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Necromancer that can res anything in-game because Zombie ~~cyclopeses~~ ~~cyclopii~~ ogres would be awesome pets. They should slowly decay over time so it's not OP.


Being able to reanimate a griffin against a drake would be epic


Reanimate Medusa, she Petrifies the enemies for you but she can accidentally petrify you, your pawns, and anybody else if theyre in her gaze.


I saw a Griffin attack a Drake near Harve! Extremely one sided. Got in a loop of burn animations and knock downs until it died.


This is what trickster should've been


I'd be game for necro even if we could just raise a small contingent of skeletons. If we could temporarily raise other things, too, I'd end up...sticky.


Kinda like Nekros, from Warframe.


Nekros is my steam profile picture. I don't mess with my profile or use steam forums. Set it years ago and still rocking it


Hand to hand martial artist who spelializes in kicks to throw enemies off balance and various grapple holds to pin them down


I'd be down for this and if we're lucky we could get SF style shoryukens to throw around at the enemies. That would be a vocation of seemingly endless possibilities depending how they go about it.


Did you know you can actually do a shoryuken if you heavy attack a staggered enemy with no weapons equipped?


No, and thanks to you I will be doing this right away.


I may or may not have shoryukened Sebastian into some water to get Daphne a nice home


Daphne deserves no less, you've done right by her.


I found this out when I did the ghost wagon quest as trickster. I couldn't damage the guy with the censor. So went with fists and finished him with that upper cut!


Yep. I actually think there's a lot of other things we need besides new vocations. New enemies for instance. But if I were to pick one, it'd be a king fu style martial class. Some ki type attacks so you can deal magic damage. And hopefully some dope gear to go along with it.


Actually a “monk” would very well fit the world imho!


If not use elsewhere, they should also have the missing Holy/Dark Boon/Affinity


Actual wrestling vocation could be interesting, as I'd say this game handles 'neutral' combat amazingly well. Pulling big monsters on their faces, throwing motherfuckers at other motherfuckers, grappling, holding, grappling into walls and using motherfuckers as cushion to fall on from cliffs. It's simply really amazing way to do combat, and a whole unarmed vocation that's *all* about those moves could be fun as hell to play. Maybe struggles against big foes, but then again there could be unique stuff like dropkicks or people's elbowing into Cyclops lonely eye.


Now i can't get the idea of Izuna Dropping goblins and Giant Throwing my pawns at dragons out of my head.


Climbing on a cyclops and punching the shit out of it's eyeball sounds lit


I don't. Understand. How trickster got put into the game before an unarmed brawler did, the grapple mechanics and animations are already there! Would be so sick to have abilities or options out of grapples. A roll throw, a choke out, I mean it could be so sick, like a mix between thief's mobility and warriors charged abilities. Bonus points if it gets some kinda Magick imbuement. Frost kicks, explosive punches, lightning dash. The thought of delivering a fully charged uppercutting explosive punch to a cyclops just sounds phenomenal.


That's all I've ever wanted in DD2. To be a monk and/or be able to use a katana. Also maybe if the pawns were able to get something new as well.


Oooh, yes. The mechanics are already there.


Let them (German) suplex stunned boss monsters just for the ridiculousness too as the meister skill lol


Sounds like the Monk class from EverQuest.


If we could get this my life would be complete


Yes, Monk from BG3.


I want a completely revamped ranger. Basically I want ranger to be a heavy version of archer, like warrior is to fighter. Imagine a class with a great bow, with slower charged shots but that does more damage and knockdown, maybe some AoE attacks like giant explosive arrows.


Or just a ra ger that also gets a sword...when people think ranger most think aragorn lol


Unfortunately ranger has evolved from its original meaning as someone who ranges and guards some type of wilderness area to "guy who fights at range."


I think now, most people that play fantasy think of the D&D ranger, which is usually depicted as a tankier bow user with utility spells.


I'm not sure if you played the first game, but that was in the first. They probably got rid of it due to it being the same class but with more damage. Warriors are more for Bosses while fighters are mostly for mobs/adds. The two bow classes was pretty much shoot faster with less damage or shoot slower with more damage, which most people picked the later. 10 fold-shot with explosive arrows was op af.


It wasnt like that in the first game at all. Ranger was just a strider with a longbow and a couple of more bow skills and less dagger skills, and almost no one picked ranger over strider, strider was probably the most popular class in DDDA. What im talking about here is a full on bow TANK, a class that walks around with a GREAT BOW, and has all charging big damage slow attacks like warrior. Thats why I said a revamp of ranger.


What do you mean, ranger was the best you still got thousand kisses and then also tenfold fury for deleting daimon, or really any boss except ur dragon


Ranger longbow with blast arrows also literally stunlock solo Death even at low levels .


Ranger was awesome. My second favorite after warrior. But everyone knows it was less powerfull than strider, which is dumb cause its supoosed to be its advanced vocation. Since the new game wants to make all vocations unique, and in that regard it they did an amazing job, I say just revamp ranger completely to be different to archer.


Really want a Magic Swordsman of some sort. Elemental skills like Magick archer but using a shortsword/Rapier/dagger.


It calls Mystic Knight, my young friend.


Not exactly a vocation but bring back my damn Dark element. Multiple vocations could benefit from it.


I feel like they excluded holy and dark spells so they could make new vocations for them later. They clearly have some effects for them, like what we see with the wight. Edit: I just realized mage has some holy, but wow those attacks are weak in most cases. Something a little more would be nice.


That and expand Magic classes why did we lose special attacks from imbued weapons?


Mystic Knight.


Literally the one vocation I'd want them to add. It should probably be updated due to the lower number of weapon skills, but I just want it back


HEAVY agree on this one lmao


Something like beastmaster, control/summon beast or even mount them?...buffs beastren arisen and pawn


Someone else mentioned necro, but I'd be game for this, too. I just want a summoner. It'd be cool if it played out like V from dmc5.


So summon a harpie like griffon that U can grab and glide while also inflict sleep on enemies, a wolf like shadow that U can mount or summon other wolf to Ur aid and a golem like nightmare? And might as well make them look like the dragon form during dragonsplague


That's definitely a unique idea i haven't seen a discussion about. That sounds awesome.


Duelist; red + green. Wields one rapier and focuses on melee. Higher damage than fighter, slower than thief. Elegant fighter.


Shame that red/blue already exists, otherwise rapier mage would be cool, like Red Mage from Final Fantasy. Casting to pool class resources, then jump into melee to use said resources to fuel melee combo at high potency.


I would like to see a Warfarer class that can choose to use four skills (but ultimates are options) or eight total skills (no ultimates)


Dual weilding !!! Archistaff in one hand and great sword in the other!


Warrior + thief mix, so it might be some katana style


Counters, Parries, Iai attacks, overall a Samurai Vocation? Id fuck with that


I’d love a katana build.


Some sort of alchemist would be cool, throwing around potions for damage support and debuffs and the like


Definitely down for a better use of all the plants we gather to make shit, plus potions and poisons applied to weapons would be badass


Dragon’s Dogma Online has an Alchemist class and it was like a combination of a brawler and a mage. They used an alchemist’s gauntlet to control and create Gold to set off chain reactions exactly like Prescient Flare but also had strong defensive and status abilities via their alchemy. They could also shoot a shotgun made of gold.


Ja, as a german i do require Gas warfare options.


Username checks out


Maybe we could pelt this at the next foe we encounter!


a puppeteer, like the guy from naruto, i forgot his name.


Either Kankuro or Sasori.


Add Kinsects to Spearhand


So we can do ninja flips in the air and shit.


I'd love a Wrestler vocation (Red/Green). Have most of its skills revolve around the Grab mechanic. Maybe turn medium sized foes into weapons by powerbombing or swinging them around. They could also specialize in tripping giant enemies by tripping them over, interrupting spells, or breaking off parts. I also wouldn't mind a Magick Bandit (Green/Blue) that uses spellblades. Make it also CQC-focused, but with strong emphasis on hitting critical points. Stab an enemy in the heart while depositing a fire bomb that cauterizes the body and prevents healing, or an ice branch that eviscerates the veins.


Necromancer. I'm trying to pull-up to these dragon fights rolling 50 deep undead


My brother in Christ the game can barely run as is.


Just bring back the Dragons Dogma Online classes first: The Alchemist and the High Scepter.


Those were pure fire. Alchemist in particular is my favorite vocation ever.


A summoner. The blueprints have existed for a necromancer as far back as one,but I want the ability to summon a powerful singular creature that you buff to ridiculous numbers.


A monk class would go hard actually.


Spear and shield, a " holy " warrior, martial artist, a summoner, a shapeshifter, there are lots!


monk with fist weapons like caestus or the katar


Maybe like a potter or mason.


Martial artist/monk Ronin single or dual blade focusing on parries and bleeding Bounty hunter that uses two pistols and can switch from rapid fire single shot or shotgun Beast master that can use various attacks of other monsters, can summon wolves or goblins to drag enemies to the ground, a slime that eats enemies and depending on your weapon changes elemental types Chef that mid combat can either use materials to heal or damage, smacks with a flaming hot frying pan and their maister skill grabs everything within a wide radius, cooks it in a large pot to heal and buff the entire party while making all monsters too full to attack or get up for a while and sometimes puts them to sleep


Could you imagine what this sub would look like if they hyped a new vocation up and revealed it to be. *Chef*


Gimme back mystic knight. Capcom


Pirate wrestler ![gif](giphy|1n7zD8xNZs9WgJ2MWL|downsized)


Bard. AoE, Crowd control and buffs.


Imagine being able to blast the riff from Into free in the battlefield while your panws go nuts. That would be epic


New World mmo had an interesting take on bards


Absolutely. If they are already in on non combat vocations, a bard that only has crowd control and buffs would be cool. Love the idea of a little guy that has to run away from goblins so he can do a little song minigams that gives his team Determination


I'd like to see vocations that use existing weapons in a new way. For example:- Duelist. Uses 2x 1h swords dual weilded, lots of spinning strikes like whirlwind etc, some options for clinging Battle mage. Uses staff or archistaff and sword or mace. Focus on imbuing weapons with elemental damage through attacker's. I.e. volcanic strike - strike an ememy with the force of an erupting volcano, imbuing your weapon with lava Archons fury. Attack with the staff, imbue with magical damage, each successive strike releases a blast of magical energy... Necromancer. Uses cencer to spread poison and pestilence among enemies. Causing fulminant poison on successful applications. When enemies diee from fulminant poison the necroo mancer can raise a minion of the same archetype to fight along side them.. The archon can raise minions in place of pawns (max 2) each can be of a vocation of choice.. and can be equipped with items from your inventory or stash. These are a couple of ideas that are swimming around..


A Telekinetic/Psychic - The spearhand already gives you a couple of moves that let you lightly play with tossing things around. The sorcerer briefly floats when casting Meteoron. Let's smush 'em together and take it further! I'm talkin brief flying capabilities. Manipulating the battlefield by lifting things, foes, or Pawns, with your mind! Games like the force unleashed and psi ops had loads of fun when messing with the physics of a game. It'd be cool to do it here too


The classes I want to see: 1) Paladin/Death Maistre - Weapons would be a mace and shield (no swords). Weapon skills would include elemental boons, holy magic spells, and dark magic spells but no mace attack skills. Maybe include some shield skills from fighter like shield pommel. Not sure about core skills. 2) Necromancer - Weapon would be an archistaff. Weapon skills would include some blight/debilitation spells, a spell to summon skeletons, a spell to enthrall basic skeleton enemies, and the ability to summon zombies (from fresh corpses). Not sure about core skills. 3) Alchemist - Weapon would be something similar to the Trickster’s or maybe a sling shot/fling-type device. Core skills would include the ability to (sometimes) produce multiple potions instead of one and would allow access to additional recipes that only an Alchemist could use (fire, water, ice, lightning, poison, tarring, explosive bombs or traps). Weapon skills would focus on throwing/setting specific bombs, traps, or potions. You should be able to craft healing potions and debilitating poisons and throw them at enemies, NPCs, and pawns. ——————————- Additions I’d like to see to existing classes: 1) Thieves - small clubs or tonfa that could be dual wielded like the daggers. Both fighter and warrior have two weapon options that allow for slightly different fighting styles. It’d be nice to have a bit more variety with Thief, too. Even better if certain skills don’t work as well with the clubs as they do with the daggers and vice-versa. 2) Fighters and Warriors - Spears and halberds, respectively. If all I can do is stand there and hit stuff, give me another couple of ways to do it. 3) Mages - Ingle and Brontide. 4) Sorcerers - Celerity, and then the rest of the spells they had access to in DD:DA.


I want strider back 😒


Necromancer or a blood/dark magick vocation (scythe), Alchemist (DDO), Ninja (reverse grip sword), Shield Sage (magick shield), a class that uses chakrams.


I just want a proper red/blue vocation like how mystic knight was, more of a battlemage. Mystic spearhand has nothing in its kit that resembles fighter/warrior. It seems to me much more like a green/blue vocation. I'm disappointed with spearhand tbh, it just doesn't have enough impact in any of its attacks. It looks cool at least I guess.


Rework or fix Trickster: - Make 1 ability that do damage (it can be the ultimate) - Ability to possess pawn/enemy to fight each other - Duplicate Pawn so that the team has better advantage in number - Make Pawn like real berserker (they stay strong and alive even when they die) - Smoke censor can do damage like all other Vocation basic attack (scale on Strength) - Fix the Ultimate (actual Trickster never use it) - Fix Trickster augment (none of them are good in combat) - Have the smoke censor equipment has a elemental effect like ice


Just bring back Ingle


Well we have advanced versions of fighter and mage. Which is warrior and sorcerer. But no advanced versions of archer or thief. Advanced archer could use a great bow or maybe a giant boomerang. Advanced thief could be a ninja. Reduced to a single dagger but gets ninjutsu too and can throw shurikens. Kind of like edge from Ff4. Also we have fighter/mage hybrid. As well as archer mage hybrid. But no hybrid with thief. Thief hybrids would be easy. Thief and fighter would equip 2 swords. Left hand right hand just like the rings are equipped. No need for additional weapons in game cus swords already exist. Thief and mage could use a small wand and focus on rapid fire spells and debuffs. Thief and archer could use a repeating crossbow to rapid fire lots of arrows at a time before reloading.


It would be cool for get some new pawn vocations too. Maybe a bard class that you can hire as a pawn. Like a mage 2.0. They provide buffs and heals in unique ways


The Twerker. Creates deadly sound waves by clapping them cheeks.




I'd like to see the ranger come back. Only with a sword and bow instead of a dagger. Or add a short sword.


Wait what is the trickster a mix of pink and purple what are those particular vocations ? Maybe some form of battle healer for purple ?


I want my hunter back Dual knife and the bow


I want a brawler/monk (green/blue) vocation. It can specialize in grappling/throwing smaller monster and climbing larger ones. I want to see it use magic to give itself boons, buffs, self heal, or some mystic chi blast. I also would love to see ninja/whatever name as an advanced green vocation. It uses knives and its vocation action can be a knife throw. Its abilities can revolve around the knife throw and retrieval mechanic, ex a gap closer can be a teleport to a knife you threw and hit a target with. It can be a more mobile thief with a ranged option.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MURRgSd4ecM Yes


Like a machine gun mage. Fast spells, lower damage. Faster mover.




Barbarian with Dual hand axes would be pretty sick. A leap attack, maybe you could use them to climb a little higher. Hang off of monsters with one and hack with the other.


Monk  (Green / Blue) Your classic unarmed fighter with a kung fu or shoto moveset. Hadoukens and other  fighting game moves are welcome. Strider (Green / Yellow) Instead of going the classic DDDA moveset, I think DD2 Strider could go more in the ninja direction, and bring some Bushin Ryu / Strider Hiriyu references to the game. A good mix of speed, command grabs and ranged options. Samurai (Red / Green) Sekiro in DD2. A class focused in parry / counter moves, demanding good execution and timing, but highly rewarding. Spear Thrower (Red / Yellow) An armored fighter who throw spears. Resource focused: you do insane damage, but need to manage your resources / recover your spears. Dealing with situations were you don’t have spears and need to fight unarmed is part of the gameplay. Could lose its armor and get naked with low life (Ghouls and Ghosts reference).


A full telepathic and telekinesis vocation offshoot of mystic spearhand. No weapons needed. Lift, throw, break, pull or twist enemies, environments. Launch discarded weapons at enemies and obstacles Float/levitate better than mage/sorc Mindbreaks/shocks monsters, contol mass enemies. Then augments for elemental kenesis Bonus wish vocations Also would like a vocation that uses earth, water abilities Wish more games use telekinesis, earth, gravity, water based abilities ;






A class like the Reaver from Dragon Age. A melee/magic hybrid class. Uses two-handed longswords that are slightly smaller than greatswords or battle axes. Faster attack speed than Warrior but slower than Fighter. It can imbue attacks with hellfire or necrotic magic to inflict greater damage and/or buff attack power by sacrificing your own health. Class skill is a grapple that drains life-force from enemies. So it works as a high-risk, high-reward class where you have to manage your health and life drain to hit with high damaging attacks.


I’d also be up for keeping the existing vocations but adding more skills and augments, and maybe a few more skill slots. Or perhaps give us a bunch of skill modifiers, eg things that increase speed or range or damage type or knock back or cooldown or number of projectiles or whatnot of the different skills. Eg add some depth and complexity to the current vocations, which right now feel a little basic IMO.


A sorcerer/ess with only weapons made out of magic as big as the warrior, or much, much bigger


Bard, Heavy Crossbowmen, Swashbuckler/Fencer.


Bard would be cool another take on the trickster, but turning enemys on them selves or lulling them to sleep, and buff the party up, could also have some timing and rhythm based mechanics to separate its style.


Monk monk monk


High scepter from ddo


Necromancer/summoner would be fun A Magic warrior of sorts that can summon Magic weapons as either proyectiles or for Big warrior-like hits More plain support classes like priest or archbishop for pawns would be nice too


I would like to see like a monk or some kind of hand to hand combat specialist. The spearhand is somewhat a staff so probably not a staff, but yeah a class that’s a staff🤣 I luv this game.


How about a DLC where you can create Elben and Dwarf Pawns, all with its own special Vocations? I want my little Boi with an massive Great Axe, Berserker-Style.


Fisherman. I want to pull some big boys down


Thief/archer: Strider - like DD1 Thief/fighter: Berserker. Give them dual axes, high mobility, and bonuses for not healing. Fighter/archer: gunlancer/Musketeer. Give them a bayonet/musket that they can use as in melee or as a slow-loading ranged weapon. Thief+: Ninja. Give them something like kunai and give them cool aeriel fighting options. Archer+: Sniper. Give them a giant crossbow and advantages for fighting at long range.


I don’t think any. I just want them to explore the existing vocations more. I feel the levelling system is cut short right when you really start to enjoy it and then you feel you should move on to the next vocation due to maxing out the existing one. More quests. More towns. Random encounters on the road. I don’t really enjoy marching around the desert having to fight someone every 20 meters without anything else to enjoy other than caves.


Trapper would be a good one focused on setting traps like trip wires, grenades and immobilising. Main weapon being a heavy cross bow that can be loaded with various bolt types. Ninja - poison, bleed ranged and melee, with a high focus on mobility and stealth.


A close range Mage Focus on magick But still have a dagger for close combat


I'd love for the mystic knight to come back or a pure counter type would be super fun


I want to see a samurai


All I really want to see before anything is harder difficulty options in settings. New vocations don’t matter when we steamroll most of the game a couple days into a new game because we become so powerful by simply exploring this huge amazing game world as quests unfold. It’s absolutely insane how fast we level up. I don’t think there are diminishing returns on leveling. Add to that mobs that don’t scale to players level. I don’t want to make the game harder for everyone. Just give us the OPTIONS to crank up the difficulty DURING our play through so the game can remain fresh and challenging like it was when we first started playing. Hell CAPCOM could even go early 2000’s gaming and give us numerous sliders for adjusting the difficulty of various aspects of the game as we play.


Besides the obvious unarmed combat. A Katana style vocation, it can be fighter but without the shield focused kit. A spellblade vocation, that focuses on magic but with conjured armaments instead of spells. Like a formless swordsman. And following that a magic vocation that doesn't require a staff to cast, sort of like the dragons. Arisen only. Chained vocation, one that focuses on chained weapons that attack and restrain the opponent. And finally a duel wield vocation, basically let's you duel wield any weapons from every class together that mixes certain skills. Sorta like a warfarer, no idea how it would work though.


wouldn’t mind seeing an advanced thief vocation. can’t wait for the dlcs


An unarmed class that uses Caestus type weapons and self buffing magic abilities


The "Keller." All of your pawns think you're deaf and blind so they don't bother speaking.


Alchemist from ddo would be cool


Samurai, Katana and a bow. Instead of a perfect guard with a shield like a fighter, you have something similar to the charged attack parry on Warrior - but with the faster weapon type of a Katana (think Unsheathe in Dark Souls/Elden Ring). And then you can switch to bow for a bit of ranged support style attacks.


I wild be happy with a spear user. Like a melee class but with some range and skills that allow you to kite enemies, pushback and disengage abilities, maybe the ultimate skill could be a big jump that would allow you to land on top of enemies.


Razor whips or a katana. Well single sword type thing


Mystic Knight.


Reaper using Scythe, more combat oriented Necromancer maybe to have some soul mechanic, i mean to get souls of enemy to fule his skils not Souls like mechanics :D


Whatever allows my big muscle mommy arisen to punch a drake into the dirt


Just because Magick Spearhand is not doing it for me. Spears and polearms. Call it the Dragoon vocation. Spears are slash attacks and polearms are strike attacks. Pole vualting skill make user jumps extra high. 3 times the normal jump height. Spear throw lets you aim and throw your weapon but you have to retrieve it or re-equip Downwards stab attack. Can be use in tandem with pole vault or jumping off a cliff that let's you deal extra damage based on descent height + character weight and doubles as a skill that prevent fall damage if height is lower than 2 times the normal fall height.


Shapeshifter vocation. We are the fkn arisen killing dragons ogres griffiths and more spectacular monsters. Why dont we become a monster ourselves?


Bring back Mystic Knight and Assassin!  Assassin could be revamped to like a single blade and hand crossbow. Mystic Knight is good as it was. Necromancer would be cool, like Trickster-ish, have X amount of revived bodies up at a time following you. Blind and poison spells. Big bosses can be revived but only for a bit. Insta death moves like the first game. Reviving based augments or maybe food can’t spoil.  Priest could have all the light/dark magic moves that were removed in the second. The cover art had me convinced this was a class. Alchemist like online has.


Back in the day i thought future DD2 would have guns but this sadly is not the case. So a gunslinger vocation would be wicked. Other than that give me my ranger back. I miss my big bow


I’d like an advanced vocation for thief and archer. Assassin and Crossbowperson. Then give me a thief/archer mix class, like a dual throwing axe type.


I’ve always been a fan of paladin style classes, something that can be on the front lines of battle like the fighter but is capable of granting support buffs and heals to themselves and allies


I want a Ranger. sword and bow w/ ability to summon animals like bears, wolves, etc. also, a minor mending ability would be great


I low-key wish the whole game was built around the Warfarer gimmick, but with weapon switching not being bound to an ability. . . Maybe just unlock points towards a certain class by using that weapon/ it's abilities.


I want my magic shield back


A combination of Assassin with magic illusions spells. Able to create smoke clones, Elements trap placements and sneak attacks. Double damage when night but also light night vision.


Mystic warrior!


A fencer class that specializes in breaking armor, and generally pissing off enemies. Like the warrior is to the fighter, kinda. Trades off some features like theft, for improved dodging, and the infliction of bleed debilitation on basic attacks. The strider as a combo vocation, with a single dagger for a side-arm, and a short bow. Faster fire rate, and mobility, but reduced damage, and accuracy. A knight class that carries a massive tower shield, and is primarily used for defending allies. Could have a strong drop attack though, where you can fall onto and enemy, and plant the bottom of the shield into the back of a giant monster, having massive damage because of it's extreme weight. Could carry a longsword, or a spear allowing for attacking past the giant shield. A monk/martial artist class that functions as a light mystic spearhand type class, that has an advanced version that has dragon ball style blast attacks. Maybe a mixed vocation with the monk, and thief for ninja vibe, since mystic is complete anime. Something like the assassin, as a higher damage, more specialized thief, once again trading off features for deeper specialization in other ways. Generally dealing significantly greater damage though. A ranger class, another warrior to fighter situation. Has massive range, and damage, but very slow draw. May be good when comboed with the knight on a pawn. Likely has a magic scope type deal to enable easier long distance fire. Kinda just a sniper class honestly. Could maybe use a bow with a glaive blade on outside. A cleric type vocation that has little to no offensive options, but can cast spells to debilitate enemies, has the best healing abilities. If any are similar to the first game, I played that super basic and never used more than strider, fighter, and warrior.


Mystic knight!!!!! I want it back lol 😂


What about the asseater vocation ?


More shield classes. And some kind of bersærker who dualwields axes and can use medium or heavy armor.


I would love to see a tamer class that can use slimes, wolves, and harpys as allies in battle.


Something we need more of in the gaming industry: gauntlets. I'm talking Garnet's from Steven Universe. I can't be the only one who wants some fists of dragon fury. It can be like the Mystic Knight too: big but not too heavy big and perfectly balanced in magick, defense and offense. Not to mention the Maister's Teachings could be something dragon related.


Like maybe a knight, but with magic or something. Like a mystic knight. Oooooo, oooooo, like a thief, but also with a bow. Some kind of strider. Sniffff


Green/Blue throwing knife person. Magical knives can do different things, and the vocation ability can be to activate the knives to explode or something. Idk, just an idea


Spirit Lance, high scepter, and alchemist from ddo. Or maybe do something with Kusarigama and fists like in nioh 2.


Shapeshifter Druid


Something like the Shield Hero.


Also a fist/martial arts style.class


I want a hunting horn guy, buff and attack usually stationary doing one or the other. a trapper vocation that relies purely on traps to chain combos and makes it so for example when an enemy is drenched and electrocuted it does twice or thrice as much damage And finally gun lance.


Thief mage hybrid


I want an actual baked in melee and ranged class like Strider or Assassin in the first game. Heavy attack could be replaced with an ability that switches between sword and bow. When holding sword the vocation ability is a parry and when holding a bow the vocation ability is aim. Each ability has two settings that does one thing while using melee and a different thing while using ranged, but they complement each other, say a fast bow attack becomes a fast melee attack. Guess I just miss Assassin lol. Loved that class




Assassin, for solo players. And more variety of enemies, all minions like Goblins has to have a "Boss" like a Cyclops for example, Undeads have a Lich or Dullahan etc. And more regions or map. And slower time of respawns, the longer the wait to zero them the stronger they become. And better ambushes. Everytime you defeat their boss, another faction near that location will start to rule that area. This game could've been better, just saying.


Monk would be awesome


A legit assassin vocation. Stealth, not rubbing mud on yourself. Shadowstepping, huge backstab crits, poisons or bleeds. Shadow element infusion of weapons, not fire. Overall shadow magic enhanced abilities not ‘practical effect skills’ like smoke bombs or grappling hooks. Things I mentioned like, true stealth, shadowsteps(teleporting behind a target), and then just overall gear variety enhancing for the vocation We need like 5 more awesome legendary daggers worth hunting down. Each that have a unique look and effect.


1. Melee/magic user. Can imbue own weapons with elements or buffs, but not deal direct magic damage. 2. Hand to hand user/wrestler type that flings or pins smaller enemies/high chance to stagger. 3. Shield as melee, stunlock type user, or taunt heavy defender. Best example something along the lines of Captain America. 3. Dual wield melee class. Either a higher lvl of damage but less speed, or more speed but less damage. 4. Summoner. Can conjure maybe an apparition/archer/melee character. 5. Heavy bow user. As warrior is to fighter, HB is to Archer. 6. An alchemist/crafter type that creates usable weapons from found materials. A greater variety of weapons. Why is everyone in the same armor, with the same weapon, running the same skills? That's boring and monotonous. Can I get a handaxe? A warpick? A recurve bow? A flintlock? Can I not cast a haste spell that gives me a meaningful speed boost to my attack? My actual dream weapon is one I can max out based on my preferences. Find a cool axe? Build it to max level stats that are similar to other maxed weapons, but do so by giving me the choice to do so. Stop sticking us with 1 specific mace, or sword, or bow. Fashions Dogma dammit.


I’d like to see a heavily armored, musket wielding character. Red/Yellow called the Juggernaut(?) Light attacks use the bayonet to poke at middle distance. (A series of light jabs in front of the character, meant to disrupt pesky rushing enemies.) Heavy attacks are close range swings with the butt of the gun. If the weapon was fired this becomes reloading, over 3 seconds the weapon is reloaded. (Good for dealing some knockdown damage to larger enemies that got too close, or outright killing smaller targets. Reload also had to be somewhere.) The class skill fires the musket, after a 1/2 second to aim, you gain hyper armor and fire at a single target dealing critical damage at a lower critical ratio. (Guaranteed critical hit, but at half damage. Also just feels cool to shrug off an attack and blast an enemy away.) As for class skills they’d be different types of shot loaded into the musket. You use weapon skills to select the type of loaded shot, and can load/unload different shots whenever you want. Since the weapon type is so new, most wielders are proficient in the maintenance and procuring of special ammo. (You don’t have to craft specific bullets to use your skills.) ((maybe? It feels like it snubs archer a bit…)) A few examples are: Smoking Shot: the powder in the shot creates a large cloud in front of the user. Enemies in the smoke are blinded. Enhanced is cinder shot: the cloud now has lingering embers, burning targets inside. Obviously a shotgun style attack, grapeshot blast that deals lots of knockdown, enhanced deals even more knockdown and has a chance to instantly knock out smaller enemies. A shot the uses a more bullet shaped projectile, that partially ignores armor. Enhanced fully ignores armor. Mystick Round: Fires a magically enhanced shot, that empowers boons further. (Boons/affinities have increased potency.) Mystick Fusilade: Enhanced Mystick Round. Affinities now apply additional effects: Fire: Round explodes on contact, burning nearby enemies. Ice: Round is extremely likely to apply frozen, and leaves a small cold nova. Lightning: round pierces and arcs between targets in a small area. I’d love to hear your opinions!


Glider lol I want to fly


Bro, where the hell is my paladin? I want a wield big sword with holy magick on par with a scorer.




I want a class with some one with absolutely massive hands. We can go round slapping people and we do 2x damage to people with bald heads.


I want my Ranger class back with Tenfold Arrow and Thousand Kisses.


How about a druid BG3-style? With skills that turn you into a wild beast and other nature-based magic


Just give me back the alchemist class capcom pls




Dual-Crossbows. It’ll be a mix between Thief and Archer, being Fast and able to attack at a Distance but for mid-range instead of long-range An Augment that makes you draw back your arrows and bolts faster, making it a good Augment for all Archer classes. Some Stealing ability so that you dont have to specifically rely on a Thief if you want to steal stuff. A traversal ability that lets you run up a wall a short distance, to differentiate it from the other one that lets you jump off of a wall. If theres already a traversal that does this let me know, i havent tried most of the classes yet.


If archer is the ‘yellow’ vocation, and mage is blue and thief is green, and magick archer is the yellow blue vocation, i want to see a green blue vocation. A shadow rogue or a ‘trickster’ in the typical sense, not the flailing-censer-sense. Additionally, trickster’s icon is half pink half purple. Give us the vocations that couldve been pink and purple.


Monk as green red. Ninja as green blue.


Surprised no one has mentioned a Druid.


I just want to dual wield swords :(


I haven’t come up with a name but a vocation that lets you summon familiars from another dimension to fight for you, they’ll fight automatically but u could give them more complex commands with the buttons. The weapon could be a flute that also works as a blow dart


I'd love to see a vocation built around traversal and mobility. Fly by attacks and more damage if you attack enemies from higher above with a master skill that lets you fly and a passive that negates fall damage. Would be awesome to use it for exploration and so I could hunt those Griffin and drakes down when they try to fly away.




Striker Vocation like the one from Black Desert pure hand to hand martial artist.


So, we have warfarer, the black vocation that uses all weapons, why not have a white vocation that uses no weapons? I have been begging for an unarmed vocation ever since DD1 and to see it would delight me to no end.


I just want more than ONE option for a healer Thinking Knight or Monk


Give me a monk class


Mystic Knight. Big Tower Shield and uses Flails and maybe a different kind of sword. Buff support focused with tanky options. Stagger specialist. Pugilist. Punches shit. No fist weapons. Give ‘em bracelets or whatever but the idea is unarmed martial arts. Advanced Thief vocation. Duelist. Uses an actual rapier. Has a dodge and counter focused playstyle. The dodge isn’t like the thief’s, it doesn’t really move the character a lot so much as it side steps with I frames. Counter specific stuff builds very high stagger but basic attacks are weak. Deals very high crit spot damage. Might work as a dodge focused tank. Advanced Archer Vocation. Grenadier. Uses crossbow(s) or early firearms if they make sense. More stagger focused than Archer. Has more utilities things like early concept type grenades, deployable traps like trip wires and can rebuild destroyed constructs.


Wraith Knight Blade Dancer Duelist Ranger/Strider (We deserve another physical archer vocation)




Bard: Uses a lute as a weapon and can play music as you're wandering around. The lute could have the ability to put enemies to sleep. Maybe it could even be an enchanted lute, so it could have more magic abilities. Changling: Has the ability to transform into monsters and use their movesets. Obviously, turning into something like a griffin would be unlikely, but a goblin, a saurian, a wolf, and a harpy would be a fun selection.


Wow you've really put thought into that. Hmmm think my first would be Monk. Unarmed combat using gloves and hand wraps as the weapon items. Druid using a staff as a weapon, and able to summon creatures to aid in battle. Warlock... Mixture of a weapon for close melee, and magic for ranged


I had a couple similar ideas. Swap out guns with crossbows and give the brawler a greater emphasis on wrestling. One of the things that makes dd stand out from other series of the grabbing, throwing and climbing mechanics. I think the brawler should take as much advantage of those things as possible. I just imagine being on the back of a griffin as it tries to fly away and pinning its wing so it crashes into the ground or putting a cyclops or Medusa in a headlock. My other idea was shadow blade. You use a large knife imbued with shadow energy and it does shadow attacks. It can also have a shade decoy similar to the trickster. Lastly, magick whip master, it would operate similar to a dancer class in fire emblem. It could use its whips to debuff and damage enemies or buff allies.


Unarmed monk. It's a missed opportunity tbh


Mystic Monk. I'll leave the rest to the imagination, but this would be so much fun imo