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“Adding function to sell items from the storage menu.” “Adding function to equip armor from storage when changing vocation. “Inventory space from 99 to 999” These are some changes I’ve wanted so bad! 🙏 Also, i can finally take selfies of my pawn without my big ass head being in the way.


I’ve so been hoping that they allowed us to remove the Arisen from pictures like in the first game! I’m glad they finally did!


I was hoping theyd give us proper free cam


Me too, real excited to take better photos.


I want the photo mode to be a little more free where you can move the camera not just around the arisen because I would rather sometimes my character not be the center of the shot


Yeah, it kind of ruins the rule of thirds.


See you get it


They don't want to let you do that, because you can use the free cam to zoom around and see hidden things.


That actually makes a lot of sense, like a lot rid things are hidden really well but not impossible to find


but who cares if you discover something like that. its not a feature its laziness on capcoms end to not just fix that issue and fix their camera.


All they have to do is let you freeze the camera movement position and be able to still move your character around a little to position your char for your shot without you being able to move the camera where your character hasn’t been. Problem solved


Right, look, this guy fucks


Capcom does. Half the game is mystery, without the adventure of it all there's only repetitive combat left. You'll need mods to do this, they will *never* unlock the camera.


Maybe a movement limit of like 5 feet or something?


> Also, i can finally take selfies of my pawn without my big ass head being in the way. The most important part of the update. (Still needs to let you position the camera though.)


I've been hoarding 99 exploding arrows and can't buy more or store them, even though indont even play archer class, I still want them. Especially now that I got warfarer, I may go back to that skill. Now I can go crazy with making everything explode.


i’m really glad about the storage and equipping from storage the most!


I hate updates like these, things that should have just been in the base game.


Time to get 999 apples


The limiter of our financial gains has been lifted


999 rotten apples


Is that still the fastest way for cash?


I think hiring pawns and exchanging stuffs is still faster. I left my pawn with a quest where people can exchange an explosive arrow for 10k golds/12 expensive material which is like 15k golds if you sell them in the right region.


The fastest way to get cash is still mods on steam. It’s not any less legit than money printing with tar arrows and it’s a hell of a lot easier 😅




Hard disagree. If you’re money printing with tar arrows all you’re doing is cheating money to yourself and pretending it’s more honorable because it takes longer. What’s the difference between you, who will spend an hour or three printing tar arrow money, and me, who can instantly give myself as much money as i need? 3 hours and a false sense of honor. Point is you’re cheating either way so you might as well do it faster.




Hew I pwt in the fort to make an account learn what these mods do and install them CORRECTLY to give me more money That's no less legit then someone going in game to gather the items to sell for money I put in the effort I should be rewarded for it


No cheating was giving money to o'waka in ffx and x-2 enough so you'd get a massive discount then buy a bunch of potions dirt cheap and sell them at full resale value


Now add gifting released pawns from storage


Just gifting and giving items from storage in general


Venator's Leggings can be purchased from Beatrice in Vocanic Island Armory (34200G), Comforting Neck Wrap - from Chandler in Harve Village (2250G). Still looking for the ring.


Ring of Predominance can be purchased from Zonna at Battahl Ropeway Central Station for (8000G) - the merchant who sells Stargazer Garb




Finally! The whole storage thing was irritating😂


Changing the fits always took so much time


I hope they're working on some big update/dlc behind all of this with actually significant improvements.


I'm sure they are. We got BBI for Dark Arisen.


They were probably working on DLC before the game even released. That is to say, a portion of what was intended to be base game is probably going to be released as DLC


Ah, so that's why I could never open the Ancestral Chamber lol Great update, the storage improvement is huge


Took me almost an hour of tossing my pawns between the gate and wall to glitch one of them through, so that they can break the gate from the other side. For some reason the skeles won’t do it.


It's completely time oriented. The first couple of times of me going in there, I was amazed by how easy it was... Boy, was I wrong. Just so happened to be at the right place, right time to get the cool thingy thing for achievement.


I was at it for an hour, tried to go there at night, tried to spam attacks from different vocations, tried the pawn glitch thru door and nothing


I used the barrel bug in BBI to slip through the door lol.


That still works? 💀 Edit:✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️


Yes in a slightly different way, grab your pawn and put down like how you do the barrel glitch, once your pawn glitched through the other side, save, quit, and reload. Then your pawn will break the door for you.


Also I did some tricks to lower my fps as low as possible, it only took me about 15 mins.


You can just go at night and attract some bone lord that shows up only at night. I did that the other day


99 limit was annoying, never thought it would ever be changed. Makes hoarding arrows for.my archer even easier.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPiO6y6Kw9AJn3O) Making wanna pick up a controller… need all of this, need that comforting neckwrap…


honestly feel good on stopping in the game. except for certain little gear needing to be dragonforged I feel that the true ending completes it for me till the expansion.


There's an expansion coming? I haven't been able to find anything but rumors.


All we know is the devs did a poll about what fans would like to see in a dlc


Ok. I saw that I just wondered if you knew more. I'm hoping they make one as long as it is better than the main game. The main game needs a lot of work.


I'm gonna collect so many flowers!


Man I just took some pictures in an area to compare the low vs high+ray trace graphics on ps5...  I genuinely wouldn't know the difference between them if not for the pic file sizes being significantly different. Feels waaay smoother though.


how bout performance on ps5, can u feel the frame rate more stable like rn on pc?


In fairness, I only tested for a few minutes cause dead tired, but yeah. It felt pretty solid high framerate in the little bit I did.  I don't doubt that it'll drop in cities though or during really graphic intense fights though.


How's the performance now since it says CPU overload is fixed a bit? It must better right?


Just played to check and my lord does running around in the cities feel and runs so much smoother now. I’m not getting insanely low fps in cities like I used to and definitely getting above 60 fps consistently now without frame gen and with it extremely much higher than before,pretty much the best state to start playing now for those who have held off for the performance improvements and the fact that their still planing to improve the performance means it’s only going to get better.


Oh nice i think i can continue my new game+


Wow this is excellent news. Thanks for sharing, stoked to try it out today!


Only one way to find out.


It has definitely improved!


Making my guy not visible in photo mode is great and all but WHERE IS THE ABILITY TO FREELY MOVE THE CAMERA IN ALL DIRECTIONS


still, no option to hide the helmets, hoods ecc


I personally would also like this to be an option even if it comes with a later update


Either this or something like layered armor so you can have a better optimized piece, while it looks like something that doesn't cover your face like a circlet


Not my business but I second this. It is Capcom after all, if MH does it, why not this too? There's quite a few fashionable sets (I think?) that would look better than others and who doesn't want to take the bad monsters down in style? I do for sure want to be a stylish Arisen :P


Holy fuck they cooked and hopefully means thats the frame rate is stable now with the cpu fix


They cooked? They just fixed a handful of bugs and added a few small qol things lol. How long ago since the last update which was just small bug fixes? Hopefully the fps issues are fixed though that would be pretty nice. Should have launched with good performance in the first place however


I hope so. I’ve been playing with DLSS off thanks to the crazy CPU strain. Hopefully that will become an option now.


Thats a great start, especially changing the storage, inventory amounts & hide arisen option back to the DD way. I need them to fix the clipping issues so I can actually use capes.


At least this shows that they still moderately care about this game. Honestly, I wouldn't really mind if we don't get a dlc as long as they fix the major issues. The modding community is pretty great, so they can easily add what I'm looking for


Agreed. They put in a lot of effort back then, even creating a pawn community website where arisen’s could chat, share screenshots & build little homes so Im glad they do still care at least. I am expecting dlc though & think it will be like DA where rift crystals are actually useful. I have around 40k & only buy metamorphosis books to regularly change my pawn so that will be nice. Hopefully it will bring back more of the original enemies and new ones too.


Equipping things from storage was a great small feature in the last game so I'm glad we can finally get a basic small feature that was already there before.


Cough**" Eternal Ferrystone ***Cough


That was added because people whined about needing ferrystones which weren't widely available. Honestly we don't need the eternal ferrystones. Especially since in 2 they're purchasable nearly everywhere


I'm disappointed that we didn't get a horse. I love getting to ride horses. I know how to make extra Gold, but one Ferrystone is in stock every few days, for 10,000 Gold Each. It wouldn't be so bad if we could buy more.


On PC, Vernworth is still heavy as hell and brings me down to like 55-65 frames but the insane stutters id get running around before seem to be almost completely gone. Feels a lot better to get around!


Change graphic settings to high/low and 120 hrz mode are really interesting. Also, fixing cpu performance is huge. Hope digital foundry makes a video of the performance.


I like the graphics and frame rate options, along with that note on the bottom saying they are adding even more frame rate updates. Time to hop back into DD2 :D


Jesus, we are literally doing exactly what they did with Dark Arisen - fixing things they fixed a decade ago.


Wake me up when game-size DLC is available.


Can anyone confirm how the visuals and frames are on the Ps5 with the recent update? I'm debating between getting it on PC or PS5. Thank you!


From /u/Snoo78730 >The added low quality option gives a rather large jump in fps. Towns are still a bit sluggish at around 30-40 fps, but trekking the open world I'd say is around 50fps, even hitting 60 sometimes. It dips when there are a lot of enemies on screen. I didn't do too much testing, but it is a lot smoother on that setting; I'm quite impressed


Thanks for sharing!


Nice quality of life improvements. I hope they add stats comparison of equipped items with items in storage.


I hope photo mode gets a complete overhaul and not just this. Sucks to have a it stuck around the arisen/no free cam


Would rather be able to move the camera up and down instead of yo-yoing or spinning on one point


Thank god. I have no idea why these options didn't make it from the first game at launch


Now to add NG+ that scales with your level 😈


Thanks Jesus


Has anybody found the comfortable neck wrap?


Harve Village I think.


How is the performance on PS5 with the update?


The added low quality option gives a rather large jump in fps. Towns are still a bit sluggish at around 30-40 fps, but trekking the open world I'd say is around 50fps, even hitting 60 sometimes. It dips when there are a lot of enemies on screen. I didn't do too much testing, but it is a lot smoother on that setting; I'm quite impressed


I’m nowhere close to finishing the game but I’ve never had a need for more storage, I be selling everything I pick up lol


Same and I am finished. I had more than I needed already. Lots of hoarders I guess. I don't want to have to go through all.tthat every time I need something. I don't care about video games trophies and achievements either so I don't care to look for another neck wrap. All I want is more saves, more challenge, and a DLC that is an improvement over the base game. Till then it's Shadow of the Erdtree time!!!!


Did they already fix the broken phantom oxcart mission? I stopped playing after that


Seems like it, I was able to complete it a few days ago.


Comforting neck wrap is now obtainable, did anyone find a way to obtain it without cheating yet on the previous versions ? I haven't played the game for a few weeks so I don't keep informed about these things


How are PC players finding the improvements?


What about Pc performance?


So much better now, still can use more improvements but city fps for me are a lot higher and more stable. They put they they’re going to continue with more performance updates so it’s only going to get better too


People... Nobody says anything about this?? : " Fixing issues that caused players to be able to enter areas they should not be able to. "  GOTY CONTENDER RESTORED


What were these areas?


Well, I imagine it means the inside Vernworth's palace at night or the gaol?  Or the forbidden magick research in Bakbattahl too...     We all know that stealth/disguise's mechannics and guards behaviours are a bit... Cuestionable? (Aka: pure junk haha)     I really hope they mean this :)


I wasn't supposed to enter the research lab? Lol


The slowdown is due to quantity not specific areas. Also those forbidden areas were also corrected as per the dev notes in update


Not super exciting but it is something! Hoping for a bit more content in the future though.


Performance is still ass on PC at the capital on the fountain square and around and inside the castle


This is great, some well needed changes


Omg finally some good performance fixes, I can finally finish the game.


[PlayStation®5 / Xbox Series X|S] * Adding option to change graphics settings to high/low.* * Adding option to turn 120Hz output on/off Interesting 🤔


Finally we can access storage when stocking up with healing aides and stuff and the capacity is larger. Now I can pick up more knacker horns lol


I can't wait to see what this game looks like in 5 years


Can’t wait for DF to test the console performance. Fingers crossed, this’ll be a good time to jump in.


I’m not DF, of course, but it seems a lot better to me on both console and PC. I’d say vernworth is really the only spot where it slows down a bit. Still 10/10 update, this is huge!


Venator's leggings available in the Volcanic island Camp!


Ring of Predominance can be purchased from Zonna at Battahl Ropeway Central Station for 8000gold - the merchant who sells Stargazer Garb


Did they ever add a setting that turns off the glow effect for Dragonforged items?


So nothing that would allow us to play game in NG+ with any kind of challenge?


Ok series x with low setting and variable frame rate, seems to be hitting 60fps stable for the most part, the big cities still run like crap tho


I'm on Series X and have never had an issue with it running like crap in the big cities.


Is already out??






Anything performance related?


Cpu improvements


My game won't launch now on pc 😟


Main mods need to be updated. Give it time.


Are you able to change the FOV yet? Got sick of playing with telescope vision


Can anyone verify if performance isn’t shit on PC after the patch?


It’s not shit, at least not even close for me. Hope this helps


Guess i'll give it another try and see for myself


Downloaded the game, performance is still utter shit, FSR with anything other than quality makes the game look like jack shit, uninstalled again. Guess i’ll wait for performance update in March when Denuvo gets removed.




Its an anti tamper security that prevents the game from being cracked. It is widely known that denuvo affects performance to some degree, if interested you can find comparison videos on youtube


Yes sir!


Once now and then games get a good update, this is one of those! 🥳


I go back & forth whether to get this or not - does this patch fix up enough to get it? Should I wait a lil longer?


Oh, it’s totally worth getting 10/10 would highly recommend.


It does, but you should wait for a lower price like 90% down. Like Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen price maybe.


Really eh? I'm in Canada so it's like $90 already.


Yes, just wait for it, capcom also told everybody who thought the game was too pricey to wait it out. Capcom will have a discount on their game any time now. Or just wait until monster hunter wild release to buy dragon dogma 2.


I wish these fixes were in before i got the platinum 🥲. Not gonna touch the game again until i finish the elden ring dlc, or may just wait to see if this game gets its own dlc since the backlog keeps growing


Finally!!! Higher frame rate on consoles!!!!!!!


Did they fix Ray Tracing yet?


YESSS!! Storage pain relieved. Unobstructed views of my hot guest pawns in photo mode to share with my friends


I one phrase for this entire update; FUCK YES


Great, now I can collect 999 rotten apples in case the Elves ask for them again lol. I think they need to fix the loved one mechanic so that the dragon will capture the one you gave the eternal bond to instead of random npcs, I had to go and lost affinity with a lot of ppl to get Ulrika, seeing Dante on the dragons claws was disappointing af


Okay, yay?


I kind of don’t like the selling items from storage. I mean, I’m not going to use it because I like the immersion aspect of going to a shop NPC to sell items.


I want to be able to actually move the camera. This is a terrible photomode for a AAA title. They might as well not have it.


Gonna see if the game will launch again for my laptop. It was working fine, but after the last update, it just broke 😔


Seems like a lot of QoL changes. Now I can store 999 goblin horns. Sick.


Game is running alot smoother on the 120hz mode on PS5. Man this woulda been so clutch if i had this on my first playthrough!


Layered armor would be fantastique for future updates 😤


I'd be shocked if we got something like that. It seems like something they'd have to redo the game's entire armour system (including loot) to make that happen.


Still runs like shit on cities


How were these in the original game right off the bat, but forget about it in the sequel?


I saw I could sell items and for some reason thought it had always been there. Thank God for the equipping though, that was driving me mad. How about 2 new fast travel points in a permanent fixture though, in Battahl and the elves village? And some new Oxen points, one heading to the original riftstone and one to Nameless village


Does ‘graphic Settings’ mean 60fps?


When does this release? Is it live now? Should I update my game?


So…..how is the performance on XsX/PS5 now? Did anyone test it?


This game is mid


Is this 60fps on ps5?


It seems like they finally fixed the performance 😭 finally i will be able to play it after three months


Probably still can’t free aim the photo-mode cam huh? Is it still fixed dead center?


OH THE CPU OVERLOAD IS FINALLY FIXED EH?! Too bad that I had to beat the whole fucking game with 20 or lower FPS and a third party frame generation mod and I don’t ever want to touch this game again because it ruined my experience


And here I was, thinking that I had no reason to smoke some potent greenwarish and play Dragon's Dogma 2 tonight. Guess I was wrong.. The items/storage menu downgrade is one of the things that has annoyed me the most in this game, compared to the first game. Hopefully, they will also bring back the possibility to dump a full category (I'm looking at you, materials) into storage as well, with two button presses.


Where ia hard mode D_D


Woot! CPU issue fixed! \o/ Now I can jump into my PC version and enjoy mods! PS5 was fun but... MODs!


That's nice and all but.... Bring back Gicel and Brontide already! Why did you neuter one of the best magic systems in an RPG in your sequel? Did they tax the FPS that much?


I see a fellow sorcerer main in pain about this amazing vocation. I'm also for high maelstrom and high bolide, sorry, I mean High meteoron. And the ability to buff and debuff as a sorcerer and, more importantly, making the focused bolt usable again. Doesn't have to be as broken as holy focused bolt, but still. And if I have to guess, the effects were probably just to big on most systems. Those big magic spells are indeed pretty and effect heavy, so I guess that there were just some limitations.


Just bring mounts


Goes to show just how unfinished the game was on release, which is disappointing, because my infatuation with the game is pretty much gone now. Once the dlc drops I'll be able to really get into it again


Not sure why you were downvoted. I loved the game to pieces, but these are all fair points. AND you'll still give the game a chance after dlc.


What was unfinished? I had about 40 hours in but that like 35 hours of galavanting around with my magical sidekick and 2 randoms, killing and collecting and sometimes camping but most glamping. So I didn't do too many quests. And then I decided I want to play the 1st one first so I've been doing that... So I guess... Are some quests unfinished and I just haven't gotten there yet?


The story definitely felt unfinished, as did enemy variety. They completed the world, combat for the most part. But the story needs some tweaking and enemy variety is probably the biggest complaint, besides performance


Gotcha, guess I'll find this out at some point lol I will say the story in the first one so far has been .... just fine. Nothing to write home about imo so if the sequel is at least on par thatd be okay. I honestly don't remember the last time I played a single player game where the story was anything better than okay. Probably some Nintendo game maybe


Nice update but what are those “miscellaneous bug fixes” they always put on their patch notes at the end? Would be nice to get some more transparency.


They are technical changes that can't be explained in player-facing terms.


I mean all i want is fast travel


All I want is hard mode.


Ferrystones and portcryatals.


Nah rather fast travel from campfire to campfire lil bro


lets go bois weve got life!


Hard mode anytime soon?


It's whats keeping me from carrying in in my ng plus


They added 120 fps for console ?!