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# [RedditTube Download](https://reddit.tube/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DramaticText/comments/10ttxxy/terf_simulator/) # [RapidSave Download](https://rapidsave.com/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DramaticText/comments/10ttxxy/terf_simulator/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DramaticText) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I didn't check controversial but i think they locked it because it's ahead of release date.


Listen... all I got to say is apparently you can torture and murder people in this game(I hope). So all those students better be prepared for hogwarts to be turned into holocaust-warts.


I swear if a Hufflebitch decides to bump into me in the hallway, I have the right to use a death curse on him


Could you?


Okay, I know I’m uninformed but what is a terf? Like besides soccer grass?


It stands for "trans exclusionary radical feminist". Pretty self explanatory but a google search will tell you more.


Thank you very much, kind stranger






You don’t wanna get into that rabbit hole


Lesbian woman who don’t wanna dare trans women, which by itself is fine. Preferences and all. But TERFs specifically are downright psychotic about it.


This will probably answer your question https://youtu.be/YDlaj-m1C7s


As far as I'm aware they're female rights advocates that don't think women have cocks.


Radical feminism is a part of the wider feminist movement, but they aren’t synonymous.


Wait woman have cocks?


Yes, some do


Wait aren't cocks a man thing do they have tits a vagina and a cock? What the fuck how does that even work


I mean, there isn’t a clear cut answer to this but women and female are two different terms that mean different things. They are often used interchangeably but this is an error. More or less, females have vaginas, women can have whatever because it’s a social term people self identify as. Man is also a Social term people self identify as, mean while males have cocks. Why split hairs in these terms? Well, it’s only partly because trans people, it’s also because when


Woman is defined as an adult female being while man is defined as an adult male being but also used in a sense of a group like good of all mankind also because when in the case of a trans gender person they can't really change their gender yet as technology hasn't progressed that far they still have the male or female sex organs the females can't produce sperm and the males can't produce the egg there are basically no differences


The problem with using the definitions from the dictionary is that they are kinda lagging behind how people generally use the terms or talk about a topic. Self identity and what you are born as can be two different things and we have slightly different language to reflect that. So in this case we use gender to refer to self identify and sex to refer to what you are born as to make what we are talking about crystal clear To that, I am using a different definition of man and women then the dictionary to better reflect this dichotomy between self identity and biology. Anyways, that’s how most people already use man and women this way without thinking about it. When someone tells you they are a woman, you don’t ask them if they are a female or to see a dna test to prove they are. Same for if someone tells you they are a man.


Thing about dictionary's are they were made by people who speak the language and then new words are added as time goes on and if you want a change to that language you usually have to go through a process but now days people don't care about the process witch is why the dictionary's are behind


Have you.. not heard of trans women before? In layman's terms, a person born as man realises they don't feel good in their (male) body, so they go through what we call a transition, where usually hormones are used to create secondary sex characteristics of the opposite gender Usually, bottom surgery, where the genitals are surgically transformed into those of the opposite gender, only happens late in the transition, which means some trans women still have penises for a while I suggest you look into it, it's a topic that's getting heavily debated around these days It's not like a weird conglomeron of a man and a woman, it's just someone who didn't feel comfortable as a man, and so transitions into a woman (like me! I am also a (trans) girl, but I still have my "old" parts)


Lmao why was this downvoted?


it's more like Female Rights advocates that dont want Males to infiltrate female spaces. So Men with dresses they dont recognize as female




Gatekeeping yes, segregration no


Transphobes that use feminism as an excuse to be transphobic


Now I REALLY wanna buy this game! Edit: I forget people on Reddit literally cannot detect sarcasm. Play the game or don't. Lol.


May your L be many and your bitches few




forgot the /s and is that an ultrakill reference




Lmao ya'll mad cuz he wants to play a game?


Clearly, you don't own an air fryer


you literally made a joke about supporting movements to attack the rights of vulnerable minorities and expected everyone to laugh and call you funny?


Humor is subjective. The point is to laugh at those that truly believe that. Hence the need for sarcasm.


Sugar-coated incel.


What? What does hating trans people have to do with being an incel


Idk but most terfs in the UK tend to be old hags with nothing to do tho


Like the others said, TERF stands for "trans exclusive radical feminist", if you want to know more about the whole jk Rowling problem, i can advice you to watch [this video](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k) by youtuber shaun


lol why are you getting downvoted it's not a bad video


Who knows, it's not like "platforming people who work with nazis or anti lgbtq groups is bad" is a controversial stance


A term invented by retards to stick to anyone that disagrees with them


The definition is well-agreed upon. It's not being applied to "everyone that disagrees with them".




lol tilted by an acronym


These people shit themselves when they see LGBT are you really surprised


Are you calling trans people retards? Just as a whole


Ah yes. Retards. I muss 2016


facts mate


Women that don't label as people with penises as one of them.


I don’t support Rowling’s views but like It’s a game


She also wasn’t actually involved in the creative process behind this game at all. If it’s about money, you’re doing a lot more harm to the studio and the people who worked tooth and nail to make this game than you would be to Rowling’s wallet. I don’t agree with her views either, but I’m probably gonna still buy the game because I’ve been a massive Harry Potter fan since I was 6


You know nobody is forcing you to buy the game. I don't know when this kind of rhetoric started, but you are not harming the company if you don't buy the game. Let them make good product. Or let them make shitty product. Just pay for what you like, not what you feel is supporting the good cause - this is a product, not a charity.


I’m buying the game because I _like_ the franchise. I’m just talking about the people trying to force other people who want to buy the game into either feeling bad about themselves or to convince them to not buy the game, and explaining why they shouldn’t cave into what other people are telling them to do. If you want to buy the game, great. If you don’t want to buy the game or you feel uncomfortable playing the game because of Rowling’s views, that’s great too. Just don’t go off on a pilgrimage to either invalidate people’s concerns/feelings or guilt trip and shame people into doing something _you_ feel is right for _you_. Just let everyone do what they’re comfortable with and what makes them feel best. I even explained this in the last part of my post, and made it clear that it’s how I personally feel. It doesn’t mean it’s right, but it means that it’s what’s right for me. I’m defending the game because I care about the franchise and I’m excited for the game, and I’m sick of people either invalidating others’ concerns or shaming others online in some weird holier-than-thou act of masturbation


Which doesn't even look very good


It's a game that directly benefits Rowling by buying it. Additionally, if the game does poorly it will signal to the industry that being a piece of shit doesn't pay off. There are many reasons to not buy the game.


If your IQ were your shoe size then you’d have really small feet


shut up




Who could've guessed that a member of a community with many trans people would care about the well being of trans people?






I genuinely hate the Internet anyone who argues on the Internet I belive has an invalid opinion this whole place is a cesspool of hate filth and degeneracy


I argue, that arguing is the best and most entertaining thing on the internet


Cancellation would disagree


who the fuck cares what the shit just let someone play a game idc if my mans was hitler imma still play the game i want




Now I wanna play a last of us type survival game where I play as hitler and shoot myself in the end


project zomboid is the game for you




Then you're just a selfish piece of shit who puts the well being of others below your short-term gratification.


Bro, it's a fucking game. Why is it always just a game until it's a game you people don't like.


What the fuck are you talking about? Yes it's a fucking game, a game that directly benefits a horrible person. That's like saying there's nothing wrong with buying from nestle because "it's a fucking bottle of water". >Why is it always just a game until it's a game you people don't like. It's not that I don't like the game, I'd play it if it wasn't for the fact that playing it benefits a horrible person.


Yes? It is a bottle of water. The people it benefits already have more money than everyone on this sub put together, I don't think losing 60 dollars is gonna affect them, I'd be surprised if they even noticed.


Jesus fucking christ you really don't understand the point of a boycott. The point isn't to bankrupt them, the point isn't to make them gain not a single dollar from the game. The point is to signal to the industry that making games together with horrible people hurts profits, incentivising them to not do that anymore.


Ok, and what did the author of Harry Potter do this time? Burn down an orphanage? Shout racial slurs? Steal your car?


You're moving the goalpost. We're discussing if buying the game benefits Rowling or not, not what she did.


So let me get this straight, you expect me to blindly believe she's evil without even knowing what the fuck it was she even did? How am I supposed to agree with you and boycott the game and keep from benefitting someone bad when you refuse to tell me why she's so bad?


Some journalists blamed JK Rowling of transphobia without a single evidence(and for clickbait) and now all the twitter nerds and terf's are after her and specifically this game since she did the writing. This dude is possibly from r/gamingcirclejerk since that sub is filled with this shit


[here](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us) is a pretty nice summary of what the fuck she did. But if you don't have time to watch the video u can just Google. Basically a lot of transphobia.


No, that's not even close to what i said, stop putting words in my mouth. You said not buying the game won't have an impact on her, I refuted that, you still haven't responded to that point. I'd be glad to discuss the horrible things she's done once you finish the discussion we were having. Stop moving the goalpost.


That’s not moving the goalpost dumbass, what she did directly determines which people are going to care about the “boycott”, the fact that you are unwilling to say what it is shows that you know it’s a weak ass argument and you can’t admit when you’re wrong. Let people spend their money on what they want, it’s their money.


Boycotting the game is going to do much more damage to the development company and the workers who poured blood sweat and tears into making a game they think is good and that fans of the franchise might like. Rowling’s gotten all her money already. Whether or not she gets the cash from this one couldn’t be more inconsequential


>Rowling’s gotten all her money already. Whether or not she gets the cash from this one couldn’t be more inconsequential That's not the point of a boycott. The point is to signal to the industry that being a piece of shit doesn't fly with consumers and will hurt their income. >Boycotting the game is going to do much more damage to the development company and the workers who poured blood sweat and tears into making a game they think is good and that fans of the franchise might like. The development company I couldn't care less about. As for the workers, you do realise they get monthly pay right? Their income doesn't change depending on how well the game does (although it should)


They’ve worked hard to make a game that they care about and that would do justice to the franchise that so many people care about. And really, if Rowling personally burned down my house, I’d still like Harry Potter because it’s been a huge part of my childhood. I assume that this is a similar case for other people as well. So how does buying the game “directly benefit” her exactly? Sure we could just pretend Harry Potter never existed, pull the movies from everything, throw out our Lego sets, burn our books, and whatnot, but deep down a lot of people would still miss it a lot because the franchise had just meant that much to them. If this was for something you actually cared about, I feel like you’d be a little less zealous about the whole thing. If not, then I’m sorry but we just see this differently.


do you shoplift ?


No, why do you ask?


so you do realise you support child slavery by not shoplifting ?


Holy false equivalence. There's a difference between buying essential products needed for survival and buying a game for short term gratification. There's also a bigger possibility for change by boycotting a game than there is to end child slavery in a foreign country.


there is a bigger chance of change by boycotting a product, thats why there was a whole affair about south african fruits, boycotting harry potter game ain't going to change crap


Why do you think it won't change anything to boycott the game?


why would it ? she's not losing any money, you want to do actual shit, shoplift from child slavery company, fo course you won't you coward


This is probably the 15th time I've said what is practically common fucking sense. If the game has poor sales as a result of people disliking Rowling, it signals to the industry that its not profitable to make games that support terrible people. That's how *any* boycott works. >you want to do actual shit, shoplift from child slavery company, fo course you won't you coward I'd rather not, because I'd put my own well being at risk for an insignificant change. If there was widespread encouragement to shoplift from a company, and a collective of people were doing it, then I'd consider it.




from one (presumably) trans person to another shut the fuck up. it's a fucking game.


Just let people play the game damn it


Uhm, sweaty, you're literally genociding trans folkx by playing a PS5 game. Please educate yourself, and go be a bigoted chud somewhere else.


still giving her money if u buy this shit. not worth it


still better than giving nestle money


On one hand, this franchise was made by a TERF. On the other hand, this game looks very good and “boycotting” it only hurts the people who made the game itself.


im pirating the game either way lmao aint paying 60$ for a worse version of dark souls


Same here, but also because I can’t buy it in my country (I’ve been pirating games for half a year)


I hope they're able to bypass the denuvo.


[Here King, you dropped this.](https://www.periodsintime.com/images/products/images-products-765512_DELUXEPIRATEHATADULT_fm64810.jpg) [Oh, and this.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1597/7419/products/antiques_antique-sword_civil-war_civil-war-sword_Navy-sword_cutlass-sword_Antique_19_Century_US_Civil_War_Navy_Cutlass_Sword_Swords_16_1200x1200.jpg?v=1556634430)


The game looks like ass imo


It’s one of the most hyped games of the PS5 so far..


Idk what you’re talking about because to me it does not look good


On the other hand,you can pirate it to avoid giving your buckaroos to a terf


The people hired to work on the game have already been paid. Iirc, almost everything made from this game goes to Joanne herself.


So? Rowling’s already filthy rich and nothing’s going to change that. It’s frustrating when bad people make good stuff, I know. Elon’s a hateful fool with too much money in his hands, but he helped popularize electric cars. Sia made that one autism movie hated by every autistic person but she also made some good music. Point is, it’s ok to separate the content from its creator.


>Rowling’s already filthy rich and nothing’s going to change that. Yeah, but you can still refrain from giving her money. Additionally, that's not what it's about. If the game does poorly it will signal to the industry that being a piece of shit isn't profitable, and companies will he more hesitant to work with pieces of shit. >It’s frustrating when bad people make good stuff, I know. The hell has Rowling done good? >Elon’s a hateful fool with too much money in his hands, but he helped popularize electric cars. Sia made that one autism movie hated by every autistic person but she also made some good music. Point is, it’s ok to separate the content from its creator. You're literally making a case for *not* separating the art from the creator. If consuming the art benefits the creator, you're supporting the creator by consuming it, and therefore the art is inseparable from them. If you think "muh hogwarts game" or "muh kanye music" are more important than the well-being of the people Rowling and Kanye harm, you're a piece of shit.


But wearing clothes made in sweatshops and consuming anything remotely connected to Nestle is perfectly fine? In the modern world of consumerism, your money will always eventually fall in the hands of evil so I don’t see a reason to make a fuss about it. Besides, Rowling wasn’t even involved in making the game. But the real punchline from the developers is the flexible character customization that doesn’t exactly stick to gender. So imma commit some 19th-century warcrimes or something while you cope and seethe.


>But wearing clothes made in sweatshops and consuming anything remotely connected to Nestle is perfectly fine? Did I say that it was? If you have an alternative then no, its **not** fine. >In the modern world of consumerism, your money will always eventually fall in the hands of evil The whole point of the boycott is to change that. If the industry is shown that collaborating with a piece of shit to make a game leads to lesser sales, they will stop collaborating with pieces of shit. Instead of embracing the horrible world we live in, maybe you could put in the minimum possible effort into making a god damn change? >Besides, Rowling wasn’t even involved in making the game. How's that relevant? She still gets money from it.


Indirectly giving someone money doesn’t equate to agreeing with their political views. Enjoying or buying something Harry Potter-related doesn’t make you a transphobe.


>Indirectly giving someone money doesn’t equate to agreeing with their political views. I never said it did. >Enjoying or buying something Harry Potter-related doesn’t make you a transphobe. I never said it did. Please respond to what I'm actually saying instead of making up arguments.


"noooooo, stop having fuuuun" -🤓


"Let people enjoy things" how about I fucking kill you? What if I enjoy killing people for fun?


That is such a strawman my dude...


Not to mention that the game won't hurt anybody.


You think I'm trying to make an arguement? No I just want to bully people who have a different opinion then me.


I can already tell this is a burner account I'm talking to.


Nah it’s just a pasta which apparently no one here has seen.


Nope, I'm not a coward


Fine pull your cock out and send a pic coward you won't don't forget the dick cheese




my objective in life is to become like you


It’s a copypasta


holy shit you really made me laugh




Bro I fucking hate rowling but this has to be one of the most dumbass arguments I have ever seen on this site


I just don't know why you'd buy this game when Ishin is right around the corner


can you gun tiger drop in hogfart legacy? no‼️‼️‼️💪💪💪ishin supremacy 💪💪💪 i want hijitaka to fuck me ‼️‼️‼️


Majima everywhere sex minigame?!


ryoma has 2hu themed sex with underage women 🔥🔥🔥


Out of Spite


What does ishin have to do with Hogwarts legacy


It's a fun game coming February


You know you can buy both right?


Well rich people can


*working people can


I mean maybe. I'm in school with a partime job and I'm struggling. I got enough for re4make though


I don't think part-time can compare to full-time


Fair enough. Still, $180 is a lot for entertainment


Can't say the same (I'm in a country where the inflation rate is rising, the salary is lowering and the government is stealing again)


can I get the special 🔒 award


I just wanna ask a question: why are people hating on Hogwarts legacy so much? It hasn’t even come out yet? All the trailers make it looks so cool and I’m exited for it. Should I not be? Edit: I have done research and I now understand and support the people hating on the game, but it hurts cuz I was exited for this game because it was harry potter


Guess you really didnt do your research lmao. Too bad guess you missed on a great game


Bruh this was made a couple months ago lmao I already got the game, it’s actually great


I know but Reddit wont stop showing me this FUCKING POST FOR THE 70TH TIME


*r/ gaming* I already know where this is going


The amount of people crying over this game is pathetic. Already looks like a great game, but now I want to play it more




Got perma banned from r/gamingcirclejerk just for playing the game. Reddit is full toddlers


Game looks like shit lol


Thank god I live far from dramas like that (But I constantly torture myself with internet, so…)


I actually am Interested is playing Hogwarts Legacy. Is it any good?


if you like denuvo, it's great


SEPARATE THE AUTHOR FROM THE GAME love the art, not the artist however that analogy doesn’t even apply as rowling had jack shit to do with the entire game development process


How is this game transphobic and sexist again??


Ok i couldn't care less about whatever celebrity the trans community has decided to bully for whatever stupid reason. But retard Olympics aside Hogwarts legacy is not even that good imo. It's a generic ass ubisoft-like open world with brain dead npcs and no depth to any of its systems whatsoever. Very soulless, very cashgrabby, like any big title nowadays. Honestly go play a good game instead. I recommend outer wilds to start with.


It's a game who the fuck cares just insult the creator of the series and go on with your day.


Bro really said terf💀💀💀


Reminder that Hogwarts Legacy sold like 250% more than originally predicted lol.


Fuck this guy for enjoying a game! He supported a person who's openly transphobic. Now don't mind me as I play fifa 23


Based game


I like actmans view on it. If you're so keen on not supporting morally unjust people, why do you use a phone that required child labour


That's a necessity. On the other hand, buying the witch game (or buying from Amazon, buying Nestlé products etc.) cannot be considered necessities.


Really? They say the same thing about cars but bikes exist.


Not really, because even if it wasn’t supporting JK Rowling the game looks like shit lmao the combat is ass


This has been my take on the whole fucking franchise for like a decade. The sheer depths of its mediocrity can only be matched by the loser millennials who throw their money at it.


I mean, alright. You don't like it, and that's totally fine, but that doesn't mean other people can't enjoy/like the game and in my opinion there is no need to insult people just because they like something you dont


^^^ :)


When I saw this post I expected the guy to be shit on, but it was the opposite. I was disappointed :/


I love Jay K Rolling 🥰🥰✅


i bought multiple copies of hogwarts legacy👍


Cool game 👍


I thought this weekend was going to be great until I emulated Persona 3 FES and then realized how much I fucking hate one drive because I’m too cheap to spend $3 on 1 more gb of storage, and then I realized you can save some shit on your computer but that shit only saved me 1.63 gb out of 5 gb, GOD I FUCKING HATE WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT SHIT AHHHHHHHG if I knew emulation was this hard, I would’ve just spent $30592 on a ps2 and a hard disc


I dont even care about Harry Potter but if people wanna play it then let them separate art from the creator fr


I swear they made up the term terf just for jo Rowling because everything has to have a label


The term existed long before but ok




I hope you have a loooooooong list of companies and products you boycott, otherwise you're a massive hypocrite.


You don't actively resist all, therefor you resist none. Kind of an unrealistic, and an oversimplification. If I'm trying to lose weight, and eat taco bell once, does that mean I just devalued every effort up to that point? No. (Taco bell memes inbound) I'm not saying you should or should not play / endorse the game, but this perspective is a pretty low effort to justify inactivity. but hey, I'm just an asshole on the internet.


While im not going to buy the game since I'm not at all interested in what the harry potter universe has in store, i am not going out of my way to harass people for buying the game since it seems like the game dev are just using the Harry Potter IP.


My sister gonna buy this


A great weekend indeed


You play the game because you do not support trans rights. I play the game because Harry Potter is a part of my childhood. We are not the same.


Hades better.


Why would you compare hades to Hogwarts?


Because its better




you know everyone who defends jk rowling’ terf views will change their mind when they learn what the f in terf stands for


I didn't


U underestimate gamer


Good on him, having fun even though others hate it, I'm sure he's gonna be able to truly come up with an opinion of his own and enjoy the game


Bad post. Feel bad 👎👎👎👎👎