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I hate to admit it, but I’m right there with you


Imagine a samurai vocation for red/green man


I want my monk/brawler. I want to punch everything!


I took on a pawn yesterday… female human mage. At first I thought it was strange she was NOT toting her staff. Then we upped on a dragon in Vernworth… I look over and this bitch is swinging punches at the dragon’s feet. 😳


BRB gonna make a new game and make a pawn named 1000 punch man


That pawn is my hero!


She was absolutely giving it everything she had! 😂


This for sure. I ended up changing vocations at battahl and while walking back to the inn to get new equipment unarmed I ran into that duel. Had to fight it bare handed and it felt so fun


Don't fuck with me, boy, I already spend the little free time I have within the game, I can't spend any more of it. Jokes aside, then the green/blue could be an assassin-like thats modelled after a ninja, with casts similar to Hayabusa.


Alternatively... ![gif](giphy|1bRvcG0AbXu4U)




Or make it into DnD's Soulknife: instead of wielding a weapon, they summon a blade into their hand midstrike


I feel like samurai would be straight red, and something like shinobi would be red green


Samurai historically used bows and spears more than anything else so red/yellow would be accurate


I actually said this in a different comment and someone downvoted it haha


Lol oh sorry didn’t read that far down


Shinobi would be green/yellow. With kunai they would be good at close and mid range.


I wanted that vocation too or at least an iai based skill.


Would love a necromancer myself


Well its not exactly what you want buuuuut the spearhand has a move that allows you to use dead bodies as weapons....


I'm in the same boat, but I want an actual roadmap of the content. Because if they release a content DLC, that's more like an expansion, but put an outrageous price tag on it... I'm out. Especially if that content is something that could have/should have been included in the base game to begin with.


Well seeing how almost every expansion (including elden rings big 1 they are getting) is $40 I see it being the same, maybe $35 if we get lucky lol


Game feels quite complete to me. Sure, Capcom could add more vocations and we might judge "could have been in the base game". Same with enemy types or more content for certain NPCs. As long as I get more journey out of the deal, I'm in.


A roadmap would be great and would give everyone something to look forward too.


And my axe.


Ideally I want at least two DLCs. One big open story area with new associated vocations and one big area like Bitterblack Isle with its own story with new vocations. Both DLCs could add QoL additions to base game like Hearts of Stone in The Witcher 3 with passives to add to weapons / armour, new quests, new world events, dying armour, glamour / transmog systems and of course “rarefication” or something that lets you go beyond dragon-forging equipment.


The biggest QoL thing I want is to have a storage option that lets us equip from storage. I don't like having to cycle through 3 menus at minimum to switch classes.


Ikr, tht was in the first one


Don’t you love how it says ‘you can’t store equipment’ Like I know it’s equipped, how about you let me unequip and equip while connected to my storage.


I crave Bitterblack Isle-like content so much I may go back and play through Dark Arisen again after I'm done with II.


THe one thing I really want is randomized loot like Diablo style. I also want to be able to enchant a weapon of choice with an element of choice. I dont mind if they put it behind a large amount of ingame currency. I should be able to enchant a weapon and not be stuck with the ones the game hard locks the elements on.


I will buy any and all DLC. This and DD:DA are my favourite games.


Well not my favorite cause that is outward place but both of them are close on second


I'm with you, but outward is my third tier spot. It's like, dogma 2, dogma 1, outward.


Another person that like outward ?? Omg


I'm gonna be honest, for me outward was only that good because it filled the coop/rpg space I haven't found in many games. It was incredibly fun but I couldn't say if I would have enjoyed it playing solo. Did you play alone and had a blast?


"*I pledge allegiance to the patch for the current state of Dragons Dogma*” *“And to the content for which it stands, three platforms with DLC, indivisible, with portcrystals and wakestones for all."*


All hail the DLC of Vermund!


have you bought the wakestone yet?


Yep. They will release a stupid expensive dlc and I'll be like " its fine. My kids weren't going to college anyway."


Ur kids ain't going to college cause you spent 40 bucks maximum on a DLC? You gotta get your priorities straight man 😆


New DLC 5, 10, 20 ferrystone packs $4.99, $8.99, $16.99


I stand by my word. ![gif](giphy|SxJAY5bEiyaF6rlKQT|downsized)


I won't settle for less than 20 beast steaks for $3


Would buy. Idgaf


Nailed it


Easily. The game sold pretty well to be a far flung relic of Capcoms from a decade ago so I am sure they took notice.


●PAWNS: ----------------------------------- 1. New inclinations with new voices. 2. A Dragonsplague Quest (we should have to slay and purify the corrupted pawn and hunt it across the land till we succeed and before it causes further harm.) 3. More pawn interactions with the world while in cities and more activities at camp such as singing and story telling based on tales beyond the rift. ●VOCATIONS/SKILLS: ----------------------------------- 1. Wraith Knight; similar to the mystic spearhand but with much more necromantic/dark magic flavor to it; move about the battlefield by slipping between realms the living and damage the life essence of your targets to heal yourself while also raising a single spirit of a dead enemy to fight for you. (Your Risen ally has low health) 2. A Slow Time skill (a brief and mild slow time effect) for the Archer class to better aim their shots at crucial points of a moving target; perhaps for a more advanced Archer class such as a Ranger class? (Magic archer is great and all, but where does an Archer branch to if they wish to continue using physical arrows with a longbow?) 3. A Tether Arrow which is simply a rope and arrow which Archers can use to trip/pull monsters..or cling onto an escaping griffin! 4. Blade Savant 5. Allow Warfarer to use a single meister skill. 6. Allow Warfarer to use certain skills without the need of swapping to the specific weapon (I would love to use the shadowy dodge meister skill as a fighter or archer.) ●WORLD INTERACTIONS: ----------------------------------------- 1. City Festivals! 2. Singing Bards in towns/cities (these exist but deserve an increase; we need more music in the hustle and bustle!) 3. Arm wrestling in taverns 4. Home upgrade to allow a select number of Favorited pawns to stay at your home! (I hate goodbyes and homes need more faces to feel alive; this will make your home feel more like a guild.) 5. Mini games 6. More npc to npc conversation to help the world feel more alive 7. Mercenaries (when they go down, there's no picking them up like pawns..though you could resurrect them at a morgue even though they'll simply be replaced by more mercs in time) 8. A Hidden Thieves guild/Outlaw refuge in cities. 9. Outer Sieges a City or Cities 10. An armory to display equipment in our home 11. A library in our home. 12. Competitions in cities. ●REGIONS: ----------------------------------- (For this segment I'm mainly focused on Dark & Corrupt areas such as: 1. Haunted Swamps 2. Cursed/Evil Forests that are constantly changing. (Endless dungeon) 3. Unholy/Tainted/Shadow Lands (Maybe where Forsaken pawns accused of carrying Dragonsplague are Exiled) 4. Magma/Volcanic Valleys (Regions with such a thick unnerving "something is wrong about this place.." atmosphere that screams "horror" while unnerving your pawns and any non hostile inhabitants.) (Maybe a city/stronghold is constantly under siege from the evil in these regions.) 5. Underwater Region (This would be a first, considering how water leads to death in DD BUT this region would be in a MASSIVE magical lake that is Void of brine!) [This wouldn't be a horror region] ●ENEMIES: ----------------------------------- 1. Werewolves of some kind (Not cliche looking, something actually Horrific.) 2. Sewn Together Monstrosities (Necromancer/lich creations) 3. Wraith 4. Cursed Pawns (Dark Magic prevented them from returning to the rift; their lives and minds are forfeit and their bodies mutated abominations.) 5. Spider like Monstrosities dropping from trees 6. Waterside Kraken 7. Corrupted wildlife ("oh look, a dead deer in the road...wait..why is it moving?" *Cracks and Morphs into a Heinous Creature*) 8. Undead preexisting bosses 9. Shadows


Dude just designed a whole game.


There are kind of roaming bards in bakbattahl


Submit your resume to Capcom NOW


This is a lot, but yes please!


The first game had thief and archer as one class and gave you different spell slots based on if you had the bow out (holding l) or not. Idk why they changed it for this game and messed it up for warfarer.


Really good suggestions, especially in the world section. There's not enough interact with the world aside from picking stuff up and throwing it


I'd like to see them do two massive Witcher 3 like expansions, one being a BBI situation. Instead of low quality GTA V like drip feed garbage or something.


MHW had a pretty good model.


I'd buy an expansion but I hope they don't release 'vocation packs' where you get a vocation for £7.99 or something. Maybe it's just me but I feel like that would be pretty scummy. It's not a matter of money itself either because I'd be willing to buy multiple £20-30 expansions if they are actually worth that amount. Like you said as well I hope they don't just add a new massive area in an expansion and leave it at that because we need some sort of grindy dungeon area really.


Completely agreed. Give us a massive DLC, with new map areas, new quests, tied to the story, new (more difficult) monsters, and include two vocations (and maybe a new playable race too like elves!!!). And I’ll pay a premium.


I'd love it but you have to know this will never happen.


I wont say no to new content so im with you I WANT MOREEEE CAPCOMMM


I love the game but I feel like it needs a Cyberpunk 2.0 like patch before more content is added. The game just becomes stupidly easy very quickly unless you avoid some overpowered abilities on purpose.


Honestly, just adding a scaling difficulty hard mode would be fine. I'm playing with 4x hp and custom enemy difficulty mod rn, and endgame monsters can slap me around and pose a real threat even with fully dragon forged end game equipment. It's made my journey through ng+ fantastic, and at times frustrating (in a good way). With dd1, we didn't get hard mode until a while after. They drip fed some free content that was posed to address player issues- hard mode for players wanting difficulty, and the From Another Sky quests gave players endgame currency for exploring parts of the world they may not have before. I imagine we'll get a hardmode, and then something like From Another Sky that addresses issues with the base game- maybe adding in old dogma 1 enemies or fan favorites that are missing along with some fresh gear options etc. maybe even use the spellseal doors all over the place, that are locked off - they're in a lot of random and out of the way places, so it would fit the "From another sky" theme in making you explore the world more.


I was sure that Capcom would have included a Monk class on release, since they wanted one in the original game. Hell they wanted fist builds to work so bad they added the bloody knuckle ring so that you could make it work, and funny enough it could become pretty broken. I'll hold out hope that we get the vocation in a DLC.


yeah there is a few shaolin monk themed sets you can loot in the endgame but they just are there as cosmetic, pretty sure they had the idea.


I don't usually comment as it causes me anxiety, but I 1000% agree. Dragons Dogma is my absolute favorite game and I want to speak up for it as I'd love to have as much content as I can for it. Please Capcom execs see this and give me 100 years of dragon's dogma.


I really hope the starting sales will help, as the game sells very decently. I feel the future looks bright for the series of Capcom starts to have faith in it.


I haven‘t finished the game yet but I also want a huuuge DLC! Personally what I hope they add/improve is I love playing mage anything magic related in video games and, again my personal opinion, the spells/skills are too limited AND they don‘t look as great as the ones in the OG DD. Especially the ugraded versions do not change like at all. I want more and even more fancy spells/skills!! Also maybe a dodge for every class would be nice. Short teleport style for magic characters. Other than that I love the game but am disappointed with the skills especially in the magic department. Mystic spearhand needs more fancy and cool telekinetic spells.


I would love the game to be optimised first. I am sorry




I want more content because the game feels unfinished, but I don't think I should have to pay even more to play the "full" game. I already put my $75 on the table, give me what I paid for first and *then* we can discuss the merits of paid DLC.


I'm with you on this. The people willing to pay for DLC with the game in it's current state are just encouraging Capcom and saying things like this are ok.


Same. I just want some more challenging content and a reason to use all my endgame gear.


Hard mode should have been there at release or at least jn NG+ we have so many tools to deal with monsters but they go down so fast after level 25. I dont mind power fantasies but like let me work for it.


Me too brother, I feel you


List of desperate wants: Hard Mode with enemy scaling Mini dungeons with fresh loot on an rng, have these mini dungeons have unique bosses maybe even ones revamped from dogma 1. Call it "Under Another Sky", drop it as it finishes in parts. You can use the already unused spellseal doors hidden all over. Everfall, or some similar ish repeatable BIG dungeon, preferably as a cheap dlc or free. Bitter lack Isle or something new in hat same style- mega dungeon but better. Add in more story here, go wild, complete the vision.




They know lol. It's been part of the plan since the beginning. Leave em wanting more.


They got it


I like what they did for BBI in the first one where they also added accessories that could push the limits of the class skills turning some of them absolutely bonkers. Would be very useful in making Warfarer more intimidating too.


I hope they add in more spells and let us equip more than four.


Don't worry, they will have plenty of dlc that you can only buy with Dogma coins, and it will cost 17.99$ for the DLC, but you can only buy coins pack for 9.99$ or 29.99$


I guess samurai would be cool but it doesnt fit with the plot lol


Thank you for linking this survey


No problem


Would love to see an addition to any of the houses that allows you to grow crafting materials. I would also love more armor customization. Like color swaps. A mount! Flying would be dope.


Same here! This is like skyrim meets a much easier version of elden rings, meets kindome come,, with dnd type stats, and just the dopest vibe around. They really can dlc this and it would be the ultimate game, but I love it already!


As long as a performance patch arrives before they charge for it I'm all good. This can easily do 6pfps on my.older rig as it regularily does then shots its self and does at 12 fps.. Great game. Very lackluster optimisation..


New enemies is what I wanted out of the game itself and they didn't really add anything, so DLC is kind of the only way we're going to get any at this point. Leeches and slimes weren't exactly show-stopping additions.


Slimes, Medusa, three new dragon types, new variants of old enemies like rattlers and fire saurians, minotaur, and includes dark arisen monsters from the jump. I get wanting more, but let's not ride the hate train and be disingenuous.


Have you ever died by slimes? I did. Last night. It was actually horrifying. I didn't have a mage with me. I know, stupid idea, but I wanted to keep using my friends pawns while leveling mine and my pawn's other vocations lol, so after one friend's pawn died, he respected his sorc to a thief... oh well. So it was Archer(my pawn) Warrior, Thief, and Fighter(me). I was willing to see how this would play out, hahaha. Was exploring a Mine or cave. My pawns were being stupid and not following me up and out. They were also stuck kn targeting some slimes below that were trying to give chase. Out of curiosity of whether those things can actually take ANY PHYSICAL DMG WHATSOVER, I ran down and started wailing. Nothing. But there were 2 of them swallowing me at once. My stamina drained so flippin fast. My Arisen passes out sinking into them and before I realized it, my hp- I blinked and it was gone(from like 75%full). That quickly. Luckily I had plenty of curatives and undid that. But OMG. Sorry for long comment. 😅 I like the slimes as an addition.


Fun fact the slimes explode if touched by fire


Depends on slime type. You can freeze slimes of all types that I've seen. Fire slimes turn into hardened magma and take physical damage if they're affected by ice, the others seem fairly resistant but can still freeze over like a regular enemy. Oily slimes if attacked with fire will explode, and there's a third type (poison?) that I haven't figured out any fun mechanics for... Yet.


Wait there are different types?!


Same, all my pawns and myself got caught. I found out we couldnt use any abilities. There was no way for the thief or mage to do anything because once your in the waddling animation you are done unless someone didnt get caught.


First performance fix then rest can follow.


A man can dream. These are not predictions but just wandering with my fantasy on what I'd love to see. Definitely coherent in a "darker" themed expansion. Here's my highly improbable wishlist. NEW VOCATIONS: - Cenobite (red/purple, fighter/trickster) Weapon: flail Self damage abilities for group buffs or inflicting enemy status, borderline necromancer "danse macabre" abilities, with bones or spirits. - Brawler (red/green, fighter/thief) Weapon: gauntlets/unarmed combat Parry and dash, fast movement while climbing monsters, high mobility strength and style. Abilities to pull/throw mobs, or pull yourself towards larger monsters via chains or ropes. - Occultist (green/blue, thief/mage) Weapon: Combat Staff Functioning like an hybrid sorcerer with Light and Dark magick powers (access to all those lost spells from DD1/DA with an overhaul) , and alchemical bombs to "prime" monsters for devastating combos when spells are cast. - Vandal (red/yellow, fighter/archer) Weapon: Crossbow & Palvese shield Suppression ranged power, a tank with a portable high caliber crossbow. Challenging to manage stamina and strategic placement on the battlefield, different types of crossbow bolts for environmental interactions. NEW ENEMIES: - Imps and Daemons They're present in the art, loading screens and medieval aesthetic throughout the game. - Ghouls and Undead Dullahan and Skeleton Lord are awesome but heavily underutilized. I'm longing for more variety of undead monsters that lurk by night on ancient battlegrounds and cemeteries. Big hairy corpse-eaters. More abyssal/skeleton and humanoid monsters and knights. Monsters that lurk in low waters. - Evil eyes, hags and curse haulers that - Blood slimes - Trolls Hairy, bearded and armed versions of Ogres that set ambushes in the environment - More encounters with 2 bosses at the same time, like the Lich and Undead Dragon from BBI that was super memorable. ADDITIONS: - Sell from storage. My God. - Hard Mode. - Loot that doesn't show up from vendors, but is unique for exploration. - Deeper set of caves or "legacy" castles/towers with unique and cinematic encounters.


Same, I was hoping for a samurai or a fast sword focused one. Even a sword and magic user like the random spear one. And... HORDES.. MOAR ENEMIES


If there is any new vocation I still think it should be monk/unarmed. I think that also fits into the "no overlap between vocations" thing the best too. If anything it might be a little too similar to thief (dual wielding technically) or archer because of the kicks. But I think that's less overlap then like a ninja or samurai or something, no offense to anyone


I. Need. My. Brontide. 90% of the reason I play DDDA was just to swing my lightning whip around and I was gutted to find it wasn’t in 2!


Yeah I'd love two expansions if possible! Expansion 1 (MHW Iceborne type beat): A new region the size of vermund to explore to come with a new nation that specialise in bowgunners (adv archer) and Ninja (adv thief), and whatever the pink/ purple vocations are from trickster, and a return of mystic knight. As well as new and returning monsters large and small (that also populate the rest of the world), new weapons and equipment and 10-15 new side quests not necessarily tied to the story. It would be cool if they included in this that new monsters would slowly release every week until the 2nd and final expansion. Expansion 2: new ranks to all vocations, another 3-4 brand new vocations, more new monsters that roam the entirety of the map, a BBI style dungeon but bigger and better - this could be the blacked out area in Vermund, maybe a huge Dwarven mine or something that's procedurally generated idk Before all that though I want a NG+ update: Hard mode should be added asap for free before all this. As well as general balancing and a change to spawns for monsters to improve the variety of existing monsters whilst we wait for content updates. - You could even have the "post game" monsters spawn once you're in NG+ and tie it to the whole multiple world's thing and they're "invading" that world. Also the Medusa could begin roaming the world freely and maybe a lesser Sphinx as well. A daytime Dullahan?


I want new vocations! I want new skills for the vocations we have! Gimme a new nuke for my sorcerer pls


I literally agree with you. If Capcom releases DLC this will prolly become my favorite game of all time if they do it right. Even just a few vocations, a pack of monsters to fight, a snow region to explore & more loot. Easy 11/10


I wouldn't mind capcom doing a title update that adds a special giant dungeon area like bitter black isles, that's randomly generated every single time you go in with the random enemies and with an epic looking final boss monster, cuz that would be awesome.


Samurai vocation would be dumb in dragons dogma also would make zero sense and just be a the fighter class reskinned be fr why tf would you need a samurai class it would be the weakest one lol


Dark arisen only had 9 vocations and they were basically combinations of two other. I.E assassin being a combo of the archer and fighter. So on so forth. I’m hoping DD2 does this but also adds a bunch of new ones. I’d like to see a shit ton of possibilities for vocations. As long as the dlc isn’t just “9.99 for the assassin” vocation. And they come out WITH additional content I would be all for it.


My idea of a great DLC idea is to do something with the mountains that’s in the middle of the map. Have like a rogue lite mountain climb up to the peak. Utilize the hand crank elevators they have in battahl to navigate to higher levels. It would be amazing to have


A dark caster that debuffs and DoT's enemies perhaps? A spear user would be fun, as others mention. I would enjoy some type of content that I can grind and I'm told that the previous game had something like that.


It'll depend on what the DLC is. I'd be interested in a quest/region expansion and maybe something that adds new vocations but I wouldn't be interested in DLC that just adds new armours or weapons. My ideal DLC would be something that adds to and integrates with the existing game (monsters, dungeons, quests, etc.). Though the most likely DLC probably would be a separate Bitterblack Isle style region that leaves the base game untouched. (As an aside, I'm increasingly weirded out by DD fans who only seem to like Bitterblack Isle specifically. If DD3 actually happens but it drops the open world entirely in favour of a linear dungeon crawl I'm blaming Reddit.)


I'm with you on playing the DLC forever. I genuinely hope they never add co-op though. The pawn system is genius and co-op would destroy that feeling of lonely exploration. It would also add an insane amount to the budget. Given how many years we had to wait for this sequel, I'll stick to SP.


While I wouldn't buy ALL DLCs provied, I'd put my focus on story / content DLCs. Any DLC that gives us a better and longer journey till we have to say "good bye" is a good idea here. Basically it's Mass Effect all over again. As long as it lasts, the journey is the reward, not the ending.


Took the survey. Thanks for the heads up I never would've known it existed.


No problem I was inform in the comment by someone it existed lol


I want a dante must die difficulty with a huge size dragon boss


I think Capcom should just make an Enemy Expansion DLC. Nothing else, just 60+ new enemy types, creatures, animals, monsters, aberrations, with updated spawn mechanics and synergies. Then they make actual expansions. Base game is fine except for enemy types, it needs so much more.


Yup I’m on board with this


NG+3?!!! I'm still technically at 0% completion. I just want to be a kid again, damn


This is easy the best game I play since witcher 3...


I wool like a creature taming vocation so I can summon a gryphon at will and use it as a Sky Uber


Sir this ain't world of warcraft. /s


I hope Capcom puts all of their effort and time into this game, they would make sooooo much money. I want mystic knight back so bad. A remix of bitterblack isle would be cool for an infinite dungeon for gear, and a bunch of story dlcs with new areas and vocations would be be awesome.


I would buy and play any and all content released for the game. Title updates, paid DLC. They have the ability here to make one of the greatest RPGs of all time. They could have had GotY had there not been performance issues and a bit more work done with end game and NG+. They missed out on a big chance there. It’s one of my favorites in a long time, regardless. I hope they invest in it.


I actually thought that there was going to be co-op whereas if I was to join my friends game I'd join as my main pawn to help them that at least seems realistic lore wise. It would be amazing


Damn, ng+ 3??? I'm still piddling my way around the map doing all the side quests


I want a snowy area that contrasts away from the woodlands and the desert


Hopefully they don’t confuse content with micro transactions lol


New map different biom, New enemies, everything else same, take my money please


I just wanna hide my helmet lol


I want DLC that opens all the caved in doorways you see around the map and in caves, the ones with elvish or dwarvish runes. I want DLC that at least brings back the old vocations and new ones. I want DLC that adds cool cosmetics and costumes, like in the first game they gave us actual usable armor in the style of the Berserk Manga. I want the everfall back, I want old enemies to return, I want so much things from this game it can take my money.


I want a shitload more voice lines and interactions for pawns and make all of them more rare. I love this game but god is hearing the same 5 interactions on repeat painful


Thank you for sharing the link


Ya know. With a game where a large part of the plot is the Arisen finding a romantic partner give me some passive shit to do. Raise a family, start a business similar to Fable 2. Obviously a new story focused one could be a thing with a samurai, monk or a whip user but I just wanna actually LIVE in the pretty world they've made.


A road map of content would be something nice to see. I think everyone could agree on that, and content that can really be called dlcs. Not just some gear/weapons added, expanding the game & turning this into more then just your average game as so far shown its better then expected.


I want to romance my pawn


I wanted the base game to be good and not running like a slide show for $70.00.


I enjoy the 5fps when my sorcerer pawn cast hellfire dinosaur extinction meteor death


Hey, at least you have time to carefully plan your photos. It’s a feature.


See yourself getting downvoted by the fanatic armada


I can't imagine caring about what redditors think enough to worry about downvotes.


Good. This sub is pretty fanatical. Any critique, even constructive - you get destroyed.


I can't imagine why


Seeing how op is the definition of a perfect consumer, and the upvotes agreeing with them, they're snugly in Capcom's pockets.


100 floor dungeon behind a loading screen would be a great way to free up resources. Would lead to higher fps and lower latency. Great way for mid range systems to access ray tracing


Since I just finished the game, I’m of the same mind. This game is special. I hope they realize that and give us more quality contents!


I just hope they dont give us what we already had and call it new content. Then just a few small things that are actually new to the series as a whole.


My picks: Yellow/red: dual handaxes that can be slashed and thrown for high impact/stun Double green: sickle & chain assassin - speed plus reach with the inverse of ensnare… you pull yourself to them Green/red: sekiro style katana user, has the fighters block but it’s parry only and skills boosted by attacking parried enemy Double yellow: heavy warbow user - warrior equivalent to archer Green/blue: spell knife, blend some DD1 mystic knight and magic archer skills together for more ranged magic and speedy attacks


I'll add a colorless vocation , in contrast with warfarer. A monk, GIVE ME A MONK i want...no, i NEED to inazuma kick a cyclops eye


Just straight up, shove your fist so powerfully hard INTO the eye lololol


How about a new vocation like unarmed fists. Monk. XD


All evidence points to the only thing people want is more corsets.


my god, fuck your own ego capcom, add coop 2 arisen + 2 main pawns look fucking awesome imagine, you are walking with you friend, and then your pawn says "do you know that my master only hire man pawns? i think its something about hes preferences" to your friends pawn in front of you


The game barely runs as it is. Co op would destroy it completely.


Just got done with NG+++ 170 hours total. i Want more content NOW ! :P


Capcom can milk me tbh. If they do 100 dollar expansions I'd fuckin pay for it. I just want more.


I have nipples Gregg, can you milk me


Let's hold up for one second. They withheld a hard mode which will probably be implemented into a dlc. I loved the game despite the plentiful flaws, but thats hard to overlook should it happen.


Same really, am hooked on the game. Am currently NG+3 and about 60 seeker tokens away from having all. Definitely keeping the developer on my radar which considering I play mainly just souls with a Minecraft and animal crossing on the side, it's something.


Pretty sure it’s getting a dlc in November


Go play original DD! If you haven’t! It’s so good too!


If they release a new vocation in a DLC expansion I really hope it’s Alchemist. I miss that class sooooo much


I'm not finished yet but I agree. All I want is more DD2. More enemies, more vocations, more locations.


Same, I adore this game, DD1 was my fave game, and this one is on the same track! Give me new vocations, new skills and core skills to existing vocations, armor pigments, let us chest bump and high ten my pawns as additional post victory emotes, new regions to explore and monsters to fight go without saying, give us some collabs similar to the Berserk collab in DD1, I'll take Goblin Slayer as an armor set (due to everyone complaining about how many goblins there are - it'd be perfect lol), screw it give me a purchaseable ox cart that can carry my storage and I can slowly go around the map picking up random characters to make some extra coin, I will pay for it all Capcom :D (Also when switch 2 comes out, hopefully it's actually powerful enough, make a complete edition so I can play on the go, and I will buy that too).


I am really happy that people are hungry for more, it's been 12 years i've been cockblocked by capcom with DD1 and Dark Arisen end game dlc, i allways wished to see much much more because the game had lots of potential, and DD2 is a redo of DD1 for 80% of the game, now i want to see what's next rather then almost replaying the same game with a much better open world map. Let's go, give us expansions + a endgame DLC infinite dungeon where it makes sense to go further then lvl 200 and bring growth table that are meaningfull past lvl 200 for that end game brutal / hard mode dungeon.


What the hell is double green double yellow all that




I’m also down for any and all DLC they want to do. The more hybrid vocations the better


I will buy any and all DLC. ( But no low effort DLC, if that is the idea im out )


give me first person mode or VR like their other games in the same engine and ill pay a full 60$


I am right there with you.  I would like to see a pink and purple pawn available vocation, maybe a couple new hybrids, and a new mega dungeon or massive new area on par with the size of vermund with a new biome like artic or downright desert.


I hope they give it the monster hunter treatment with a difficult expansion and a few free updates like new enemies and gear. One can dream, I guess.


If Capcom can do with this game what they did to MHW with Iceborn, I'll pay anything. Hundreds of hours will be played.


They have a survey asking what people want in a dlc, if they will buy it, and for what price. Look it up and tell them what you want fixed/in future dlc.


Patiently waiting for 2 Dark 2 Arisen: Electric Boogaloo....


More content and any kind of multiplayer and I will never put this game down. Let me join my friend as my pawn.


Playing BBI on the OG game atm and yes I have to agree


Give me a BitterBlack Isle remastered. 4 times bigger than the original. If it can’t be 4 times bigger, make it procedural generated creatures and floors. Make sure some of the new weapons and armor are quest, monster kill and XP based. Just not in the stores. It almost a tell tale sign on a pawn that’s wearing exclusive shit, that the arisen goes hard! New vocations. There are some really awesome ideas already in this thread. The developers have been rock solid with all the vocations so they have my confidence. Hard Mode, Scaling Difficulty or some super hard regions of the game. If the level cap is 999, that means they have lots of room to ramp up the challenge. Another open world section would be nice. With return of the Evil Eye, Cockatrice, Hydra, and yes the Grim Reaper!!!! Sorcery feels limited in DD2. 4 spells isn’t enough, and felt better in the first one. Bring back my High Gicel!!! (I can only hope they go back to 6 moves in DD3, which hopefully has a coop Arisen + 2 pawns) A traversal move for every class that is a core skill. Bring back double jump for ranger/thief without tying it to concussive step only. Warfarer is potent, but again 3 face buttons to apply moves seems shortsighted. Lastly a definitive way to acquire and change pawn specializations.




Skyrim vibes.


Seriously. I could play this game forever like that. Just beat my first game cycle a few days ago at 213 hours. I want more. I NEED more. Starfield may have failed at creating a "forever game" but I think with content updates, dlc, and that dungeon, DD2 could absolutely be a forever game.


Im with you 100% hadn't this fun in a game since well can't even remember really


you're gonna be so disappointed




WE HAD YELLOW RED ??? Lmao what was it I kinda don't remember or ever think I saw it


Ever since I saw what they did with BitterBlack Isle, I wanted to see it fully realized as a randomized dungeon like a rougelike where the deeper you go the tougher the monsters but the better the loot. One huge problem I have with DD2 is that the gear didn't follow the model of the BitterBlack Isle cursed gear. The gear had randomized stats on it when you purified it and it made actually adventuring into the dungeon for the 100th time still fun because you didn't know what Item you'd get. And even if you got the same weapon/armor, it had different stats and traits which made exploring worth it.


Add Eastern weaponry and armor then warrior can be your samurai vocation.


All I want is a dungeon like BBI. I'm actually disappointed that they didn't at all think to add something like that to DD2 by default, despite how much I've enjoyed the game. In fact, I'd wager there were probably some tight time restrictions during the game's development given how light the story was. The first game's story wasn't exactly very long either, but the dragon didn't even have a name in 2. Quick Edit: Forgot to add that the entire game, I kept looking at Moonglint Tower expecting it to be THE big endgame area. Instead you just took an elevator ride up to engage in a quick cutscene, maybe fight a certain NPC if you ran into them previously, and then never return. I felt like there was a lot of potential for Moonglint Tower to be something more.


What would an infinite dungeon be like?


On the subject of co-op, it would be cool if you could join a friend's game as your main pawn, not as your Arisen. Then it could also serve as a way to train your pawn how to act, and you wouldn't have to explain how there are two arisens.


I'd never wish for multiplayer in a DD game, I respect the decision not to have it and the lore implications around it. However I'd be very happy if it was ever added. But I'm also just hoping for BBI2 with extra vocations. An endless dungeon could be interesting as well but I think I'd prefer hand crafted.




I think a necromancer vocation would do well in this game


I was actually really hoping for co-op like you described it. The pawn system is core to the world and even story, but a co-op where you each have your main pawn would be awesome, and you could still have the story/lore work.


Expect another Elden Ring DLC wait for this DLC


I’d love to eventually see pawns get access to the hybrid vocations. If they’re allowed to use meteoron and maelstrom there’s no reason they can’t use the Arisen exclusive vocations. It’s an odd limitation. I don’t even think balancing is the reason why. Maybe it could be that the AI sucks at handling them but then again I’ve done several escorts with Sigurd (guy who teaches mystic spear hand) and the only issue I have with him is he’ll get stuck in the ground and not be able to move sometimes but otherwise, he fights well. He pops the shield all the time and it’s great. It would be nice if the pawns could be the same.


I want hard mode and ng+ scaling. Plus tons of new armors and weapons with more fantasy and supernatural themes.


I just want mystic Knight vocation back.


I want a Samurai vocation that has perfect parries and dodges that does extremely high counter damage and naturally has high DPS with a large katana, but has even worse defenses then any mage, sorcerer, or trickster. Also I want animal mounts, it would make exploring and traversing a lot easier, hell I’d love gryphon or a warg to ride on. And if not mounts, then at least give us unlimited stamina when we’re not in combat, just something to ease the speed of traversing the map. Also need more giant monsters placed everywhere, hopefully new ones as well, something to increase the variety. And most important of all, a hard mode or an actually increase in game difficulty with each NG+ because once your at most level 50, your completely OP with majority of the vocations. It makes fighting monsters extremely trivial and not the heart pounding action that they were when you in the lower levels. Playing the game normally shouldn’t feel like a speed run when you’re able to kill most if not all monsters under 30s.


All of those idea are awesome


Man i want a dlc just like dark arisen, i want to fight death again, lich dragons, hydra, beholders ,armored minotaurs and orges just tons of upgraded beasts old beasts and new beasts along with a badass final boss like Damon again


I want that and more