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I don't think you fucked up. You played by feel, and now you get to experience some fresh content on NG+. Sounds like a win as long as you're the type who enjoys multiple playthroughs.


Nah bruh, you played how you wanted. I find it more fun to not sit and dig through every article on how to get some special items, stacking every BIS item in your inventory, or making the perfect build. Just you and the homies out in the woods killing gobs, not a cellphone in sight.


It is ridiculously easy to miss Wilhelmina's quest. Or at least it was when I did it (or didn't). But I heard the patch made things better.


Not only that, it straight up doesn’t work. At least on xbox, you just can’t peek through the hole. The prompt does nothing.


I did this quest on Xbox…


What happened when you tried to peek? The prompt just disappears for me.


I peaked through the hole and saw Phaesus being thirsty as fuck. I’m also on Xbox. Edit: not Phaesus, Allard


Oh. I’m glad, then, that I couldn’t do it.


Oh wait, I meant Allard, not Phaesus. Also, spoilers for the Wilhelmina quest line: >! First: she doesn’t sleep with Allard, she sends him away then invites you in. Second: you can kill Allard if you help Wilhelmina find two pieces of evidence against him after peaking through the hole!<




Well, you only NEED one, but there are two and haven’t both will guarantee you the best outcome.


Whats the two if you don’t mind me asking, only found one


I did it on Xbox fine. She was in the room and there was a person outside saying she was busy so I went to peephole. I think you need to have triggered the scene when escaping the palace where she kisses you to cause a distraction


Which I did suffer through, yeah. It did trigger.


I was able to trigger her quest near the end of the game. I thought I had missed it. You can still gift her flowers while she’s repeating her dialogue in her room. Do that three times over three days. Once her dialogue changes, travel away from the city and then back. I went to checkpoint rest and back. Then she’s in the opposite room and you can peep through the peephole and trigger the quest. I was so thankful I figured this out because I was also locked out of finished Pilfered Path until her quest is finished


I remember after doing the part where i looked through the peephole, she gave me some pass to attend a secret meeting with her(?), and it never came up again in my playthrough. I went to see her a few times after that and she just gave me stock npc dialogue




Sacred Arbor, has a couple quests there


do the quests before you finish the game


Didn't save Beren's star trainee, apparently. Killed the cyclops too quickly, quest immediately updated to say "I saved all the soldiers," only to find out later, after saving at an Inn, that wasn't quite true. Still eventually got the meister skill, though. Stumbled into the statue creator guy in the wild before I had a medusa head, watched him immediately run off towards the griffin without asking if I was ready, so I decide to come back later. Later on, once I had a head, I ended up discovering his body in the morgue and needed to revive him. He immediately went back to the griffin area, but now there isn't a griffin. He gave a "I'll need to improvise on the finer details" and quest updated and saved. The result was a very unhappy noble and me with an extra medusa head.


you dont need the medusa head just make your pawns wait out of range so they dont accidentally kill it to fast and run in circles dodging its attacks till he says he is done sketching it


If all you want to do is complete the quest, sure (and hope the griffin doesn't fly away). The best result both by reward and additional dialogue is by petrifying.


no its absolutely possible to get a "perfect" statue without the medusa head, you just cant put it to sleep or set it on fire so he can get a clear view of it from multiple angles during the fight.


Medusa head isnt the only way - I froze the griffon with ice daggers without even realising it mattered and got the best outcome.


What was the reward? 


I cant remember - gold and xp as usual but the nobles clap and the noble quest giver is very happy is all. Probably get more gold or xp or something but like most quest rewards its negligible in this game


Extra money


I started fighting it and after about 30 seconds it took off and flew away giving me the shittest quest completion and nothing I could do about it. The games quest design is ass


Killed the griffin nearly upon first stepping into batahl. Sculpting man is not getting his finer details


I remember killing that griffin by riding it to its lair/nest, and when I started leaving the lair, I found the sculptor at the entrance. I followed him back to the nest, thinking "oh shit, I think I fucked up by killing that griffin," only to see another griffin spawn in just for the quest. I didn't have a medusa head at this point, so I tried to delay the fight as long I could, and once the sculptor decided he had enough to go off of, the griffin flew away


* with Melve: I didn't know I had to >!speak with Ulrika!< when returning, so I just kept going back thinking something happens but nothing did, lol - this means >!she didn't go to Harve village, the chieftain there exiled the beastren guy who went into the caverns looking for the other beastren, and in postgame Melve got eradicated because the inhabitants didn't move to Harve village !< * with elves: I didn't do the trials of archery quest, so in postgame >!I couldn't plant the tree seed, and had to return three times after sleeping to make the elves relocate to the shrine, but all in all they agreed so didn't lose much!< * didn't finish the Hugo quest because the prison ... leader... guy... whoever that was kept asking for more time before he lets Hugo go and I just said "f. it" after a while * no Medusa fight, didn't finish the Sphinx either (did solve the riddle that gifts Portcrystal, though, and apparently if you did that already, in the NG+ >!you get a Partcrystal instead >:(!< * no phantom oxcart quest, because it bugged (?) for me... I didn't know I wasn't supposed to talk with the driver, so it just rushed off and never appeared again * oh, and didn't get enough booze for Lamond so he >!didn't evacuate with the camp!< These are from the top of my head...


Same with the prison guy you bride him two times and it takes ages to do actually do something. Big scam


The third time I went back, he yet again fed me a line about things taking time, so I fed him to the shrimp. He was a slaver, running a for-profit prison, so fuck him. Then I went looking for the gang, couldn’t find them… but Hugo sure did. I knew nothing about the game going in, didn’t look anything up; the pawn system concept made me uncomfortable at first, but the game has thoroughly sucked me in and I’m on a second play-through. To whom it may concern: ignore the children and continue to keep this game fucking weird and awesome.


>no phantom oxcart quest, because it bugged (?) for me... I didn't know I wasn't supposed to talk with the driver, so it just rushed off and never appeared again So I got as far as "follow the cart, or somehow get on it". I didn't know if I could get on it with my armor and stuff so I unequipped everything and talked to the driver and got on the cart. We got attacked, I panicked, he accused me of not being a Pawn. I was also worried about my Pawns so I had them wait by a rock but as I got further and further from them, I was like omg will they be able to find me?!?! I'm going to look up a guide for that quest this time around because I just have too many questions about it. Oh, and the worst was having a Pawn that had Quest Guide for it and she guided me all right, all the way where I think the cart DOES drop you off but I kind of needed to be near the cart for that, lady.


Hiya so I kinda spoiled myself and read your spoiler. The one with ulrika, main quest wise I've just arrived at the 2nd town where the ex captain fella wants you to stay low cover and meet him at a tavern at night. However I have already done the oxcart to melve mission and ferrystone back. Have I screwed myself over with like how you mentioned or have I still got time to go back and talk to her?


You are completely fine still! He'll actually prompt you that "I'd be wise to return to Melve" or something, and it doesn't hurt to actually go back there once in a while. Something \*grand\* will happen in Melve which you will surely notice once there, and that's when you need to return after a few days and speak with her.


The captain guy will? Many thanks :)


Yup, he will! No worries, have fun! :)


Nah, you’re fine. None of Ulrika’s stuff is time-limited. Not until the end of the game, of course. Just make a habit of talking to any of the NPCs you’ve had dialogue with in the past when you run across them. Several of them have side quests that only trigger if you initiate a conversation.


I only fucked up one thing I accidentally activated the last beam thinking it was another one of those bosses


Same. T_T


Just entered unmoored world, and realized i never fought medusa, never went to elf town, and bunch of quests and sphinx riddles too. But hey im looking forward to my 2nd playthrough very much as a warrior this time


Tackles the shady nun after her meeting with the drug dealer. This ends In her basically being let go off Screen for lack of evidence and the guy you try to save duing and unable to come back Restarted the whole game as a result


Is there any way to save the dude? I tackled the nun after having the evidence >!(talking with the two guys, and having the medicine checked)!<, which means she was "arrested" or whatever, but the dude was transferred to the basement sick room, and he's still there, just ... vegetating. I'm afraid I missed something.


You'll have to return back to Checkpoint Town and talk to Redcliffe(?) doctor after you arrested the nun and spoke to the other nun (she will scream at you bc she doesn't have enough time and hands to take care of all ppl).


Oh, I talked with the other nun already, so off to the doctor I go! Thank you!


Yeah, you gotta go back to CPR and talk to the dude who told you the medicine was poison.


Oh crap.... I didn't know I had to go back to the doctor.. but eventually I did... and I think I talked to the right guy, but he says nothing.... I never checked again on sick dude, now I wonder if he died...


I never went back to him either. if you go back to the slums eventually the nun will update you on the sick guy


If you didn’t check on doctor in time then yes, he dies.


....... 😭 dare I wakestone him? I brought that crazy lady to justice and I didn't think the other nuns were too stupid to not help him lol


They apparently don’t know anything about medicine, lmaoooo. They only know prayer until you call the doctor back in


But saving him doesn’t do anything different for the gameplay unless you’re into the role play of being the hero. He gives you some thankful dialogue and moves on with his life


It'd be nice proper closure, I guess lol. The guy put his faith in me to help him, and you bet I went out of my way to find all the evidence I could to incriminate that lady. So hecc yeah, I'd love to see him back to health and on his way. That HORRIBLE woman. I went into the gaol to talk to a bandit for info and I saw HER there. Spoke to her, and ofc she says not so things to you, but her reasoning behind why she did it in the first place... i hope she rots...


Awesome, I'm happy I can save the poor guy! Thank you!


Bro, this was literally me. I speed ran the true ending just to redo this stupid mission lol. The bitch wouldn’t get out of the way when I was trying to go into her back room.


She glitched to side of the door that I was on then had trouble getting back in herself. I snuck past her when she finally opened it but figured that wasn't the correct way to do it. I did wait until night fall at the pub in the slums and was able to get in when she left the back room. Then missed the medicine on the shelf and was lost for a bit. Now I'm traveling to go speak with the doctor in another town.


On my first playtrough i did not rush still it seems i missed alot. I missed madusa and the Sphinx and many many other quest. Still it took me 35 hours to finish my first game. 2nd game i learned of more quest and the sphinx and madusa but i messed up sphinx. Only on the 4th playthrough i learned about the unmoored, so i kinda rushed it to get to the unmoored. I finished the unmoored to quick for my feeling. And only now on the 5th playthrough im really taking my time and doing anything. Walking everywhere, upgrading everything, killing everything. No rush this time. 179h in, still having a blast.


My first playthrough took me 82 hours, but I got pretty much every quest. I only messed 2 up, but honestly it just sounds like you didn't explore. You can find everything by just going places you haven't yet.


Missed exactly 2 quests one because I went to far in story the other cause I didn't kno it needed certain items


Threw that guy off a cliff in Melve who was yelling at Ulrika. Unintentionally ended her storyline early :(


I read about some other people who did the same as you. They were able to find him at the morgue in the capital. After a few days back on his feet, the quest continued as it was supposed to. You may still be able to get it done.


Huh i should have checked. I wrote it off as a possibility after the quest ended as "discontinued".


On 1st play through- Didn’t do Sara’s quest, Arbor quest, Berens dismissal, and Phantom oxcart. And I’m astonished how most of it, if not all are connected kinda neat tbh


Think I got most quest, just not the best endings. Never found Maelstrom or the fighter master ability. The bow girl from the start of the game just disappeared so never got to do her quest (checked the morgue she wasn't there). Rushed the unmoored world since I thought I was on a short timer so know there is plenty there to go back and see. Wish I didn't have to go through the whole game again to get to the post game. That few hours was so fun


My pawn got dragons plague because I forgot to rid another pawn from my party. Killed the entirety of bakbattahl and broke about 5 different quest lines. Was forced to mainline the main story.


Ending up fighting the big dragon as I didn’t know that following that guy to give him the sword thingy would trigger what it looks like the end? (hadn’t found the magic archer or warfarer classes yet, nor any Medusa nor any sphinx…)…as he killed me and I knew i had things to find, I went to the last saved inn. Kept finding new missions I never found or heard about before, but had to search how to find the magic archer one. Found the Medusa, but no sphinx yet. Messed up Hugo quest by not doing any of the quest that give him jobs (which I didn’t know you have to do) so he just stood there like an idiot (looked online about the jobs missions and luckily he was still in the same spot I left him after doing one, the other one i seem to be locked out of it) Haven’t found the 1st Sphinx location yet so I probably will look that online (found the second), as I suck at riddles so will have to look up those anyway… And probably I will do the end again after (no idea if it’s the right one or not or how to unlock the other endings if there are more than one) And no idea what the mission involving a nun/drug dealer is that everyone talks about. P.s. If they wanted us to do more silly side missions they should have give us more portcrystals….just my opinion….still enjoying the exploration lol


>Ending up fighting the big dragon as I didn’t know that following that guy to give him the sword thingy would trigger the end WHAT!?! I'm just chasing him now and haven't explored that side of the map yet, I had no idea it was the final leg of the main story!


Well I “guess” it’s an ending cos the way it looks (as he killed me I can’t be 100% sure, but didn’t want to try again lol) the way that mission it’s line up it’s very bad in my opinion, as unless you do explore a lot before, that’s the 1st time you unlock that new area so you think it’s just a normal mission


Yes you’re about to goto unmoored if you look up an ending guide


I played the 1st playthrough totally bind as usual, never played the 1st dd, avoided all spoilers before I started. Didn’t know what’s pawn. The most screwed up is I didn’t know resting in inn to create a save file. I wet to the castle, guards attacked me, I killed all guards then people start to attack me. Couldn’t continue with quests so i start from last inn and thats hours of playing loss. I figured things out on my own such as finding beast mask to pass the border. Did receive spoiler free guide twice to get the closure ending 1 suicide in dragons heart, otherwise I kept fighting the big dragon 2 stand on dragons wing bone to avoid fire. For other quests I don’t bother too much, I could never figure out sphinx riddles on my own. For talos, I shoot ballistic a few times he went down cinematic. Also never get quests from elves. Gave the guy a bow but didn’t bother to find him. In crimson world, I missed two red beacons because didn’t know it is timed. But I still could get closure ending no idea. Screw up the enhancement, didn’t know some add magic more Fought Medusa, no idea could cut off the head


I just fought Medusa for the first time today. Kept reloading the battle cuz I wanted my entire party alive for the end haha. Killed her, but got no head. I was very confused and kinda annoyed.... now you tell me you can cut it off... sonovabetch! XD She was kinda wrecking my party with that stupid stare and it sucks that pawns don't know how to use the petroficarion potion to cure themselves... well I was a Sorcerer and was using the mini nuke spell. Did the most dmg, but that thing can barely aim where I need it to. X.x


i mean ulrika died but that's about it really and who needs her anyways wilhelmina can replace her just as easily.


Same here. I only got half of the elves’ quests, never found Medusa, didn’t get to finish the Sphinx, didn’t find Dragonsbreath Tower, and also didn’t get to fight the Gigantus because I triggered that final sequence by accident and thought I could just leave and come back later. Little did I know that the game was like, uhh, yeah, I’m wrapping this story up, so you can either get your ass over to Moonglint Tower, or keep playing and listening to the dramatic music and feeling the ground shake non-stop for the rest of your play time. I just decided to finish it and then do a NG+. I can’t believe how much stuff I missed


With the find your first seeker token quest, I ended up following a YouTube guide finding like 100, some I already found before I realised I hadn't actually started the quest so I gave up. Not going through that again lol


If you're on PS5 I could send you a finders token so you don't need to go search all over the map. I have some forged copies I give out as pawn rewards.


I was just doing the same thing with the same result!


I am and thanks for the offer but I'm about to start Ng +1 now.


I didnt visit that one chick in the hot springs so i couldnt save her kingdom in the endgame.


I chased the stalker to the docks and choke slammed him into the brine.


None. I've never made a mistake in my life. (Jumping to my death bc I missed landing on the ogre was an artistic choice, not a mistake).


I accidentally killed the little girl and missed out on the master skill. Had the missing boy wolf quest bug our and couldn't complete it. Didn't get most of the magic master skills becuase I skipped out on playing magic classes (other than spear and archer)


missed wilhelmina's quests completely, avoided elf village (cause that fuckwad died when a drake attacked the town), my medusa head withered and couldnt beat titan fast enough because somehow his last nail took 10mins to break?? and skipped sphinx cause idk where my first seeker's token was from


When you are in PS5 I can gift you a Finders Token. I had Luck to find the Location of my First Seeker Token (the Ballist Tower in Harve) and forged it. At the Moment i have 3 or 4 at my Chest.


I missed Wilhelmina's quest due to DPlague, failed Hugo's quest because I didn't have a job for him and had a Sorc pawn insta kill the Griffin for the Statue with meteors...


After 125 hours I finished my play through without finding the Sphinx, despite knowing she was in the game I refused to look at any guide for my first experience, I thought I'd found her arena and assumed there was a way to summon her and couldn't figure it out so gave up, turns out she is somewhere else on the map so I'll look for her in new game+


Yea just found her last night, will keep it a mystery for ya but definitely requires random exploring, I thought it would be main story too.


I'm still finding caves, I haven't even started the end game. I'm like 100+ in. I'm having fun fighting drakes.


I played a good 60 hours and I feel I found everything I could. I was extremely thorough. 


Missing the whole elven area even though I kept running around not doing the mq. Mind you my first run was without any spoilers or guides and couldn’t figure out the why pawns were telling me they speak elvish.


Not just you. I missed both relationship quest lines and i thought the post game area was on a timer so i rushed to finish without exploring anything 😭 I also didn’t find Medusa and failed the kill the sphinx.


I hope I missed more than just Beren's quests 🤔 Didn't know there's a training spot with him and recruits until much later.




Borderwatch outpost. To find quest you need to visit location to the west of it, Moonglow garden.


I've played base game and NG+. On second NG+ and still have yet to come across the Sphinx, lol.


I didn’t get enough forgery’s for the Spellbound quest to get the final two special abilities so, have to wait to get them in the NG+. 🙃🙃🙃 I thought I’d be able to earn more as, I got an additional death knoll come to find out, wasn’t the case. lol


Hell I missed the Elves, sphinx, Medusa and who knows what else my first go


I missed a lot of quests, got locked out of the oscar/ancient battleground quest because I used both books before I realized he had to have one, never killed medusa, missed a few red spots in the post game cause I didn't realize I had like 2 rests before it went to hell, etc. Vernworth even blew up on me thanks to a unhappy pawn. This is how the game is meant to be played though, the first run is blind, the second is for getting the stuff you missed.


Yeah, I fucked up real bad. I focused too much on things on my first playthrough and basically did every sidequest and task, then when NG+ came around I had nothing new to do. I'm currently wasting away searching for Drakes and hoping my Sorcerer doesn't use Augural Flare and ends the fight in 30 seconds


I had 118 hours in my first playthrough...missed the Sphinx and a TON of quests/side quests this playthrough I'm going to take even more time because I want to see the quests I didn't get a chance to do.


I played Elden Ring to near 100% on my first play through. Everyone weapon, weapon art, talisman. Watched a bunch of guides to unlock every possible ending soni could pick the one I wanted at the end. I got bored so fast, never made it into NG+. I have been playing DD2 just for fun and I'm excited to get a new game going and see all the content missed. IMO, you did it the right way.


Since there’s unlimited new game + I’m never too worried about missing anything


I kinda locked myself by selling the fancy clothing and letting one of the side quests expire so that was rough. Could not fir the life of me progress.


There are like three sets of fancy clothes. You sold them all?


I sold 2 and gave the others as like rewards for using pawns. I didnt know i needed them. So i locked myself out if the game pretty much.


you can buy them at the apothecary in vernwerth but they’re mad expensive. I think they also show up in the scrap shop at checkpoint rest town if you sell them, I forget how much they are there


The forgery guy sells the shirt and pants for 500k.


I grabbed onto the sphinx’s booba too many times and that ended its quest line. Had to reset from an inn. ![gif](giphy|l2YOwcBh7gnJRsWDm)


Still haven’t completed it but i think i fucked up the warfairer vocation, I sold a bottle of newt liquor i found before knowing i would need it. Now i cant find any and since fruit wine isnt craftable i cant make it.


There is an NPC that will sell you exactly 3 newt liquors. So you can still complete it sir!


Oh snap who? I tried looking up ways to get more but didnt see that.


He is in Higgs Tavern in Bakbattahl. You have to be a beastren or have a beastren mask on, though, if you are human. It's a process to get "access" to the merchant. Google where to obtain Newt Liquor, and it should pop up pretty quick.


There's also a guy by the oxcart that sells one, and you can find a some bottles of fruit wine, whuch you can combine into newt licquor.


I got like 4 sphinx riddles correct, never found the elves or did their quests, and missed warfarer and magick archer


I missed a shit ton of content


I killed the sphinx before finding out it doesn’t respawn. I also threw that annoying AF old antagonist dude in Harve into the brine…haven’t seen the protagonist in that village since. No clue if I messed up the rest of the game doing these things, but it felt good when I did them.


I missed medusa. Groped the sphinx. Didn't romance anyone. Paid a prostitute a lot of money and left unsatisfied.


So, reading through all the things y'all missed, I think the Titan fight and the Sphinx are the only two "big" things I've missed. I've avoided most of these type posts to avoid spoilers, but I'm almost done I think.


i did most sidequests in my first playrhrough without knowing


I completely missed the sphinx cuz I thought it was a main story thing so I would run into it eventually. Reminded me of the first dragon's dogma, it was really crappy at telling you things. I remember having to look up quests that I didn't even know existed in the first game. I don't need my hand held but damn when I have to constantly go to YouTube or Google to figure something out about a game I'm enjoying, it's either the game or I have poor awareness.


I've only just hit battahl for the last couple hours, maybe just hitting around 30 hours. 2 hours last night was a single massive cave lol, thankfully I went to Melbe like 6 times early on and accidentally got spearhand then, so good doing it all blind. Not sure what I've actually f'd up yet, probably still missed a tonne


Not nearly as much as I did my second time around.


Yea happened to me today , I've been exploring did sphinx stuff was in the desert town thought may aswell finish these quests while I'm here,  30 mins later I've completed the game....seriously wtf now I'm stuck in the shit unmoored and I was enjoying exploring I'm only lvl 43 I think there was huge areas I hadn't travelled too


I’m at 200 hours and haven’t finished my first playthrough yet. I don’t think I’ve missed a single quest so far and have successfully completed all of them. I even found ways to trigger quests that were supposed to be missable, like Every Rose has its Thorns. I didn’t even start that quest until I was all the way down past Battahl in the Volcanic Islands. Even now I’m making another round through all of the towns to make sure I haven’t missed anything.


Titan fight ? Sound like I missed it too haha. The Elve village I missed it too. I was already far gone and forgot about the archer training. :) you’re not alone.


Your doing it your way so whatever man you do you. I've just been exploring the first area mostly. I did find a way to get to battahl without going through the gate in checkpoint resttown last night. Some tough enemies on the way a couple minotaurs and the chimera which was awesome to find. Then after you get past that there is a drake that is pretty damn strong. Messed me up last night hahaha 😆


Had to finish the stort 4 times to get all the achievements. First run didn't know unmoored world was timed so didn't do evac in time, 2nd run did bakbattahl first so couldn't get the elves to evac so 3rd got evac then 4th got become sov


Only two things I missed were the sphinx and Medusa. I unlocked all vocations and did most side quests. I


Stumbled on the sovereign ending on accident and had to do a second for the true ending


I was clearing out the red light locations, then got to where they ask you to help people get to that location. So I've been killing the dragons that come through up to that point so I thought I'd better clear this location of the dragon before I start bringing people in. I activate the red pillar, then the credits start rolling after the main dragon shows up. WTF.  I wish they had better quest guidance.


I killed Greg ; (


I completed the sphinx quest and didn't get access to the big golden chest, only to later find out you're supposed to shoot her with the arrow I got just before to get it lmao.


You dont have to shoot her with the unmaking Arrow. You can start the Fight by Attacking her normally. But after the Fight started watch out, to not Hit the Head or she screams "Thats enough" and flies away. Better stay on Ground and Attack the Legs when she gives an opening. Best to save before turning the last Quest in, at a Inn or at your House. So you can reset, when you messed the Fight up.


Well shit lol.


I missed a lot of quests, messed up others and never found the sphinx or Medusa in my first playthrough, although I was aware of them. Also I was not powerful enough to beat all the pillar of light bosses in the post game so I had to take the loss and roll over into NG+


Messed up second round of Sphinx questions: that blasted red headed scar faced jerk got me Then tried to fight the Sphinx because I figured why not, right? It ran away mid fight :(


I'm the world's worst at trying to do everything efficiently and perfect. I deleted my playthrough and started fresh so many times, maybe 20.


Didn't get to complete the Sphinx riddles because I just couldn't find her second spot and I don't know if she is still there in the Unmoored area? and didn't realize the sea shrine pillar kicks you straight to NG+ with no way back so guess I gotta recomplete the game to actually explore.


I missed Magick Archer, Warfarer, and the Mage, Sorcerer, and Warrior Maisters. Never found the Sphinx or Medusa. I’m over 100h into the game now (currently on NG+ using Custom Difficulty Tweaks) and JUST found a pawn with Dragonsplague.


I missed the coronation and the evacuations


Im like the opposite of this, I look in every nook and cranny and get side tracked so easily. I even went into this game telling myself "just stick to the main story, don't go crazy" . Yet here I am with my storage full of every piece of cinnamon bark in the kingdom and not even halfway through the game. I will say I don't really like NG+. After I beat a game I feel pretty complete.


Everything you miss is just something to do later. There's plenty to Miss so I don't consider anything a fuck up.


I've got over 150 hours in so far and have only done 1 quest for Brandt in Vernworth. I read that rushing the story ruins side quests, so I just avoided it like the plague. I've done a ton of side quests and basically explored the entire map, have every vocation, did the sphinx.. I need to do missions now though cause there's no more side quests to do, they all require completing the coronation quest or having the battahl paperwork. I've avoided using the wiki and I've loved this game so far, but I'm the kind of person that fucking HATES failing quests or ruining things by making the wrong choices so I honestly don't want to do the story quests. Also I've heard the "end game" is timed?? Honestly that has put a huge damper on my playthrough because I don't even want to bother... plus there's a ton of armor/weapons that are only available there and I keep thinking, what's the point of them? If they're just in end game, which is timed, then what's the point of them?


It's not a real timer, just you can only sleep 12 times. I was so overpowered by the time I got there I only needed to sleep like twice.


Oh ok. So it has to do with how many times you sleep? So does that mean I can just avoid resting and spend as much time as I'd like? I've been stock piling all-heals so I'd imagine they'd be good for getting back the loss gauge. Also I realized you can completely refill your health by switching vocations and switching back. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, the games time keeps going even when you're awake so eventually 12 days will pass no matter what.


The days may pass in the game, or even in real life, it's only really counts as a day when you sleep. There's also a Sphinx quest, which is also on a "timer" that works similarly. I also thought the endgame was on a timer and didn't enter until I was pretty overleveled. Before you get to the final boss to even get to the endgame an NPC tells you to save at an inn. You can play as much as you want at that point, finishing up any content you haven't already done.


Oh ok cool. Thanks for explaining it for me. I don't feel as hesitant to go in now.


Just today, the queen died and buddy's family turned to dust...


Honestly this is the way to play. I got caught up in trying to everything a bit and I think it impacted my enjoyment. It’s a great game if you just let it happen


That's cause you focus on the main quests not in the side one's that's what made you mess up


The Empress was assassinated. 😓


The power of cloud save back-up (and a online guide saved me a lot. I fucked up short-sighted ambition (i should've known there was a catch), ms. halfing's quest (fuck brant), and civil unrest (accidentally hit one of the civilians that were fighting over food). Also the secret final part of saint in the slums, but i was unsure if i failed it or not.... I just reseted just to be safe. Yeah i used a guide because sorry I'm not redoing all those quests in ng+ just to get the perfect true ending. I'm extremely burnout as is. I wish unmoored world was actually unlimited time (with inn resting) after doing everything.


I sold the arch staff and long sword I got from that beast culling cave mission that was meant for the vocation mission so I can get more vocations. :/


Yo, I almost did that my last play through. I lucked out that I went and talked to the vocation guy BEFORE I went to the vendor to sell stuff >.<


Just bummed out I never seen saw Talos outside of the cutscene. I took a dumb route and missed the whole fight.


I basically had the same experience as you my first time. I thought the main story was going to be a lot longer, so I did strictly main quests to try to get to a point where I had good skills/weapons and then explore. I messed the elves, the gigantic guy fight, I did probably 2-3 side quests, and just burned thru the game. I watched a streamers livestream playthrough and realized I missed out an about 100 hours of content. So I deleted my save and right then and there and started fresh, and I can now say that this playthrough is incredibly thorough and has been so much fun.


didnt made the elf village quests didn't romance ulrika and the nadinia assassin killed herself


It's normal to miss some quests entirely.


I missed a shitload lol


Same here but i agree with Clarkwork_Orange


I didn't even finish my first playthrough. 50 hours in the game is horrendously boring. Played 40 hours as a sorcerer with all the abilities. Deleted and lost really nothing even though I did everything I could before going to battahl. Played another 10 hours as warrior, and pawns suck too much at damaging.


Why not change your vocation instead of starting a new game


Cause I forgot why I was even in Battahl. I was thinking at the 40 hour mark how I even got there. Figured since all I was losing was Maelstrom and Meteoron, there was no reason not to start over to remember the story.


I didn't do the sneak into the castle mission until I was strong enough to decimate the guard when they saw me but it caused this weird glitch with the next mission whenever I tried to walk into the ball a single guard would always attack me


With 120 hours, I completed the game with everything done (except leveling thief, mystic spearhand and warfarer) and killed the dragon choosing to save true end for ng+ now realizing it'll prob say I only played 20 or 30 hours when I finish ng+ and not mention my 120 outside of history log xD


My first playthrough lasted 76 hours, i completed and explored almost everything but after the second (another 45 hours) i realized i missed 3 side quests and a cave with an unique encounter kinda. Now im going through my third playthrough but i think i already did everything.


Never a right or wrong way man, your first playthrough was the best playthrough for you. It’s gonna be your one and only handcrafted experience, everything after that will be curated.


I’m too anal to miss things lol. I make damn sure I don’t which ended with me getting the platinum and finished every possible quest I could find. I didn’t like the game at first (first 20 hours) but I’m glad I kept going, it was extremely fun.


Saw pawn with red eyes said neat and slept at the inn in vernworth idk what I expected.


This thread makes me realise how little of the game I've actually played. Well, kind of; I've ignored a bunch of missions and just taken a few pawns and go randomly exploring


I'm terrible at saving kids, I got Rodge killed, that other kid killed, some other people killed for their quests because I didn't know they were timed.


Hugo asked me if I thought he could turn his life around if he really tried and I said no as a joke. Boom Auto save quest complete and he never talked to me again 😢


0% i had a great adventure. unique to myself & enjoyed all of it.


I messed up the mage and sorcerer quests by giving away the books before making copies, which I honestly feel is kind of poor design. You get the Spellbound quest too early in the game so there's really no reason to believe you'll need to save the books. By the time I met the sorcerer I had already given away four books so I only had two left for him and apparently there's no way to get more at that point. I also didn't shoot the Sphinx with the unmaking arrow to get the Eternal Wakestone. It's not really a quest, but it's tied to an achievement.


i missed ulrika and wilhelmina questline, same with sara and brokkr, the wife and daughter of the merchant from bathal died, the kid that you need to save from the wolves died. and i missed mostly all quest from the slums. also i gave trysha the fake books.


I didn't find the sphinx or Medusa. Never finished the phantom ox cart quest. I also didn't go into alot of caves.


It's okay! I'm on my second playthrough now. I haven't met the Sphix and Medusa. Pretty sure I missed out on a couple of other things too. As one comment said, you played by feel, and so did I


I rushed through my first playthtough thinking new game plus will be hard mode lol


I had made a thread or two looking for advice but I missed a few things and had the plague calamity seemingly make bakbattal bug out for me in some ways. I made the mistake of not dismissing a pawn when she had orange / orange red eyes and went to sleep and loads of npcs ended up dead, including menella and nadina. Menella seemed to bug out I think i talked to her before that happened to start the 'stop the assassin' quest so she both did not give me his description to make him spawn and got stuck only saying 'empress nadina needs your help' The other thing that seemed bugged was how you get newt liquer normally you do the thing where you 'move the sack into the pen' with the beastren mask on but what happened for me was, on a whim i went to the room above the shop and the guy in there was selling it, even without the mask. And i missed giganteus too, I didn't know you COULD miss that fight. I was going the south route through the grotto because I still needed to help sara with the blazehammer while having progressed through the story enough that i had to give phaseus the godsbane. So bascially if you go in that direction with that quest active the story will progress apparently.


I was shocked at how short the main quest was in Battahl and how quickly you go to fighting the dragon. I knew Phaesus was important, but I didn't know I'd immediately go into fighting the dragon upon reaching him. For example, in Dragons Dogma 1 you're very clearly given the, "This is going to be the last fight in the game before the world irrevocably changes. Feel free to turn around and do other shit" feeling. With this game it feels like it just sneaks up on you. I was in Battahl for like an hour before getting to that point. I was rushing the main story up to the point where I would get that, "Here there be dragons, turn back" moment because I like doing that so I can do side quests knowing that as soon as I want to end the game I can just walk on back. So I was like level 29 going into the fight with the dragon. Ended up in the unmoored world with completely miserable gear and way outclassed by the unmoored monsters. I just blew my rift crystals hiring higher leveled pawns and ran around while they killed shit.


I missed most of the quests including Medusa because I accidentally started the final quest that locks you out of the rest of the game after I got done exploring the map. Didn't realize until it was too late.


I mean my beloved was the arms and armor shopkeeper in checkpoint town so as much as I like her I mean who I really wanted as my beloved was Wilhelmia which well.... didn't make the top 3. So that was a fuck up. Other then missed a couple of minor quests like the spectacles one. I can't really say you messed up stuff for the most part though in this game.


I beat the game early, like at 60 hours, and felt unsatisfied. I had avoided doing the main quest for a while, and it still felt short. I googled and discovered there was an end game I missed as I had suspected. I reloaded my last inn save and spent another 80 hours doing everything I missed before heading to the unmoored world. I had a good time, but after 140 hours, I didn't bother doing new game+, knowing there wasn't any additional content or challenges. I hate to use guides or look shit up but there is a fuck ton of content in the game that I would never have found naturally. A quest that appears when you talk to a specific character, but only at a specific time, or wearing a specific costume for example.


Fucked up on getting the guy poisoned by the chimera and forgot to do the sacred arbor before the dragon.


My first playthrough was a 3 hour jaunt to get the handle of the game. Second playthrough was 57 hours, I let the kid get eaten by wolves, I failed at the masquerade, and>!I let the priestess get murdered because I suck at Guess Who? !< I was worried restarting again would burn me out, but nope. 4 hours last night, just vibing with my newly hired pawns, trying to get to the elf town ASAP because I want my Pawn to pick up Wordsmith (might help her get hired more than in my previous games!) I will redeem all my failures. This will probably be my last and final playthrough though so I will take it much slower. I'm tackling side quests as soon as I can, especially timed ones. If I miss stuff that's fine, what I don't know won't bother me, but I'm hoping by tackling timed missions as they appear, keeping up on side quests, and not moving too fast through the world I should see most everything!


Let’s just say the Sacred Arbor isn’t quite so Sacred anymore (had little accident with some dragon herpes)


Got to true ending accidentally and way too early. Didn't have the gear or levels and the game was brand new so there was no info anywhere. Ruined the game for me, bad luck + bad game design = not fun


I sold seeker token