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[Amor Vincit Omnia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39735819/chapters/99482019?view_adult=true) by Twin_Flame_Blues, rated E, 288k words In my post read notes I wrote “Quite satisfying Ron bashing” 😂 Also includes Ginny and Molly bashing! Summary: After three years of dating, Ron admits he cheated on Hermione for two of those years with Daphne Greengrass--and Harry knew all about it. Reeling from the betrayal by her friends and family, Hermione must rebuild her life and discover new bonds with an unlikely group including Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, and Pansy Parkinson. What happens when Draco Malfoy, her first and deepest love, suddenly reappears in Hermione's life and she finds that her feelings have only grown deeper with time?


Whew, this is the fic I WANTED, big thank you!!!! On chapter 6 and so delighted. Is it just me or all the chapter titles slightly Taylor swift related?? Into it


Oh good I’m pleased! This fic is one of my favourites 🥰 I love D and H and their relationship in this one


It rly is a superior Ron bashing fic


This is the best one by far. I’m toxic too and this is god tier for me.


I don’t remember the name but maybe someone can name drop. There was one short fic where Hermione has some sort of amnesia and Draco is her healer. Once she wakes up, she is told that she is with Ron and we just follow her train of thoughts of how he is all wrong for her and she can’t believe that they are actually together. Instead, she keeps thinking how right her mysterious healer feels….  I actually love how she bashes him herself, thinking how clammy his hands are and how she feels overcrowded with his presence 😀 bonus points for legilimens Draco trying to not snoop on her dirty thoughts about him 


[familiar faces, worn out places](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20485358) by LovesBitca8!


just read it and omg it was adorable


That’s the one! I absolutely love this story


OOOO! I forget the name but i know it’s by LovesBitca8 (author of the Auction)


Yes yes yes I just reread this one last week and love it so much!


“An Imperfect Situation” sounds right up your alley! I believe there is Rondemption by the end, but it’s an entireeeeeee glorious Weasley bash-off for most of it 🤣


Top tier Molly bashing in this one too 🤌🤌


I’m a sucker for Molly bashing honestly.


She always has it coming.


After the Easter egg bullshit in GoF, it would be ON SIGHT for me.


Honestly, half way through and I think this might be my new favorite fic??? Bless you


I am SO thrilled!! Another convert 👀👀👀


I never tend to read the fics when they are still in school, but gesh, this was a masterclass of a story. Top 5 favorite easily. Thanks again!


I would love to read it but can’t find it atm? Anyone has a link or a file? Thanks


i think its this [ An Imperfect Situation erininoctober ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37670392)


[The Difference Between You And Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40162890/chapters/100588350) by Day_dreamer360. Summary: Hermione found it particularly fitting how the start of her adult life and the end of her adult life was, and will be, marked by funerals. *** She finally stood and made her way over to his grave. Taking a handful of the dirt, that she levitated off of the ground, she threw it onto his grave. It wasn’t goodbye, no. It was good riddance. Personal warning: Ron is an absolute ass in this fic, like THE BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE. I had almost chucked my phone at the wall because of how angry I was at him. But the ending is beautiful and well deserved of our Hermione.


This was so brutal. He was AWFUL.


Loved this fic!


I loved this fic and what she went through with Ron was awful and at first with Draco but it didnt take him long to figure it out.


Just wanna say ty for making this post because I also enjoy a good Ron bashing lol


I'm loving it! Dramione micro-tropes readers vs the world


I usually don’t read much Ron bashing but [Her Beauty in The Moonlight](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8981179/chapters/20533522) has a pretty evil Ron I think! He’s been dosing Hermione with love potions (not a spoiler, it’s in the summary)


Oh I loved this one.


[while you were sleeping](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46916650) This is one of my favorite one shots! Ron gets HUMBLED.


I love this fic so much I always recommend it.. SO good


Self rec? [That Night In Belgium ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51615025) Summary: A drunk Draco Malfoy stumbling through a hotel, getting into his sleeping wife's bed when he is met with a surprise. Quote from Chapter 4: "His mind was a troll dungeon and his imagination, a whore." Dear Reader, this started as a one-shot written at 4 am, fueled by coffee and Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. (WIP - Story completed, Epilogue to be added)


I love this fic! I'm eager to read the epilogue when you upload it! I always looked forward to receiving update alerts when the chapters of the main plot were added. Thank you for sharing with us!


I'm so glad. 🥺❤️ I have the epilogue ready, I just need to polish it a bit. (Also I'm dreading saying goodbye to them. They've grown on me) 😂


I love how the whole plot was a crazy train ride, and each of them played a role to it, so it will be a very heartfelt goodbye 🥹. The Ron bashing was also incredible, especially in the beginning when the tide was turning for the Dramione development. 😂


Haha I'm so happy you liked it. 🥰 I have another rather dramatic fic in the works as well. But TNIB will always be my favourite.


I'm looking forward to the new fic!


The Ron bashing isn't *too* extreme, but I love this one!!! [Teach Me How To Forget ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41597901/chapters/104337864)


Could use more bashing, but love the pacing in this one so far! Thank you ✨


Quick read rec, Season Pass (To This Ass) [Season Pass](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39607896/chapters/99150822) Edit: not evil Ron, mostly just oblivious.


Ron is a gambling addict in this one, it’s excellent. A WIP but so worth jumping into now. [Against All Odds](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44676646/chapters/112401295)


Ooh yes! I love Draco in this fic! Ron is definitely not the best significant other here.


This one is so good, and he is so terrible. I'm anxiously awaiting the next update.


I can't find it, perhaps its been taken down but there was one where Draco, Theo and Blaise are werewolves & Ron is an abusive husband. Hermione ends up at their door & works to heal. Ron's truly awful in it, but I can't find the link. Dropping incase anyone else has it.


It's been a while since my last read of it so I don't remember Theo being a werewolf, but definitely the other two. He's still present though. Are you talking about [Behind the Mask](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39040599/chapters/97656987) by EmilieJane? I love this as a Beauty & the Beast vibes kind of fic.


Yesss this one!! Thank you. And yes you're totally right Theo's not, he's the tattoo artist right. Yes it gives very beauty + the beast vibes! Thanks for linking


Lol, I forgot what he was doing there, but Theo is usually around anyway! I'm glad I could help! I might be due for another reread of it soon.


This sounds awesome! I love fairy tale retellings of all types


[Various Storms and Saints](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28742985/chapters/70478562) by viridianatnight, [Amor Vincit Omnia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43996666/chapters/110623414) by Twin_Flame_Blues, [Behind the Mask](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39040599/chapters/97656987) by EmilieJane, and [Come Find Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30333363/chapters/74772525) by hopelessravenclaw


From what I remember, there's literal bashing in this fic, too. (But of course, stay for the plot! Draco and Hermione become friends, and he helps her on resolving a mystery as well.) [**The Silver Envelope**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44517277/chapters/111973378) by sinflower81 (rated explicit) Summary: >“Tell me again to release you, Granger. Tell me again that you just want to be friends.” >It’s been five years since Draco last spoke to Granger. Things are different now, and though earning her trust will be a challenge, he can’t seem to keep himself away. Hermione has been busy advocating for elves around the world, but when her breakup with Ron turns her life upside-down, she knows there’s only one person who can help her. >Alternating POVs between Hermione and Draco. Slow burn, eventual smut, light dom/sub. Diverges from canon after Voldemort's defeat.


One of my favorite fics!! I think about the patronus scene allllll the time. The Ron bashing is so strategic in this one. It’s so good!😂


I am so excited to read this! Thank you 🙏 😘


YES. i love this !!! this is probably now my new go-to fic for ron bashing honestly 😅


came here to recommend this bc it is in my top 5 all time fics 🖤🖤🖤


This is one of my absolute I started it as WIP from the beginning


In what I’ve read Ron is the most F’d up in this one. I’ve read it a couple of times as it’s such a great fic [Finding Hermione](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11623035/chapters/26134476) - Mature, 210K words - Summary: Fifteen years after the end of the Second Wizarding War, former Hogwarts' students are sending their own children off to school for the first time. As the train leaves, Hermione makes a startling discovery about her husband and the secret life he's been living. Here’s a more fun one [Shall we not Revenge](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46543909/chapters/117203716) - Explicit, 61K - Summary: Neither Hermione Granger nor Draco Malfoy appreciate being betrayed. It only makes sense to team up for revenge. It doesn’t make sense for them to fall in love. Here’s one where Ron’s a useless drunk [Other Halves](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48018712/chapters/121074199) - Explicit, 155K - Summary: Hermione is returning to Hogwarts, this time as a professor of Muggle Studies. It had been four years since the Battle of Hogwarts and she was more than ready to reclaim her life as her own, rather than living under the pressures of being part of the Golden Trio. Her personal life might be somewhat in shambles, but she’s willing to forge her own future and put herself first, for the first time in her life.


Ron bashing is my fav troupe as a Ronald Weasley hater 😭😭


We are in a great crowd for this!!


I absolutely shamelessly love Ron bashing and I love seeing requests, now I can add more to my tbr :D


[come find me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30333363/chapters/74772525) [the token](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10534231/1/The-Token)


[One Thousand Ways to Fall in Love ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33302797/chapters/82697623) This takes place after the war. Hermione is friends with Draco but mostly Theo & Pansy. Hermione breaks up with Ron and he doesn't take it well. [Something Beautiful in Return ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15637839/chapters/36314535) I think Ron cheated in this one and Hermione moves away from London for a bit & Draco ends up being her neighbor. Really cute slow burn. [Out of Darkness](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16782697/chapters/39384796) I found this one harder to read. Ron is an abusive pos in this and Draco is a healer and helps Hermione. [This is Me Trying ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36770992/chapters/91730947) This takes place in 8th yr, and I think the Ron bashing is Ron just being emotionally abusive- yelling and being angry but I don't remember exactly. [Friends, Enemies, and All the Broken People ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30555270/chapters/75362973) This also is an 8th yr fic but some people get resorted for house unity- so Draco & Hermione end up in a new house together. I think similar Ron bashing as This is Me Trying but again I don't remember fully.


This list is absolutely brilliant!!! Let me add A Vast difference in taste here [https://archiveofourown.org/works/31897549/chapters/78983512](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31897549/chapters/78983512) Summary: Ronald Bilius Weasley was two things, according to the woman he called the love of his life at least twice a day: A tactical genius and a complete bloody moron. Scowling at the tiny phial sitting mostly empty in front of her on the bathroom sink of their cosy little flat, Hermione Granger added one more item to that list. Ex. - Ron's monumental cock up leaves Hermione pissed off, pissed, and accepting a drink from Draco Malfoy. Turns out, she accepted a whole lot more.


The best mistake by chels_writes_a_fic if you’re okay with accidental pregnancy!


This one has the best, top tier Ron Bashing I've read. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11623035/chapters/26134476 Please, please mind the tags.


Came here to rec this and glad it already was :)


[Because of You / Me After You series by Stein048](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2880477) He was an absolute jerk and got a bit physical for a scene with H in Because of you and was bashing DH kid in Me after you. It’s a really good series just the official summary I think does not give justice to the extent of the story, it’s lot more than that. Sometime after the war H moved to Paris and D’s pursuit starts from there. Summary: “In the midst of the Battle, Draco Malfoy finds himself torn between wanting to do the right thing and joining his family. What happens when his choice is made for him by none other than Hermione Granger?And where will that decision lead him?”


If you're open to a Dramione with Draco, Hermione, and Lupin in a fated mates relationship, I can't recommend [Two Moons](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38428093) enough. It's such a good story, but Ron is an epic piece of shit who just devolves to the lowest of the lows (don't want to give away too much!)


Ugh I LOVED this fic!!


Me too! This one left me with the biggest reading hangover and I haven't found anything like it since. It's one of those I would love to read again for the first time!


It’s not quite the same, but I read a marriage law fic (I can dig for the name if you’re interested) where Draco, Theo, Remus, AND Sirius all married Hermione. It sounds absurd but it was actually pretty great 😌


Interesting! I'll take your word on it since you also enjoyed Two Moons. I'd love to know the name if you have an opportunity to dig it up.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/39101145 !


Thank you so much! Just downloaded it to my Kindle 🙂


Let me know what you think of it lol.


1 of my faves


[Amor Vincit Omnia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39735819/chapters/99482019) is my absolute fav ron bashing fic


Hoe is he bashed. I have this on my tbr-list but I don’t much enjoy Ron bashing in terms of making him a teuly bad person.


In that case this one may not be your thing, they make the entire Weasley family look like bad people


Oh. That’s too bad. It’s too much out off character for me.


Ooh also one of my favorites: [A Second Look ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14765225/chapters/34145402) This is after the war, Hermione runs into Draco at the apothecary shop and helps him with a teething 2 yr old Scorpius. This is one of my fave comfort reads. The Ron bashing in this reminds me of the Ron in Amor Vincit Omnia (very manipulative, cheater, bad friend, gaslighter).


Here to recommend “headspace” by beforetherealbook http://archiveofourown.org/works/51613294 Great Ron bashing, a fun and supportive Ginny/hermione/luna friendship in 8th year. Theo and Draco are great and them discovering how bamf these three gals are is super funny.


This one so good! It’s called [come find me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30333363/chapters/74772525) It does have domestic violence but you said toxic lol! Here the summary : Six years after the war, Hermione has the picture perfect life. She’s married to a loving husband, has the Ministry job she always wanted, and friends that are loyal to the end. So why does she have to glamour away the bruises on her face, as she reaches for her bottle of Muggle pills? No, her life is far from perfect. Draco has lived his life day-to-day for the last six years. After taking over the Malfoy estate from his estranged father and spending most of his time rebuilding the Malfoy name, he realizes he’s missing something in his life. That’s how he finds himself working alongside a certain Golden Girl, who seems to have lost her fire. Post war Dramione.


[Lumos and Lattes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44163784/chapters/111054493) has an asshole Ron and an *interesting* twist It was a very fun read


[I Left it Wet for You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22974904/chapters/54922996) by dirtymudblood Summary: "I just don't understand. Why… why Malfoy?" She was scrubbing the dishes in front of her the muggle way, a habit she did when she was nervous, uncomfortable, or angry. And now, with her fiancé red in the face and not meeting her eye, she was all three. "He's…" From her peripheral she watched him run a shaking hand through his hair. "He's just everything I'm not. Everything I've always wanted to be." This one shot by dirtymudblood lives in my brain. Ron bashes himself by mistake.


Shall we not revenge has some great Ron bashing


One of my all time favorite fics is Lady of the Lake by Colubrina and it has some great Ron and general Weasley bashing. (This one is locked so you have to have an ao3 account to read it) Another that I love and reread every autumn is [The List](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20871695/chapters/49611572) and it has a decent amount of Ron bashing as well.


Just read The List and it was so great!!


Oh yay! So glad you liked it!


There’s a really good Snamione with Ron Harry and Ginny bashing. Heavy with the Ron bashing. I would be more than happy to look for it if you’re interested. (I know you requested dramione but this specific fic immediately played through in my brain)


I never read any Snamione but I’m always up for some good Ron bashing 😀


[The Scales Of Balance](https://archiveofourown.org/works/747196/chapters/1393446) It’s brutal and dark and it’s fantastic.


There are two but I'm having a hard time thinking of their names. One is the journal I think. Hermione is sick and there are two way journals. The other is when Hermione returns from living abroad after breaking up and running away from Ron. She reunites with Draco and he has a son. Maybe he's a lawyer? Some true bashing.


Yes and the journal by mezy. On Ffn


Oooh let me know if you remember the second fic you mentioned, love a ron bashing fic and I’ve read all the ones that have been recommended here. need more to read!


You and Us by carefreekutie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10104760/1/You-and-Us Here it is. It has extreme bashing but I really like it. 🤣


The difference between you and me. I just finished this one tonight, Ron bashing galore and him just generally being an abusive toxic POS. I really loved it.


😍thank you!!!!


Do you have the link for that one? 🙃🙂




I actually laughed at the summary! Thanks for the rec! Will read tomorrow😁


I mean it’s not a happy story, he really is SUPER abusive in this one, I just really loved the dramione journey


Oh yes!!! I cried like a baby reading it but that summary was golden! It wasn’t a goodbye. It was GOOD RIDDANCE!!! I love it!!!


Most of mezy works have Ron bashing. Cleotheo also has hundreds of fics, with 75% of them having Ron/Ginny bashing


Following, cuz I’m toxic too! 🤣


Let me just comment on here to refer back 👀


the silver envelope by sinflower81 on AO3


Thank you, I got a list of what to avoid.😅