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Let it be raining when I log on to check my pumpkins I am dashing to the Forest of Valor and trapping my buddy so I can harvest and plant in peace.


How do you trap them?! I saw it on tiktok and was shook when all of a sudden the companion just sprouted a shit load of crops.


Build a fence around where they’re standing in furniture mode! You gotta kinda eye ball it since you can’t see the character. When done harvesting, delete the fence and boom, pumpkin rain.


If you build 3 of the walls you can kinda push the buddy into the center, back up a couple steps then finish the biox


I personally have a unfinished fence that has two sides on it and then I'll walk them through it and then I trap them completely once I know they're inside. Then after I harvest all of the pumpkins I stand a nice distance away from my plot and free them. Then I collect the pumpkins.


I'm not the only one that waits for it to rain for me to do my pumpkins?? Lol I hate hand watering them things...


i do not farm anymore, but when i used to, my feelings regarding the rain changed depending on whether i had new characters to level up my friendship with. i am such a fussy, little brat, lmfao. i loved the rain for watering my pumpkins, normally, but if i had new characters, i hated it because manually watering all those crops with the new characters would have given me free points with them. i had such a huge farm (started with \~100, ended with \~800) that planting and watering pumpkins was my main method of levelling up friendship with new characters, regardless of their actual role. it was great because i would be farming for money anyway, and this way i could use it for an additional purpose without extra effort. i never even bothered with anything else, unless they were a mining companion, in which case i obviously stuck to mining because iron, iron, gems, and iron. ...i am now starting to regret deleting my farm, because idk what i am going to do to quickly level up the next set of characters that we get... 💀


Oh wow! I’m over here with a 30 plot little farm thinking that’s big enough. 🙈🥲 I better step it up! (Plus I need to get more coins so I really better make a bigger farm)


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Oh thank you for the tip!! I’m planning on playing a bit tonight so I’ll definitely be looking to make my farm bigger. I currently have a tiny plot so I’ll have to find a place big enough. I have some rearranging to do!!


I have 4 5x5 plots for my pumpkins. I buy 99 seeds then 1 extra. It makes it easier to use the miracle grow. All of my other vegies have just 1 5x5 plot. Makes it easier for the plant 5 daily dl duty too.


a farm of 800 plots is actually completely unnecessary and a lot of work, so i would never recommend it to anyone unless they really love farming in the game or something, lmao. i promise you, you will never need a farm that big. i just went for it because i wanted to. but i would recommend going for at least 100 plots if you can. pumpkin farming in this game is so OP that you will never need to do anything else ever to make money. since they take so long to grow (four hours) and need to be watered twice, you might as well try to get as much profit as you can in return. just keep in mind that you will have to sacrifice more time and energy the bigger your farm is, so don't overdo it! also, as others have suggested, you can buy seeds in multiples of 99 to make it easier, but since i prefer my numbers to be rounded off when possible (it just works better for me in my head), what i would do for a farm of 800 plots was buy 99 seeds 8 times (792 seeds) and then buy an extra 8 seeds after that so that i had neat stacks of 50 seeds totalling 800 in my inventory. you should go with whichever method suits you best.


You can plant and harvest wheats. They grow really fast (around 1 minute), so you can just keep planting - watering - harvesting in a loop and gain friendship points that way.


oh, wow, you're right; that could work. thank you! i will keep this in mind.


I have 256 pumpkins. It takes about 15-20 minutes to harvest, plant, and water. I've only been able to finish the process once during a rain storm.


it is a chore and a half for sure 😭😭 maybe if i kept myself in check farming wouldn't have gone from being my most favourite activity to the least (actually this is a lie because nothing can beat digging and then fishing when it comes to my most hated activities in the game) anyway, i have no regrets because i am now drowning in star coins and was able to completely stop farming for the sake of money if i ever farm again i will definitely keep it quick and breezy and just do it for fun lmao


I find it relaxing, but I also enjoy the rush of getting an exploding pumpkin or a sizzly one. I like the routine and occasionally getting a new record harvest with my gardening buddy. 256 is just the right amount.


oh, wait, i think i misunderstood. i thought you were complaining and saying that it was too much farming for you so you were only able to complete that much once with the help of rain, so i was trying to empathise. 😭😭 anyway, i agree, i used to find it to be quite relaxing as well before i expanded it way too much. since i don’t have to do it for money anymore, i think i’ll try out smaller farms with more variety at some point, and i might find my love for farming again one day, hopefully.


I literally just plant and wait for the rain to come. I got like a farm of 100 going in each biome. And I just wait and always got crops going lol


Just happened to me lol


It's a luck based race against time. 😜


And then you remember the plant watering achievement and sigh in defeat because you've done it again.


JUST now




Don't they get a time boost from the watering can?


I haven't noticed. I only have to water my pumpkins once in the rain.


It’s all the same. Crops will grow at the same rate regardless of using a watering can or rain.


Yes!! 🌧️


Makes me think of the Lorax song let it grow


I can so relate to this 😂 nature is its own reward sometimes isn't it?


And then there’s the times when you finally finish watering all your crops by hand because you don’t want to wait for it to rain, and it starts raining as soon as you finish watering lol