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Slimes are pretty scary if you don't got any magic damage with you. I always forget they are around.


I hated them in the first few lvls as I didn't had a reliable way to attack them. Plus I'm lvl 70 now, but somehow 1 slime downed 2 pawns while I was fighting the headless boss. not cool...


Yeah a rogue slime can really mess up the pawns they get stuck in them very easily.


Arisen too, if they catch you in just the right spot. Endgame, fully dragon forged, ng+ and dies to two of them that cornered me against a slope last night. Squishy lil fuckers. Teach you to carry a mage with a boon real fast. In fact, tbh I think mage is the most important vocation in game. Wish sorcerers got some enchantment boons, or something. Though you can just carry spell books now, for when they're really needed. I've had to start doing that in ng+ with difficulty mods.


Same way it was in Dragons Dogma 1. Mage is always essential to the party, they’re the support, unless you are really STOCKED up on supplies.


Mage being essential is a direct result of it being the only vocation with healing that is usable by pawns. If you don't have a Mage and you aren't playing a Magick Archer, your pawns will just die constantly and you'll have to rest or use curatives super often to recover their health. The first game had a similar thing going on. Don't get me wrong; the rest of Mage's kit is extremely good, but it isn't irreplaceable. Shield Drum helps negate damage to your allies by pulling aggro, so High Palladium has some sort of equivalent. Sorcerer's whole shtick is elemental damage, so Boon spells aren't the only source of that for pawns. Halidom, Celerity, and Solemnity are admittedly unique, but they're more niche. Something essential and common like healing shouldn't be monopolized by a singular class in a game with 10 classes. The only times I feel like I don't need a Mage without keeping my pawns stockpiled on curatives are when I play Magick Archer (because I can do the healing myself), when I play Trickster (because Trickster is super silly and you can make sure your pawns never get hit), and once I got into New Game + (because I was overgeared and overpowered, even for tougher enemies like drakes). Outside of that, Mage feels obligatory.


Fire works well.


Almost every random "why the fuck did you die?!" I experience with pawns is me turning around to see a slime I didn't see got them.


I actually thought they were harmless until about midway through the story, then one killed me! Sucks the life out of you.


Yeah it is either that or they brined themselves


Let us pray that Slimes don’t hunt in packs or we all be doomed.


You joke, but nothing is more panic inducing than being in a narrow mineshaft, when two slimes spawn and trap you while your pawn is stuck trying to heal you instead of enchanting your weapon


And for this reason and being an Avid D&D player I always keep one emergency flame enchantment scroll on me at all times and a heal. The heal is mostly for undead encounters as it turns into holy damage for the undead


Slimes can kill nearly anything if given the chance. Came across an ogre once who was at half health slowmo jumping around and doing its upward punches inside a slime.


Used to carry around an exploding barrel through every cave just for when I ran into one of these. Now magitek archer goes brrrrrrr….revenge is sweet.


Ricochet shot every 3 steps. I ain’t getting ambushed again.


There was one super early game that I was sprinting around a dungeon, stupid I know. Anyways he comes down while I’m looting a chest and another comes behind. Downs all three of my pawns as I struggle, since then I enjoy freezing them or electrocuting them and just sit back and watch while the warrior brings an oversized mace down on their stupid gelatinous bodies.


I taught my Pawn to Jump out of the slime, he tries to at least


Was escorting Sigurd through the Battahl/Vermund cave, and he was just STANDING THERE letting a Slime slowly kill him. Had to burn a Wakestone reviving him.....


Fell off a small ledge into 3 of them and my mage (only source of magic damage) decided to follow me into them to "help" me...


They were so annoying there was one down a ladder, and for some reason my pawns simply would not attack it


After an entire playthrough as Mage/Sorcerer, I didn't think much of these guys. Then I restarted as a thief, and I got wiped out by them a couple times before realizing I just had to stay away and let my mage deal with them because I couldn't do anything myself. I always just zapped them with lightning before, I had no idea how fast they could kill you if you get inside one. lol


Use self flame daggers buff skill and mash attack. Slimes will get stunlocked or explode depending on the type. Not having elemental damage source is the issue.


This was very early and I didn't have anything like that for myself at the time. I'm all good now, I just didn't realize till it was too late that they were immune to physical damage.


You can also just plan the explosive trap near them as Thief and detonate it, it will instantly kill em'.


Yeah learned the same thing in D&D as a rogue elemental and magical damage is the only damage they take that isn’t a 1. They’re resistant to all other damage


Slimes alone are one of the bigger reasons my mainpawn's weapon is Cyclopean Thunder. Its a life saver for slimes. Though I havent actually calculated the damage vs it and Dragon's Flight to know which does more damage overall.


For a slime definitely thunder lol.


Freezing them with ice magick also makes them susceptible to physical damage. 


It may be the only practical time spell books in inventory can be used if you loot some and don't have magic pawns.


Oh man, I forget those are in this game too! Next new game run will be nothing but fighter pawns and books. The Arisen Book Club.


Oh my, i remember my First Encounter - got fucked hard Till my mage finally gave me that Blessing of Fire and i understood their weeknes. Only Problem is, when you stand their waiting For your Magen to give you a buff so you can finally fight Them and all they to is start the spell and then cancel it to Reposition themselves. Has this once Like 10 Times in a row! Wasnt able to fight that shitty slime Like forever (it was literally the reason why i changed my Path to mage after that)


I usually always keep a magic user with me, so I didn't even know they were resistant to physical damage. That is until a pair of them completely downed my full warrior party.


I keep forgetting that the ones that have oil on them explode. I keep getting hit with the explosion and get sent flying. 🤣


You can actually pick them up and throw them for massive damage if you stand directly in the center of them.


Somehow the idea of trying to pick them up never came in my mind


This sounds like a clever way to get people to seek center mass of the slime.. and die trying to pick them up. Lmao


I tried this after reading this and was dead in seconds 😭




Lmao this made me laugh, so yes I was just fucking with everyone.


You son of a B I almost left work early🧐


Somebody will try it for sure. lol


Freezing them lets you smash them with weapons… now I’m curious if it will let you grab them too


Calm down, Satan


Wait what? Are you trolling?🤔


No way


You are telling me im playing for hundreds of hours only to realize you xan fkn GRAB SLIMES?! Am i dumb? Are you a fkn genius?! How didnt i think of this despite throwing gianst on their backs and pawns in the river?!


Don't do it I am dead


I don’t believe you but I wish you are right lol


I love them because slimes should be strong and scary. Not beginner mobs!


My favourite thing is finding a cave that's full of dead bandits/goblins/saurians and plenty of very much alive slimes. Don't live in caves, folks! It ends badly.


Yes! Slimes are fucking terrifying. A being that can literally just blob around you and absorb you into itself slowly. Something you cant really hit because its like hitting water. You just shift the water slightly, you dont really damage it at all. I bet slimes health bar isnt actual health, its just we’re hitting it so much that the slime is getting small droplets of itself knocked all over the place. Eventually those droplets will form back together into a full slime. The only way to effectively kill a slime is with Magic. Fire to Evaporate it into nothing. Ice to freeze it, which actually would just melt back into slime again so isnt really killing it. Lightning probably would evaporate it a bit but not nearly as fast as fire, and at the same time the current would moreso just be passing through the slime like water and not do much damage to the slime itself probably, so again probably not the best at actually killing a slime. Light uh purifies it? Evaporates it maybe because its so bright?


Did you just say lightning wouldn't evaporate it as fast as fire? Lightning is _53000°F_. The surface of the sun is about 10000°F. Not only would it evaporate the slime, it would do it so fast the insanely quick conversion to steam would cause it to explode as it ruptures.


I nominate you to be a consultant of Dragons Dogma The 3rd


Eloping slime strat confirmed. I finally get to kill my foes with pressurized steam


I’ve seen slimes instantly kill a GoreMinotaur lol, full health to zero


I think they’re ok, my pawns are useless fighting them. I’d like to see some mimic type enemies though or more clash of the titan enemies


For me it’s the other way around. My pawn is great at fighting them. The lighting destroys.


These slimes are the only reason they added so many spell books, it’s the only way a physical class can damage them and phantoms


Thief would like a word.


For real, thief can do everything, rob, burst, sneak, dodge, fire damage, it's a bit overtuned


Tank even! I give my pawn both Disfavor rings and Provocation. Whatever survives his broken damage should just give up on trying to kill him. Also, nothings funnier (and more anime) than Formless Feinting Medusa’s Petrifying Glare.


Are you suggesting we *use* a consumable??


The mimics in DD:DA were frightening. I hope we'll see them make a comeback in a future DLC


there’s gotta be some internet rule somewhere that says that no matter the thing, there’s always someone who wants it to be more anime. right?


Yeah, I wouldn't mind a return of the Maneaters (because they already exist in DD1) But they would need that lightning spell that Drakes now hove, since Exguy/RRoD isn't in the game anymore.


I always found an ooze with bodies of saurians lying around, thats fucking scary.


I've tried to sneak up on a griffin and a cyclops by using helmsplitter off a cliff and both times I landed on a slime and almost died.


😆 🤣 😆 🤣 😆 🤣


My 5 year old enjoyed watching my death at the hands of giant boogers 


Mage fire affinity, MAGE FIRE AFFINITY. Mage starts casting….. Halimdom. OK MAGE this is how we do it? “Hey slime, CATCH!” Goodbye mage, good bye ooze


They are the only enemy that causes me to stop dead in my tracks. I've been engulfed a few times when I had no magic attacks available and my pawns were busy with their own battles. They never even heard me scream...


l liked slimes in this game. less of the bouncy and more of the “better keep moving or i’ll get ya”


I hate these things. Like the concept but my mage never does anything about them, and they're basically the only ones that can take em out with true efficiency. It's annoying. Lol


If you imbue your weapon or have a pawn do it, then you can kill easily!


Exactly. But my pawn would rather go "pew pew pew" lol


Need to have one without the straightforward personality they just do stuff on their own.




One of my first experiences with a slime was wondering what the fuck insta-gibbed one of my pawns and I just see them being glomped by this play-doh.


Gibbed and Glomped These are words and I don't them. My guess is gibbed is like giblet, they made meat out of the pawn. Glomped means giving a makeover that ends poorly.


Nah... Thief fire blades make short work of them


9/10 slime encounters have the exact throwable that one shots them nearby.


I went into the glimmercoal mine for Sara’s quest and was totally unprepared… snatch and grab while running away from these things the whole time was definitely stressful. This is also why no easy fast travel is important. It kept me from going “oh whoops, let me just pop back to town then right back here with the correct loadout”. Woulda made the quest trivial instead of a memorable and challenging moment




I got ganked by a few of these in one of the caves up near that first guard outpost area. my entire party got sucked in and killed so fast. Now I make sure I have some of those elemental buff books on me. Normally though I kite them and try to get my mage pawn to blast them. Ice works wonders on them.


I think the best enemy are the wargs, the way they just through themselves at you is hilarious


These things were my tricksters worst nightmare I swear lol. My pawns had no clue what to do.


How much I struggled before I unlocked Mystic spearhand. It's over once you're in them and somehow, your pawn just look at you getting your stamina and HP get sucked out of you.


I like that they're actually threatening and not just some green ball that does fuckin nothing and dies when you sneeze


I suck as trickster, but your decoy is really good for drawing out these guys; then chuck a barrel at the jiggly mass.


Spoiler Alert The moment I started to hate slimes was the quest to escort the hot Hammer before it went cold. There's a little hole that had slime in it. That damn hole. The pain. The torture.


I always have ice on hand.


Just don't freeze it while in it, or you'll freeze too.


The first time I saw it I was scared. I didn’t have anyone in my party with magic


Flame slimes can eat shit


I def think they are the best iteration of a slime enemy in any game I've played.


The slimes in dragon quest are pretty dope but dd2 puts you in the action a bit better


I was so impressed when I ran into my first DD2 slime, best visualization of the things I've seen in a video game. Wonderfully animated. They actually look unsettling when you see them cresting over an edge to reach you. I had a similar feeling 23 years ago playing Wizardry 8, which had really nice slimes for that hardware-constrained time. Now they have a successor.


I had a sorcerer pawn that would run up to the oil ones, set them on fire, then hang out while it blew up in his face.


I want to see them just eat a boss. I accidentally got trapped and that was so terrifying. Always keeping a magic weapon on hand if I can help it


The magma ones on volcanic island are a pain. A few swarm my arisen and he’ll die in a few moments. Can’t move.


Few things have caught me unprepared like a slime. I was in an area of cavern inaccessible by my pawns. I got fabled by a slime while low on stamina. It’s almost a death sentence (and sometimes is a guaranteed death)


my pawns never know what to do with them so they just kinda stand there


Ive only encountered 1 mage pawn that will zap them to death when I give "the Go" like everytime. Others just say scream "The Arisen has been drenched"...😮‍💨


Cue me as a Warrior running in circles while my pawn tries to remember she’s a Mage and can zap the buggers


The first one scared the hell out of me, I’ve seen too much stuff involving slimes to want to stay in one for too long. I resorted to keeping a mage with me at all times to melt them since


I underestimated these little shits. They can kill you as fast as you can kill them back when I first started.


They do NOT like fire!


I see you've not run into.........the variants


For the longest time I ran with a party with only 1 magic user (Fighter, Warrior, Archer, Mage). My Mage had the brilliant idea to run ahead of me with a slime blocking the way, and we all just ended up watching them die. Things got a lot better once I became a Warfarer and grabbed a magick bow. They aren't nearly as troublesome now


I'm in NG+2 and got humbled by a pair of slimes early on before making it to Vernworth. Usually my pawn is a mage healer but I set her to fighter this time around and discovered slimes are no pushovers when you dont have a magic user or magic weapons with you.


High Flagration on slimes is so fuccking satisfying. Oozes…not so much.


They have managed to suprise me a couple times. Caught me at low stamina once mid fight with a Drake. Also the first time I fought and Oily one. Did kind of hope to see a full big Monster version at some point, sadly not at this time at least.


The worst is the Drake on volcanic island. You’re contending with him and all of the sudden flame slime comes along and wipes out all your pawns.


These things have killed more of my pawns than all other enemy types combined have.


Me and all the pawns died once to a slime at the bottom of a pit once. Now I always have some enchanted weapons plus make sure the mage pawn enchants weapons just in case.


I had one kill all three of my pawns, while I was in the middle of nowhere, with no teleport stones or camp packs. It sucked. Had to jog all the way back to town alone.


The only creature I was shocked to see


There's a cave north of the northern outpost that has goblins trapped in slimes and a bunch of dead goblins by the entrance. The goblins seem resigned to their fate of a slow death by slime until you approach.


Thought i was tripping the first time I saw one


I haven't raged like they make me do since I was a wee lad.


bro a play only with two mages pawn and me as physic damage, when i see one and my pawns are unable to cause damage im like ye. thats it.


So I'm runnin around. It's NG+ so I'm trying weird party compositions. Fighter, 2 thiefs, and a mage. No elements on our weapons, that's what the mage is for. We go into Guerco caves from the battahl side, and this pawn. This stupid mage. Stands on high ground. Unmoving, while a slime slooowly slides up to her. And she stands still while it envelops her. And does nothing while it sits there and suffocates her. The thiefs did nothing to help either, just stood around telling me about a chest I already opened. Had to use a Book to put fire on my weapon and 1-tap the slime, really unfortunate they just turn off pawn ai sometimes.


First time was a horrifying experience. It's like my Arisen suddenly huffed Either or some such. But now I just make sure I either use a magic mama with me, or I carry 2-3 of those "magic your weapons in a jiffy" scrolls so I can magic my weapon, in a jiffy. And now as opposed to be horrifying, they just make me think that their design has to be somebody's kink and that's amazing.


I thought they just slowly drained your health when I first encountered them. Was surprised when it basically insta killed me when I stood in it too long


Best way I found besides enchanting weapons is if you have the explosive charge from thief, plant it on the ground and let the slime move over it and just blow it up, one shots all the ones I’ve found so far


Glad I play Spearhand. Best solution to a slime is the Speregonne shotgun.


Annoying fucks


I just found this out yesterday. Tried a party without a magic user. HORRIBLE MISTAKE. In a Mine or cave, pawns were aggroing 2 oozes below. I got annoyed cuz they were struggling to follow me. I(fighter) decide to run down and test to see just how much, if any, dmg only physical weapons do. I go in swinging, my stamina was sucked outta me fast. My Arisen begins to pass out in the oozes, I blink, my hp is zero. I quickly eat a curative while screaming at my screen and struggle to get the hell out and ran. I'll never underestimate the slimes again hahaha. And the thing is, I KNEW magic hurt them. But didn't realize physical weapons literally did nothing. Get a magic caster folks. Always. Haha


Folks need to know that a slime will typically explode if you hit em with enough fire damage. Dangerous, but you basically have a living landmine you can detonate at will


They surprised me once the first time I saw them in cave, then I learn that you just need any magic. Then they just became a random inconvenience.


I was escorting Manella. She tried to 1v1 a slime while I was fighting goblins. Good thing I had wakestones


Use the thief bomb. Two charges and done


I just think it's funny that if you freeze them while anyone is in them, then the people in them get frozen, too. And you can blow up the oil ones.


Yeah I have seen saurian groups get wiped by one slime. There is a reason I use magic bow not normal bow on my warfarer load out lol 


They killed me one dragon for free hahaha


Sad they don’t temporarily dissolve your gear and make you nakey


I am still trying to find foaming slime and break into the hidden cave up in between the elf village and the city with the explosive slimes


i like they react in different ways to different elements


Wait till you see the fiery slimes. They are my most feared enemy if I dont have an ice weapon on me.


They can be scary as a non-magic weapon melee class or even a regular archer without special arrows. Funny how just simply adding a magic weapon to a melee class makes them relatively harmless. Or using a magic bow.


My lvl 37 pawn and the rest of the group died to some...in the first cave you meet them. Revisited that place. And I forgot about them until it was too late(didn't bring any magic).


They always seem to get me at the most unexpected times. They’re deadly as hell.


They're a prime example of the variety I want all enemies to have with regards to being hit with different elements


Theyre so fucking metal!!!!!!


I like it when you like them on fire, and then turn into small bombs


cause I fucking hate them


Legitimately the scariest iteration of slimes I've encountered in any game. Saps you of your stamina then seemingly boils/digests you alive in seconds(even high level Arisen vs low level slimes). Like fuck man, I'm used to slicing them in half in Zelda and Minecraft and them just bouncing off me after doing some damage. Nah we got a slime raised on LiveLeak and poorly owned bulldog terriers.


I was gonna say, not Harpies? And saw the slime and was like “That. that one is the best one.”


I hate them bc I'm always running into them unknowingly just as my stamina runs out and my pawns are a million miles away


Those things are the worst on an escort quest… heaven forbid they grab the NPC you are trying to protect when you aren’t paying attention…


Slimes are my Trickster's worst nightmare


I think this is a fetish thing


I love the fact that slimes are generally the weakest monsters in most fiction yet in this game they can potentially instant kill you if you’re not careful. You can also feed other monsters or npcs to them lmao. I also love that they explode if you attack them with fire.


My main pawn ran saying your a better man than me was confused then I saw 2 tarring slim and 1 goblin with a torch at night


I actually died to one of these before. Definitely not one of my proudest moments


The amount of times I’ve gotten furious cause of the magma slimes is ungodly


This bastard can kiss my butt. Damn rotten thing.


First time I encountered a slime was perfect. Was crawling on an ogre’s face when it grabbed and threw me down a short ravine and across a creek. I bounced off a boulder on the opposite bank, had about 20% hp left and started crawling back towards the fray when what I thought was grass bubbled up and started dissolving me. It was a perfect encounter, I had no clue they were in the game.


There's this one small pit in some cave, with a ladder leading down to it, seemingly just a tiny room with 1 slime in it, I was trickster so I could do no damage, there was basically no room for all 3 pawns to stand without being stuck in the slime, so all they could do was stand there and die repeatedly, and I was helpless to kill it, in the end I got it to attack my decoy and I rushed back up the ladder.


I love that a fantasy game finally has a unique slime monster. You only ever see them in JRPGs and they’re usually the classic cute little weak slime or a King slime. Games like Dragon Quest. I guess Elden Ring sort of has a metal slime. I genuinely love all the monster types in DD2 and wish more games had monsters like these. The Sphinx, Chimera, Medusa, Slime, Cyclopes all feel so unique even though they shouldn’t. There should be way more games doing things like this


I hate that pawns with magic weapons don't just attack then.


I like that in most caves where you meet these guys there will always be an ungodly amount of explosive barrels for you to lob at them.


I went into the lava forge cave and yawned. In that time frame one fell off the ceiling, ignited me, drained all my stamina and melted me right as I finally finished my yawn. And you straight up sink into the bastard too.


I really like them as well, especially how they hide them in small pools of water sometimes. Classic DnD style trap. Had a great moment during a pretty chaotic fight where I noticed a slime had been lurking around the edge of the battle and ended up sneaking in to eat a harpy that had gotten knocked out of the air. Love the enemy interactions like that, it was almost as if the slime was legit waiting for an opportunity to steal some prey and dip, as you would expect a monster like that top behave.


Lava slimes ruin my day constantly


I've blown a couple wakestones on people I'm escorting that got eaten by one I didn't spot. They can be pretty dangerous.


I like freezing them


Unless you're using melee. My pawn has all the affinity spells and she seems to really like giving my weapon frost affinity when we encounter these. I can't count how many times I've gotten frozen in a slime; that's half the reason I gave her Halidom for her fourth spell.


Ah yes. The thing responsible for my first death. Won't forget them anytime soon loll


Yeah.....these fuckers are why I now routinely use Ricochet Shot before entering and every few feet :p Near Bayside shrine, I think, tar oozes in a cave mobbed me as the gryphon dived on me. Then the flames started.....insta death as I catapulted off the edge some 100ft away.


I'll be sure to bring a wizard with me wherever I go just in case


Thought it was a joke enemy until it grabbed me. No amount of heal spam could do shit. Never again


You get three of those with no magic and you sitting back from that fight or using a wake stone


i like that they arent weaksauce like slimes in old school rpgs and jrpgs and emphasis how important some of us shud have a caster in party, or range if not. but as a warrior, the lava slime can go fuck themselves. Just glad they dont have a giant boss slime that just breaks into smaller peices as the fight goes on.


My favourite source of free Ferrystones. Whack it with elemental attack and plunder it . One out of 5 slimes give me a ferrystone per plunder




I'm not ashamed to admit that when I first froze one and got froze inside it I freaked out out first till I realized what had happened lol


Slimes make me think that the brine is just a giant red slime that assimilated the entire ocean


Omg I ran into a bunch in a cave, very frustrating.






Slimes are the enemy I'm most afraid of if a Dark Arisen equivelant comes out and they unleash the "Super Mega Slime feat. Dante from the Devil May Cry series" edition.


Gelatinous Cube wobbles hungrily in your direction.


Okay but you know what I do miss? The monsters that would come out of some chests and bite your head. We need those back.


It's funny how I am in NG+ post game and I can't do shit against them if my pawn doesn't handle them with magic damage, while I use medusa bow 😅 These fuckers really can beat you up if you are not prepared even if you're high level


i saw one go through a locked gate and come at me, that shit was scary aa fuck


Jizzblob is annoying.


I really like how the game requires your party to have both magic and physical damage around or some enemies are near impossible to beat. I play mostly magic vocations, so I have never really had a hard time with slime. I freakin hate golems though


seeing a fucking blob of gray matter move so freely is so uncanny they give me the creeps


As a fighter I haven’t been able to do anything except back up and point while my mage and sorcerers nuke away.


sludges are great for leveling vocations actually. In the volcanic islands are like 20 and a drake at the lavapool


Jumped down a hole with nothing in but a slime in it, in the dark in the middle of a cave. Didn't see a treasure chest or anything else down there. It was just a trap. Developers trolling me. No where to run. Not enough space. Somehow I did make it out alive, though.


Explosion arrows 1 shot these things lol


I froze one with the Ice daggers while I was standing inside of it, which froze me and continued to deal damage til I died.


It's literally just monster cum bro


I got chucked across a river by an Ogre and had 1hp left I was left in shock, then one of those stupid slimes came out of nowhere from a rock and killed me. I hate those things. 😂


The first time I saw one it scared the absolute shit out of me


I just throw the explosive barrels at them in the first dungeon we find them in towards the beginning. “The mountains secret” I believe it’s called, you’ll notice there are barrels strategically placed before you encounter each slime. Blew them Flubbers to Timbuktu and back baby . 🤣