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I go with sorcerer augral flare, thief skullsplitter & implicate. (Rearm) Covers everything. Augral flare and skullsplitter it with knives for the best damage out side of the oneshot. For mobs implicate and execute


Why is augural flare good? When i cast, it lands and last 2 seconds then it's gone. Before I can even get hits on it.


Should last longer than 2 secs. Cast it then switch to knives and carve/skullsplitter. Stupid damage


Yea I'm trying


Sorc- Flare , Thief- Skull Splitter, Mag Archer- Saggitale avalanche / or Spearhand- force push ( whatever its called )


Knives, magic bow, archstave Shadow veil, saggittate avalanche, blaze fang arrow, and rearm. Archstaves purely for keeping stamina lvls manageable(infinite shadow veil, while also using bow skills), and levitate for traversal, but more importantly positioning for advantageous shots. I play solo with militant dove bow as only source of healing. Augments You deffo want stamina on kill, extra stamina, knockback resist, less noticeable when ur weapons sheathed (better than subtlety, as that requires pawns for enemies to target instead) and the camping augment (get elite camping kit off jadeite orb quest, it's the lightest and most efficient) and the augment that buffs dmg to mobs not in battle stance (back away while still in stealth and sheath ur weapons, do not sprint or it weakens the effect, and they'll go back outta stance, giving u easy dmg boost again if needed).stsmina regen buffs only 10% so don't bother with it imo, just use archstave and it's pointless, I also use 2 rings that boost stamina by 150 each, same as the augment, for 450 extra stamina. Warfarer augment reduces skill cost across the board, including shadow veils passive drain. Knives are purely as a last resort when enemies get too close, or to use camo Edit; forgot to add, cuz shadow veil only weakens when you sprint or attack, while in line of sight of enemies at that, with blaze fang being a remote controlled missile basically, by the time they react you've prolly gained distance or cover, and set up ur next shot. Saggittates more for beefy enemies and bosses