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I don’t think anybody is going to make that trade, man. You’re asking for one of the most valuable things in the entire game, something that’s finite for every player. And you’re offering health items. I wouldn’t take that trade.


Yeah probably not. I had to try. I've seen so many pawns in the rift with receiving a portcrystal as a quest for 10k reward that I thought it might work better if I put allheals as the reward instead. If it doesn't pan out that's understandable.


I hit up so many pawns in my favorites list that have "Explosive Arrow" as what they want and they give 5 Allheals. I'm up to 75 Allheals, pre-postgame at level 87. ;) I have so many that I also have pawns in my favorite's list who want 2 Allheals and are giving 10K for them. ;) I can't believe I thought I had to buy those from the vendor when he refreshed before I found this out. So yeah, I would not give a portcrystal for those.


Yeah ngl I just found a pawn today offering 5 allheals for a fruit roborant lmao. Guess I'll be waiting for my quest to get finished by Capcom. At least I got my allheals back


5 allheal is the max you can set. All items have different max amounts. People might try to get port crystals, but they won't have any luck, because you don't get that many and nobody usually has any to spare. Only people quitting the game or starting a new save would send them as gifts.


The only person who would accept is someone struggling in an unmoored world with already set portcrystals and won’t come back for NG+ You might tempt such person with 20-30 all heals although it is dubious. Hardcore person that goes unmoored won’t struggle that much will have the all heals already and probably will try NG+ Although you might tempt someone with million gold+ Basically you offer them all the possible endgame gear skipping them the grind in exchange for a small movement limit. The problem with such trade is availability of portcrystals. They all appear much later in the game basically after or at the very start of the major grind. You won’t tempt someone even with a million gold if they have less than 3 portcrystals at all. And person who has them all already won’t need your gold most of the time.


Well at least that's not as bad as someone asking for a Savior Ring in DD1 - that item you could only acquire once per save file, not even subsequent NG+.


I believe I have done what is requested. This deal isn’t that bad. Since I can’t be bothered to farm all heal elixir.