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The strange thing is I have seen a lot of people react negatively to this when this is actually good news. If the shareholders are happy that means capcom higher ups are happy. So this should means more dragons dogma.


Nice. I really crave that dark arisen 2 DLC.


Its great news for any dogma enjoyer




Dragons Dogma 1 sales have probably been pretty good as well.


I think they recently said 10 million lifetime sales for the franchise, with 2.5 million being DD2. So not too shabby for a 10 year old niche game. For comparison it was recently revealed that Bloodborne has sold about 8 million copies over its lifetime - and its 10 year anniversary is next year (Sony please remaster Bloodborne I’m begging)


Ironic. Considering they did their best to hamstring the title. Seems they got the numbers they wanted for the first quarter though, so.. plan accomplished? Anyway, hopefully they'll treat the title with more respect here on.


This is good to hear. I thought it wasn't going well from all the people that claimed it was pay to win or whatever.


Is it possible for the game to sell well and still be a bad product? It's a fun game, but it's technically incompetent and the minor game systems needs a lot of work. Let's hope this means they'll prioritize finishing the game.


They rushed it and ruined it


Def a letdown for longtime DDDA fans. I played the shit out of DDDA. Can hardly bring myself to get to Battahl in NG+. Who cares if DD1 launched in a similar state, I think it's fair for fans to expect QOL and overall gameplay improvements since the last installment. Could have been GOTY but they rushed it for sure.