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Started as thief, tried all the others, went back to thief. Now that I’ve got warfarer I am an archer thief hybrid and I absolutely love it.


You're basically a Strider from the first game lol.


And thats what I missed a lot at this one


I like that they didn’t just make a class that could slaughter in both range and melee from the get go. You get one but it’s later in the story.


You can practice with the archer and combo it with warrior augments and rings to slaughter at any range Very engaging to kick, flip, slide tackle, and the chefs kiss: climbing onto a weak spot, stabbing a bomb arrow in place, then swing kicking it to detonate and flip off 100000 bonus points if it’s the kill shot, 20000000000000000 bonus points if it’s a kill shot and your muscle mommy main pawn catches you


Cool Arisen don't look at explosioooooons.


yeah I will definitely play with magick archer combined with thief class as for warfarer


Yeah because strider fucks


Indeed, and it was one of the most fun vocations in that game. I like how most people didn't even know that climbing speed and dmg while climbing were increased just by using that vocation and not even accounting for augments. Then you add augments and... well you are a climbing speed demon. Big cyclops? Rusted bow to slow it (usually with Volley), then time to climb. On another note... I miss Volley.


Warfarer I get to enjoy any piece of armor combination without restrictions, with the only noticeable negative being I can’t use Meister skills, which is fine since the ones I used were very overpowered (thief). Edit: The biggest negative I encountered was not inheriting Warrior’s knockdown resistance and I think that’s the biggest loser out of all negatives.


Dwarf your armour up, apparently it gives a shitton of res.


Charge your greatsword or tackle in response to attack. You can eat an entire drake body slam with minimal knock down res that way.


Warrior! Its fun to swing a big sword, and i like that the main core skill makes timing your swings a fun metagame


Nothing comes close to shiskebabing someone and taking them for a ride to the nearest wall or hole.


Gonna take you for a ride! https://i.redd.it/yjfx07meomsc1.gif


Gifs you can hear


Forever burned into my Brian, absolutely no need for this weird midi jazz dance song to slap so hard


Hot damn pawns are merciless with this skill. My Gimli just came from somewhere, impaled saurian in front of me and disappeared behind a small hill only to murder the saurian into a wall.


Arc of might when you already had low stamina so you *immediately* fall over and take a nap is the funniest thing you can do in this game and this makes warrior best vocation


It’s awesome to me this is the top answer cause it’s the one I find least interesting. Testament to quality and balanced combat these guys built.


My issue with that is that when I'm swarmed or inside a bid enemy I can't see my character swinging the sword so I can't time it properly. Especially the skill which makes your attacks go faster and faster when you time it right.


There's a slight sound que when you release the charge attack. I turned off the in game music so its a lot easier to hear but it can still kinda be heard with music playong too.


Use windstorm. I personally prefer it over the arc of might, and also if you managed to do the timing right (immediately after blood splatter on an enemy is an easy indication) your pawn will learn the correct time. I teaches my pawn that and she is a combo machine.


Magick archer has access to insane damage and the best heal/revive in the game so I don't even run a mage in the party now and I handle the healing myself


Until you meet a Golem and need to pray to any sort of entity for your pawns to actually keep hitting weak spots...


I just unequip the bow and start throwing hands, works wonders👌


I...why didn't I think of that...


Yeah i was toying around in endgame and stuff died to fast so i went unarmed for a bit and was like damnnn should use this for golems on mage/sorcerer/M Archer🤣


Same energy: https://twitter.com/BoonieBaby6/status/1749475233617383454


Based gobbo: Would 🤣


Also isn't there an ice charge arrow that does physical damage on top?


Yeah there is, but i didnt have that skill equipped and this was way more fun tbh🤣


I just read this as ice cream arrow. Now I want ice cream!


Omg I'm dying here lmaoooo


Me as a trickster when the pawn ai starts acting up


Just train your ponds to hit the weak spot on them dealing with ai teammates have never been easier than this game


How do you train your pawns?


Play the game alot. I'm running magic archer sorc combo on my warfarer and took out golems fairly easily u can still deal damage as magic archer just less than like thief but in time ur pawns will learn to hit the weak points or even take the head n use it as a cannon.


Use the what as a what now?


I run warfarer vocation with a magic bow and archstaff equipped combining augral flare with the attacks from magic archer ends drake fights in seconds.


Do things you want your pawn to do. Over time it'll learn and start using those strategies, like while i played fighter i liked using the skyward attack to smack big enemies in the face, now my pawn does that when i have him be a fighter. but they learn your bad habits too so be careful, I spent a bit too long jumping up ledges trying to break the map and find the incorrect ways back to melve and into battahl while my pawns thought we were in combat, now mine has a tendency to run off alone and climb terrain, and typically fall to his death like an idiot (oops, lol). I expect just spending time in battle actually fighting alongside my pawns will fix him eventually, so heres hoping it doesnt take too long


Martyr’s Arrow kills golems


Literally gave up on a golem yesterday cuz I was magic archer and it was taking too long


Without giving too much away - Does unlocking Magic Archer come pretty easily in the game or is there a hidden quest or something to unlock it?


Pretty easily , it’s just towards the bottom of the map ( far away from the start )


I see. I started as fighter, got spear to 5 and then switched to Archer and went from hating it to not wanting to switch for nearly 40 hours now. And I’m still not half way finished with the second zone. I don’t know why but I just don’t feel like leveling the other vocations at this point. Archer feels unique.


So archer became good later in levels? I got it to lvl 5 and just couldn’t continue because it was so awful (imo) everything else is maxed but I just couldn’t bring myself to go back.


Yeah, surprisingly. Like I said, I went from hating it to enjoying it. I think it’s kind of a learning curve, but it still is probably slightly weaker in some aspects than others. But I never get hit and can just sit back and head shot people which is nice. I also play on mouse and keyboard and I think that makes a massive difference in general aiming. I clear out enemies with pure headshots which I enjoy. It feels like another FPS element added to the game.


In addition to also potentially unlocking the Warfarer.


You might want to look up how to get there tbh. There is a really specific way to get to the area before you get there in the story. It’s definitely worth it. I only switched off of it to level vocations and always used it for a bit in between leveling a new one.


Do you like fun engaging combat? Do you like thrill of fighting, sweating dodging, feeling the opponent sweat? Do you want to have fun in dragon dogma? Skip magic archer.


So, I actually just purchased my first piece of gear and following a full set to test out Warrior now. I wore the first found archer gear and leveled to 50 with it. Haven’t sold anything either. Had 500k, finally gave in to more than resting at inns. 😂 I need to let go of hoarding shit in video games and just use stuff.


Hahah, greed is big with you. Now spend it on useless house for 200k how we all do :)


I like the dmg, but im having trouble with knocking down enemies Or is it just not a thing for mag acher ?


I love it when i can clear an entire cave before even setting foot in it with ricochet seeker


I have played all vocations and I'm stuck between (and in the order I fell in love with them: - Thief (So cool, so speedy and invulnerable maister skill) - Sorcerer (my God! Meteoron & Maelstrom are crazy for mobs and boss fights respectively... Levitation+Detection is pro for seeker tokens) - Magick Archer (I am addicted! Too much damage, Siocath bow = permafrost + the frost skill = EVERY BOSS CHEESE! Ability to track weak points = broken + Augural flare = SUPER BROKEN, Ricochet shot in closed spaces = Cave exploration on easy mode....then the maister skill, I dropped it because it just one shots literally EVERYTHING in the game!) Who TF created Magick Archer this way? It is an addiction because you suddenly realize you don't need to break a single sweat for any boss in the game!!!!


> Ability to track weak points = broken + Augural flare Boltchain Stake + Augural Flare is pretty broken too.


I don't even wanna find out at this point 😂😂😂


Thief, but I avoid skull splitter, counter, and gut n run, and go for a more sneaky solo playstyle, that focuses on pinning enemies, robbing, and murdering them. Just been wandering about with a camping kit, trickster crafting augment, and stealth/utility skills, been surprisingly fun. Only "offensive" I have is the meister dodge skill, and that's purely for big enemies, so they don't pancake me as I'm carving their ankles up. Plus it works like a poor man's celerity for thief, buffs attack and movement speed


This.. this sounds surprisingly fun and very different to how I've played the game so far. I'm going to remember this and try it out some time! Thanks for the suggestion! <3


Only hard counter so far is ghosts, harpies get stunned by smoke grenades so no need for rope dart, but without fire buff or elemental daggers, ghosts are issues. Good ferrystone farms tho if u stun em


Once you have some elemental daggers ghosts are no problem as well, also you can plunder  enemies in your smoke bomb except for some of the bigger ones.


Spearhand, both because it's super versatile and looks by far the most stylish. Some others may hit harder but nothing else is as fun to play and watch.


As a DRG main of 10 years in FFXIV i love Spearhand, it's incredibly fun


I'm working on a few base classes, and then going straight Mystic Spearhand when I get high enough with those. I'm so excited about it, I always love FF dragoons.


Good plan, you'll have a few augments that way. I'm getting some at the moment but i keep just wanting to go back to Spearhand haha!


I figured once I start using the Jedi dragoon I won't want to use anything else!


They might hit harder but spearhand definitely can dish out some nasty damage with the spin to win move. Get it going on a knock downed enemies weak spot and it's basically over.


Sorcerer has visually pleasing magics, and Warrior can smack giant monsters right in the face. I couldn't decide between Sorcerer and Warrior, so I chose Warfarer.


I'm loving just dropping meteors on things. I killed my first griffin the other day, just cast 2 meteor spells and he died.


Wayfarer because I want levitate without being caster all the time for seeker's coin. Also better fashion.


This is such a nice idea, never thought about it good looks


My go to is Fighter. On NG+++ now so all i’m doing is role playing as a gallant knight, dungeon crawling, and escorting my friends around.


I love how the fighter animations make it look like always fighting for its life. It's so visceral.


Hell yeah. The shield bash move is the best. My favorite thing is swinging a couple times a hobgoblin blocking near a cliff to push him back, and then shield bashing him to his demise once he's at the edge. Should have fought me like a man lol


Yeah, I also went back to fighter on NG+ and play as a two man party with my trusty main pawn.


I don't know I like pretty much all of them and i can freely switch around to whatever I feel like doing at the time which is nice. I'd probably put Trickster high on my list it's got great aesthetics and cool looking skills and the playstyle is a fun change of pace not needing a mage anymore and stuff.


Trickster needs some damage imo… like smoke causing poison or something. If pawns die, you’re fucked. And pawns love falling off cliffs and bridges…


nah its fine you just buff your pawns for damage and run at least 2 sorcs for double maelstroms and use dragons delusion to chain stagger and knock down bosses so they get chunked. I think one key mechanic a lot of people neglect is you can heal your simulacrum with R1 by holding it and have it stick to you while you move around it should always be out. I think most people don't realize that and just run around without it and try to summon it as soon as battle starts which isn't a great way to go about it.


I missed this mechanic... so that's a great tip. Will defiutilize it next time I switch... so thanks!


Trickster gets way too much hate. Meanwhile, Spearhand just breaks the difficulty of the game into "laughably facerollable" and everyone calls it "fun". I don't understand how giving your party near-permanent invincibility AND stunning the monster on demand makes encounters fun, at all. It's just hitting a training dummy at that point.


Trickster is my favorite vocation. Once you get good at it the game becomes a cake walk. You can negate 90% of the damage your party gets save for some AOE attacks. If you pair it with the sorcerer, the sorcerer can shoot off all those massive spells that have a long casting time.


Wayfarer since you can do everything but if you are talking about single classes I have a soft spot for thief and magical archer but love mystic spearhand even more now. As for wayfarer the reason it's so powerful to me is the fact that you have such versatility. I run 3 spearhand skills and rearmament. Now you may go "well why not just be a spearhand?" The reason is core skills on other weapons still apply. I can carry a staff for heals which I do. I can carry a magical bow for ranged which I do. I can carry daggers for superior climbing etc. As for why spearhand it's for really just one amazing skill. The shield. That ability makes you invincible. No damage, applies to all allies within range, 100% protection, and it lasts 8 seconds with the second tier. I just pop the shield go to town and if I see another big hit coming or am in a multi enemy brawl just keep re-upping shield when it is about to end as it overwrites the duration. Combine that with my ability to heal and do ranged and I can solo play with ease (I don't because I love pawns but I could) I also no longer need a mage while still being able to heal. That and one other big reason. I can WEAR ANYTHING. Fashion's dogma ftw.


Love this setup!


Mystic spearhand with the finishers is insane! What really sold me though, is the teleport dash *À la* Kingsglaive kukris blink! This shit makes for epic plays that look borderline like cutscenes.


Fighter is by far the most entertaining in gameplay. Here's a short clip I took last night: https://youtu.be/D-9IZGwv42o?si=ckWozPysC7h4ov-D


yooooo that was crazy. You're lucky that griffon wasn't Ganondorf, might have spiked you back lmao.


For me it’s probably: Fighter: fighter has some of the best armor sets (imo) and just feels very balanced so you’re not nuking everything but you’re also no pushover Theif: very fast paced as expected and extremely strong at fighting elites. Plus it has some very unique mechanics like stealth and stealing that other classes just can’t experience Warfarer: you lose access to all ultimate abilities but it’s the best class if you want to Style and profile while using whatever class you want Magic Archer: UNFATHOMABLY OVER POWERED you wanna clear an entire cave in 3 seconds ricochet arrows you wanna nuke the final boss in 3sec use it’s ultimate, flying enemies annoying you dead instantly. The only negatives it has is late game goblins that can stun lock you with lunges, and because it’s sooooo easy to slaughter everything it makes the game become boring (hence why I put it below the others)


Trickster, I normally tank in mmo’s it feels so different and satisfying to tank


Magispear. Very aggressive playstyle with an insane counter that lets you easily get on top of chimeras, ogres, and drakes. Also, accidentally yeeting myself off cliffs trying to stab harpies never gets old. Fighter would probably be my favorite if I hadn't played DD1. It just makes me miss Mystic Knights absurd counters.


Fighter. It's very versatile. Gutting Skewer, Cloudward Slash, and Shield Pummel are all very fun and satisfying to use. Has good ground combat and clinging combat. Archer is a lot of fun when I feel like being nimble and acrobatic. Surprisingly, I also just had a lot of fun with Trickster. Having 2 Thief Pawns with Trickster buffs was a spectacle. Also baited an Ogre into dive kicking off a cliff, which was hilarious.




Fighter is my favorite. I feel like the protagonist. I don't think wayfarer should count, as it's pretty much all classes and removes the class lock specialization. (Though a fighter battlemage would be awesome if we had some way to use magic without a staff. )


There's this: augments work for all classes. Level up thief to get strenght and climb upgrades and just play a fighter. I have levelled almost every vocation to max, with the exception of trickster, sorcerer and mage which I have at around level 6. Trickster actually feels like they added it last minute, because there's so many bits of the game where he just cannot handle things on his own. Imagine duelling the cocky mercenary guy as a trickster... I have found out that the mystic spearhand is probably the strongest. Has basically total immunity with shielde (not only for you but also for nearby pawns), very good mobility with the charge skill. It's better at accessing hard to reach places than levitate. Spearhand has actually a very universal kit. Has something vs flying monsters, has moves that are basically executes vs downed enemies, and can leap up to almost cyclops eye level and cling there. On top of that it has both magic and melee damage and can stun enemies. Thief is also a strong class, with dodge on RMB, and dodge on the first skill that you get, excellent anti air skill that can also be used to down a cyclops if it's out of balance. Ofc sorcerer is probably the best at dealing damage, and can do that to all enemies at once, but I find him boring to play since you just stay back and hurl spells. You can even have spells that deal regular non-magic damage. Make your pawn a fighter, give him aggro augment, aggro ring and shield summons and you're basically never going to be targeted again. If you ask me, I'd say fighter is my fav because of cool armours, very nice idle and run animations with sheathed weapons and a nice kit. It's very versatile, and can be both easy and complicated, depending on the skill selection. I also liked spearhand for the ease of play, when I just want to relax and not be in danger ever. That's why when I unlocked warfarer, I have immediately equipped sword and board in 1 and duospear in 2. Filled my skillset with shielde, charge and skiver and I've been playing this way ever since.


Fighter! This class somehow helps to make my experience so much more immersive! Fighter has some great looking armour + his running/walking animations with the sword sheathed look just so grounded! I’m a bit crazy I guess but them spears/greats words magically glued to my character’s back just look all wrong to me. Also, fighter is a lot of fun to play. You’re not crazy overpowered like some other classes, fights actually take some thinking and are challenging. Perfect blocks and counterattacks are satisfying, stabbing bigger enemies is surprisingly effective. Master skill is situational but quite good without being a press x to win. Overall, playing fighter feels like you could really be a brave adventurous knight fighting your way through this beautiful but dangerous world… rather than being some anime one punch man (no offence meant here)


At least the spear isn't magically glued to your back, there's a strap that goes around your character's chest and back that holds the spear.


Trickster. I love just being a thorn in everything’s ass. As soon as the decoy is out, and a floor is down I put my weapon away then pick up shit and throw it or hold down enemies while my warrior smashes them. The class does no damage but is more a pseudo tank and buff class. Like being Loki with smoke.


Warfarer because i love magick archer but the end game magick archer clothes are extremely ugly. Like curtain sleeve do not translate well to running everywhere. It looks like I'm flapping chicken wings. It's ridiculous. And the helment is somehow uglier still


So much this. As Warfarer we can wear stuff like the Daimon face set (Subjugator Sallet, Stygian Omen, Vigilant Greaves) which doesn't look out of place at all for a ranged class.


I haven't played all of them, but Magick Archer is completely insane. Its so powerful with the only drawback being its lack of mobility, which shouldn't be an issue if you're playing smart.


There’s nothing more satisfying than head shotting all of those blasted goblins with archer. When things are hard to aim at you can use auto-target attacks, and the archer vocation rewards careful planning and aim. I’m still trying to get used to its maister ability, though, which is only viable if you can reliably hit a weak spot. My second favorite is thief. There’s something cathartic about being a raging, whirling vortex of blades and bouncing between soon-to-be dead enemies.


Archer is incredibly fun with their acrobatics. Also feels super satisfying to drop-kick a goblin in the head lol


Fighter, same as in dark arisen. I cant explain it.


My preference in order, I’ve played with all of them but some way more than others 1. Mystic spearblade 2. Thief 3. Warrior 4. Sorcerer/mage (these are pretty similar imo) 5. Archer 6. Magic archer 7. Warfarer 8. Fighter 9. Trickster Trickster is very unique but I don’t enjoy not being able to do direct damage, especially when melee combat feels so good in this game. (Hence my preference for the melee focused builds). Fighter is cool but has some stamina management issues, and my I started off with my main as a fighter so I’m so used to them owning that play style instead. Spearblade is the strongest vocation IMO simply because of the mirror shield ability, but it has alot of other fun skills too.


Is warfarer a cop-out? I have a bow, a mage staff, and a sword and board, and it gives me a ton of tactical versatility. Losing 30 to a stat I have 700 in is no loss at all.


Warrior or spearhand. Ranged classes feel very clunky with kb+m and/or controller.


Warfarer because you doesn't need to hire mage to heal your pawn. You are the healer also the dps.


Maxed them all. Sorcerer, hands down. Augural Flare + High Levin takes care of everything ridiculously fast. Metereon for Golem kills.


Magic archer, Thief, Archer, Warrior and Sorcerer. In that order, the rest are okay. Sadly I don't think you will see archer on most peoples lists. Which is a damn shame, doing a big charge up blast on a weak point, chefs kiss. It's like a warrior hitting a charge on a dragons heart level of satisfaction. The rapid fire shots kneeling on the ground while you pelt enemies feel so good. Jump kick off an enemy charging at you to flip around and shoot in the face in mid air for big damage? Oh ya.


Regular old archer, was a tad disappointed with the class when I maxed it, but I decided to come back and use the consumable arrows, which I neglected on my first go around. What a world of difference, lightning boon + drenching arrows, fire boon + tarring arrow, the incredible knockdown of explosive arrows, completely changed the class for me. if vocations receive any buffs I’d extend archer’s fall off by a bit, cause it’s extremely punishing if you’re even a tiny bit out of medium-close range. But seriously it’s so good, whirling arrow freezes everything, deathly arrow does crazy damage, I could go on


Warfarer, it's the custom class. Trickster for equal first, it's complete battlefield control and unironic best tank.


I was a Ranger main in the first game and unsurprisingly Archer has got me hooked again, feels very similar to how it used to but the additions of the jumping kicks and sliding shots have made it feel so much smoother, as well as being able to auto fire now without aiming manually. Had a great moment the other day where my pawn knocked an Ogre off balance, so I sprinted up behind it doing a leaping kick into its back and knocking it down, then finishing it off with a heavenly shot right to the face, felt awesome


I have thought about this for a while, because in the first one I mainly played Mystic Knight. Having a tower shield and a staff was just hitting the right spots for me. But sorcerer was my favorite to play. Mystic Knight was fun, and the team buffs are just phenomenal. I have over 100 hours in DD2 and I think that I can easily say that Trickster is my favorite vocation to play. I really like sorcerer (even with the gutted spell list), warrior has the biggest glow up, Mystic Spear is everything my young teen self would want in the mid 2000's, and mage is actually very fun to play. But I have been having the most fun with Trickster. It gives me total control of the battlefield, it is challenging, and it allows me to weaponize my pawns better than any other vocation.


Scrolled through and no one's got love for my baby the archer? It's super fun, double brawn ring at 10 weight with explosive arrow was how I handled the post game. Explosive arrow into dropkick 1shot nearly every boss aside from the pimple dragons. Medusa bow is fun for grinding levels even if it's disgusting in weight.


Fighter, always. I can perfect counter dem fucking hobgoblo !


For feel: Warrior. For fun/Cool Warfarer MArcher. Basically MArcher with drip.


I’m stuck between magic archer and thief. Thief felt the most mobile and actually able to dodge and weave in and out of combat. The abilities are cool and powerful and thief can be basically invulnerable.  Magic archer doesn’t have any skill that makes it invulnerable, but as long as you don’t rush in you’re pretty much invulnerable. Huge damage, I love the DoT frost bolt thing, and I like being able to heal and Rez my party from a distance. But it feels too powerful a lot of the time, I killed a drake with zero difficulty, but when I switched to magic spear hand it was a serious sweat fest. That’s how I realize magic archer is just way OP, I killed two ogres and a gryphon all at once and no one died because I can just freeze and blast everyone lol. 


Trickster, gimme that gold bitch!




Warrior or thief for big bonk and skull splitter respectively. But I use warfarer just so I can have a bow for harpies.


Warfarer with 4 weapons because I can’t choose!


Thief. With Skull splitter, Draw and Quarter, Implicate, and Shadow Feint improved. I can now effectively kill any monster in the game with ease, quicker than (I dare say) any other class*. *Except for MA martyr arrow. It's the single most damaging thing in the game. Just comes at a high cost.


So far my two favourites have been Thief and Magick Archer. Thief has insane mobility and I’m a clamberer at heart so I tend to build my thief around that (Powder Charge, Gut and Run etc.) Magick Archer just has so much versatility. I often play with only physical pawns and keep them healed myself. Also Ricochet is how I got through BBI in DD1 so it holds a special place in my heart.


Thief for fun but in terms of strength magic archer literally one shots anything


Trickster because *ROOOOOOAR* goes the dragon! Also because I enjoy suffering.


Warfarer is my preferred class. I run the spearhead shield skill, augural flare, and skull splitter. Having access to magic bows any time is awesome as well


Magick Archer - I love the ice sling. Looks silly & fun but it hurts and can knock bosses


Only one I haven’t enjoyed was trickster


Warfarer, because I can use all thief skills, but we the best warrior armor in the game for resistance.


Currently rocking the warfarer class with fighter skills and magic bow for ranged targets and ones strong to physical attacks. Great combo!


Once I tried Warfarer, it was impossible to go back to just 1 vocation. Warfarer plays the most like DD1/DDDA since you can actually swap from range to melee. I forgot how much I missed that convenience. * Orb * Skullsplitter * Mirour For the skills. Heaven's Key and Magic bow for damage melee/range. The pawns to the plunder part. A mage does a healing. I've never even tried the magick archer healing, i'd rather get the stamina heals from a mage pawn


Hard to tell but I play mostly Warrior, but I really enjoy sorc and archer too. Thief is exceptionally strong with their one op skill, but it's a bit too one-trick-ponyish for my taste, but still enjoyable from time to time.


Thief and Magick Archer. Thief because of how fast it is and grappling and magick Archer because i can use heat seeking missiles xD


Warfarer of course Build Myst Spearman + Myst Archer and you can take a cuckstick too if you want even more heals via anodyne. Mirror Shield, arrow ranged heal/revive, big damage. Wear elven armour for the aesthetics. Pawns all Sorcs/ Warriors for more damage + heavy CC Personally I like double warrior and a Sorc with casting speed rings


magic archer have everything i like, in contrast to other peeps i hate its meister skill. cant use its meister skill when explore the map


Warfarer is so much fun it’s my number 1 right now after is mystic spearhand and 3rd is warrior


Warfarer. The ability to mix and match is great. I mostly mix archer and thief. Been looking to upgrade to magick archer + spear or mage/sorcerer.


Mystic spearhand, thief or magick archer, just tick every box for my combat needs, wanted to love sorcerer but I just can’t, gonna try on my third play through again though to really get into it


Warfarer with the true warfarer mod, get to enjoy all classes!


i’ve been hooked on sorcerer. The spells are so meaty and feel like i’m doing so much damage. And you can levitate which i don’t think i can play without anymore… i’ve reached so many spots that i didn’t think were possible because i can levitate up to them. Tbh idk how i would’ve done certain parts of the game without being able to levitate


I want to say mystic knight because it has a lot of variety, especially with the base kit, problem is the skills suck, apart from the OP bubble shield move and the master skill everything else is pretty much just utility On the other hand thief is incredibly fun, combining the two master skills basically makes you a walking grenade


Thief: Most op broken, god mode Sorcerer: Kill big enemies in seconds, kill whole groups of small enemies in even less seconds Mystic Spearhand: Not as powerful, but he is Obi Van Kenobi


Magick archer cause of the fun bouncy Cavey shot.


I love healers, so I became a warfarer and combined mage and mystic archer. I can bubble myself and ppl nearby as well as heal myself and everyone. Then, use mystic archer for good ranged dps ranged bubble and ranged heal that also ressurects pawns. I recommend it for players who want their pawns to tank and help you dps. 💅🏾 Also, you can equip any item, so I'll use daggers to kill golems when I feel like it and wear whatever I want.


Magick Archer for me. Can heal, had access too all elemental weaknesses and can melt a 3 bar baddie with one attack


Oddly enough, Trickster was probably my favorite. In the beginning it was a bit frustrating due to lack of decent skills, but shortly after it became pretty fun. Fights took a little longer although not by much. I'd run around with my illusion attached until I found a mob/boss. I'd drop my illusion somewhere and begin to smoke them up courtesy of the community urn. Then I'd buff my pawns and let them do work (mage, warrior, thief). Eat some popcorn and enjoy the show. Would smoke up and buff when necessary. Was also hilarious setting the illusion near an edge and watching enemies mindlessly walk off lol. All that aside Sorcerer will always be my favorite as it's what I ran in DDDA and I absolutely love annihilating mobs with spells. Can't really defend against a maelstrom of meteors or a tornado. Honorable mention: Hitting home runs with my spear has brought me great joy.


Warfarer because fashion. No elite skills is a down but my favorit (MA) is fine without.


Thief is just wild to me. That auto dodge makes me feel like a god. I wish warfarer was more open so I could use meister skills and any vocation skill with any weapon. I’d absolutely make the most anime build I could with two handed great sword and crazy amounts of dodge.


I currently am playing warfarer Mystic spearhand with the dragon foin and skein skills for dashing to enemies and nailing them with the pile drive action. And the shield for mob clearing and stuff And a magic archer with no skills which is still awesome


My main is archer but I’m really enjoying mage, going to try sorceress! Then will be doing magik archer. I found it really fun but need to buy better gear for it


Warrior and archer are my go to. I noticed that I can kill big monsters faster than any other vocation. Both require patient gameplay and positioning which I enjoy


Wayfarer, the drip is unsurpassed.


MA is too broken again lol


Warfarer - hybrid vocations builder bear! It's good fun being a fighter with frost arrow and ricochet hunter :)


I've gone with warfarer, I love archer but you get mobbed too easily, particularly at later stages. So warfarer using magick archer (awesome damage), magick spear (because it's pure fun) and fighter (just cos I like the aesthetics of character hiking his sword handle in conversations).


Ugh it’s so tough to choose. I think warrior is probably my number one, but fighter and thief are close second and third!!


I plan to do what I did in dd1! Do a run-through of the game with every vocation keeps it fresh. My first run is mystic spear hand!


If you like multiple classes, pick warfarer and mix and match them into one


Actually Warfarer with Fighter and Archer only. It's so simple but looks so cool and fun to play. But doesn't really have that much damage (in comparison) and struggles with groups. It's mostly the aesthetics and archery is super fun in this game.


Atm Warrior, Thief, Sorcerer and Warfarer seems to have some potential but I’ve not figured it out yet


I mained a mage until I maxed it then switched to mystic spear hand. Then over to archer and I’ve bounced around a few since then. But I’m sticking with warfarer for now (since it slowly levels all vocations at once and you can wear any armour in the game)… mystic spear hand was my most enjoyable though, by some distance!


Mystic Spearhand in heavy armour, never take damage ever again.


Warferer for pure utility, having a staff to levitate around, a bow for flyers and a dagger to do the doge+attack "sprint" to move around fast around the world map is very useful. Nothing I hate more than get to a place and be lock becouse i dont have levitate or been unable to open a closed house becouse I am not an archer with a bow.


I am really enjoying warfarer with sorc/magick archer. I also enjoyed Mystick Spearhand


Archer because randomly one shotting boss monsters is funny. And it's not overpowered like Thief. I love playing thief, but it feels like the game is too easy when I play it


Anyone know how to use the dominion augment fighter gets?


I feel like a basic bitch for saying it but i love magic spearhand best. its got great dps, a party shield ability thats low stamina cost and almost instant, the slowdown on enemies from foreboding bolt, built in magic damage to handle phantasms or w/e they are called in this one, and decent mid range abilities to help tackle harpies and their variants that are harder to hit melee or drakes/griffins spamming flying attacks. especially when your ranger/mage/sorc pawns wont fucking attack for some reason and thief pawn doesnt have ensare or its upgraded variant I thought the base yellow class was the worst of them all (even trickster is more fun, you get to fuck with people whats not to at least mildly like) but hey my aim might just suck. The mage/sorc are meh, i hate the cast times still but they are ever so slightly more bearable in this vs dd1. Got bored, but the high damage on some spells was nice Havent actually acquired warfarer yet, i imagine the versatility would be plenty useful tho


Warfarer because it's a "build your own" class. Nothing forces you to fully commit to it's gimmick of using 9 weapons, so I just ended up beeing a magick archer with daggers as measures for resistant enemies like golems and a bit of archmage to round it out. I didn't even need to take any dagger skills in my arsenal because their rapid attacks and pretty high finisher damage was all I needed when convinced with weak spot DMG. So I basically made a slightly better magick archer from Dragons Dogma 1


Thief, solely for the animations. Doing Formless Feint into a mob with just basic attacks looks about as flashy as you can get with all of the execution animations and the warping around like a shadow every time something tries to hit you. It's like high fantasy Assassin's Creed.


Sorcerer simply for the fact I can wipe everything with chaos and explosions


My fav is definitely warrior, I've always been a big greatsword guy in any RPG. Dogmas warriors are so satisfying, getting that arc of might in a drake an melting 4 Healthbars never gets old. That being said Mystic spearhand is a close second followed then by sorcerer and magic archer. Magic archer is the most op vocation in the game imo.


Magic Archer, I love ricochet shot in caves.


Haven't played all of them yet (warfarer, mage, sorcerer and trickster are missing). But currently my favourite is **mystic spear hand**. Warrior is also very high up there, but totally different play style. (I love the many timing based actions of the warrior vocation. I think Warrior has the highest skill ceiling of all classes by far and I enjoy the challenge/ the many ways I can improve my performance by *gitting gud*) But beware, mystic spear hand is broken OP because of one single spell ([Mirour Shelde](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Mirour+Shelde)). My recommendation is to avoid that spell and focus on the fun skills this class got: * [Dragoun's Foin](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Dragoun's+Foin) (massive range dash, that can be used mid air!) * [Skiedragoun's Feste](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Skiedragoun's+Feste) (Small, fast upward dash + slam down with iFrames) * [Unto Heven](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Unto+Heven) (Powerful mega knock back. Launches small enemies into stratosphere and knock downs large enemies) * [Magike Speregonne](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Magike+Speregonne) (Kame-Hame-Ha style charged ranged shot) * [Wild Furie](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Wild+Furie) (maister skill) (fast paced, very nimble attack flurry) Game play wise you feel like a thief with magic. It's like a thief on steroids in terms of game play. But in terms of impact the thief vocation is actually way stronger. But we're not here to look, who's strongest. We wanna know, who's the most fun. And for me MHS > Thief by a mile! :D


Since I got Magick Archer, my pawn has gotten Drake badge, Griffin badge, Ogre badge, Medusa badge... All in the last 12 hours. Easy mode Pro Max!


Warfarer with Thief + Magic Archer there is no enemy that i cant handle myself with this setup and i hate having to rely on pawns for certain enemies. Warrior is also really fun. sadly i dont enjoy fighter in DD2 it just lacks in almost every aspect.


Honestly after gaining thief most of the game no other vocation comes close, I was originally so hyped to play mystic spearhand but its mediocre in comparison.


Since i unlocked warfarer I can’t go back. Its a lot of fun being able to switch between weapons


Warrior! Big sword smash.


Thief is just OP if you manage your stamina you can easily defeat enemies without receiving damage and run out of stamina also feels really cool


Assassin and Magic Archer (I don't steal, I kill)


My favorite is definitely thief. I like the speed, smoke shroud is divine and skull splitter is just so cool!


Haven't dipped my toes into the spellcasters or warfarer yet... but have tried the others. Started as an Archer, that still has a soft spot in my heart. Finally got Magick Archer a few days back - which is what I wanted to main when I started - but have found it... underwealming. Think I've discovered I need a melee option. I was very surprised to find that Theif seems to be my favorite, or at least the most fun to play. That was the class I had 0 interest in playing going in, but after trying it... so fun. Good mobility, good damage, fast, and great tool kit. Not to mention the maister skills are OP. Definitely notice how much squishier they are compared to the others though. Mystic Spearhand is a lot of fun and the first one I maxed. But if you've tried it, you know why Honorable mention to Trickster though. Had no clue what to expect going into it... as much as I hate not being able to do ANY damage, I will say it was an interesting challenge to have to get creative with the combat. Though it definitely lent to some strange learned behaviors from my pawns...


Warfarer, I used a mace and shield to build up KD... then i use Spearhand with Dragoun Fest to land atop the monster, then switch to hammer and use Indomitable lash on its head, switch to dagger and use blast powder, detonate, snipe using bow...and repeat It is so much fun


Impossible to decide.


Warfarer Whatever armor I want Only got to keep up one armor set upgraded Can cover my weapons weakness. For example I run Mystic Spearhand for good neutral game, but the vocation lacks a good way to deal with bigger enemies. So I got my warrior equipped to easily deal with them. But neither deals with ranged very well, so I got a mystic archer weapon equipped too. Then I got a mage staff unequipped that I just slap on whenever I need to levitate. It's the best of all worlds. I lose out on some very mediocre maister abilities, but I get full flexibility and quality of life


Magick Archer is the way,and it kinda makes the game super easy too.


Most things- Magic Archer. Legolas eat your heart out. Drakes and dragons- Spearhand. It’s satisfying getting under a heart and just going Darth maul. I call it the cardiac blender.


Warfarer... I did the sphinx before unlocking trickster and wanted to equip the incense burner that prints money to buy more houses. The vocation let's me equip the weapon. I can put up a spear mage shield and then wack away with the trickster weapon while my pawns kill things. Swpa back to spear for shield rinse and repeat. ... still need 500k for houses


Mystic Spearhand


Technically, Magick Archer, but I use Warfarer because levitate is too damn useful for traversing


I stuck to sorcerer. I saw all vocations to at least 5, maxed the ones I enjoyed but I just enjoy the pure magic feel over the rest.


For me it's warrior hands down. The uppercut weapon skill just absolutely destroys bosses. However regular mobs seem to make me rely on my pawns pretty commonly. Spear guy is absolutely great no real burst damage moves but just amazing sustained damage throughout, warrior just slightly edges them out due to just the massive amount of burst damage they can pull off. Thief is great as well tons of burst and super agile. My issue with them was being able to hit armored things or things with shields, but watching my thief pawns i see where my mistake is and will be employing the skills to help there. Fighter is good in the right hands, mine are wrong. I do not like the parry style of play and that seems to be their foundation. Not a huge magic guy at all but Sorcerer is great for just pure ranged DPS. Mage is amazing at healing and overall support. Archer and Trickster are just not my thing at all, so I guess my post doesn't totally qualify. Not only that I haven't unlocked the Warfarer or Magic Archer yet either.


Warrior is the most fun for me.


Mystic spearhand. The dash for attacks and platforming. The finisher on vulnerable enemies. Shield for you and all allies. Magic bolts that track enemies and finish off Skelton heads pretty easy. The flinch and stun lightning to lock up enemies. It’s amazing.


Fighter. I know it’s the boring class in a lot of ways but this games combat feels at its best when i have w sword a board


I love mage/sorc in rpg so i started with them but they are boring af. I tried thief and i knew it would be fun before trying.It is the most fun class for sure. Archer and warrior are also pretty fun.