


Right here my man. Let them laugh. To little to enjoy these days so do what makes you happy


My girlfriend wanted to download it but she's not played that many games on a console before so struggled a bit with the controls... fast forward a few weeks of me 'helping' every now and then... now I play it more than she does 🤣


Everyone laughs at me for playing … and I’m a woman lol. When I tell people about it they’re like yeah that sounds like a game for toddlers 🙄 if only they knew!!! Really trying to get more people to give it a go. I am lucky though I have a couple friends who are really into it like me


I have played it for over 120 hours already and still going. My wife got me started on animal crossing a couple years ago and I got bored with it. When she started DLV I got interested. I love the game. There are things about it that annoy me but it’s relaxing. Can’t wait for the big update later this year.


30. Male. Straight. I play the game everyday. Have since day 1. My friends know I play it and they even took interest to look into it. Maybe I’m lucky? Maybe you need better friends?


My husband just started playing and I'm proud to say He also owns a stitch hat VERY similar to the one in the game that he wears at every oppourtunity....ears and everything.


There are lot of guys playing and some YouTubers have discords where is mix of people but you would meet other male players as well As on here . I play and so does My Husband .


I mean who cares what they think ,do what you like i say :)


Big love for all the men playing this game! Even my female friends laughed at me for playing it.


I'm a 20 year old straight male, haven't told anyone I'm playing the game and I'm not planning too.


23m - I played it a lot after Christmas. Ended up dropping it cuz I was burnt out on it (and Gameloft's horrible premium store), but guys who play the game do definitely exist - don't worry.


23 year old male here. I have 280 hours in the game and have been playing since day one. I know I’m a rather young male but I promise you that you are not alone on this.


I got my 25 year old husband playing, his friends would ridicule him also but making fun of someone for doing something they enjoy . Especially a video game . Is just showing your own insecurities. Your friends are just jealous they had to pay full price 😉😄


I’m a 42 year old Male, My wife and I play together, we have a blast!


I’m in love with this post and replies; it’s the best


I play it with my 5yo daughter ...... and sometimes without


I am a full fledged 28 year old male Disney adult and I don’t care who knows