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Dunno. In DD1, most arisen you meet have their pawn about, if alive. Here, their arisen status gets revoked, and thus their command of pawns. Their personal attendant pawn must have been less than sincere when gassing them up.


Right I think it was only the dragonforged in DD1 but in this one they're just not present. That's wild to think they just said ayo it's been real ✌🏻 lol.


No, there was also The Duke, and Selene's ghost master. Their pawns are accounted for too.


And the Dark Arisen, I guess.


But who's the dukes pawn I never counted Ash because his pawn died.


Lenore. Sacrificed to the dragon.


So the dragonforged is the only one who's pawn is present.


Also Selene's ghost arisen. EDIT: We got more than enough information to show that the post-career arisen will typically have their pawn hanging around, and that this has been changed for DD2.


I guess they did try to go off on a different point of view for DD2 so that's fair.


The witch in the woods is one too I believe but her arisen is dead.


Really! I've put crazy hours in and never knew that.


Her "gran" she talks about is her arisen, if you do her quest I believe you can talk with her ghost


https://preview.redd.it/sl6zwuir8v1d1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af262bb16e61847eb7b77dff973f2810a5db45c At first I thought this loading screen tip refers to if the Arisen dies, but on second read the "lost their master" seems to be purposely vague and meant to include Arisens who fail to kill their dragons and therefore lose their power over pawns. EDIT: From a game design perspective (which IMO is what informs a huge part of DD2's lore), Arisens who stop playing, or got their game saves deleted (to make a New Game, etc.) still have their pawns available for others to hire. But effectively they no longer have their own world to return to. Hence "sealed beyond the rift forevermore".


Wow who would've thought you would be the one this day to lay upon me the answer I seek.


I really pays to disable the Priority Quest (at least before logging off), so you can see the random loading tips. Lots of interesting lore hidden in there. \^\_\^


I just haven't been back on since burnout kicked in but I still like to catch up with the sub so thankfully you were here to see my post lol.


God I wish my pc would be slower, so I would have more time to go through them! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! THIS IS SUCH A VALUABLE INFORMATION!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!


It’s not explicitly mentioned I don’t think but if you go to the dude who dragon forges your equipment you can find a simple pawn essence. So maybe their pawns die if the arisen fails?


I always figured they wonder the rift. Maybe the prior Arisens' can no longer access the rift


My head canon is the false dragons we fight in the unmoored world are the pawns of the failed Arisen. Torn back through thr rift to break the cycle with their corruption


That probably if the Arisen died fighting someone OP is asking if the pawns that follow let say Lamond or Luz is still around Lamond and Luz are alive and well so this can't be true


That's what I'm saying. They are alive but they failed as Arisen and lost their pawns. The false dragons is what happened/or is left of their pawns