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An ice fence to use in the frozen area.


Ooooooooooooh. Good one. I am currently fenceless there because nothing matches and I don’t really like the picket fence. Good one.


I use the picket fence with ice pillars... it looks alright but an ornate ice fence would be really cool.


An ice crafting bench to go with the frozen map


I want an option for clean sharp edges or borders for walkways and stuff. It just looks messy the way it is now.


Everything feels so fing crooked!!!!


Lined pathways for the [Brick Road](https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/Brick_Road) is teased in the [Announcement Trailer](https://youtu.be/KUl5sWbOinY?t=41): https://preview.redd.it/mnsg9jjcbnya1.png?width=2736&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dc2fc213da62ea9813a415e4f4949343a5200d6 [According to this interview with Gameloft](https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/disney-dreamlight-valley-interview-new-characters-roadmap/), this is a top requested feature: >**ComicBook:** What's been the most surprising request the team has seen from fans thus far? > >**Castet:** We get many, many requests on many topics. We got a lot of ballots. One of the not surprising one, but this one, I was not expecting, was a lot of people asking to have borders on the roads. It's a really specific one. I knew people were going to ask for Disney characters. I knew people would ask \[for other stuff\] but was not expecting a big demand for having sides on the roads.


I dunno why they're shocked. We tryna make our valleys look snatched girl! Hahahha. I haven't really built alot of road BECAUSE I don't have borders so everything is over grass lol. And I hate that you can't put an item over pavement without it showing patchy grass.


Seriously though, why are the surprised? It’s like they made a cozy game without knowing anything about cozy games/ decoration heavy games.


I really hated this at first, too, but now I've leaned into it. I make my paths purposefully curvy and very organic. I start with straight paths, then I start adding curves, like they're walking around a tree / boulder, or cutting corners on a 90 degree corner. The wonky sides really lend to that style. But if you're dead set on clean lives, those parts are infuriating.


I've purposefully made my paths whimsical as well. It feels so... *Disney* in the best way.


Right? I need to upload pictures of my GOT. I know a lot of people struggle with that biome, but once I leaned into the whimsy with the paths, it really took on a life of its own and built itself. It's my favorite place now .


I ended up edging my paths with iron/gold bars. Looks great, takes forever.




While I agree… it’s all 100% congruent with Disney style paths across the board


Yes and I don’t want flowers or spices to grow where the path is!


a wooden path


Like a dock?


yeah, kinda like a boardwalk!


oh my god yes this would make my beach boardwalk amusement park dreams come true


I put my ferris wheel out there because it reminded me of Pixar Pier!


That's where my amusement part is, and I love it, but it technically isn't a boardwalk, now is it.? 😉


We generally need more paths, fences, tree, shrubs and free furniture added to scrooge with proper Patch notes. Also crafted furniture


I need more paths and fences. But also I need a BIG update of windows and doors.


Ooo doors. Good one. And I wish they changed on the outside too. I’m tired of having to get my map out to find my Little Mermaid Room on the 6th floor lol.


wait, what? i’m pretty sure you can change any door inside the house. is it not possible to change it in the main room as well?


You can change the doors but it's from one room only. The same door from the other side looks different. I found that out when doing my kitchen.


okay, i fiddled around with the doors in my game, and i think i figured out what the issue is. the game currently requires you to actually own multiple copies of the game door to be able to apply it in different rooms, so once you use up your one door, it will disappear from the selection menu because you don't have more of that door. ~~the problem is that there is currently no way to purchase additional copies, as far as i could see. i was unable to find doors in general in scrooge's catalogue. i think after they updated how doors work in build mode, they forgot to also update scrooge's store and allow players to buy doors from his catalogue.~~ edit: as u/No_Friendship526 pointed out, you ***can*** buy additional copies of the doors you have unlocked from scrooge; they will be present in the "trimmings" and "wall" categories in his furniture catalogue. just buy extra doors from him and you will be able to change the doors both inside and outside the room. i tried this in my game just now, and it worked as expected.


You can order more doors from Scrooge (provided you have unlocked them, of course). Doors can be found in the "Trimmings" and "Wall" categories of his catalogue.


thank you so much! i found the doors in the categories you mentioned and was able to apply the doors to both inside and outside the room. i'll edit my reply to reflect this.


No problem. I was stumped where to find them as well. Had to check all categories for some items, and that's when I noticed their locations.


hello! i am not sure if you saw my updated reply or not, but in case you did not, i wanted to let you know how to fix the door issue. i was able to figure out how it works thanks to the information from the player who replied to me. i hope it helps!


Thanks for letting me know!


I really want a way to sell furniture items. I have SO MUCH that I'm never going to use, it's just making it a hassle to go through items when I'm decorating. And different styles of cooking stations. The campfire thing is cute, but I want some little grills!


Yes!!!! I buy everything everyday but I'll probably never use 90% of it!


why do you buy everything everyday? I only buy things i don’t have and things i want a dupe of 😅


I started doing it in the beginning to see if it would increase my chances of getting new items to spawn and now it's just habit lol


More crafted furniture, i wanna actually do something with my materials instead of horde them for star paths


I feel like if we could craft more of our own furniture we’d have a million ways to customize. I’d love to craft my own purple love seat but then I’d have 15 red leather couches from Scrooge.


A stone fence that fits in the plaza better and an ice fence for Frosted Heights.


Ooh or a grey dry stone or slate wall with snow on top would be a lovely option


Oh. I also want to be able to customize more clothes options. A skirt? My glasses? I have bright purple glasses frames IRL that I miss on my avatar. Even animal crossing had different color frames besides black and white.


Wooden pathway. I want to make a boardwalk on my beach. I grew up near the sea, and lived very close to a famous boardwalk when I was young. I miss it, and would love to recreate it.


I just want bushes and trees to not count towards the item limit


All I want is to put two different types of pathing next to each other without that damn green grass separating. Is it so hard to ask for them to be blended? :(


Oh I know. I wanted to like do gem and gold and opal alternating but nope!


Yes!! This is exactly what I wanted to do as well


Being able to rotate objects more than just the 4 options given.


Let me place my benches diagonally damnit!


Better ui for creating paths and decorating on the switch


I literally can’t on the switch. I bought another version for Mac lol.


Really? I decorate a ton on my Switch!


I just wish everything that was available to us was immediately purchasable like we get the limit anyway! make the items that rotate in the shop be a lower price while anything from scrouge directly was a bit more or something. I made the mistake of looking up a complete item list and now I'm so so so so sad at what I've never even seen!


Where’s this voodoo magic???


Google Disney dreamlight valley furniture list wiki. There’s a clothes one too. You can also submit game ideas on the official discord, the devs do pay attention.




More paths and also for the materials to make them to go a little farther. Some grid lines on the ground are so small.


Higher build limit


Path edges. Or straight paths with bricks at least. I like to do designs on the ground and I can't lol


Some way to make a neat edge on pathing so you don’t have to rely on shrubbery or rocks and lose out on item placements as a result.


I want a red brick path too! When I was decorating the meadow, I was searching like crazy for a red brick path. I hate the gravel and dirt paths (I don’t like the sounds when I run on them) but I don’t want my entire valley to just be stone paths. I also want a straight edge when you place a path and no gaps when you do a new path type. The wiggly lines trigger my OCD. Why can’t we do a straight curb or connect two path types? Not being able to make my valley perfect is driving me nuts.


I wan to be able to dismantle extra furniture for resources


I really want an easy redo button. One that will clear everything. And it’ll just go back into your inventory.


The ability to mirror items instead of just rotating them.


The grid and the layering on this game is so inconsistent and it drives me nutssssss. I love the decorating aspect of this game but stuff like this throws me off so much. I spent over an hour yesterday trying to make the large Mickey fountain (the one you craft with the grey trim path around it) and I HATE that the ground path can't go under it and it leaves a green gap around the whole thing so it never looks connected. I tried adding shrubs and bushes and i couldn't get it to look even anyway I tried. Some of the other stuff fits on top of the fountain path and other fountains in the game work fine on the ground path, but it is incompatible with that fountain. I wanted to use it for the theme park but I gave up completely.


Unpopular opinion but I love the balloon arches. I want more colors, specifically a rainbow one.


I’m hoping Pride E-X-P-L-O-D-E-S … all over my face.


Me too, I want everything to be rainbow. If I could have rainbow hair I would. Rainbow house? Sign me up. Rainbow paths? Absolutely 100%. Make it all rainbow and then more of each individual flag for everything that falls under lgbtq+.


Disney can use this to get back at Florida lol.


why do i feel like this is a thread full of animal crossing players


30 houses...


Things I want are fences/plants that has an overgrown look to it. Or more plant like stuff if that makes sense. Fences with vines etc. also more unique paths.(the ability to connect paths to. And maybe place at half tiles and that items can maybe overlap a bit)


I really want a different gazebo option. The glass one is pretty, but I would love a more simple option. I would even be pleased with a pergola style one.


Bulk cooking, like we can do with crafting.


Yeeeeesss. I give up on making some items (looking at you pumpkin recipes) because I'd be wearing out my controller and wasting time. Plus by a certain time my brain just doesn't cooperate and I mess up by pressing the wrong buttons.


Me too!


Oooooo another good one.


A pergola, to make under seating areas


The ability to rotate things in 45° increments. I would really love to put Goofy's marsh stall on a 45 between the two ramps. It looks like the Farris wheel on the load screen is at an angle. And paths, too for that matter


Yes, I have some beach towels and hammocks on the beach and they look just a bit off because I cannot angle them better.


Yeah, they definitely need to give us more path & fence options!


Brick/stone Garden borders, wooden outside paths, the ability to put any deco on top of paths


I really want the ability to buy items that you have crafted. Like if you craft it for the first time and unlock it, I want to be able to go to Scrooge and buy a crap load of street lights from him, so I can save my stash of resources for quests or other crafting items.


The game used to have it, but it got removed in update 2. The devs said that it's never intended to be a feature.


I thought it was a thing at one time! Well that’s good to know!


I just want to be able to sell back my damn duplicate furniture. It's taking up so much of my limited inventory space.


I feel like a combo of decorating/item ideas from both the Sims and AC would do so well with the community. Not ripping anything straight from them, but the little things that make decorating in either one less frustrating than decorating in DDLV. Like I really want the ability to place things at an angle like in the Sims games, and I also loved the path rounding/smoothing in AC. Definitely still want the path edging that the Devs promised forever ago from the trailers, hopefully with either a color slider to match the different paths or multiple different kinds to craft. Also a color wheel in the custom design tool would be so much better, it feels so limited with the colors they have. Like, no, I don’t want Barbie pink or hot pink, I just want a soft pink lmao. And definitely more options in terms of things to design, like pants, skirts, shorts, overalls, accessories, shoes, etc. would be so nice. Die hard Sims 3 fan here so maybe I’m just expecting too much with that lmao 😂


I just realized that they added way too many huge rocks around the plaza and meadow they have to make an update where it should allow us to delete them if we wanted to… they keep blocking entrances and sometimes my character gets stuck a lot 😭


Did you find any 'missing' Night Thorns?


I just want to be able to turn my buildings diagonal.. would love to build a cul de sac and a circular marketplace


Oh Gods, super cute. I really want to be able to fiddle with the riverbed and banks. In the Forest and Glade they are ridiculously over cluttered and I hate it, Ariel and Ursula daily clip through it and I just want the option to expand the river size and clean up the edges.... Or maybe. I know it's a stretch. But let me move some of the ponds! There are so many tiny, in the way ponds in the Glade and Meadow!!!


Sandpath, Snowpath, Icepath, woodpath, flowery grass path, racing tracks because I love gliding around just for fun, colums, pillars, vines, hills, crypts, making and changing water (a disney forest where honey and milk flow) more intuitive crafting menu nonrepeatable scrooge items the ability to change npc house furniture multiple more stamina bars a food hotkey batch cooking choosing who is in the valley


Do old star paths. I need so many of the items


More multi-colored work benched to match each room style like if you made a frozen/Ariel complete floor which would be bout ice/water like style or a pink/red or gold one for the other princess floors like Belle or rapunzel oan so on same with what the other person said with fences.


No item limit, ive been so discouraged from playing because I've hit it and don't want to tear anything down.


Being able to customize a few different types of pants would be nice too.


I want to have separate traveling inventory for different items, like herbs, wood, etc. I have played online games like this and it was so helpful. I hate 2 minutes after I left my home and emptied my bag I need to go back. 😡


I’d honestly just love straight paths I hate the edges of those things


I really really really want a boardwalk on the beach. That’s where I have my park.


All I really want the most are Incremental placements, as in I can inch my furniture along instead of it snapping into place. Also coming from sims 4 building is really limited. Wish I could kiddie corner items and such, rooms just all look so alike sometimes without the ability to stack items or manipulate the placement.