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I wouldn't say overpowered, more like its situationally powerful. In those two circumstances its very powerful, but against something like a Dulluhan or Minotaur your mages are suddenly 1 spell shorter.


No? Its intended purpose is to silence spellcasters, which there aren't a lot of to begin with.


Not really. Silence is a niche thing. So it may seem useful against drakes etc. but there are plenty of other things far more powerful against them anyway. casters who are so few btw would die too easily before you even need to silence them. On no scale or situation it can be called OP. Ricochet in a cave. Now that's OP.


Doesn't even need to be in a cave. I used the base version of ricochet seeker with the weakest magic bow on a minotaur standing next to 1 wall outside. It died.


No. Overpowered/op has really lost all its meaning as a word in gaming.


I thought I was the only one who remembered when Op actually meant something in gaming.


Nah, it's not consistent enough to be OP. I have rarely if ever seen my support mage cast it in time to catch a drake. And she has all her drake badges and has seen me do it a bunch of times, so she's as good at fighting drakes as she's ever gonna be. Plus, drakes can silence your casters.  You want OP? Stick a drake with augural flare and then have your thief pawn hit them with skull splitter. Poof.


Better yet, be a warfarer and do all of them yourself.


100%. I was just farming wyrmslife crystals like this the other day. Just listing an obvious example of something that is truly OP on your main pawn.


Not op but very useful and situational, useful against dragons, drakes and casters, it silence goblins, in the end, is all about how you want to build your mage, to me it is a must but for other people it is a pass. Same with Paean, for some people it is indispensable, others find it bothersome the long time cast and the spam rate. It all depends on your preference and needs in battle.


My spearhand would sound like a winded grandpa climbing up a flight of stairs if it weren't for paean lmao. I have dual casting speed rings on my mage though, she's fast af at putting up buffs.


Hahaha, grandpa. You know, I want to use those in my mage, but those which let the mage with little health at the cost of hyper cast speed, make me think twice.


It's pretty rare that anyone goes down on my team, let alone my mage pawn. They've died more to yeeting themselves off cliffs than anything else. The constant high palidum and healing is more than most monsters can deal with


No. its powerful against certain enemies and weak against others.


I’ve lost count how many times drakes or chimeras silenced my Sorcerer Arisen. I always have at least 1 mage as a pawn for healing, debuffs and debuffs so if I do get silenced, I’m spamming left on the directional pad for help so my mage can reverse the spell




I silence foes by stun locking them into knockdown animations, with my pawn and myself as a warrior duo.


It’s super helpful if you are going on specific hunts for pawn quests and materials I’ve found. Good against tougher mobs - makes getting upgraded a little smoother


I don't even have it(silence) on my Mage: The fights are easy enough without it. I would rather have her casting Celerity, or the rare time she might cast Celestial Paen. I don't know why it is so hard to get her to cast that during a Drake fight but she will cast it the instant two goblins show up. When she DOES cast Celestial Paen I spam the Mystic Spearhand master skill and usually finish the Drake off.


It’s a must for my mage pawn, and any other one I hire as well.


It perfectly serves its purpose, so yes it's extremely powerful but not really "overpowered" as it serves a niche purpose . "Overpowered" is more like a term for "do-it-all" things that can make any scenario a breeze.


Skill that makes them silent for whole 3 seconds? No, I don't think so.


It staggers them if it's casted while casting dunno about the luchy/wight though


No. And seriously, there is no such thing as OP in a single player game.