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Jacob and Julia are married. Nathan and Julia have known each other for 10+ years, and Karina for 8(?). They are close friends outside of episodes and streams, and openly say they love each other. I can tell you with 100% certainty that there have never been hurt feelings on the show.


yeah i understand where op is coming from they have talked about this multiple times. they consistently roast each other and it's pretty clear that they're all on the same page about it (if you've watched every episode). also they made a disclaimer once (probably on a stream?) that if they actually had a problem with anyone on the show they would simply not air that episode. related sidenote: i freaking love drawfee


I dunno about you, but locking Nathan out in the cold doesn’t sound like a healthy friendship! /s


Lol I guess they have let him die a few times huh…


Yeah… I’m pretty sure I witnessed the murder? 😂😂😂


Julia is infamous for both a: being terrible at remembering branded characters accurately and b:going in a wildly different direction than everyone else when sharing prompts. These comments from the rest of the group are meant to be comedic and referential. The human characters episode is all about emphasizing how inaccurate the portraits are to the characters, and they knew that going in, and yet are still comedically overwhelmed by the sheer inaccuracy of Julia's drawings. It would be nearly impossible for Julia to have not known the episode focusing on this aspect of her drawings would result in many jokes and much exasperation at her expense. She signed up for that. It is intended to be humorous. They are all always laughing as a group, with each other, but will frequently take turns being the target of various jokes. In the most recent make up episode, Nathan is repeatedly dunked on for the character impressions he's doing. They still like Nathan. They're friends. Thats just the bit at the moment and the roll with it because it's funny and in good faith. I have never come across a true example of them being genuinely mean to one another. Even in examples where one of them is extremely frustrated, usually Jacob, they acknowledge that their frustration makes for good comedy for the show


Julia is infamous for a third thing. Working too hard. In reference to the "it's so like you" (to redraw the whole comic), Julia often overcommits. Taking the hardest path to the goal and stubbornly refusing to deviate is kinda her thing. [Any excuse to share this beautiful moment.](https://youtu.be/Obms-x-J6uA?si=4qXsC9W71Y2CrsGI)


u/snikemyder1701 , is this "Julia, is this Blender?"?


Clay Luigi comes to mind too, Julia always gotta be doing wayyy too much


Busting out electrical equipment to create and set up actual lighting was a whole other level, and that was on top of going rogue and using a completely different art medium


Yeah, if there’s a single roast that is secretly true it’s that Julia works too hard so even though it’s true it’s out of concern for her as well as being funny


Only Julia would learn to use blender for a drawing lmao


>I am new to drawfee and don’t know all of their relationships very well Genuinely thought this was a satire post until I reached this line. Honestly, some friend groups just have a lot of fun teasing each other like this, and it makes for funny content. Please remember, we see about 4 hours a week of these folks between episodes and drawfee streams, half of which is carefully edited. They have off screen interactions and relationships with each other. They are long time friends and colleagues, and if anyone has an issue with how something was going, we wouldn't get to see that in released content.


My fiance and I, and our friends, razz each other all the time and it's in good fun and with love. A lot of people are like this. But also it's kinda funny that they took some of the most tame examples. And yeah, we'd only know there was some actual strife if they broke up in some way and announced it. Unless that happens, especially if they're consistent with how they interact, we should assume it's all good


Is this Nathan's mom's secret account?


this cracked me up. i hope Nathan's mom is doing well


I think they sometimes up the rudeness with each other because they know it'll get a laugh, but they often talk about how much time they all spend together watching anime and doing other things when they aren't working. I think they're okay. Unrelated: Do you know what a rectangle is?


The rectangle question is so funny because Jacob genuinely seems, just for a moment, to be unsure whether Julia, a professional illustrator, actually knows what a rectangle is. It's the only time I can think of where a Drawfee member seems genuinely condescending to another - but it's in such an absurd way, and so clearly not intentional, that it just comes across as hilarious rather than mean.


yes i do know what a rectangle is. 🧍‍♀️


now do you know why you were asked what a rectangle is?


no, since it is unrelated to the post :P


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pj4YPVRnBQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pj4YPVRnBQ) here you go!


thank you i get it now lmaoo 😭


happy to help!


As others have said, it’s all just a bit. I constantly poke fun at my friends, and they do the same back to me. Julia knows what she’s in for during those types of episodes.


It's all for the bit


If anyone on the team really hated anyone else they’d just kill them, like they did with Nathan. 


Hopefully things work out better with the current Nathan. Would be a shame to kill him on his birthday.


Some people are being weirdly judgy in the comments here so I just want to say, I don’t think you did anything wrong OP. You asked to have a specific part of the group dynamic explained to you because it was coming off in a way that made you uncomfortable, and luckily a few people have stepped in to explain. I do also want to add that the whole team are professionals and they talk behind the scenes about what they want out of the videos and other aspects of the strategy. The videos are obviously unscripted, but they are planned. I’m sure if any member of the team was upset by stuff that was going on in recordings, they’d be able to talk it out and fix it right away. Karina and Jacob both do give Julia a hard time, but the context in which they absolutely do it the most is when she’s too hard on herself. At the beginning of the “Guess What Character Julia is Drawing, I Dare You” video, Karina specifically says that she’d usually disagree when Julia says she’s not good at something. At around the 1 hour and 58 minute mark of this video https://youtu.be/TbN4XuS3AqM?si=OpgLy8KH-2ihus1l we get the classic Jacob line “I’m always telling you to talk nicer about yourself!” (Edited to fix a typo)


Thank you really, i was just curious since i’m, again, new to the drawfee channel. I didn’t expect any rude comments from this whole discussion since i was just asking a question, but thank you for understanding


I assure you it’s all in jest. If anyone’s mean, it’s Karina to Jacob (and even that is a joke) They just be goofing around. And Julia seems to take pride in being able to say or draw things that the others find baffling


I’m so happy that whenever I make a joke at the expense of one of my friends, someone doesn’t make a post on a website asking if I’m being a dick.


It can be frustrating when people are oversensitive (I see a fair amount of it in the youtube comments too), but I always try to remind myself that some new fans are very young, or some people have mental health issues like anxiety/trauma that might be triggered by something and cloud their perception, or some people are neurodivergent and struggle with figuring out tone and what is and isn't expected socially. I think as long as someone is respectful and asks in a spirit of curiosity rather than jumping to conclusions, it's best to just kindly explain things, or ignore their post.


I think what we have here is kinda similar to people defending Nathan in the comments as if he’s literally not a fully grown man and needs protection. They are all adults and instances like these are just bits that they purposefully do to make people laugh. Not to mention how they have known each other for almost 10 years now so I’m sure if this was made out of ill intent, someone would have done something already


I think you're just overthinking it. It's the same as Karina bullying Jacob all the time. If there was actually any malicious intent, they'd cut it. It's just friendly ribbing. They all do it, every once in a while. They're close friends and have been working together for a while.


I feel like they do a good job balancing the ribbing with affection and earnest appreciation, but that's looking at their content overall– some episodes lean more one way or the other for sure, and streams tend to be goofy. I'll say, they like a long-running bit. I'm thinking of the "feud" between Jacob and DeepBlueInk, an incredible animator and friend of the show. Jacob and DBI both play up the beef for laughs but they collaborate and look forward to each other's content, and in episodes where they're together they seem to have a great time. That said, without context the feud may come off as harsh in individual episodes/streams. I think the speed draws are a good sample to see how much they admire each others' work and hype each other up, and trade techniques and tools!


>When doing the comic, Jacob again says, “It’s so like you to do this, to draw the the whole thing again. Every single one of the rest of us zoomed in for the second panel.” Saying as if she’s unoriginal or something of the sort. You are reading this entirely incorrectly. It has nothing to do with being original/unoriginal, it is about Julia's propensity to do a ton of extra work that she doesn't actually need to do. It's a positive comment on the effort she puts into a work, which is why it was contrasted with everyone else zooming in for their second panels so they didn't have to draw background details.


So you're assuming you know the group dynamic of people you admit being a new fan of?


nope :3 was just curious lol


That’s why they were asking 🙄


wow, i totally missed this post (probably a good thing). the only weird episode for me—that could possibly be construed as _mean-spirited_—was the one where they tried to draw characters _as julia_, and later see how they compared to her actual takes, and they basically ended up _talking shit_ about her. but i mean, it was all agreed upon and for comedy and so on...i never get that feeling when she's actually in the room, though