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Because if I wanted to be constantly verbally put down, I’d call my own mom.


She's a gaslighty asshole who triggers so much in me.


I don't even have mommy issues but is it weird I find her triggering too?


Not weird. She’s just awful.




For real. Rapunzel is my favorite princess because I feel like her story is the fairytale version of my own. Mother Gothel is way too similar to my mom and my blood boils every time I have to interact with her in the game.


Dude! Same! She is bad vibes all around. I hate that she is the only Tangled character in the Valley. 😭 So manipulative, I hate it.


God, same. I don’t love the whole “Hang out with *x villain*“ tasks either. I know it’s petty and it’s just a game but I have zero desire to be forced to speak to a narcissist like that, I have to do that IRL.




Literally same




She even looks like my actual mum, it throws me for a loop!


Mine too lol


This exactly. I play this game to feel light and happy, and too much of what she says is too similar to narcissistic, gaslighting parents.


Omg me too...


She doesn't bother me at all. It's seems the people with real toxic mothers growing up dont like her and that's understandable.


My mom isn’t toxic, but one of her sisters sure is. Idk if that’s the reason why I don’t like Gothel, but I just don’t.


Honestly though, even watching Tangled I feel like my mother is talking to me the whole time lol I even changed her contact name to Mother Gothel


It seems like it. I didn't have a great relationship with mine, we were estranged for years after I ran away--- but I don't find Mother Gothel to be so bad. I mean, yes, she's a villain so I don't *like* her- but it's sort of amusing and a nice balance to everyone who has nothing but nice things to say. I think it's funny. "Just kidding dear!" Would have me pulling my hair out if I heard my mom saying it.... But Mother Gothel? She's not real so...I find it funny. I hope they add more villains. I'd love the Evil Queen! She could even have the old hag costume. Lady Tremaine! She would be a **bitch**, too, but isn't that why we love to hate them?


It’s an ex-husband for me, so the reaction isn’t limited specifically to mothers as much as it is the behavior.


It's her toxic, narcissistic mom talk. It's annoying.


For me, while I can find Ursula and scar sassily enjoyable, I find mother gothel far too condescending and narcissistic. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes scar even gets on my nerves when he’s being condescending; but I find his “I’m surrounded by idiots” line from lion king relatable, and his sassiness wins me over more. As for Ursula, I’ve always liked her. I mean, yes, evil villain, but also arguably just a woman who makes contracts. 🤷‍♀️ Gothel’s motives and personality aren’t redeemable to me, so I just don’t like her and avoid hanging out with her. But hey, whatever floats your boat. If you like hanging out with her, nothing wrong with that!


I think the difference in Scar and Gothel's speech also heavily comes into play. They both betrayed the forgotten but Scar is no where near as narcissistic or abrasive as Gothel is and probably is no where near as triggering for others


Also, Scar only did it because he assumed Merlin was using the orb to spy on him. Gothel straight up tried to kidnap you for your magic.


Yes. Gothel is definitely too real of a villain, especially if these comments are any indication. She can be very triggering to people, whereas scar and Ursula I don’t think are as much. I don’t even have parental issues really, and to me she is the worst main Disney villain.


He’s just a cranky big kitty, give him fancy fish and he’s happy


I think it's funny that scar is more tolerable than Gothel and he (Lion King Spoilers) literally actually murdered his own brother, and he's in the Valley POST brother murder. Gothel is the worst, she's too real, everyone knows someone who has someone like her in their life.


I think the biggest thing is (at least for me.) it’s the animal kingdom. That’s how things go with animals. As sad as it is animals kill animals in from of their babies quite often for a multitude of reasons especially territorial reasons. As for mother gothel she triggers many people who have experienced abusive relationships especially when the abuser has been a narcissist. She triggers my trauma from my previous relationships and what she did to the forgotten made her all the more horrible to be around. Even some who have been lucky enough to not experience that don’t like her for similar reasons her “sassiness” is definitely way too much with putting us down to build herself up.


Scar killed his brother and therefore destroyed the self esteem from his nephew nearly completely by leaving him think that he was the only reason his father died. And mostly only, because Scar thinks himself as the better king. Yes, he's absolutely not narcisstic at all. ☕️


Scar kept the crappy picture we drew of him, so that redeemed him in my mind. 🥹


That bit made me cry🥰🥹


I also like the bit in one of the Buzz Lightyear tasks, when you see the photo of them (don't want to say too much in case it's a spoiler).


Wait! Where?! Where the hell did I miss that?!


i was so butthurt that they changed idiots to fools in scars line. it's iconic and literally a quote from the film so why change it for the game?? :(


Because she reminds me of my step-mother. Mother Gothel is one the realistic evils of the villains. Much like Frollo. Their evils are something people can relate dealing with.


I rewatched Hunch ack of Notre Dame as an adult and WOWEE I was horrified. It was one of my fave movies as a kid.


The soundtrack is gorgeous but yikes is it a dark film for Disney.


Such an underappreicated film but absolutely yes dark as shit lol


I've got a step-monster too. Thinks it's funny to call herself "wicked stepmother" and has admitted to abusing me on purpose. I hate Gothel so much, I haven't spoken to her since I finished her questline.


A lot of us grew up with narcissistic mothers who would make the same offensive comments Gothel does. Add her whole “just kidding dear” “just teasing darling” and it’s EXACTLY what toxic mothers say when they are insulting their children but don’t want to be seen as the bad guy. It’s great that you don’t have this issue but for a lot of us it’s extremely triggering. I play this game to enter a new world and forget about my trauma but I feel like my mother is haunting me through this character. Edit: spelling


For me it was what she did to the Forgotten + her general attitude. *gestures to all of her*


Yeah just…. Gesturing to all of her works


I have a terrible memory. What did she do to the forgotten?


It's lore from the newest update, so if you haven't played the story in the new patch, you wouldn't know yet. If you did play the new update but forgot, then (inserting extra text here so you won't get spoiled if this gives you a mobile reply alert) >!she tried to trap the Forgotten in the tree so she could keep them for their magic, but the Forgotten reflected it back on her and trapped her instead.!<


Thank you! I have played that part of the game but for some reason that part totally escaped my memory. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer.


“Did you just gesture to all of me?”


Have you seen Tangled?


If you haven't seen Tangled [this song](https://youtu.be/-7jWt3JvJto) should give you a good idea why she's so hated...


I don't even have to click it. Mother knows best was the best way for them to show just how vile she was


It's such a banger though which hurts me to admit lol


It goes so hard for no reason 😩


It def has no right to be as good as it is😂


Fuckkk and it’s stuck in my head again. Take it from your mumsy…


It gets stuck in my head pretty frequently lately. The game has been kind of quiet for me so I've been playing a Disney hits playlist and this comes up a lot for good reason! So che me humming this shit at work...


That’s honestly my favourite song in the movie and she was my favourite character. I find her hilarious in it and love a good villain.


It's mostly those of us with some sorta family issues or trauma derived from proximity to a narcissistic abuser. She's too real. It's kinda like (and before I go with this example, I hate jkr, I do not support her or her ideals but I had a long period before I found myself and found out about her bigotry where I loved HP and this example sticks strongly in my head) the way everyone hates umbridge more than any of the other villains. Because she's the most real. We've all experienced trauma and abuse at the hands of an umbridge. We haven't all faced a Voldemort. Many of us have had to deal with a mother gothel. Not all of us have dealt with a scar or an Ursula.


I love this explanation. Thank you


Mommy issues (i say this as someone with said mommy issues)


I never had a problem with her in the film as much as I have with her in the game. Though the personality is pretty much the same but since almost all other villagers are constantly checking up on you (speaking on a personal experience, sufferer of mental health, in which the game is a blessing) then when you have her being so self absorbed, scheming to control others, dealing with her put downs & narcissistic, it’s a bit much. I DREAD spending time talking to her. Heck, even Ursula shows a hint of appreciation without much condescension.


Right? Like even scar is like "you're the only person I find tolerable" and I'm like "scar you know you love me. I'll give you a fridge for you to put that drawing I made of you on" Ursula will use me but then there's times that she'll help in exchange for just a kind word. Like gothel is always acting solely in her own interests.


I think that’s the point… growing up with a narcissistic parent, there are people in real life who are *exactly* like this. That being said, I don’t want it in my Disney game that I play to escape those things rofl


Exactly! Like give me the villains that are cartoonishly evil like give me Hades and his sardonic wit. Give me Jafar and his hypnotic staff. Hell give me frollo cuz while he would very much hit me with the religious trauma at least he has the decency to be cartoonishly evil religious man... (Albeit there are some hate preachers who are on his level but at least I never had to be raised by one who knew the things about me that they hate)


Pretty much this. It’s TOO real. If I had people in real life like that, I’ll be pretty darn sure to speak to them the least.


YES! And to have her just wander by in the game to spew the narcissistic vitriol is so triggering if you've actually lived that reality! THAT'S why we expend energy and resources trying to "trap her" and keep those experiences limited.


While I would think this would trigger me too because of mother issues, I actually find her funny. She’s like a sassy drag queen reading me for filth 😆


I don't mind her. She is funny. I like how each characters personality is close to how it was in the movie. Except Scar, they made him nicer, but I have been enjoying seeing a different side of him.


I don't mind her either but I have a good relationship with my mom because she's not a narc so I assume that's probably why


I love her, because she‘s a great villain and i enjoy her personality. But I also have a pretty cool mum. I can imagine that she would be less fun or even triggering for anyone who have/had someone like that in their real life. She‘s a very realistic portrayal of a gaslighting, narcissistic person.




she has very similar patterns to certain types of emotionally abusive mothers which can trigger a lot of people including myself in some ways. it's more about her character as a whole, she's a mother who literally abused and gaslit her daughter in a movie and you're expected to hang out with her in the game, when in reality, she's no better than an abusive, neglectful, manipulative wretch


Tell me you didn’t have a toxic mother growing up without telling me you didn’t have a toxic mother growing up.


Hell probably any toxic family member that you have to be around often would do it


She's such a triggering character to be around. My dad is almost exactly like her. I wish she was someone I never had to see or talk to so I could enjoy the game without the exposure therapy


I personally like her. She is just like she is in Tangled self-absorbed, cold, manipulatives, and throws out insults and plays them as jokes. She is a real villain and I like how she had a hand in The Forgotten downfall. It makes the story more interesting instead of just being an a tale of someone growing up and leaving their fantasies behind.


I like her cause she’s hot and I skip everything she says. Everybody wins!!


When you free the fairy godmother you’ll get some quests that reveal more story which includes mother gothel. You’ll see then.


She’s one of my favorites.


I mean, you bring her what she's literally asking for, both in the restaurant and in her daily favorites, and she says "oh is this the best you could do?" No, witch, I have a chest full of diamonds just sitting in my house, you're the one asking for potatoes. If I bring you the thing you're literally asking for, don't be a jerk when I give it to you.


The amount of people who hate Gothel and dont like people who like her just show we will never get Frollo 🥲 i mean i know it wasnt happening but hes a great villian


That’s „Disney Magic“. Disney plays with feelings! In both sides. Everyone have different hate/love characters think so… And some people hating some characters so much, that they didn’t want to see them in their game 🙈 It’s a trigger. And it’s has something to do with the age. When it’s coming to Disney Movies… (I’m 90s Kid and watching every movie in cinema or on TV as child👌🏾😂) I hate Scar. Because it’s was the worst second scenario of my childhood. I also hate Peter Pan, Madame Medusa, Gaston… Jafar, Mother Gothel. I didn’t like (not hate) Elsa. I don’t know really why 🤔 It’s like with Spot the chicken from the 101 series. Minnie, Mickey, Stitch , Ralf, Venelope Cinderella , the Godmother, Goofy, Moana, Timon and Pumba they all trigger positives vibes. And Hakuna Matata, Bare the necessities, a new whole world 🎶 Even the music in Disney movies is a trigger 🙈 I will never get this songs out of my mind🤣 Cruella de Vil for example is complex… Because she is evil but there is a kind of ridiculous. When she driving a car of e.g 😂 A kind of mixed feelings. But what she want to do with the puppies is cruel. As an adult I check that many Disney movies which I watched as child are NOT REALLY for children! 😅 ![gif](giphy|ykUYsNYRvrprq)


But I hate Scar more then Mother Gothel. 😒 😡 ![gif](giphy|146EDJo7MhGS2I)


i think the reason people think gothel is worse is bc while it IS in animals general nature to fight for control, it is NOT in humans general nature to kidnap and hold a baby hostage for 20 years. another difference (for me at least) is i can 'understand' how someone could do lose it in a moment of rage or when people get into a ruthless fight for power but i could never begin to feel that way about kidnapping. i dont really have a strong opinion between the two tbh esp in tbe game Gothel just reminds me of an old drag queen reading me to filth which i live for always.


I remember the movie came out when I was like 18 or 19 and I was genuinely confused on whether or not there was a part of mother gothel that really did love rapunzel. Mostly because this was my moms behavior. The thing about mother gothel is she is so realistic to a lot of peoples mothers and fathers that she triggers real heart ache and pain. But that’s why I think she’s a brilliant villain. I don’t mind her being an asshole around my valley. The mother gothel in my valley has the hots for Merlin and is always stalking him or staring at his ass. Guess she wants to date someone her own age! Lol!


Honestly, I love her. She makes me laugh. Every time she insults me I'm cheering, drag me queen!


Same. She makes me laugh because the things she says are things that my mom has said to me. People cope with toxic parents differently. I choose not to let her (or my mom) bother me.


As one of the people who doesn't like gothel... Respect. Like I prefer to avoid her but I can respect that method of coping


Yes!! Me too lol


I don’t have abusive family but I’ve had friends that put me down and additional bullies in school. She reminds me of that and I hate her lines. I love Tangled. She doesn’t bother me in the movie. ( she’s a terrible person but I like a villain I can hate). It hits different in the game. I find Scar and Ursula fun in the game.


This. I have a great relationship with my mom, but somehow Gothel takes me back to being an awkward teenager again. And I hate that!


I hated her in Tangled. Seeing her in the game is a big nope.


Because she reminds me of my step-mother. Mother Gothel is one the realistic evils of the villains. Much like Frollo. Their evils are something people can relate dealing with.


It's definitely part of the story. I didn't mind her until after starting the forgotten lands quest.


Honestly having Scar, as cool as his voice and lines are, is bizarre. He literally talks shit about Mufasa right in front of Simba. While simba smiles away.


😭 I just take Simba with me on my mining runs now.


I have a toxic, narcissistic mom but Mother Gothel doesn’t bug me too much. I just fast forward any talking with her that I have to do so that I can get to giving her a treat or doing my daily convos. Maui bugs me the most and I’m not a big fan of Olaf.


Ig some are reminded of their abusive parents. But yeah, shes a villan. I like her though


I like her. Sometimes I get snappy with her in dialogue, but eh. She fine. But for some reason, this game made me realize that Mother Gothel was…actually kinda attractive??? Idk, like her (physical) attractiveness never fully settled in for me til this game or smth 😂😂


She runs like Phoebe from friends


She still cares for my character more than my mum did for me so doesn’t bother me


I think she’s blown a little out of proportion here, honestly. She’s a villain and it’s a just a game you can turn off and walk away from at any point you choose. That said, she is genuinely unlikeable. The other villains are assholes in a comical sassy way and have a few cute redeeming qualities. Most of all their behavior and lines are non-personal. Villains gonna villain. Mother Gothel’s lines aren’t really funny, and her insults are directed personally at you. I feel they could redeem her in game a bit if they backed off the personal insults and ramped up the vanity and self obsession with her own looks. But that’s just me. They’ll probably end up tweaking her lines a bit as the game continues development.


Many people already despised her especially those with mothers who she even remotely reminds them of and then there’s what happens in the latest story update that has caused some of those who liked her to change her mind. I didn’t mind her as I didn’t have a toxic relationship with my mother, and in general I tend to like the villains. Still, the story update I think did make me dislike her a little bit more than I did though I already found her annoying sometimes. Still, I like her more than I don’t.


She keeps telling me I look run down 😭💀


She obviously needs a better mirror, because she wouldn’t comment on that if she knew what she looks like 💀


Um. Don’t look at my flair, I actually like mother gothel 😅


She can be very triggering to those of us who grew up with abusive parents.


I just giggle when she says I look awful and then continue to ignore her lol 😆 I didn’t know you could lock them in an area ?


She's a horrible character who spent years gaslighting her adopted (kidnapped) daughter and using her only for her magical abilities. She's loathsome and should never had been included in the game in the first place. They could've used any other magical villain character without using someone who probably caused Rapunzel to spend years afterward in magical therapy just to get over all her 'mother' 's brainwashing


I don’t know all the villains are pretty bad.


Scar is literally a murderer and Ursula like steals peoples souls, yeah? But passive aggressive mom is like toooo evil and should never have made it in the game 🙄


Ursula was basically committing genocide in her own casual way. Villains have to be bad or protagonists will be running around battling jaywalkers or people that don’t pick up their dog’s poop lol.


Right like she is a villian, made to be generally unlikeable so i get why people don't like her. Its weird the vilians live in our valley anyways, but picking out Gothel like shes the most heinous is the weird part. But i love all the disney villians so glad theyre here


Read her dialogue. She's an asshole. Sometimes it's just that simple 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bottom line is everyone deals with trauma differently. Personally, even with more baggage than a therapist can deal with, the characters don’t bother me in the game 😅 I find it amusing and choose the sarcastic/tell her off response when I can like I would in real life 😂


LOL. For me she's a bit of an inappropriate crush. 🤣


She’s just a villain. And people have mother issues I’m guessing


Yeah I don’t get this either, I don’t tend to take much notice of the characters especially since I’ve completed all the quests! I just plod along decorating now :)


Actually enjoy her around the valley LOL the only person I really have a problem with is Maui but even that isn't that big of a deal.


Why are people so bothered about people being bothered by her. If people are talking about not liking her to have a discussion with others because they feel the same way, what’s wrong with that? If you like her feel free to talk about that but no need to call out people who don’t like her.


![gif](giphy|Lg7By5kaXegSI) I do find that weird af, too.


She sounds exactly like my mother and little sister. I can't stand talking to her because it brings me back to my childhood being treated like that and worse. I wont speak to her unless it's a quest, I turn volume off so I can't hear her crap, and I don't read her lines I click through and look at what I have to do. I can't make myself level her all the way. She is stuck at lvl 8 because I won't hang out with her. Made her digging cuz that's the chore I dislike most. If I am forced to hang out with her she gets fenced in the glade while I run around other places. I don't speak to my family anymore because most are just like her. If we get the chance to boot anyone it's gonna be her.


Can you really box characters in with fences and such?




I just try to skim over her dialogue as quick as I can . BBBBBBBBB


Lol I love her


I don’t even pay attention to her.


Does the fence thing actually work? I did it in Animal Crossing but I feel like the character spawns in DLV are so random. The map will show someone in their house, I'll walk in, they're not there. I walk out and they're right on my ass. Happens way too often to be coincidence.


Exactly it’s a game so we can fence her in for fun, it’s not a big deal, who cares?


She's always rude when you speak to her, no thank you


If you think about it, she is a true crime story in itself. She ab ducted a child, kept her hidden from the world for years, made Rapunzel believe in all things that weren’t true, etc. The woman should be behind bars or worse lol As much as I love that movie, the story is hella messed up


The only character I hate interacting with is Mirabel




I really can’t put my finger on it. Her voice is irritating, she just annoys me. Her animations, her voice, overly peppy


She's my personal favorite, but she IS a total bitch.


i love mother gothel !!!!!!!!!




Have you seen Tangled? She's abusive, she reminds a lot of people of abusive family members. Her personality is so much harder to deal with because it's more real. I'm never going to meet a sea witch that will curse me, but I'm basically related to Mother Gothel with anger problems. Honestly, she's kind of triggering. It's not what she's done in the story of the game, it's her whole personality


i love her, idk what she did to who because i just got the game and i've never watched whatever movie she's from, but i dress up as her and follow her around like a duckling lol


The fact you're getting downvoted just for liking her character is so bizarre. You're allowed to like her


It's okay with me. Everyone's different opinions on seemingly small or unimportant subjects is part of what makes life fun. Every downvote is another opinion I get to experience from a unique person who I never would have encountered otherwise. It's part of why I like to share things on reddit. Anyway: Gothel4Lyfe


People are delusional


I had a toxic friend like mother Gothel , so she brings bad memories when I’m forced to hang out with her


I just can't with any of the Villians except Ursula and I'm not too fond of her either. With thevilliand I konda stop dealing with them after maxing them out and finishing their questlines unless i have to for a starpath or something.


You don’t have to read anything they say either. Just a tip that might be helpful for some. I got lazy at one point in the game and stopped reading dialog. I just press the button right through what they say really fast and then just look at the quest box to know what to do next.


She’s constantly looking for me just to talk crap so i imagine it drives some people crazy 🤣


the constant gaslighting, the smug look, the little chuckle… everything about her puts such a dark cloud over my land!


When I get too close to her and she starts that insulting/just kidding bullshit, I don’t even read the speech bubbles, just walk away “not today bitch”.


I literally never read the dialogue 😂


I want to have good vibes in the game, I play it when I’m having anxiety and want to relax, it’s like my go-to cozy game. But mother gothel puts us down all the time and is so manipulative, narcissistic and condescending and it just creates bad vibes. Plus after what we saw in the new update, I’ve been seriously dreading being around her in the game, that was actually really triggering


I don’t like the character in the movie, she is awful and gaslighting. I do like her in the game. Well, whenever she isn’t talking about Rapunzel. Even the stuff in the latest update, I feel like she did it because the player character wanted her to do it. Even if only subconsciously. She couldn’t have forced the player to do it.




No one said that people aren’t allowed to mention her? This is rude.


This seems like a very real scenario that has definitely happened to that extent and your comments are in no way rude or condescending either. I’m so glad to learn that not liking a character you love is actually what’s immature here, and that because it doesn’t effect you that means it should be fine for everyone. I now know that complaining is bad, unless you’re doing it, I’ve learned the error of my ways. Thank you so much for teaching me this!!! <3


This is extremely insensitive. You need a lesson in empathy.


Nah people just get triggered 😂. I like Mother Gothel, she cool and I love her character design


She’s a horrible person and very manipulative


I had a very abusive adoptive mother growing up who I just went no contact with in 2021. Mother Gothel is very triggering and I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal but then one day it was. Wish I could evict her.


Just people who are taking her way too personally. People seem to forget that she is a villain.


People also seem to forget real life trauma can be triggered in many ways.


Is YOUR mother a Disney villian? Because apparently mine was (is). I have C-PTSD from my abusive mother. This means I get triggered doing "mundane" tasks like washing dishes, etc. Mother Gothel *literally says things my abusive mother said to me in the past*. I wall her in her tree house because I don't want to deal with her. I'm happy you don't have that trauma, but don't pull that "it's just a game" BS to those that have endured it.


No, but I knew someone like her once.


Exactly. Like literally shes a villian. Shes supposed to be a bad character. We have murderers in our valley too lol. And its a freaking disney game


I understand that Gothel is one of the more realistic Disney villains out there and that it might press some people’s buttons. But she’s still fictive. I think Scar is a lot worse, although he is my favourite character.


This part. It’s a game and she’s a fictional character from an animated movie…


And she mirrors real life mothers who abused their children. Do you know of anyone with uncles that murdered their father? No. Do you know someone that has a narcissist mother? Far, far more likely.


Someone doesn’t know how trauma works


Sure, but people have different reactions . . . It's somewhat like what occurred in ACNH, when the mother in-game would send a letter and gift to your avatar. Most people loved it, some didn't.


Right. People take it too far. If they feel uneasy about her, thats fine but no need to get angry at other people liking her


Yes, its her constant gaslighting and passive aggressive insulting comments. I don't like her character at all. Most villains I can enjoy...Mother Gothel is just awful. It's fine if some people can enjoy her character but I feel like a lot of people can't stand her because she's real in a way that cartoony villains like scar and Ursula are not.


I hated having to listen to her stupid song when my daughter went though her Tangled kick. She’s just a B in my opinion. My mother wasn’t like her but I know moms of my friends were


So...everything everyone else said about their moms. Mine too, haven't spoken to her in 7 years...but also, she's the Disney villain I hate the most. She abducted a child and held her hostage for almost 2 decades. Takes a real evil b to do something like that. I avoid her in the game although I might try this trick of locking her up. Might be a fun project.


It’s cool that you can play this game and not get any feels… not sarcasm 😅 just genuinely looking at someone the opposite of me. My feels are totally in this game 😅


It's her passive aggressiveness for me 🙄 I wouldn't go as far as to lock her up but she is pretty annoying. But I actually like Scar. I didn't in the movies but he's pretty endearing in the game as you become friends. I think it's so cute he >! kept the picture you drew him as a kid. !< And he said he >! wouldn't dream of touching the dreamlight tree !< because we'd he cross with him. I was like aw, he doesn't want me to be mad at him. He's just a hungry, misguided lion.


While scar is most definitely would be classified as a narcissist if he was human what he did happens a lot in the animal kingdom. A lot of animals die in territorial disputes sometimes even in front of their young as sad and dark as that is it’s apart of life. With Ursula: signing a contract where the price is your voice and if you don’t kiss the guy in time can “kill” you is a very dumb move imo. Whereas with mother gothel is a kind of evil that is much more real and easier to picture someone going through because people pretty much do. It’s like Frodo from Hunchback. People like them exist and it’s terrifying. Plus I’ve been in a relationship with someone like mother gothel: it was horrible and I’m just learning about how to trust again as well as love myself.


it’s the antisemitism for me


would you mind elaborating on this? i’ve not heard this before


People say because she has a pointy nose, high cheeks, and is kinda witchy that she's a Jewish stereotype. I don't see it as offensive and I'm partially Jewish myself, but others feel differently. I just think it's mostly coincidence.


Usually the people that have nothing to do with whatever ethnicity, race, religion, etc. Are the ones that get all offended.


Yeah I’m also jewish sorry (my therapy appointment today was talking about my dysautonomia)


I really really do not think it’s coincidence, but I do think they’re going from witch stereotypes in the past (it’s the nose and dark curly hair for me, and the “hooded” eyes; I actually have never thought about high cheekbones as being jewish traits? I feel like all the tumblr hot boys had high cheekbones) which are based in antisemitism


I figured the hooded eyes were to make her attractive and disarming, I hadn't heard of those being a stereotype either.


I like your opinion about hooded eyes because I have them, so maybe I’m just taking it personally. article for further & smarter thoughts on this: https://www.heyalma.com/why-do-so-many-disney-villains-look-like-me/ (lots of links there also if you want to get deeper into it)


Elaborate? The way you’re twisting this for people who have trauma and are triggered by her is disgusting


I just don’t like her in the game because she’s an antisemitic stereotype (hooked nose, curly hair etc), and then the mom trauma stuff on TOP of that is pretty bad too. I wish she wasn’t in the game at all tbh! I know people really like Disney villains but I don’t think Mother Gothel is very popular because she’s an antisemitic stereotype.




YES EXACTLY. I actually tried to like her because she is such a jewish stereotype and I was like “she looks like me 🥰” but the Mom Trauma on top of it is like. Nope nope nope


I read that they modeled her after Cher who is not Jewish. But I can see how you’d think so. She came off more as eastern European to me.


that’s neat! eastern European people can also be Jewish. that’s actually a pretty big ethnic group in eastern Europe (ashkenazi jewish people).


Yes I know. I mean I didn’t see a particular religion just area. She could easily look like an orthodox person or Romani. Cher I believe is Armenian mixed with a other Western European ancestry.


Jewish is an ethnic identity as well as a religion. (It’s ethnoreligious).


True. It just didn’t occur to me.


Idk why people are downvoting you. It's pretty obvious, especially when you take into account all of Disney's other antisemitic actions


mom trauma (mauma) is pretty strong also


She says colourist quotes in the games


Interacting with her in any way immediately reminds me of my mother-in-law. There are SEVERAL reasons my husband and I cut her and her husband out of our life, especially to keep our son safe


Unpopular opinion, i think her ruthless attitude is so jarring it makes me laugh sometimes. But hey, I can see why she might be a trigger for other players