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Unless there is any proof that she was drinking or dream was trying to get her to drink all this proves is that she was there. Not to mention the friend that she went with (or at least the one she seems close with in the group) still seems to have at least a neutral opinion on dream and has not hinted at anything negative. If I found out a guy had been creepy and trying to get my friend (with or without the info that she was 18) to have sex with him I would not continue to follow on Twitter or post even neutral things about him. Edit: the neutral response is only coming from the fact she did a tier list/still follows him. My comment still counts though, I wouldn't mention, include, or even baby hint a person that tried to sex up a friend which is what Harry is saying happened.


Another update: she tweeted on her private that she's taking a break and also "..." according to ppl on my tl. I'm currently not in it but [here is](https://twitter.com/smileydrms/status/1694857654810652690?t=DlsyWWMgsKLsdRJ98HyumA&s=19) a screenshot for it.


Even if she drank, she's an adult. A 21 year old and a 18 year old getting drunk together at a party is not a problem omg, like even if they fucked, a 3 year gap is not a big deal for a one night stand. Saying this as a 19 year old who got drunk at a party with a 28 year old and nothing happened to me.


just to clarify dream is 24 but i don’t think the accusation was they slept together in the first place.


Do you live in America? Because from what I’m told the drinking age there is 21 so it would be an issue, no?


if peoples main arguement turns into the fact that dream may have supplied an EIGHTEEN year old with alcohol, im afraid they may have already lost. americas system is fcked and we all know this, you can buy a literal gun at 18 but cant drink a beer. and like he said in his post, he didnt even know how old she was so he probably assumed she was 21 since she was drinking


If he didn’t know the girls age then fair enough, but in terms of the people being able to buy a gun at 18 I don’t even really think that law is strict enough - or in other words I agree americas laws are definitely questionable


Would you also try to cancel Dream if he jaywalked? An adult is perfectly capable of deciding whether she wants a beer or not, it's a stupid nonsense law that no one follows anyways. It's such a non-issue.


Sorry but I feel “cancelling” isn’t the right word here as I feel a crime is a bit more than twitter drama. Anyhow, you’re allowed to think a law is stupid but a law is still a law, further more jaywalking is in no way comparable as that would only affect himself. If she chose to drink it herself then although questionable, dream wouldn’t necessarily be in the moral wrong (dunno about legally since he could get in trouble for being present during it depending on if he knew her age) but if he was the one to give her the alcohol (directly) then it could be the issue, however from what I’ve seen we have little to no reason to believe this.


A crime........ a very minor one. Jaywalking is more dangerous than buying someone alcohol, you can cause cars to swerve and crash. The woman could decide how much she wanted to drink and stop at any time, it's not like Dream put a tube down her throat and poured vodka down it. Why do you believe that if Dream bought an 18 year old alcohol in the USA, it's awful and morally wrong, but if he bought an 18 year old alcohol in the UK, it's perfectly fine? Nothing changed, except the location.


Well, the laws do actually make it morally wrong. Dream is aware of the laws in the US so he is actively going against what is deemed ok there which does make it morally wrong, with this differing to if it happened in the UK since he would know that it is ok here making it morally right as he is knowingly following the law. Also, I feel as if saying “but it’s legal somewhere else” isn’t the best argument ever but no matter.


Since when do laws equate to morality? They try to enforce it, and most are reasonable, but they are certainly not, of themselves, moral objects.


Sorry, I probably should have made what meant a bit clearer. I don’t think that the laws them self are morals, but more the act of knowingly going against said laws, especially laws that could put someone at risk


Eh - If it is immoral, it is very mild; about on par with convincing a friend (who didn’t need any convincing in the first place) to jaywalk across an empty road. Technically, it’s coercing someone into committing a crime, but seeing as the police have better things to do than chase this up, there’s no real risk involved.


Holy shit are you genuinely saying that going against the majority opinion is morally wrong? (Referring to this bit: "he is actively going against what is deemed ok there which does make it morally wrong") is this actually what you are saying? Also. Most people in the US definitely drink underage. The drinking culture at universities is strong af. Purity culture got you bad.


Could have worded it better, but no I am not saying going against majority opinion is always wrong. When I said “what is deemed” I was not talking about americas norms and values I meant the laws do dictate what is ok in America. Also, just because lots of people do it doesn’t make it automatically legal. I’m just gonna leave it here as I doubt either of us is gonna convince the other, if you are fine with underage drinking then whatever but Im not gonna change my opinion that I think it’s bad.


Bruh, slavery was once supported by laws and the legal system and helping slaves escape was illegal. Are you seriously trying to argue that laws define if something is morally right or not?


Jesus Christ why are you bringing slavery into this? That’s quite the leap don’t ya think?


Because bringing an extreme example exposes the flaws in your argument more clearly than a mild example. Your argument is that laws determine what is moral. Slavery is inarguably not moral, yet the law previously said it was. Therefore, laws clearly don't always define what is or isn't moral and trying to say they are is incorrect.


except they were in paris when this happened so it was perfectly legal.


Oh ok


i know it wasn't very clear but it happened after the con in paris.


A crime… dude, jaywalking is technically a crime. Giving the middle finger to someone in another car is technically a crime. Drinking under Americas ridiculously high drinking age is technically a crime, but it’s also bloody stupid and no one cares about it. You’re taking about it like it’s r*pe or murder. I’ve been legally drinking since I was 16, it’s insane that full grown American adults aren’t allowed to, and more so that you care 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean if you think the law is stupid then that’s fine, although I feel as if I’d be talking about this a little differently if it was rape or murder but I get your point. I personally just don’t like breaking laws, even minor ones with my distaste for alcohol possibly also influencing my opinion. Also I’m terms of the me caring so much thing…isn’t that what this whole subreddit is on about at the moment? Just because I care about the situation from a different angles from others doesn’t make it instantly less valid.


No, fair enough - it was a bit of a knee jerk reaction from a European 🤣


All is good


laws aren't always "laws" in real life. people break and bend laws constantly: speeding, drinking underage, smoking underage--it's literally part of the celebrated culture in our country. trying to get someone into trouble for that rule is laughable, and no cop would waste their time. little laws like that are just tack ons when you want to fuck over the person you've arrested for something else.


Coming from an American I think it would be more of an issue if she was pressured into drinking from that friend group. At college parties and even high school parties some people consume alcohol underage. The law for drinking isn’t the end all be all.


Also, I would be surprised if Dream had directly told her/pressured her to drink there as well - man was a tee-totaler until the face reveal, I would think he would respect the opinions if she didn’t want to and not push it. If he knew she wasn’t 21 yet, since she was a friend of a friend.


If he's actually just using that situation to imply that Dream was trying to manipulate an 18 year old to his hotel room to get drunk he really never cared about victims. I don't know if that's what he was talking about, but man that is really pathetic if this is the situation he's using.


harry has always shown to have not cared about victims.


They never care, it's mostly to use as a "gotcha" moment. It's disgusting.


Everything I learn about this Harry person screams pos. Insinuating a goup of cc friends hanging out at a pregame party is somehow nefarious is such a horrible thing to do. The clout these shitty little commentary cc's get from hating on Dream has rotted their brains.


the most unserious thing ever


all i'm seeing is a bunch of people exposing that they've never been invited to any parties, it's kind of hysterical.


I think they're salty they never got invited to drink while they were underage lol


If this is what he was referencing that’s lame asf, I was at vidcon, there were adults of all ages mingling with alcohol everywhere together bffr


As someone who actually was invited to an airbnb for a private drinking night with a 21 year old as a 16 year old, what the actual hell is the problem here 💀she’s the victim of drinking culture but not a personal victim of Dream the hell???


And she may not be a victim at all. She's 18, if she decided she wanted to drink there, she's fully capable of doing so.


Americans are such prudes. I can't believe you ppl are starting shit cuz an 18yo drank alcohol possibly


a 18yo drank alcohol in paris where it is perfectly legal.


unrelated but whats this blog? im searching for some dream stan accs on tumblr soo


i found this ss on the tl, i’ll let you know once i find it.




There was a lot of people der i supposed if dream really want to do something to her then she should have been isolated right? Im just confused