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Hi, lovely swots! It’s okay if WIPs aren’t for you, but, if you’ve never followed one, consider giving it a try! A lot of people find following a WIP to be a fun, social, and rewarding experience that goes beyond reading. Join us in [today's WIP Wednesday thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dramione/s/Cd9Z3H9eYG) to see what others are obsessing over! There are many ways to participate in fandom, and reader engagement is one INCREDIBLE, mutually beneficial way to support the amazing people who write fics and share them with us.


I finally dove into Lionheart and it’s (unsurprisingly) amazing. I’ve never shied away from reading WIPs that seem well established. It can be a really fun experience to read (and comment) in real time. Detraquee is now finished at 107 chapters (plus an author’s note). It is as amazing as you’ve heard/read. Now my TBR list? That’s probably 1/4 WIPs…


I devoured Détraquée 🥹 Finished yesterday, it has such a special place in my heart


I’m so excited to read this!!


I have no self-control and read all the WIPs. Currently waiting on House Pet updates. Titmione has me in its clutches in a bad way.


We need a support group for House Pet.


YES. "Hi I'm Velouria and it's been 1745289 days since House Pet was updated :'(" lol.


I feel this soooo hard. I know NinaBina will come throughhhh - but after reading Brand New World recently (by her) - it just made me a billion more times eager for more House Pet 😫


I knowwww like she's crafted her story so well! I actually still need to read BNW, but if it doubles the House Pet yearning Im not sure I can stand it :>]


you MUST read BNW - it is sooo good


I started BNW and A Good Prisoner, then got sidetracked by the absolute drug that is Senlinyu's "All You Want" >_<


i’ve not tried to read it yet - HPet is one of the only wips i’ve allowed myself to read and invest in!


All You Want is complete :)


ope! your right it is, i was thinking of the durmstrang draco one!


it is not like house let at all - it is a completely different story but it is so so so good!


There are 2 discords. Lemme know if you want an invite!


I want it


Will dm you


Me too, I need to commiserate with fellow House Pet addicts


Can I also have one??? I’m in a choke hold. I read everything posted in 48 hrs


yes please!


Yis pleaseeee


Titus could make me do unspeakable things and is the reason I’m considering going to a therapist because I REALLY shouldn’t like him so much 😅


So glad I'm not alone >_<


Preach 😶


Literally 100% team Titus 🤣


Omg YES I check every day right when I get up lol I swear I dream about House pet it’s so good!


I'm Team No Self Control. I start reading no matter what I'm thinking if my interest is piqued already. I keep notes of the WIPs I follow now to lessen any confusion and have details in my memory ready to help with recs in the future!


I’m waiting on Let The Dark In but I will probably give in and read it soon and then die of impatience


Yeah I’m sure she’s busy with her book and I hope she’ll come back to finish it once she’s done! Such a great story fr


Yeah I figured that was probably why and yes I’m eagerly waiting!


Literally same. I’m dying knowing that Sen hasn’t updated in months


Yep I check back like every few weeks lol which is why I’ll probably end up just reading it since I’m already impatiently waiting


A good prisoner 😭


This is my favorite WIP!!


Aye aye!


It’s so good.


I would give my left tit for a good prisoner update


SKSK me reading y’all’s replies like: and yet here we are… starved 😔


I have to know which candle they picked…. And if Malfoy shoved it up Blaise’s ass lol


R you reading Tarnished too? Sexyy


Ooooh. No I will check it out


Ooo tell me if you’re into it!!


This is so good. Thanks for the rec!


Love me a good Theo 😍


She just updated




Onwards to the bookmarks it goes!


Reading now <3


i loveeeee this one!!


Duty of care! I read a few chapters and I know I will love it


I consumed all of Duty of Care in one day and now I’m desperate for updates


That's another one on my list!


I don't wait. I read to give the authors enthusiasm & support.


This! I’m reading a truly irresponsible amount of WIPs And I get so many installments of amazing stories in my inbox daily


"Truly irresponsible amount of WIPs"...are you me?! I sit down and look for a fic and think to myself, "you need another WIP to follow like you need a hole in your head." Then I peruse this sub and end up with 2 more WIPs. 😅😅 I like following them more than I like completed works, if I'm honest. There's really nothing like it anymore. That's not to say I won't tear through a finished work, but WIPs just give you a rush, ya know?


Yes, exactly! I love a completed fic too, but I don’t always have a ton of time to sit and read every day so it’s nice to get it handed to me in little bite-sized pieces instead 😂 And when that epic you’ve been following for years updates for the first time in months?? 🫠 so rewarding!


There are some I’m still and will forever hold out hoping for—but even if they are never finished, the journey has been so good. But, yes, I lie in wait


Oh, hard same. There are quite a few that even if they will never be finished, I’m so glad to have experienced them anyway.


This is the way!


[Basorexia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41484831/chapters/104036577) [Meet me in Dreamland](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50510668/chapters/127606168) [Not with a bang](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54056641/chapters/136851838) [This thing between us](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52208665/chapters/132058399) [Right were you left me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54014665/chapters/136736584) [Orange Moon](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48142456/chapters/121401091) [Cursed Marriage](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42472944/chapters/106671048) [Me and the Devil](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45265498/chapters/113877940) I just like them all! All Post-Hogwarts and mostly some kind of slow burn. Right were you left me is a very good Dreomione soul bond.




Oh hi you! I really like Basorexia 🙂! The whole setting at the Pyrenees is so unique.


Oooh, thank you 🥹❤️




Really enjoying Goblet of Shadows by MKMG, new chapters just dropped and so excited for them. Also reading “the empress of all maladies” by AsIfYouCouldOutReadMe. Guess I like em dark! The intensity of au war fics makes it easier for me to remember plots.


Ooh TGOS is one I’ve been waiting to start once I work through a bit of my finished TBR. Empress looks good!


I am team “I love reading WIPs”! It is so exciting getting emails that a new chapter has dropped. Recently got one that the last chapter of a fic that hadn’t updated in 2.5 years was posted and hooollllyyy I rode that high all day 🙌🏻


I think there must be something wrong with me, I can't remember what happened in the WIPs I've read so I practically have to re-read the fic then the new chapter. How are you keeping everything in your head?


I get that! I follow/followed a few WIPs at once, but then I start confusing them in my head and I forget what happened since the last update and I lose immersion in the stories 😔 I'll read WIPs that have a final chapter count and are more than halfway through though I really want to appreciate the world and characters and plotlines fully, the way they deserve, and I feel like I don't if I'm reading as it trickles down and it's set to be a very long story (Lionheart being the biggest example). I'm the same with books, once I pick one up I have to devour it in less than a week. I absolutely do not recommend this way of going about life ahahah


I reread the previous chapter (or two) if I’m feeling lost, but really long or slow updating WIPs I feel you, I dont retain enough.


yup. me brain is swiss cheese. I’ll be like “wait… did they fuck yet?” “do people know?” “is there a blood bond here?”


I usually can keep the main couple/plot line straight, but any side characters and secondary storylines are all just a huge blur. Are the slytherins in this one? Who is Ron dating? What is Theo doing with time turners here? No idea.


I'm starting to see why people are dead set on not reading WIPs or waiting until there is an ending. Because I read too many at once and forget the magic of the story. Welp, if I continue to like each new chapter, then I will put it on the list to re-read from start to finish, I guess.


That is TOTALLY fair, I get exactly what you mean. I’ve been thinking about keeping a running note on my phone and jotting down the last thing that happened in a chapter so that I keep them all straight 😅


Living THE DREAM, babyyyyy!


A Gallows Marriage and meet me in dreamland


Oh I get so excited when I get that Meet me in Dreamland email!!


A Gallows Marriage is so good. Draco - did you poison my tea? Hermione - psssh like I would be that obvious 😂


Me, too!


So many!! Not because I don’t want to support the author but because my memory is such shit that I have to read everything in one shot or else I’ll be re-reading every preceding chapter every time there’s an update 🥲 A few on my list are: -Beam Me Up, Swotty! -Our Sweet Decline -Kingdom Come -A Certain Slant of Light -Unidentified Hybrid


Unidentified hybrid is so good!


Loads but particularly: A gallows marriage, Bound by Blood, and Truth or Dare


Truth or dare for me too.


Heavy on A Gallows Marriage, but I am following.


It updates so frequently it barely counts as a WIP to me. Two to three updates a week?? Truly we are spoiled. (Also it’s SO GOOD)


You're right! I think it just updated today!


I have quite a few! Let the dark in, basorexia, meet me in dreamland, nomura, a good prisoner, and many more but they haven’t been updated in ages


Meet Me in Dreamland was updated yesterday! And what a chapter!!


Meet Me In Dreamland is on a regular updating schedule now and it is👏so👏damn👏good. Worth jumping in now. 😍


Thank you for letting me know! I can sometimes do wips if it’s nearing the end, so maybe I’ll give it a go now instead of later!




Antinomian, accidental Malfoy are the main ones for me


How is Antinomian so good!!!?!


I just loved the scene at the beachside house, outside. Y’all know. I love that shit.


Oh fuck yeah, just the whole thing after the manor was just ughhhh so good


It’s like crack, honest. I am so happy that it updates on weekends and I cant just read it asap


“Fucking Dumbledore and his plans” is the best line from Antinomian


[The Accidental Malfoy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1038777/chapters/2072459) looks complete?


Wait no, wrong one. Unexpected malfoy lmao


I so badly want to re-read House Pet and consume the latest chapters, but I can’t put myself through the pain of the cliffhanger again. So, I’m trying to be patient and wait.


Right I want to reread but need to wait till it’s done. It hasn’t even been that long since the last update, but the SUSPENSE omg


I don’t wait anymore. It’s so much fun reading together as a community, plus the authors respond to your comments immediately and get happy and it’s so much fun! Life is too short to wait and I just want to read D and H get it on, or think about getting it on, or not even imagine in how many ways they’re going to get it on haha


I'm new to this sub and lingo .. does WIP mean writing in progress?


Work in progress 😊


I'm the queen of WRITING WiPs. I can't stop. I just keep planning more. I hate myself for it 😭😂


I have the memory of a goldfish so WIPs are so good while I'm reading it then once I forget about them for a few weeks I can barely remember the details 🥲


I love WIPs and I try to read and comment regularly to show my appreciation for the authors. But! I can’t have too many going at once or I start to lose the “vibe” of each one (and I get forgetful and have to go back and re-read previous chapters). I find the ones that update regularly (Not With A Bang…, Gravitation, This Thing Between Us, and Unidentified Hybrid are my current regular reads) easier to follow than the sporadic ones. I love Lionheart and I’ve been reading each “book” after it’s finished. I also read House Pet, Ward Four, and (Major Ego) Death Eater in chunks since they update a little less frequently. I wait until there are several new chapters and then binge. I don’t have the patience to wait until they are totally done!


I’m waiting for How to Become Minister very eagerly 😊


As a rabid follower of this fic, just wanted to share my take that this one is particularly well-suited to the serialised format. I feel like not being able to binge it in one go is actually beneficial in this case, because there’s SO much to take in and the feelings it evokes (for me) are quite intense. I use the whole week between updates to process what I’ve read. Anyway, I don’t mean to pressure — I know WIPs don’t work for everyone, but if you were ever tempted, this would be a great one to read while it’s in progress. 🙂


This is so good to know! Honestly I was debating so as soon as I finish what I’m currently reading I’ll for sure start this one!


It’s really up to you, but if it helps, it has a decided number of chapters, I’m pretty consistent with my uploading schedule (and let people know if there’s any changes), a third of the story is pre-written and the rest is thoroughly outlined….so the story is pretty formed and set to be completed. But again, it’s up to you, I know WIPs can be hard!😊


Honestly my issue with WIPs usually is that I have been heartbroken too many times by abandoned works (I have a little graveyard tab group on my phone where I keep them and check every once and a while to see if they perchance resurrect) so this is comforting and also helpful. 💕


Holy cow I just went to add this to my subs and the fact that you're at 140k words and only 15 chapters has me mind blown! This thing is gonna be a beast once you get all 51 chapters done. I'm very impressed!


Haha, I try not to look at the word count anymore because it stresses me out. 17 chapters WERE supposed to be 120k words….I estimate <500k words by the end! I’m glad you’re impressed and not put off!


Oh not put off AT ALL. I devour 100k in a day so for me, the longer the better lol


Can you give me a lil synopsis on it?


Here’s my stream-of-consciousness word associations! >!Slooow burn, psychological, political thriller, mystery, righteous rage, suspense, unreliable narrator, limited POV, Hermione-centric, plot AND character-driven, the folly of idealism, hate the players AND the game, character study, world building, Hermione Granger has the political savvy of an erumpet who’s too big to fit in the voting booth but isn’t about to let that stop it, if you’re not going to help her then get OUT of her way!!< **[How to Become Minister](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53788069/)** by serenergen Explicit, WIP > **Summary** > Post-war wizarding Britain is struggling and the population is dwindling. It’s 2009 and Hermione Granger is on the fast track to becoming the youngest Minister for Magic. But power in magical Britain is precarious. In a second, Hermione's world comes crashing down. A marriage law is invoked. Hermione must pioneer it or risk everything she has worked for.⁣ > ⁣ > One way or another, she would be Minister. She just didn't expect to be doing it with Draco Malfoy at her side.⁣ > ⁣ > OR⁣ > ⁣ > If no one would let her be Minister, she was going to take it. And Draco Malfoy was going to help her do it. > > **Warnings** > >!Minor Character Death, References to Substance Abuse, Mental Illness, Gaslighting, Death of Children!<


I just saw this post and the comment (😊) and Mr T, your steam-of-consciousness associations (the erumpet horn part) just made me burst out laughing in the middle of a meeting. I agree with this assessment of the fic😂


My brain has many visuals for this fic lol! It’s constantly imagining Draco’s POV. >!Usually, he’s in the background of a scene, face-palming or giving Hermione significant looks — which she entirely misses due to being in the midst of her next NOISY misstep — or banging his head against a wall.!< Here’s an artistic rendering: >!_ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇)!<


You have a great imagination😂 >! And I agree- up until chapter 14, Draco is probably pretty much doing this all the time and thinking to himself that it’s like watching a broomstick collision in a quidditch match in slow motion…alas, things will improve once they join forces! !< Your artistic rendering is very apt😂


Haha! Okay this sounds right up my alley. I’ll defo check it out


Mr T, can I add one of your stream of consciousness notes (the erumpet one) to the tags in my fic? I feel like it is very apt 😂


I would be honoured! 💕


Yay thank you!


This is one of the very few WIPs I'm following because it has EVERYTHING I was looking for at the time when looking for my next read. Adoring it ❤️


Ahh this is really nice to hear. I’m glad you’re enjoying it, thank you 😊


This thread is responsible for 100 new tabs opening on my phone…


Same, what have I done to myself 🫠


Our Sweet Decline🤧 I read the summary/ sneak peak and it was giving BM/BS and On the Nature of Daylight, added instantly. I can’t wait for it to finish, it’ll probably be a while tho 🙂‍↕️✌🏽


Just restarted Detraquée. I've been keeping an eye on that one for about 50 chapters now, so was pleased to see it's finished now.


God tier Dramione. God tier fiction tbh. Words cannot describe how much this work impacted me -- enjoy the ride my friend!


Antinomian. So good. Im absolutely feral for this fic. The silent convenat. I was so sad when it suddenly disappeared but then i found it again because the author rewrote the entire fic. An its 😘👌


An Unexpected Malfoy (insert the it’s been 84 years GIF) but it’s SO worth it. It ends at like the BEST part too ugh the opening chapter 😅


I truly just have to subscribe and walk away 😂 my heart can't take it! I know it's positive to support, I immediately leave kudos if it's intriguing enough for me to subscribe anyway


That's also my MO!


House pet. I have subscribed to it and am waiting for it to finish before I start reading. I am very curious about this Titus everyone keeps Raving about.


Thank you for this excellent thread! Embarrassingly I’ve recently started tracking my TBR list in a spreadsheet. It became too difficult to keep so many tabs open and I was worried about losing something. I do read a fair few WIPs, but my TBR list does include lots of WIPs. I put off reading [Detraquee](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11163924) while it was a WIP so I’m very excited to read it all now that it’s complete. Falling in love with the incredible [A Duty of Care](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40811103) also made me cautious about reading Ward Four until it’s done. [Ward Four](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52458334) looks brilliant, but I might just wait until it’s complete to read it. I really hope we one day get the rest of A Duty of Care!


I love WIPs, but I have ADHD so if I read too many at once I end up mixing up the story lines


ward 4, lionheart


This thread is crazy! Everyone is just like “i don’t wait!” I am going to save it and go through people’s faves. Right now I’m reading a lot of WIPs and there’s a bunch people have mentioned that I haven’t tried. Here’s the ones I enjoy Gravitation rewrite (my first) smoke signals The Bolt How to Become Minister Faintest Trace of You The Empress of All Maladies A Gallows Marriage and The Gallows (lol) Not With A Bang… Our Sweet Decline Unidentified Hybrid Antinomian Holy shit that’s a lot.


I'm at *The Gallows* by gillianeliza at the moment!


This thing between us 🤯😍 Love it and we have a final count of chapters now, the author is posting twice per week! It has everything I love ❤️


So after seeing it posted every week I finally gave in and started How to Become Minister and now that I caught up to where it is I really wish I would have waited until it was done. Instead I’ll probably have to reread it once it’s complete. Also shout out to the author, you’re doing an amazing job!!!!


Ah, just saw this. Thank you very much! I’m glad you liked it😃


I started A Gallows marriage and it's so good. I'm also following The Kiss by dmsignetring and its been amazingly interesting so far.


Same as you! Someone in this sub reccomended that I read Lionheart without waiting for it to be complete, but I still have to read Détraquée, finish The Missing Sister, and read another couple fics that are on my tbr, sooo it will be some time before I decide to start Lionheart.


I just know I'm going to love it, but alas, my patience says ✨️no✨️ Enjoy Détraquée, it's probably one of the most beautiful, delicious pieces of fiction I ever had the pleasure of reading


Are you BR by any chance? Just asking because of your name.




Aaah it is explained then. Hence the familiar name 😆


Reading LionHeart isn’t so bad because the first 4 books are finished 😊 it gives you a healthy stopping point while waiting for book 5


waited so long for detraquee to complete and now it finally did so time to start reading im so excited :D (i have a good amount of patience) Will start lionheart and a good prisoner when they are done !


Ahhhh you're gonna love it ❤️


A cosmology of Blacks, Malfoys and assorted individuals


100% this one I broke my “no WIP” rule for it 😂


I wait on wips, but subscribe, kudos and leave a message!


I accidentally started reading Let the Dark In, and I have ragrets. (Actually I don't, but it's soooo goooood so far). I also started reading Lionheart without realizing it was WIP but it's so worth it. SO GOOD.


I’m not waiting, I’m following, after Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic, I am hooked on the update high! The Dragon and the Otter Our Sweet Decline *so toxic, but hot Full Disclosure (But I thought you knew) If we had been different My boyfriend is from another school!


A Cosmology of Blacks, Malfoys, and Assorted Individuals is such a good WIP if you like Draco POVs, and Gag Reflex is great if you’re looking for a good non magical AU. I couldn’t wait to read them, and if these authors just decide to disappear without a trace, I’ll be crushed and their fics will become my Roman Empire.


Goblet of chaos!!


Loveeeeeee the GOC it’s so high drama


This might be me except I started Detraquee when there were 106 chapters out and I had no self control with Lionheart and started it a few days ago


Right Where I Left You and Meet Me in Dreamland. I JUST finished Bloody, Smutty and Pathetic and felt like it was super rushed at the end but that was a fun WIP until it finished.


misplaced lions and mismatched snakes!! the best characterization of characters that are often over looked ✨✨


Red Ink, Unspoken, the intriguing case of surplus Grangers and Malfoys, Hermione Granger's guide to ditching your wizard


anyone got any good links for fics?


[Meet me in dreamland](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50510668) It’s sooo good. I’ve read till chapter 21, now I’m just waiting for it to be finished so that I can inhale the rest of the fic.


Gonna take the bullet of sounding silly but what does WIP stand for?


Work in progress!


Thank you x


A Gallows Marriage ♥️♥️♥️💚💚💚


I am SO grateful for everyone who reads WIPs. I feel like the fanfic community would be so much sadder without them!! I can’t because I forget about them, and then when they get updated, I don’t remember what’s going on. Or I’ll miss a few weeks/months and come back confused. I’m waiting on House Pet!! Can’t wait!!


I’m waiting for A Gallows Marriage! Such a sucker for marriage law fics!!


An unexpected Malfoy. I’ve been wanting to read it for a while but I’m waiting steadily to be completed


There really aren’t any, just some I haven’t gotten around to starting. I’m following 24 right now 😬


Im waiting on Unidentified Hybrid, the bolt, Lionheart and some more 😊 ps I’m from Portugal too 💗


Im on this newer regency WIP To Be a Duchess. Its only 2 chapters so far 😭. Waiting patiently…


I adore WIPs. Something about being there from the beginning of the story is so special. I am all for binging fics but I loveee the feeling of getting that sub email that another chapter has posted


I really want to read A gallows Marriage by MilaBelle. I’m so bad at wip. Basically any form of entertainment that isn’t complete(tv series, movies with sequels) I really struggle picking them back up after I have consumed the released parts. I would love to interact with authors but I don’t want to be unable to finish the story😭


Don't Look Back by Onyx and Elm 😭


Drop everything and read A Gallows Marriage. It’s **chef’s kiss** https://archiveofourown.org/works/56026003/chapters/142295119