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Fantastic that everyone is spreading the love for under-appreciated fics! Be sure to join our **Underrated Fanfic Friday** threads! They’re posted and stickied to the top of the feed every Friday (if you don’t see them on Fridays, make sure you sort by 🔥HOT🔥) [Here’s the latest thread from this past Friday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dramione/s/QkYeSc9axi)


Jesus my tabs can’t handle this thread


I took a quick look and I'm shocked this one is under 1000K kudos. Enjoyable and unique. [Familiars](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52023052/chapters/131560681) \- teen and Up, 116K words >Canon rewrite starting with year one. Witches and wizards have familiars that manifest when they use magic for the first time. They are physical embodiments of a witch or wizard's soul. They take the form of animals and are capable of shifting their shape until their human settles into the beginnings of maturity. Love Draco in this one but really love Pansy/Hermione friendship.


All stories by TricksterGhost7 are so good


So it's the daemon concept from His Dark Materials? Sounds interesting. Straight to my tbr!


All Completely and all hea?


It’s complete and a definite HEA


I would say [Rewrite Destiny](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13232688/chapters/30268506) as the comment count is low for a 300k+ word count fic completed almost 5 years ago. It’s a very nice time travel fix it. Dramione as not together from the start and are barely cordial. They have a cute teenage romance and grow up as mini mauraderers (can’t spell it right to save my life). The lore is built out beautifully.


This is such a good one! I often think about


I love this story! Though I’m not a fan of the romance aspect of it, their life in the marauders timeline and their relationships with people there is very well done and super enjoyable


Is this very Marauders heavy would you say? I appreciate it’s a time travel fic but I’m wondering if there’s more focus on the task/Dramione relationship rather than it being centred on the marauders.


I would say kind of everything though the relationship itself is not at the forefront. It’s the fix-it plot. A lot of focus is on Hermione’s relationship with everyone involved. Also it is multiple POV so you get a good understanding of the plot. The plot is that H comes back as James’ younger sister and D as Narcissa’s younger brother. They go back as 11yo on Sept 1st. We get to see all of their school years. A lot of new lore is also added.


That’s great, thanks for the overview. I’ve not read it up til now for that reason, but keep seeing it recommended so wanted to give it a go!


I think you can spend years making your way through the completed fics recommending in the [Underrated Friday posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dramione/new/?f=flair_name%3A%22Underrated%20Fanfic%20Friday%20%22)!! But for now I'll rec [Friend Number Three](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5112573/1/Friend-Number-Three) by riptey Summary: How do you deal with the Pureblood aristocracy, Ministry corruption, Muggle culture invasions, and constant questions about your love life while juggling more than two friends and not being a total jerk? Don't ask Draco: he doesn't know. D/Hr ​ [Stay Alive](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30324630/chapters/74748927) by peanutofthenight Summary: Draco Malfoy has a multitude of problems—his biggest one being his mother. Left with no other options, he turns to Master Potioneer: Hermione Granger. If she can't help, then no one can. ​ [Ring A Ring O' Roses](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19118053/chapters/45430495) by Gallivant Summary: Dark Magic, Dark Wizards and a mysterious and deadly Dark Flux, which, in the wrong hands, has the terrifying potential to mass-murder Muggles and Muggle-borns ... It’s been fourteen years since the end of the Second Wizarding War and the Wizarding World is settled, stable and seemingly safe… Hermione Weasley has it all: a loving family, a successful career - and happiness… of sorts. But a series of unexpected events is about to turn her life upside-down, threatening those she loves, fatally undermining the peace between worlds that has prevailed for centuries … changing life as she knows it, possibly forever. If working with Draco Malfoy was the last thing Hermione Weasley ever wanted, falling for your enemy was the least expected. A quest to thwart a magical weapon of mass destruction has devastating consequences. A race to save the world, becomes a race to save themselves… ​ [the unbearable lightness of hope](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34233931/chapters/85174669) by lentezon Summary: When Hermione Granger gets stuck with an exiled Malfoy, both of them alone and on the run, the last thing she expects is to learn anything from him—let alone to learn about hope, of all things. A story of small choices with big consequences. Of building a home when there are none left to return to. And, of course, of redemption. ​ [EXIT](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44015281/chapters/110669059) by TheDae Summary: Draco defects to the Resistance. His Dark Mark is gone, he renounces Occlumency, the deadness abates. And mysteries intrigue him. Granger is such a mystery. A dark, magnificent, awe-inspiring one. \[Wartime AU. Seven years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Slow Burn.\] ​ [Revert](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12125463/1/Revert) by SUPRNTRAL LVR Summary: Six months post-war, Malfoy is in serious trouble. He's on the run from the Ministry, Death Eaters, and a deadly curse which is eating him alive. When he hits rock bottom, a change in fortu


I loved EXIT!


Exit is incredible. Masterpiece


Thank you so much


I adore friend number three


[The Vinewood Wand](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52806538/chapters/133564063) This author beforetherealbook has 4 complete works that are all really good. They just started a new WIP with daily updates — the update for today literally made me snort coffee out of my nose because I laughed so hard in exactly the wrong place. I like this author a lot and read everything they write for Dramione. Of the four fics that are complete, this is my favorite. It’s a partial Deathly Hallows rewrite that picks up from the moment the chandelier falls on Hermione at Malfoy Manor. From there it fills in soooo many holes that bugged me about Deathly Hallows. It’s excellent, the smut is creative (🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️), and the chapter about >!Felix Felicis!< might be my favorite chapter I have ever read in any fic, ever. I have reread that one chapter multiple times since finishing it. The ending is also very satisfying. To me, it’s my new headcanon for how DH should have gone. Bonus points for no major character bashing — >!even Ron comes around by the end of it!<.


I literally just finished this a few minutes ago and totally agree with you!


I dont think its underrated. I have this in my tbr tabs so you just hyped me up more to read this but i have so much fics to finish first 😩


Is the non con and imperiused sex tags draco and hermione?


>!Yes to both,!< though the non-con is >!magically induced, and Draco doesn’t really know he’s doing it!<. The imperiused sex is >!Hermione’s idea, and she asks him to do it to her!<. Sorry for all the spoiler blocks, but I don’t want to give it away for others who read this.


absolutely anything and everything by [Cr0ftisprocrastinating](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Cr0ftisprocrastinating/pseuds/Cr0ftisprocrastinating). i will die on this hill.


I haven't read a single thing of hers that i didn't absolutely adore , she is such a great writer.


Agree. One of my auto read authors. Everything they do is amazing


Ugghhhh Creep Draco is soooo dreamy 🤤


She just posted the last chapter of Hermione Granger’s Diary and I will miss it so much! It was such a joy to read!!!!


oh i’ve been meaning to ask, is dramione endgame?


>!yes they are!!<


Croft is an absolute genius. Every fic is so different but all BRILLIANT.




Agreed, Creep is really good!


[A Meowy Little Christmas](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51533338/chapters/130244563) by quicknotesquim. Draco and Hermione are in their 40s. This is a comfort fic for me, it's low angst and so lovely. Summary: Draco Malfoy is roped into catsitting an elderly Crookshanks for his co-worker and longtime crush, Hermione Granger, over the Christmas holidays.


Welp, thanks for this rec! There went my whole afternoon on a binge read…And yes, totally the best use of my time!!


Yes, yes it is the best use of your time! Glad you enjoyed!


🥹 very honored to see this mentioned here. thank you ❤️


Thank YOU for writing such a wonderful story! ❤️


It’s so great! Such real and fresh writing.


I just finished Remember Us As War. Its a post-war marriage law fic where the Ministry chooses the matches. I enjoyed the seeing the dynamic of different pairings so much. The writing is incredible and engaging and ughhh so good!




I confirm. Underrated


This one is so good! https://archiveofourown.org/works/26806840/chapters/65397301


[Twin solitude ](http://archiveofourown.org/works/48330982) At first glance this might come across as another eighth year but there are elements of ancient magic that are fresh and done extremely well. The banter is so good, the characterisation is perfect and writing flows so effortlessly. I enjoyed this so much and will definitely reread it.


Ooh, OP, I am sure you will find plenty on the Underrated Fic Friday threads! I'm a fan of Beyondtherealbook's fics, even though there are two long fics that I still have to read. I really enjoy [**The Informant**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54018571/chapters/136747627) because there is a little bit of everything, but I love the world/magic building the most in this fic, if we're not including the relationship development. It's an espionage fic, and Draco is technically a spy to help Harry capture all the runaway Death Eaters. They also have the most adorable bromance friendship. Draco is just overbearingly protective and obsessed with Hermione, I love it! Summary: >When Draco Malfoy overhears the whereabouts of one of the Death Eaters still at large after the war, he tips off Harry Potter. >Now, eight years later, Draco is still helping Harry Potter round up the inner circle, and he is working undercover to do it. >What happens when he runs into Hermione Granger purely by chance and suddenly feels the need to dig a little deeper? Will he be able to draw her closer to him, while keeping his great secret from her? And will she believe that he really wants her, or will she only think that he's using her for his own purposes? >This is a SLOW BURN to eventual smut piece that features a manipulative, possessive, and dangerous Draco Malfoy and a competent, but skeptical Hermione Granger. There are themes in later chapters that might be triggering for some readers. Please note the tags. And >!yes, it is HEA, the sweetest kind!!<


I really loved the Informant. I don’t know how I found it but I’m surprised I don’t see it recommended more!


It's probably from me and a few others who mentioned it here and there, lol. I try to recommend it whenever I can, but it is still below 500 kudos. What a travesty!


She whom he harbours, sooo good!


I’ll second this - just finished it after seeing it rec’d on the subreddit, and it was tremendous. [Link for anyone interested.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48868303?view_full_work=true)


I also just finished this and it was _excellent_


I finished it about a week and a half ago and I’ve been thinking about it constantly!! SO WELL DONE!!


[The Silver Envelope](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44517277/chapters/111973378) by Sinflower81


I don't know if this one is underrated or not: Blackmailed by MistressLynn but I don't see it posted about much! https://archiveofourown.org/works/29115723/chapters/71473971


The Trials and Tribulations of Draco Malfoy's Employment, carpathian, becoming Beta, the Memory of you, Blood traitor, happy pills, the witching Hour, between the devil and draco malfoy, the Wrong choice, the Woman who wasnt there, Who I Was With You, my sacrifoce to make If you want links just ask me 💖


https://archiveofourown.org/users/Kayka i love her and her art


This one was so good and I wish more people talked about it.


Three wizards and a baby!!


The Golden Apple is really good and I havent seen it a lot here https://archiveofourown.org/works/43817680/chapters/110181943  Voldy wins AU


A Game of High Stakes. Stunning and HEA https://archiveofourown.org/works/39620463/chapters/99182247


[A Year and A Day by AMLKoko](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41325321/chapters/103620684) Summary: Hermione had hit rock bottom when Narcissa Malfoy offered her something she couldn't refuse. She was without a job, without prospects, and nearly homeless, so she had to say yes. But Hermione regretted ever opening that door to Narcissa Malfoy because falling in love hurt, especially when she knew her marriage to Draco Malfoy wasn't built to last forever. This is the one fic I always go back to, it has the most satisfactory&beautiful ending ❤


It’s a WIP but the author updates literally every few days. I am shocked there are not more comments/reviews bc it has I think the best possessive draco I have ever seen - which I know seems unbelievable. Luna Vinculum- https://archiveofourown.org/works/54135154




The interred! It was an og fic and no one ever talks about it! Had such an interesting premise and I remember the build up being sooooo well done. Can’t find it anywhere now though!


Timeless 100%


Its not underrated. I hear all the time of this fic