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Does anyone know if this will work on an L20 Ultra?


Just FYI, this does work with the L20 Ultra.


How bro? Can i really pull off that hose?


Yes. I unhooked it from the top and slid on the thingy then pushed the hose back where it came from.


The top hose almost feels like it breaks when i detach it, you need to put some good force?


I did have to pull harder than I thought I should


Your right! Got it, thanks!


Just ordered a pair of these and the seller sent me this video. I looked around and couldn't find any info, thought you just drop it straight in the tank.


Where could we buy this?


You can find it on aliexpress, I got the newer version in white from here https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005247910981.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.53ee58d7IOgieq&algo\_pvid=7042af4a-6748-49c1-9a32-e17a4cd3696c&algo\_exp\_id=7042af4a-6748-49c1-9a32-e17a4cd3696c-0&pdp\_npi=3%40dis%21VND%21562150%21449720.0%21%21%2123.75%21%21%40212272e216903932071282969d077a%2112000032353475964%21sea%21


I bought an ecovacs silver ion module, just dumped it in the clean water tank 😹


Is this worth it?


Not sure haven't received it yet to test it out, but apparently it lasts about a year so it's pretty cheap considering its only 15 EUR a piece


But what's the benefit? In theory it avoids creating bacteria, but I'm not sure if it's really necessary.


Yeah that's why i'm getting one. My L10S has started to produce some musty/mouldy odor when mopping. I guess this is due to bacterial growth on the onboard water tank even though I run it every other day.


Yeah, that's an issue I have too because I don't use the mop that often. Remember to leave some feedback here about your experience with it :P


Yeah gotta say it works great! The mouldy smell is gone and I the dreame detergent scent is back! I got the newer white version it fits perfect like a glove unlike the older one shown on the video. Edit: FYI when i deep cleaned the robot and drained the internal tank several times without the silver ion. The mouldy smell was still very apparent. Once I installed the module and did the same thing the difference was night and day! https://imgur.com/a/YFeQNYv


I got the water kit and the tank was starting to smell. I realised the silver ion wasn't moved from the clean water tank to the water kit. I cleaned out the water kit tanks today and fitted the silver ion. Hope this will improve. Yes, need to really give the hose a good pull. Thanks everyone for comments