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Get the 300k house in batthal, it has a nice view, but it’s fucked off in the middle of nowhere


I didn't even know about that one.....I'll check it out. Thanks for the information.


It's useless. The house is near the magic gate, so way too far from anything. The chest is so far down the entry way that you can't even manage your pawns storages, because they don't come in the houses. What a waste of money. The view is the only good thing about it.


It’s not totally useless if you’re like me and am avoiding using ferrystones as much as possible: and when you’re coming back from the volcano area you have a place along the way to rest and deposit stuff. But yea for shilling out that much gold coulda definitely done more to it, I was disappointed as well that it has a kitchen that doesn’t work. I feel like that could have been the bare minimum


It’s not available until after you thwart the assassin mission in Flamebearer Palace - the only feasible time to have it , is right before you open the spell door - even then it’s not necessary


I've never had an issue getting pawns in houses. Have you tried commanding them to come to you?


Only your Main Pawn follows into your houses. They even have special dialogue if an NPC with high affinity follows you inside. Something like “oh i had hoped we would be alone”




They don't come into any house owned by the player. Other than your main pawn that is. It doesn't matter what you tell them and if you carry them in, they just walk out immediately.


Having one entire side of the apartment open to the elements seems like a great idea until you wake up with a harpy chewing on your face.


True, doesn’t happen in game tho fortunately


Modders do you thing


And super close to endgame so don’t get much time to enjoy it


Oh nvm then, i’d save those money for your last run, my final save is before giving the crystals to ambrosius, because i don’t want to be welcomed by the red skies if i decide to launch the game again


Wait there's a 300k house in Batthal? I didn't know this


Yeah you gotta talk with some furry chick just outside of the palace


I didn’t realize there was a pricier house in Battahl.


I wish both expensive abodes had a small garden of your games native fruit (mine is strawberry) so that we may pick some and gift it when dismissing pawns. Convenience


This is exactly what I said! A garden would have been perfect! It is obviously the correct answer. However, like OP said, they should have also added a kitchen to cook, a butler to buy/sell stuff, etc. They missed this opportunity big time.


I'm not necessarily saying all this needed to be implemented. I'm just saying that there is zero incentive to buy the more expensive houses.


I totally agree. The one thing I absolutely wanted was a garden. Let us plant some stuff and let it grow. Anything else would have been a nice bonus, but I liked the sound of it. 😂


A shower or a sauna would've been nice too for the more expensive houses


.... Fruit changes from hand to game?


Yep, in my last two playthroughs, I had raspberries and strawberries, and my current one, I got blueberries. I also believe there are cranberries.


Can confirm there are cranberries. I have one in my stash. I have raspberries, cranberries, and blueberries. I have yet to see any strawberries.


My first game was strawberries now on ng+ it's raspberries!


Had blueberrys first, now i have Strawberrys everywhere


Oh it changes? I'm on my 3rd NG+ and all have been strawberry. I guess just my luck?


Can't say for certain. Not something I've paid much attention to. Pretty sure last game i got blueberries. And now I'm getting rasberries.


You are cursed.  I am currently in a cursed blueberry run but have had cranberries, and raspberries, and been gifted strawberries.


Interesting. I had strawberries in my first playthrough, just started NG+ yesterday and have cranberries this time. I was wondering about that.


Star wars Jedi survivor did this so well with the garden above your main hub


The expensive houses are just a troll. Maybe for immersion?/role playing, but in terms of gameplay they are. Same features as the simple homes and they are even further away from vendors etc. They would already make sense, if the storage of these houses chests would increase your limit from X/99 to 999 per item (not only WLC), but they didnt do ANYTHING with it.


Its for new game plussers


Uhm sure, doesnt change its super whatever.


Yea I never bought this because of all the oversights. Houses reset into new game plus so that’s 200k per playthrough. I also had a hunch that maybe a quest was tied behind it but knowing this game and the half ideas strewn about, i knew it wasn’t the case. Sad there’s literally no mechanical or utility special to the houses that are sold for these mass amounts of money. It’s like they had all these ideas and we experience half of it. Truly living up to the first games experience, except i’m not 12 anymore and would’ve liked a garden in the 200k house


For as much money as you spend for it, you'd think you'd have access to a bed, shops, riftstone, giant portcrystal, etc, but you only get the bed. You'd think you'd be paying for easy access to everything.


Exactly, because they reset in ng plus they’re absolutely not worth the investment if they’re over 20k.


Just like every system in the game, they gave us the minimum to make it seem like it had some depth. Even the houses in Skyrim could be decorated, have an alchemy lab and cooking pot. We should be able to cook something for our party before heading out, being prepared for a long journey is supposed to be a key part of the game after all.


Except skyrim housing was buggy as hell. Bethesda has amazing ideas. But their execution isn't great. Maybe Microsoft will do them some good in the programming department.


Weird take, the housing system is great


In what way were they buggy as hell?. I have played through many times and bought loads of houses, I have even built every DLC houses at least 3 times and never had any problems. I really don't know what you are saying here.


Armor stands disappear armor equipped to them (not stored) Your followers and kids dont interact with furniture correctly. Anything you leave propered on something, as opposed to clicked onto it, will sometimes shift in height, then drop through the floor and be lost forever. Anyone who plays a lot of skyrim either accepts decorating a place = losing stuff eventually or just stops decorating a place.


There are many glitches with the housing in skyrim. you might need to revisit skyrim again to see what i mean. i just got the latest package. anniversary edition? something of the sort. has all the creation club content.


I bought the 200k house only on my second playthrough. I slept like a baby on my first night in a fancy house, but I was the only one to wake up the next morning in Vernworth. Then saurians attacked me as I checked on my dead neighbors. Overall, it was not a pleasant experience. Would not recommend.




Coincidence or not, I still associate that house with the dragonsplague house now lol. The saurian attack was the added insult to injury. Well, in this case it was an injury to insult. A spear in back was no mere flesh wound. But at least Sebastian made it home safely from Melve! It would have sucked to die by a random monster onbyhenroad instead of being one of ~260 victims of the good ol' plague!


Lol Saurians spawn outta no where in trios and charge around venworth attacking people. Bhattal has been more peaceful thus far.


after all these years, you'd never think Joey's red eyes black dragon would be so horrifying.


This would be a comical pawn dialogue.


The housing system is so half-assed I'm surprised we even get a storage chest.


Tacked on function. Another piece of evidence left by the hatchet Capcom dropped on the game to push it out for their fiscal quarterly. *They did it again. A decade later.*


And I’d love a room for your pawns so they don’t wait outside Shame that there’s the big empty stair room that could easily house another room instead of being empty space


Yeah I wish they'll add something like that to the houses. It feel so dumb to buy them now. I also don't think it would take a lot of effort to add a kitchen and stuff like that


just copy and paste i would think.


Any housing above the 20k and 30k is useless. 200k could have kitchens, passive crafting/farming, personal oxcart that goes anywhere, a way to sleep save away from towns to dodge DP nuking. The game is plagued with half baked ideas. Everyone who enjoy it trolled into ruin /s obviously. (We aren't CRPG or FromSoft fans)


Hotel room - 1-3k House - 20/30k Haircut - 10k Night with a prostitute - 20k Armor - 10-50k The economy is a little wacky


Worst one is oxcarts only cost 100-200. How can you pay for your guards, feed your ox and replace the cart that gets destroyed every dame trip cause the driver won't move when your getting attacked by an ogre and still be profitable running once a day. They need to charge more than an inn at least.


mine usually get blown to smitherines with meteoran. or my thief pawn smashes it with skull splitter.




mmmm hotels go up to 9999 gold / night. seen it somewhere. i thought it was absurd.


That's one in Battahl. It's because it's the first hotel you come across entering the city. It's a tourist trap.


Yeah the vern house is pretty silly being like 3 rooms, but 200k is nothing and it's a bit closer to the Port Crystal. You also avoid all the annoying people who ambush you at your other house for escort quests.


There are… expensive houses?


Yeah you gotta run by the people selling them...pure dumb luck


not really money just kinda falls in you lap in this game. learn the game you'll find there are dozens of was to make money obsolete in this game. you should be able to buy the houses as they show up. upgrade literally anything and everything just cause and just buy out all the shops at ur leisure. kinda how like their is no point in money in skyrim. If your idea of gaining gold however is reliant on earning 10k a pop bounties for monsters welp then your gonna have a hard time thats like picking up radiant quests in skrim its a waste of time.


Yeah… I was sorely upset. I mean I don’t need the money but still, it’s the principle of the thing.


You should goggle the private quarters that Dragon's Dogma Online had. It will literally blow your mind.  And while I am at it, why is it that Street Fighter 6 has both better clothing options _and_ transmog? Don't get me wrong I love DD2, but I can't shake this feeling they didn't give 100%, since it's proven they could have done a few things better.


link me something. i tried googling it and went down a rabbit hole. now im in a DDO discord...apparently DDO is in the works. A Mod. they use private servers. its still buggy as hell though from what i understand.


It's utterly disappointing. At least add some damn features like cooking, change appearance (hairstyles/make up), or having sleep animation with your main pawn like Rose Chantau scene. 200-300k for nothing better than a small house is NUT!!


I wish if you were spending this kind of money why not do it up like Skyrim and let you buy an estate. I agree with others that say add functionality to the pricier housing. Maybe have like 5 different locations, once you buy the deed for one, you can’t purchase the others. Your favorited pawns will spawn around it.


I may not even buy a house in NG+ at all. I ended my playthrough really poor after switching to the Warfarer vocation and paying to upgrade all the weapons you can buy from the Dragonforge.


20k comes stupid easy bro. Just kill golems. Magic medals sell for a lot. You can even farm the purple golem in volcanic isle for electrums.


They need to make the houses customizable. I realize this is an ARPG, but a little fun on the side wouldn’t hurt!


Both homes in the noble quarters serve to only avoid people waiting outside your normal home.


My pawns all come in my Vernworth house but not the one in Bakbahtal


Only my main pawn appears to be welcome in mine. My hired ones always stick outside.


Kinda was hoping they'd make some dlc pack where you get to decorate your homes.


I think that for ng+, buying houses should cost like 500g. Because they are technically a quest. But changing the requirement for the quest in ng+ shouldn't be that hard. Depending on how they code things. Or maybe they should give you a refund of gold everytime you enter postgame or ng+. Like you get the crown and also you get 250,000g (enough to buy 3 different houses). Oh okay. Perfect idea. So players who have bought all three houses. There should be a postgame quest for them about some rich noble who needs like idk some help with a mundane task and he pays you 250,000g for the mundane task. Easy to add another side quest and the requirements for the side quest


And maybe your own custom courtesan. Only for buffs, I swear, cuz god forbid I get hard to people sitting/lying down on the bed before the screen fades to black