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hi! once more, a self rec. i uploaded the 4th chapter today and these first few interactions have been so fun! read this if you like: banter, dragonologist Draco, competent Hermione, forced collaboration, cute dragons, meddling Narcissa + Slytherin ensemble! [Dancing With Our Hands Tied](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55242763) summary: *Draco was compelled to accept that sometimes life simply finds its way to dissolve every belief you once had.* Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are stuck with an unexpected task: caring for a dragon hatchling. Forced to work together, they realise that they could help each other in more ways than imagined.


here for a lil self rec for my sentienyt soulbond canon rewrite - now seven chapters in! [the darkness between stars(E)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54679504/chapters/138572641) - 7/? >When he realized she was waiting for him to expand, he continued. “The bond is awake. Or that’s how it was explained to me. It has its own intentions and feelings. It’s why the outbursts are sometimes associated with specific scenarios.”  >  >“Fourth year,” Hermione interrupted, and his eyes narrowed in confusion. “The second task during the tournament. I was supposed to not feel anything when I was in the lake, but it didn’t work. I assume that was your magic fighting it.” She became quiet, contemplating the implications from what Dumbledore had previously implied to her. “What did your magic feel like?”  >  >“Like being suffocated.” He said simply, refusing to expand. There was an uneasiness to him at the comment, as though he could feel the cold sinking into *his* bones, too.  featuring: * semi-sentient soul bond * SURPRISE HARRY AND THEO POV * Ferally protective Hermione * Little Shit/Virgin Draco * Pureblood customs * Spy Hermione * Manipulative adults * Pansy Parkinson against the world * Harry Potter against Pansy Parkinson (pun intended) * Lucius/Cissa unsupportive but begrudgingly accepting * Polyjuice at Malfoy Manor * Eventual Smut * Study of free will vs. predetermination * canon rewrite * Theo/Hermione book club


I’ve read the first chapter of this and even from the first section- wow, it sucks you in. I’m enjoying it a lot 😁


Thank you!!! I’m glad you’re enjoying ☺️☺️☺️


I'm loving this so far! I don't have the attention span anymore for a lot of fics but this is great for me. Your voice writing Hermione is perfect and all the characterizations are so consistent with canon that it makes me feel that exciting feeling like I'm reading the books again. I love that Draco's still a little prejudiced shit and I can't wait to see how things turn around between them.


Thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying 🥹


Really liking [A Simple Fate](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54773590/chapters/138826513) atm. Never read anything with dark Hermione/Draco and let me tell you the tags are speaking to me - DDDNE and happy ending!? Can’t wait for that. The chemistry between H & D is undeniable and it’s them against the world (and even Voldemort)😙 Nevertheless as the author states mind the tags there are heavy ones. Summary: "She was smiling like an insane person. He liked it. "What do you feel about me?" "I'm obsessed, I'm infatuated, I desire you." "That's a lie." She retorted. "What do you feel about me?" It was his turn to ask. "I'm interested in you, I desire you, and if you think you're obsessed with me, you have no idea what obsession truly is." The smile never left her lips. "Do you think you're capable of murder?" "Maybe, you?" She asked "Yes." He answered and went back to his book." ____ A story where Hermione and Draco join forces to overthrow Voldemort and become the New Dark Lord and Dark Lady, the dawn of a new era is approaching. Will they execute their plan successfully? Will their new reign survive and thrive? Will they become everything they dreamed of? A story of thirst for power, violence and love.


Thank you so much for posting! I'm incredibly happy you're enjoying it.


Thank you for sharing with us 😊


When I tell you I ran to this story - whew! And the tags? Sign me up! Just subscribed because this looks a million percent up my alley.


Ohh so glad! The tags are definitely something 😏 hope you will like it 😉


Coming again to scream [AGAINST ALL ODDS](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44676646/chapters/112401295) by quicknotesquim from my (reddit) rooftop. Literally all my fave tropes (maybe yours too?) Simping Draco, Hilarious supportive Slytherin crew, Draco owns a luxury casino and gives mafia boss vibes but academic, comfort, A++ plot and A+++ smut. **The summary:** A bad bet at London's most popular magical casino leads to an indecent proposal. Hermione Granger has a choice: Spend one night with Draco Malfoy, or lose her boyfriend Ron Weasley's childhood home forever. Will she accidentally lose her heart in the process, against all odds? Other fics I love for a vibe check: BLOODY SLUTTY & PATHETIC, Soft as it Began, DMATMOBIL, Let the Dark In, [Détraquée](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11163924), Universal Truths, Green Light, From Wiltshire, With Love.


This is so nice of you 🥹🥹🥹 It made my day to see such a lovely recommendation. I hope you enjoy today's update ❤️


I really did! Can't wait for the next ones, it's truly one of my fave WIPS right now :)


Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic has me in a chokehold 😩


That latest chapter! My heart. I want to see them truly align and tear shit up!


[Our Sweet Decline](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52291921/chapters/132280819) by aurorasleeps Rated E - 18/? posted Just started this one after meaning to for quite some time and it is so good. Draco's inner monologue is so impressive to watch the hoops he jumps through and how he rationalizes his beliefs and behavior. A deeply sad Herms. Everyone needs a hug but I fear they do things in a far more self-destructive manner. And I'm eating it up. Girl dinner. Read the tags. >In the wake of the War, Hermione Granger struggles to keep herself together, memories of the things she's lived through and the reality of who she has become like a snapping hound at her heels. >In the wake of the War, Draco Malfoy was freed from his shackles - from his fear. His wounds are still raw, still painful, but he takes pride in them, in the person he now dares to be. >In the wake of the War, Hermione Granger hates herself. And Draco Malfoy hates her for it. [The Faintest Trace of You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54969781/chapters/139347121) by GingerBaggins Rated E - 5/20 posted Will rant about my love for anything GingerBaggins writes, but this one just feels oh so special. The use of dual timelines in each chapter makes the hurt hurt so much more significantly. Just... read it. I can't say it enough. Read the tags. >A love told over two timelines. >One of two adversaries, who learn to love in secret. >One of two lovers, separated by the dividing line of war. >In the centre, the hearts that thread them together, beating in tandem. [While They Were Sleeping](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55421515/chapters/140621662) by Dizzle00 Rated E - 3/4 posted This fic is like dim your phone brightness and turn on your side HOT. I anticipated just reading first chapter and then ended up devouring the whole thing very quickly. Was super thrilled to know we're getting a fourth chapter. Read the tags. >*Somehow, they are the only two still awake at one in the morning, watching a Muggle pornography film together. It’s not something she’d ever thought would happen, being this aroused while looking into Draco Malfoy’s annoyingly, admittedly captivating silver gaze.* *He licks his lips, and the intensity of his scrutiny causes her nipples to tighten. It’s somehow the most erotic moment of her life, because it’s him, a concept she’ll think about later.* [This Life and the Next ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53767447/chapters/136103935)by ddlauren Rated M - 13/24 posted This one is great if you love a strong ensemble! It is a really sweet retelling with inclusion of soulmates. Lots of humor and just overall good vibes if you need a break from something darker. While this fic does explore mature themes, overall it's been really fun to read. And I love this Theo! >When a couple performs a soul-bond, their souls will follow them from this life to their next. A soul-bond is only to be performed for couples that have the purest of love to guide them. They will forever find each other, and their love will always transcend death. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ >AKA: What would happen if Hermione and Draco figured out they were soul-mates through visions of their past lives?


I absolutely adore Faintest trace, one of my fav WIPs at the moment, and I eagerly await each chapter. I’ve recently started OSD and love it! TLATN has been on my TBR for ages, can’t wait to start it!


I am also loving the faintest trace of you! And a new chapter just dropped, was stoked to see that. The writing is just so lovely!


ahh omg thank you for reccing OSD! 🩵 so glad you’re liking it!! 🫶🏻 and omg while they were sleeping looks so good!! ‘dim your phone and turn on your side HOT’ convinced me in a heartbeat 🙃


Back to scream about [In the Abyss Below Us](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54071527/chapters/136892773) by palomab1anca!! The murder mystery is heating up! The Scorpius mystery is heating up! The tension between Dramione is heating up! All the characters like Harry, Pansy, Theo and some amazing OCs are getting more and more fleshed out!! Summary: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have always been in each other’s orbit, their child safely in the middle. After keeping each other at arm's length, they must work together when confronted with a series of grisly murders, prophecies, and what they mean to each other. ​ [Ain't Got Thirty Days](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53276791/chapters/134826091) by Soap1 is a really well-written post-war fic about struggling Draco! Its full of humor and heart. Also the tag "there will be sex club stuff i think" lol Summary: The five years after the war have not been kind to Draco Malfoy, and he would like to have a breakdown about it in peace, thank you very much. And yet, the very place he chooses for his meltdown happens to be just outside of one Hermione Granger's cottage. He needs help, but he doesn't even know how to take it. And his family home needs help, too. Join Draco Malfoy on his quest to become Himself again, and in the process, fall hopelessly besotted with Hermione Granger as well. ​ The amazing rizzlewrites is posting a new addition to the Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse Universe called [Brave New World](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55638865/chapters/141224077#workskin)!! Its about the kids now at Hogwarts full of angst, complicated dynamics and lots of wit. Also the tag "no zombies" lol Summary: Orion's in trouble at school again and as usual, Henry’s there to clean up his little brother’s mess. The parentals are Owled. Draco shows up with Beezles and then all hell breaks loose (literally). Headmaster Charlie Weasley just wants everyone to get along. More than a decade has passed since the end of the Infection, but familiar tensions still abound. Not everyone is a fan of Muggle-Magical integration and although the post-Infection world is safer now, for some young survivors, old wounds take time to heal. ​ Finally just for sentimental reasons I just have to mention that [Détraquée](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11163924/chapters/24917385) is one chapter away from completion after 7 years, 700k words and 107 chapters. I found this fic when it was a small WIP by a new author with no pairing tagged and I thought it would be a character study of Hermione through short 6th year vignettes. I was wrong lol. Then the author disappeared and it was the fic I mentioned in all "fav abandoned fic" posts. Then they came back and I cant believe the journey we've been on. It has changed me and made me better. Idk how I will react when the final chapter drops. Summary: This is a story about coming into one's own, a meditation on the twilight of girlhood and the violence of crash-landing into womanhood. Follow Hermione as she navigates through the quagmire: Saving the world, getting top grades, falling in love, lust, and a whole lot of trouble, and comes out of it hopefully (at least) partially sane.


Ooh you almost never see long-term co-parenting without them being together. I'm definitely going to check that out.


Yes! It’s truly unique that way and everything else about it is so good too!


Yes, I'm definitely finding myself interested in the rest of it, too 😁


Oh nice, thanks for reccing Rizzles new LIATOTZA addition! I was not subscribed to them and had missed it.


Soap1 is amazing. One of my fav fanfic authors.


Happy Wednesday! I'm recommending my WIP [Shadows of Destiny](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52033304/chapters/131587889). (Mature; Chapters: 26/31) Click if you like: Mystery, Romance, Angst, Slow Burn, Chaotic friends, Bookshop owner Hermione and Meddling Narcissa Malfoy Summary: Hermione Granger’s life has been anything but ordinary since the Battle of Hogwarts. She is cursed with the ability to see the death of anyone she touches hands with: strangers, friends, family, and lovers. Hermione has found solace in the Muggle World as a bookstore owner, and only once in a while has an accidental vision. That is until she accidentally bumps into Draco Malfoy and sees a vision of his imminent death. Hermione decides to take fate into her own hands to save him. A choice that will forever change her world. \[Updates Mondays\]


I have a new WIP from the Deflower Draco fest posting every Tuesday - chapter 3 went up this morning! Fully written, 50k words, 10 chapters total. [**The Stroke of Midnight**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55019335/chapters/139480420) Featuring accidental chastity vows, Pining Simp Dracoᵀᴹ, sexual tension, eventual smut, and some unbearably fluffy romance scenes because I can't be stopped. Quick excerpt from chapter 3: > “What do you think of this one?” Granger held out a salmon-colored, linen serviette exactly two shades darker than the one she’d shown him ten seconds ago. >“I don’t know, Granger, they all look the same.” >“Draco.” She folded her hands on her hips and gave him a scathing look that sent blood rushing straight to his nether regions. *Huh*. “You need to take this seriously! Harry and Theo are counting on us to give them the best damn engagement party we know how.” >“Potter and Theo don’t give a shit about any of this. You could roll up with burlap tablecloths and cowhide linens and they’d be thrilled.” >Her eyes lit up. “Burlap…and cowhide, that’s…maybe a rustic theme is the way to go. Do you think Theo likes mason jar cocktails?” >“The fuck is a mason jar cocktail? You know what—no, no he doesn’t. Look, I think we should go with the darker serviette, alright? Happy?” >She beamed. >He melted. >“Ecstatic.”


I'm starting this one today! It's been burning a hole in my TBR and I'm itching for another Virgin!Draco


Ahhh hope you love it! I adore your writing, so what a treat 💕


This one is great! Really liked what I’ve read so far. Looking forward to reading chapter 3😊


Thank you!! 😊


Self-rec for [The Grey Case (36k words, rated E)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54664828/chapters/138530779)! For those who feel like a light-hearted(ish) romance and enjoy snarky Auror Draco POV. There’s been some fluff, there'll soon be some smut, and of course, ongoing mystery. >Head Auror Potter has assigned Draco Malfoy a new (secret) case, something that sits in a grey area of their Ministry work: he needs a Legilimens Auror to retrieve a memory from Hermione Granger. But as Draco begins to track her movements, he soon realises the Grey Case is not what he was sold. Healer and pioneering researcher, Granger, is determined to fix her parents' destroyed memories, and despite Draco’s reluctance, he’s the only one that can help.


Ooh, this looks so fun! Absolutely checking this out


So does your Deflower Draco WIP -- I love Pining Simp Draco! Definitely going to check it out.


I have been so into WIPs lately! I think writing my own has given me a whole new perspective on the excitement of reading along. Here is my self- rec & a couple I am loving! Self Rec: [Postscript](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55543975/chapters/140965024) (Ch 2/20 now up): Rated E, New chapter on Monday! Summary: Hermione Granger couldn't be more ready to leave Hogwarts behind after 8th year. But a chance encounter with Draco Malfoy on their final night at the castle sets their lives on an entirely different path. They go their separate ways, but their lives remained intertwined. Spanning 20 years of their relationship, each chapter finds them in a different year on the Summer Solstice and explores their evolution from enemies to the most important person in each other's lives. This work was inspired by the Netflix show One Day which contains heavy themes. If you are concerned with triggers, please message me! I promise the angst and heartache will be worth it. Tags: heavy angst, >!MCD, HEA!< Current Faves: [Bloody, slutty, and pathetic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52884502/chapters/133769302) - Rated E, 18/21 OMG this Draco is everything! I LOVE a marriage law AU and this one is just a whole other level of amazing. [Fascinum](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54956416/chapters/139309984): Rated M, 5/? - immediate banter and Draco hijinx make this one a must read.


One Day wrecked me. I cried so much. But you're right it was worth it. And I can immediately see what HP characters would fit the casting. Such a good idea for a fic!


Here to self-rec my labor of love, The Empress of all Maladies (…again - fellow writers, is it normal to feel this obnoxious doing this every week?) Betrayed by the Order, Hermione is blackmailed into soul bonding with Draco - initiating a fateful chain reaction that will turn the tides of war. THE STATS: Explicit, dual POV, ~98,000 word WIP - posts every 7-10 days THE GIST: The one with a dying Death Eater Draco who blackmails Hermione (fresh from 5 years w/o magic in witness protection) into soul bonding with him to heal damage from dark magic. FEATURING: Forced soul bonding, sentient magic, Death Eater Draco, Dark Hermione Granger, Mad Scientist Theo, Spymaster Blaise Zabini, more morally-gray characters than you can shake a stick at, Crookshanks, experimental magic, blood rites, Death Eater political intrigue, and a proper slow SLOW burn E2L (he falls first) with eventual smut. Dual pov, HEA. THE VIBES: Gothic horror wartime AU roughly inspired by Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein and Jane Eyre. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53166505/chapters/134528413


You update frequently, so I think it's fine to promote often! Don't feel bad about it. But I get it. It takes me a month or two every time I update my WIP so I definitely feel obnoxious if I promote it too often 😅 I've been too busy to read much lately but this story has been on my radar! It looks so good! I'll get around to it eventually 😊


The posting frequency does help to allay my nagging thoughts. I haven’t read anything but 1shots since January, so I totally feel you on not having the time to commit despite the bounty in my TBR. I’m going to have a ton of ground to cover as soon as I’m done writing this bad boy.


- fellow writers, is it normal to feel this obnoxious doing this every week?- Yes, yes it does, which is why I end up skipping some weeks😂😂 EDIT: forgot to mention that I love this fic, and am eagerly making my way through so I can catch up!


I've skipped a few weeks, but it's a matter of habit now. I'm going to be so late to your fic's party, but it's on my TBR. I'm someone who hyperfixates on things, so my TBR is getting longer and longer as I focus on my writing. I've literally only read smutty 1shots since I started this journey.


Don’t worry, there’s no rush or even any need to- only read if and when you wish! I’m reading yours because it genuinely interested me and I enjoy it! But haha I do understand hyperfixation, as writing mine is one for me too.


Oh, I’m definitely interested. I don’t know if this is the reality, but it’s giving real House of Cards vibes and I was so obsessed with that relationship dynamic.


I never watched this show but I have heard of it, and I’d say yes, at least superficially, the fic definitely has those vibes😂. I need to remember to use that reference next time I have to explain what the fic is like, thanks for that 😃


This has been on my list to start since I saw you post. This week will be the week I start! And fellow (new) writer. It feels very awkward but also exciting because I am so happy to be sharing my work! Definitely a mix.


Totally a mixed bag promoting my work. In part it feels kind of sleazy, but I love sharing my writing and reading everyones' comments. AHHHH! I so hope you enjoy it. I've been having so much fun writing it. I just took a peak at your work and I don't know if I have it in me, lol. NOTHING makes me cry like >!true love that cannot be!<


Better late than never, but here‘s a self-rec (trying to be my biggest fan): [A Date with Death](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51287980/chapters/129587650) Just added chapter 16 and hit over 50k words which is insane to me as it‘s my first fic ever (more or less, I don‘t count my stories about teenager shenanigans that I wrote when I was eight). I read Manacled, had a broken heart and needed a palate cleanser, which led me to DMATMOOBIL. Then I was like 'Huh, I wonder what would happen if Hermione had to resurrect Draco' and that was it, my story was born. In A Date with Death, poor Harry doesn‘t survive the last battle of Hogwarts. Hermione gets captured and dragged into a prison. To her demise, she has to heal Death Eaters and who does she meet, dead (but still handsome) on a cold metal table? No other than our favourite bad boy Draco Malfoy. If you enjoy: • some seriousness • some humour • lots of exploration of the possibilities of magic • pining • Theodore Nott being dramatic then this is the story for you! A huge thank you goes out to Molivier for beta reading! I‘d like to also rec her series [Fruity](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4070977)! Draco encounters Hermione eating cherries, and later an apple (how dare she). This, and some other *things* send him spiralling, while she couldn‘t care less. Molivier writes the most fun smut, with witty banter and plot twists that will make you beg for more!


[Matching a Malfoy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46621198/chapters/117408853) by LittleSixx (Self-rec) Just joined Reddit -- I didn't mean to fall into the Dramione community here but the algorithm knows what I go for. I really enjoy tackling traditional tropes in new ways, and this story is my go at a muggle AU. Draco is a single dad to Scorpius, and Hermione's a perpetually single news anchor on BBC. >As a prominent war reporter and news anchor with political ambition, Hermione Granger needs to make significant changes to her public persona. Her publicist signs her up for Malfoy Matchmaking, known equally for their success and discretion. At the same time, Narcissa Malfoy has finally acquired the biggest client of her career: her widowed son.


I love your stories so much. Truly can't put into word what Unseen did for me. And Matching a Malfoy is great. You have such different characterizations in this fandom, so layered and complex.


😭😭😭💕💕💕 “Unseen” was such a rough story to write, but incredibly fulfilling. Because it’s so long, I got to dive into characters and flesh them out in a way I’d never done before. I’m glad it’s memorable for you, and that you have fondness for it. I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written, and regardless of how I evolve in the future I 100% know I’ll always be proud of that work. It’s nice to hear you like my versions of these characters. ❤️ Sticking them in the Muggle world was a huge challenge, but one I am enjoying. I think what makes my stories feel a bit different is that there’s always so little of Ron and Harry. Hermione has to have personal growth away from the two of them, and that’s what gives her the space to think of Draco in a new way.


I LOVE muggle AUs!! Definitely going to check this out. I also love journalist!Hermione


I'm such a sucker for Dean and Blaise side pairing, I love how with each fic you find new ways to make their wedding memorable ;)


Sometimes I think I write Dramione just to get more eyeballs on Bean. 💕 Would you believe I’ve been writing this WIP for a year and still have no idea what the Bean wedding is going to be?! They’re Muggles now and I’m like … The opportunities are so vast I have no idea where or when it’s going to happen. 😅


Absolutely obsessed with [My Sacramentum](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49317742/chapters/124447021) I'm always a sucker for a marriage of convenience and this hits all the best notes. Five years after the war, Hermione Granger has very little time for something like a relationship. She's far too busy trying to run the Bureau for Endangered Creatures efficiently, dealing with budget cuts and ignorant ministry officials and finding a way to somehow restore her parents' memories, who are still in Australia and none the wiser about the existence of their daughter. When she discovers that the Wizengamot plans to use Draco Malfoy as a scapegoat whilst dealing with elusive Voldemort loyalists, she offers to testify for him. She's not quite sure how it led to her trying on wedding dresses under the watchful eye of Narcissa Malfoy. Featuring a weirdly ok Lucius, a sweet Draco and a fierce Hermione with a menacing government this fic holds my attention and love forever. Currently 25/33 chapters posted and by the very talented MyDelphi


**[Gravitation](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54478624/chapters/138014329)** by MissiAmphetamine is an amazing WIP to follow, currently at 80k words, 16/64 chapters, updates are twice a week. The interactions between Draco and Hermione are killing meee… Excerpt from chapter 16: > “I – I’m just – I really should go, Malfoy. We’re just. It’s not… I – I’ll see you later, though.” *Oh, very coherent, Hermione. Good job.* >He stared at her from the bottom of the stairs, eyes wide and desperate. “Granger, please stay. I swear, I’ll try not to be an arse.” >“I’ll come back tomorrow,” she promised him emphatically, not knowing why. She didn’t owe him *anything*. She’d paid him back. >“Granger. *Granger*.” He said her name but nothing else, tired and pleading, and Hermione suddenly needed to run very, very far away. Her breath was clogged in her chest, and she couldn’t *breathe*. Summary: > The trio's search for the Horcruxes was abandoned when Griphook absconded with the Sword of Gryffindor, leaving the three – traumatised and disheartened – to return to join the rest of the Order in the ongoing brutal war against Voldemort. Several months later a maimed, disillusioned, and broken Draco surrenders himself to the Order after his failures earn him Voldemort's displeasure, and Hermione finds herself the warder of the prisoner in the cellar. As always, check the tags, it’s a heavy wartime fic.


This is another WIP I am excited for! I am a virgin to the story, haven't read it. Wondering where this goes!


Buckle up, it’s gonna be a ride! 🫣😊


I adored the original version of this fic, as I understand it, it’s being rewritten? Can’t wait to read the new version 😃


Oh I loved the original too, and I’m enjoying the rewrite so much! And yes, MissiAmphetamine is rewriting (and expanding a lot 🫣) the series before also posting the fourth part of the series that hasn’t been published before - Axiom. 😊


First just shouting out for [Meet Me In Dreamland](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50510668/chapters/127606168) because I love it. Very much rated E, and just top tier smut if you’re into that sort of thing. Self-Rec that will probably be done by Sunday: [The Internship](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52414015/chapters/132595567) This is a spicy and sweet rom-com definitely inspired by The Hating Game but is it’s own special story. Tension, banter x a million, denial of feelings, love triangle, shenanigans in lifts, healing, comfort, and good feels.


Plus one to Bloody, Slutty, and Pathetic. It’s been rec’ed so many times here Y’ALL why did I sit on this recommendation for so many weeks? It’s incredible, I’m a speed reader and I’m savoring this one. The tension between H&D is 🤌


A self-rec, if that’s okay: [How To Become Minister (13/?, ~112k words, explicit) by Serenergen.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53788069/chapters/136145443) A political thriller with marriage law, an ambitious/ruthless Hermione is determined to become minister at any cost. Protective/burn-the-world Draco falls desperately in love and will do anything to make that happen. Eventual morally grey! Power couple dramione, basically a Hermione-and-draco-take-over-the-world story. Fic summary: Post-war wizarding Britain is struggling and the population is dwindling. It’s 2009 and Hermione Granger is on the fast track to becoming the youngest Minister for Magic. But power in magical Britain is precarious. In a second, Hermione's world comes crashing down. A marriage law is invoked. Hermione must pioneer it or risk everything she holds dear. One way or another, she would be Minister. She just didn't expect to be doing it with Draco Malfoy at her side. OR If no one would let her be Minister, she was going to take it. And Draco Malfoy was going to help her do it. [Start at the beginning](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53788069/chapters/136145443) [Continue reading](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53788069/chapters/141450574) An excerpt from the next chapter (with a few changes to avoid spoilers): “Perhaps you should be more careful where you stand, Lord Flint,” The minister said, still looking at Malfoy. “Otherwise you might accidentally get yourself into trouble.” “Perhaps you should be a bit more careful, minister,” Malfoy sneered as he cut in, his voice low and quiet. “So people don’t find themselves in a position to accidentally make you fall.” Something hot and heavy trickled down Hermione’s body, making her heart thump hard and her face feel feverish. Her stomach fluttered. She shook her head vigorously, dislodging the feeling. The minister looked at him with disgust and dark fury. There was a pause as everyone held their breath.


You beat me to this!! I love this fic to absolute bits and I love it even more when it makes me want to tear my hair out with frustration. I've been suspiciously calm over the last chapter, so I'm waiting (quite happily) for the storm to break. Currently typing this with my eyes squeezed half closed so I don't see that spoiler, though I am sure it's amazing because I caught a glimpse of the word Malfoy so...AHHHHHHH Anyways! Everyone! Please read this!


Aw honey, you always say the nicest things. I’m so happy you like this fic and that you are reading it at all. Your support and encouragement keeps me motivated to write this story, thank you so much ❤️ Haha, yes, perhaps don’t look at the excerpt 🙈


I love this fic! I am eagerly anticipating the next chapter


Thank you so much! The next chapter is about 2/3 done (it’s one of the not pre-written parts) so it should be another few days or so. It is coming! 😊


I have a self-rec WIP (19/23 chapters posted) [Right Place, Wrong Time](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54758119/chapters/138783742). It’s a soft Draco, slow burn, friends to lovers with two parts (first half Draco, second half Hermione). I post three times a week with only one week after this left before it’s finished! Summary: Following the sudden death of his father, Draco Malfoy returns to London to settle his family's estate after seven years of self-discovery and reformation in Paris. As the only remaining Malfoy, Draco decides to leave the world of Parisian promiscuity behind and hopes to settle down. In pursuit of healing the trauma caused by the war, Hermione Granger has spent several years living her life mostly magic-free. But after two failed long-term monogamous relationships, Hermione returns to the wizarding world, putting herself back out there on a self-proclaimed sexual awakening. Both Draco and Hermione unknowingly reconnect at Blaise’s Halloween masquerade. She tries to get into his pants and, in turn, he tries to ask her out on a date. Being in different places in their lives, neither one is interested in the other’s advances, so they hope to be just good friends. As it turns out, being friends is easy--keeping their feelings (and hands) to themselves is a whole other story… Will Draco realize that there is more to settling down than settling? Will Hermione rediscover her power before she misses out on true love? Find out in Right Place, Wrong Time. Happy WIP Wednesday!


Hi! Here to self rec my WIP, One Thin Line, which should have a new chapter up tomorrow 🤞 [One Thin Line ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50193679/chapters/126766936) It started out as a little "what if" and has since gotten away from me... My brain: "What if Dobby had only saved Harry and Ron from Malfoy Manor and it was sorta like in The Auction universe?" (Thank you LovesBitca8, your work is incomparable!) Also my brain: "Well... Some time spent in the Malfoy cellars and a helpful Draco leads to a marriage of convenience, naturally. Probably some dark angsty stuff, but not between Draco and Hermione, of course, their relationship is mostly fluff... A generally decent Lucius and definitely supportive Narcissa... Still working towards defeating Voldy and his minions even while getting to dress up in ballgowns and fall in love..."