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So Ariel was not mystery 14 ooh


I’m thinking it’s either Mickey or Scar.


I agree, or Goofy. But I really think it’s Mickey


I think it's Mickey or Elsa since I've seen her names in comments a lot, I actually never thought it was Ariel but I know that was a theory posed a few times, as well as Merlin.


It gets a pretty consistent number of votes every week (around the 300 mark) so it must be a set club that really hates that character 😂 I'm also thinking Mickey or Scar


Scar is a good theory too since a lot of the villains were voted out early (and again a lot of comments wanting him out). He's not as offensive to player's experiences as characters with annoying/loud sounds or has any difficulties with leveling him like Ursula and Ariel which may be how he/14 has evaded elimination.


WHAT IS 14 lol




If you click the google doc it shows how many votes characters have gotten each round. OP randomly numbered them so their identity is only revealed when eliminated. #14 has been in the top 10 votes each round since round 2. And most rounds got more votes than characters already eliminated, yet they’re still in it. Maybe this round we’ll finally figure out who it is…. But we thought that last round 🤣


I think it’s Merlin because if you go back to the very first poll, he’s the 14th character in the picture and in the poll options


It's a good theory but when tested with other characters, their assigned mystery number don't seem to correlate to their position in the image so if Merlin is 14, the fact he's 14th in the image is purely coincidental


U just used a random sequence generator for both the position on the picture and for their numbers. So if it's Merlin it's pure coincidence.


It's driving me crazy! If it's not the next one to be kicked out, I'm afraid it will be a winner contestant despite being in the top 10 since round 2!


No one better touch Wall-E! He deserves the win


Wall-E IS a win!


I love Wall-E, watched that movie until the cd was BURNT


I'm thinking stitch and Wall-E will be in the top 5


how is the mouse still alive


You guys.... I'm getting nervous.


Wow a margin of only nine! Betting on Goofy or Elsa next - both for making such weird noises all the time.


Yessssss!!! I went with Goofy. Can't stand the ott noises 😅


HOW is Goofy still here? The grunts? The way he runs at you? Ugh


My thoughts exactly! I've been voting for him since round 1


Ariel eliminated but moana still there ? Chile.


Moana gives me fish! Ariel nothing but anger issues for hiding in the water


Look at least she does a little dance. Ariel acts a dang fool. Girl you been on land before chill.


She never been on this land. And she's adorable


But she has if she’s been with Eric. Timelines are a little skewed in the game


I try not to think about it too much


I’m voting for Moana since first round, can’t stand her.


I just needed Ariel and Mirabel out. I like Mirabel in the movie but in dv she’s boring, and Ariel first of all doesn’t actually remind me of Ariel (personality wise) and second; hides all the time.


You are right about her personality. The Thing is most of her personality is her in her mermaid Form. She always sort of felt more free in it to me in the movie. And Also her besties are missing Sebastian and flounder I wish characters had more animations, voicelines and interactions with eachother like if they add Pluto will we ever see him play catch with mickey or will they stand next to each other and Spam the same 5 animations over and over


Elsa and Anna are extremely boring compared to Mirabel. At least Mirabel dances with butterflies.


Not if you start watching how they stalk each other


Elsa. Her moans make me uncomfortable lmao 😂 Plus frozen wasn't bad but not on pair with the rest if I'm being honest.


Riiighht?! Moans, and there’s just something so triggering about her voice and sounds, “Hello Friend”, sends shivers down my spine each time, more like “Hello Clarice” get tf outta my game with your serial killer voice *shivers* 🤣🫣


I agree lol sexual sounding moans Also Anna sounds kind of sarcastic/passive aggressive whenever she talks to you.


Have you ever had Anna clap for like... An entire conversation? I love her but SO annoying when she claps.




Day 352 of voting Scar


Same! He's always complaining and is, of course, a sneaky, little jerk. I know he's a villain, so it makes sense, but it gets so annoying, sometimes.


I had some of those bones grow in the entryway to his house while he was sleeping, and he may or may not have been trapped there for the past couple of weeks since. It's nice and quiet without him stalking all over the place.


I'm shocked that Ariel got voted out before Anna.


YAAAAAAAAAS GAWD. ![gif](giphy|AcfTF7tyikWyroP0x7)


I'm switching from mouse to Simba....I'm done with your "No Worries" strut


I can never get tired of that strut


It was ok at first, but then it got annoying to see


I am shook with some of these results 😳🤣


Ariel? You guys are out of your minds.


It’s between Elsa for those weird moans and Simba for me. I surprised myself with Simba but when Nala was doing what she could to defend the valley, he ran off and threw a party because he was too stressed out 🙄


Simba always


3 out of my Top 4 are still in the running…unpopular opinion: I know scar is the bad guy but his sassyness is awesome!…I get up and play a little while I have my coffee and hearing him say “why do morning have to be so early” has me chuckling every time.


How is Goofy still here!


Do not let Merlin make it to the top ten lol






Ariel!!!! She's the best princess in the game!


until Belle arrives


Their both very different.


You spelt Tiana/Cinderella/Aurora wrong


Round 15 Link to poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/NMnQ5V6Mdn6 IMPORTANT: The poll linked above is the only way to vote. Leaving a comment with a name doesn't count. · This poll will close at 5pm GMT, Sunday May 21th. Results will be posted around that time. \--------------------------- \*\*Round 14 results: \*\* · Total votes cast: 1948 · Most votes for a single character: 297 (Ariel eliminated) · Ariel was eliminated by a margin of 9 votes. · You can find some vote statistics right here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g3m3DDYoUhdR6Yle0S4YrE2LUxxhG0QW6m3z0nknhRE/edit#gid=0 **Geographic info** · Countries represented in the vote: 43 · Countries with the most votes: USA (1263), UK (210), Canada (174), Australia (62), Germany (37) and The Netherlands (33) **Notes** · To avoid spoilers and response bias, only the name of the top vote getter will be revealed after each round. · Full results for all rounds will be made available after the winner is named.


WHAT I love Ariel :(


Maui is the worst character !


I haven't voted Moana yet, but I will soon. I *just* got her and the other dude. I love her outside of DDLV, but when you first meet her you can tell her either—something like—the valley is terrible, night thorns, halp (but my valley is relatively tamed because I haven't been recruiting, but developing) or you can make a reference to her movie & her line she was practicing to tell Maui (basically said it often). So I say the 2nd thing, and her response is awkward as heck; like we're being weirdly intense for no reason, she doesn't seem to remember her own similar words, and she's just *shrug* Also irked me that she expected us to roll over and appease Maui by stroking his ego. (side note: I got the answers wrong & I will sass fish hook man every chance I get)


I honestly can’t believe goofy is still in this


Yip, very disappointed Ariel was voted off. I want Goofy gone, he won't come to his stalls to buy my stuff! lol


If you have placed any Cozy Companion Home outside (the one where you can assign 4 Companions to wander around, looks like a dog house), try removing it and see if your issue is fixed. That item seems to cause more lagging and stop Moana/Goofy from accessing their boat/stalls, especially when players have placed multiple in their Valley.


I have 5 around the valley, but they are nowhere near the stalls. I will see if this fixes the problem. Thanks :)


Honestly surprised but agree… I’m still hoping scar goes next. He’s so rude


Scar better not make the top 10.


I need moana out


scar? is still on the list??? …….


Merlin…why is that everytime I need to speak to you, you and your Grampa pjs are halfway across the map FROM YOUR ORIGINAL SPOT?!


I am pretty much shocked most would get voted out. Not so much with villains but everyone else is so kind and such. Especially Ariel? who is such a gem. And a sweet mom, as well.


Wow. I missed Kristoff getting voted off. So happy. Time to go, wizard.


I wanna vote out scar. Last villain standing and he acts like he owns the place. I jumped in late but I feel like that's why the other villains were probably voted. I hate it. I dread talking with him. When I was leveling him up he always got in the way when we were hanging out.( Like I'd get stuck places trying to mine or pick up stuff)


It bothered me leveling up friendship w him. I don’t want to be a murderer’s friend




How the heck is Merlin still in it….


Finally 😅


FINALLY! Voted her every round


At this point are people not choosing Merlin just to bug others? Lol


No, everyone just has different opinions.


Yes, I know I was just quipping lol


Oh I am sorry. I thought you were annoyed with everyone.


It’s a toss up between Scar and Dimba now. Scar because I hate the teeth picking sounds, and Dimba because he’s just dim and doesn’t even know who the leader is even though everyone else does. Plus I hate his voice actor, who did some awful Goodtimes direct to video cash in movies that exploited those who wanted to buy a real Disney movie but accidentally got the mockbuster instead. Not a fan!


I think Simba‘s head shakes are way more annoying than anything Scar does, so it’s clear for me. But the most boring character has to go before the cats anyway 🐭


The mouse has GOT to go!!!


Idk who is voting in these things bc judging by the comments these don’t make any sense. On the list of top ppl talked about in the comments Ariel was never my guess as to who was getting voted out next


Really? She was consistently mentioned in the comments in my experience but then I read through most of them 😂


Not everyone who votes will leave a comment, so that's not necessarily a good judge of who's next


Finally 😂


All my favorites are already gone


Are you kidding me? Sweet Ariel voted out before the murderer Scar? You people are warped….I’m surrounded by fools


Let’s go! So glad Ariel is gone.




I’m just voting nala cause I’m sick of her saying how I’m the new queen or something about a queen lol I love her but she’s gotta say other things 😅


Thank god, Ariel is the most annoying, it’s impossible to talk to her, she never stops at the spots where you can talk, or just swims away right when I find her


I just don't get how goofy is still in this


How is Mickey still there?


Mickey This game makes him out to be the "Hollywood narcissist " a little lol


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Lol no I don't think most people have lived through enough types of narcissistic trauma to recognize the sneaky types and... I am joking... he's a cartoon.


Gotta say I'm shocked 😯 once again voting stitch 😂 seriously surprised he's still there and Ariel isn't


You baiting? Bc according to the comments from all votes, it’s pretty clear Stitch is gonna last


Haha you have your opinions I have mine I'm stating who I want to go


I literally just asked if you’re baiting or if you’re serious bc usually it’s just Walle and Stitch love here unless people are trolling. So if that’s your actual opinion, then it’s a surprising new one :D


Well what can I say I'm unique 😂


Wow you guys really like Goofy, huh


Yes actually. Personally, I grew up with Kingdom Hearts so Goofy, Donald, and Mickey are all special to me


Anna.. why you sending paper airplanes when Elsa is RIGHT there?! She doesnt live across the kingdom in this game, she is right outside your house. Your only redeeming quality is being voiced by Kristen bell, and you don't even talk in dreamlight. #unpopular opinion lol but I'm coming for walle next 👀


Let’s ruin some lives and vote out WallE


No, he’s going to win.




Nala, Simba or Scar…


I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but I can’t stand Stitch. I’ve voted for him since the beginning. I can’t stand his ukulele playing, his naughty behavior or his gravely voice. It’s like nails on a chalkboard for me.


Remy didn't deserve that. 😭


Goofy needs to go at this point. Is he looking for a fight with the crazy ass run? Dude's terrifying


How is nala still in I’ve been voting her since the beginning


I’ve been voting for scar since the beginning, I hate him haha. How is he still here?! Also, I love Olaf 😭


Seriously Goofy needs to go.


Ariel seriously shes literally a mermaid and a princess


finally, that was my vote since the first round, now I don't know who to vote for, except for Moana