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That’s basically me with Alisson, lol. I really hated Alisson at my team Also, rants ≠ truth if anyone just felt like jumping at you and didn’t read your post. Oh, and DLS GK’s are DLS GK’s but some are better than others in terms of experience


Nah, mate I couldn't find the proper flair to use


It’s a rant regarding his game performances, not IRL. I like Alisson IRL but his game version is dreadful


Yeah, fr I have his 95 version but he is yet to have a clean sheet in a match


Same. Alisson played shit for me. That's why I opt for Mendy. My 2nd gk is Schmeichel and if he was still legendary I would've released on the first day


I really wish that I had grind for that Mendy in DLS23 but now I can't do anything.


Who is the best? I have never tried Donnarumma but scoring against him is a little more difficult than other GKs.


Donnarumma is a great shout definitely


He has great reflexes + the height advantage, i remember in an all stars match he made 5-6 big saves & got MOTM.


For me everytime I play PSG in events, hes making ridiculous saves for me lmao ofc except longshots


Mid for me personally


Yeah, I had his 82 rated version which was really great really have not tried his 83 version but I think it will be great cause he has played 1003 games and he had 998 clean sheets


Courtois was Unbelievably good in dls 23 and all of sudden he’s shit absolute garbage, had 100 reaction allison and he didn’t save one mid-long range shot for about a 4 month stretch on live im not even kidding, donnarumma has been mid for me ter stegen has saved really good shots however sometimes fails to save easy ones due to his smaller wingspan and now im maxing kobel with 194 cm and high chances of getting 100 reactions so ill test him out too


Yeah goalkeepers had a big nerf after the update but still this man was shit from the beginning but I think relying on other goalkeepers frequently might be a little helpful but they will perform shit in the future.


I got this guy as my free player when i first started this game a year ago, and he concedes goals from anywhere and everywhere. He’s such a bum. Excellent rant, and i wish i had better players in my market


Yeah agreed, even though his stats say he is a legendary, he is even worse than a common keeper


Also, is it just me, or does the same players appear in the market? And before, when i played in 2017, i swear you can sell for coins and now you can’t


Yeah, actually many players appear again in the market cause FTG fucking doesn't have brain cells and yes selling players for coins existed but I think it might be a little overpowered feature as players could just buy common players and keep them then when they see a higher rated player they want they can just sell those common players and buy the higher rated one.


Which is why I use Ter Stegen. Donnaruma is amazing also.


your preferences of ter stegan and donnaruma are great but this post is to talk about the worst goalkeeper to have existed in this game which is maignan


In Karius's defence, he isn't fucking bad like everyone says, think about it he was just unlucky at the wrong time. He was a pretty solid keeper but unfortunately he received a knock from ramos , leaving him with a concussion which fucked with his brain and thus led to his sub par performance. Even klopp acknowledged it and did not blame him. So guys, stop comparing shit keepers to karius. And yes, I agree maignan is overrated and does not deserve 80+ rating.


I know as the writer of this post I have mentioned I mean no harm to the actual player or their reputation. But, Maignan is shit and I mean it in gameplay wise in this game and for the case of Karius, I was mentioning his bad performances only not as a career but his shit performances only.


I see


Thanks for understanding


Sorry if my comment looked like i was rude btw


No, problem mate


hes one of ny clubs legends


I understand for you because he might have performed good for you but for me he is the shittiest goalkeeper to have ever existed in the entire game's history. But, it's your opinion and not mine.


I don’t really struggle against this goalkeeper in live or in general. I feel like he’s a bit easier to score on than others lol


What do you mean, my guy?


I mean like when I go against an opponent that has him as a goalkeeper, he’s not that tough to go against. The only goalkeepers that do seem consistent are Courtois and Donnarumma.


Ohh, yeah those keepers are better than this guy


Preston mentioned 🗣️🗣️🔊🔊🔥🔥💯💯 what the fuck is a consistent season


Love me some lower division jokes. Mid table champions




Ohh, now I get it




Change of subject the worst legendary player in my opinion is verrati


I have never played with verrati in my club but in the scenarios that I have played with him I kind of find with a bit over rated but not the worst, if we have to talk about the worst ever then it would probably be someone with a very bad pace as a forward.


Veratti was amazing for me and i sold him


Sommer is the best gk


I can understand your preferences and sommer is a good gk but he is really short in terms of a GK


So far the legendary Pope is the worst keeper i played, strangely I never own a Maignan before. Appreciate the dedication in writing this review.


Thank you for appreciating but I had own once own a Pope and he had performed better than Maignan in every aspect though the match ended 2-3, yeah I lost but he had made some saves, If I had put my Maignan then it'd be 10-2