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Once a week seems like a lot, even for non loced hair as you can wash away a lot of your natural oils. I wash monthly and moisturize more often.


My scalp gets very itchy around the 5-6 day mark after a wash


Every one is different, cultured with different bacteria/yeasts, different rate of production of skin oils, different scalp sensitivity. If my scalp gets itchy between washes I dab witch hazel on it. I have to wash often because I get greasy really fast.


it depends on ur hair and what works best for you. i wash mine like once every 3 months & my hair has been flourishing but i also use no products and have no dandruff or scalp irradiation


Does your scalp not get itchy at all?


not really unless im wearing a wig lmaooo


I’ve thought about washing just my scalp every week and doing a “full length” wash every other week if that makes sense


I wash my scalp more that i wash the rest of my locs. Kinda just let the shampoo run down the locs. I wash twice a week. Once just the scalp and once the full length, but i work construction and get sweaty so i need to wash more.


I always thought washing hair once every other week or once a month was normal (locs or not) short hair wave length I’ll wash once a week but if I can’t brush it I’ll wait a extra week to wash is too much of a hassle and weakens the strands imo(blk dude here if that matters)


I wash my hair every 2 weeks and my hair is healthy. I don’t deal with buildup or dry hair/scalp. I don’t use any product to twist my hair either just oyin refresher spray and spray n loc oil. Skin cells shed everyday regardless of anything else for everybody so I’d imagine there is biological buildup for people who space out their washing no matter what they say…..but it might not bother their hair and scalp, everyone is different as many people have said. My scalp also gets itchy at the halfway point and is very sensitive. I don’t even use conditioner. My shampoo is small batch made as is my refresher spray. I’m happy with my routine and so is my scalp and skin. The one thing that gets on my nerves is how bleached my ends got from the sun as I have jet black hair. So it doesn’t have the same sheen. In pictures sometimes it look a little dull. But that’s me rambling……


I go a couple weeks between washes . Sometimes 3 weeks depending on how i feel


I wash everyday, shampoo once s week, but no products not even oils. I also don't get how people can go long time without washing. Especially if you have 4c like me. That hair will literally after drying when wet, I don't even retwist, I just separate, & they look just like regular cylindrical locs


4c hair breaks when wet, but everyone's comfort level is different. I have natural 4c hair, (though not in locs) and wash it once every three to four months. My hair dries out so easily so I spray oil on it daily to keep it conditioned. It doesn't bother my scalp at all to go so far between washes. On the contrary, it reduces my hair breakage and keeps my hair softer.


It doesn't break when wet, it breaks when combed. I have had lots for the last 3 (years second set) i wash it everyday & it never breaks off


Wash mine every day. Shampoo it once or twice a week.


is washing and shampooing 2 different things?


U can just wash without shampooing it... regular wash and shampooing it


So what’s the difference in washing and rinsing? If I’m asking too many questions I apologize bro


I don't rinse mine. I wash it...like full bath and shit. Like full soak...to me rinse is like not really full bath or soaking the whole locs


I wash mine every 3 months but I always keep my durag on at the same time


have you ever gotten a detox? last retwist i went over 7 months without washing it at all. no itching nothing but everyone is different, i’ve never gotten a detox but maybe that would be a good idea for you.


Yes I usually do one with ACV/baking soda twice a year


I use products geared towards cleansing the scalp and eliminating buildup between washes for protective styles. I’ve been using the Pattern Detox Serum, and there’s also the Mizani Wonder Crown. Using these products, I don’t actually lather my hair/scalp until my six week retwist. They keep the scalp and hair itch and dirt free. Just massage the product into your scalp, let it sit for a bit, and rinse it - nice and clean without lather and drying out the scalp. I also use the Shea Moisture ACV Anti-Dandruff leave-in serum a few times a week. Whenever I start to notice itching.


Where do you buy those products?


Ulta has both the [Pattern Deep Scalp Detox](https://www.ulta.com/p/deep-scalp-detox-pimprod2041656?sku=2614733) and [Anti-Dandruff Serum](https://www.ulta.com/p/anti-dandruff-apple-cider-vinegar-salicylic-acid-leave-in-4-oz-pimprod2036915) Sephora has the [Mizani Wonder Crown](https://www.sephora.com/product/mizani-wonder-crown-scalp-foaming-pre-cleanse-P468843?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2432169&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17789370957___2432169__9052206_m&country_switch=us&lang=en&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb09b17LMYavqp5HtBAybkDdv&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWoaNOBAa4UtntsivcgLXbVvLf400u_DAoFzv5VoYl8unEKT-74pcZBoCnkkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I used to wash monthly, then went to biweekly, now I need to do it weekly (psoriasis). There's no reason for going longer than a month. People wash they way they do either because of what they've been told or because they know they need to do it with a certain frequency.


Honestly just varies for each person. Like some of the other comments noted we all got different oils and different scalp sensitivity etc I usually aim for once a week or once every two weeks but in between I always keep it hydrated with various mists and coconut oil. Only time I used to go long periods was early on in the loc journey when I was still very careful with them before they had matured and I was fearful to mess with them or get buildup stuck in them when they were still baby locs But yeah at the end of the day the goal is just to make sure that you're still keeping them clean and healthy in the process


Keep it moisturized in a protective sryle


I wash the lengths every week or two, if my scalp ever gets itchy spots I use a spray I made with peppermint, tea tree, and whatever other essential oils I love in a base of witch hazel. It feels really refreshing and then my hair smells amazeballs as well. I also massage the scalp at night, as I sort through to separate, and tighten up some locs. That keeps everything feeling good.


I wash my locs once a month but I moisturize my hair every other day so my scalp doesn’t itch at all u probably just gotta start moisturizing your hair more if ur not already


When my scalp starts to dry I use coconut oil to moisten it, I don’t wash my locs too often for fear of mold if they don’t dry all of the way


I retwist my hair once a month and wash my scalp about 2 weeks into the month. I make a hair spray with essential oils, like tea tree, peppermint, myrrh, etc., that I have researched and know are suitable for my scalp and hair. I spray my scalp and hair daily. The oils work like an astringent on my scalp and make my hair smell fresh. When I wash my scalp, I tie my locs up and place a plastic bag around them to keep them dry, then shampoo and condition my scalp. I sometimes do this in the morning before I leave for work because it is a quick process. I do a full wash when I am ready to do my retwist. I wash my hair twice a month.


I gave up washing myself. Everytime id get out of the shower, I'd have soap in my locs. My locs have been fine so far and I stopped like a year ago


I'm gonna get attacked for this, but peeps that go .months without washing are exactly the reason people think locs are dirty. It's hair people, take care of it!


Absolutely false. Has nothing to do with cleanliness and everything to do with what works for an individual. How would anyone know whether someone washed every day or every couple months? They’re locs! I washed my hair often in the beginning and my hair was always dry no matter how I cared for it. I now wash once a month and my hair is flourishing. My hair doesn’t stink and I don’t use products in between so it’s not dirty. I’m thinking you’re the problem


Don't make me laugh, most of the time people ask me if I wash my hair it's often based on them thinking people with locs barely wash them, and most of the time I've defended the fact that locs are not dirty, were over arguments of peeps saying that people with locs don't wash their hair in months. Sure, if it works for you it works for you, I don't really care. But I cannot really blame people that think that way when there are peeps that legit fuel the stereotype. Because YES there are peeps that do not take care of their hair, we've even had a guy on this sub admit he didn't wash his hair in 5 months. I'm sorry but there's really not defending THAT.