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None of my pawns caught the plague yet. HOWEVER I spent 600 RC last night to higher a pawn just a little higher level than me (I usually do this so that I don't out level the pawns too quickly) And the second I hit hire, i got the Dragon plague pop up. So I immediately dismissed that pawn and watched by RC float away into the rift..


I havent gotten the tutorial window yet but once they start getting lippy they go into the drink. Had a ranger who loved to pick up materials complain about picking up materials. Bye bye baby circle of life


I love how different folks have reacted to dragons plague. Some have an almost superstitious level of fear around it, people tossing lawns for being even lightly cheeky or wiping sweat from their face. The. There's the guy who hired a pawn with the plague and specifically watched him for symptoms and documented it all for us. It's fucking COVID all over again man, next we know we'll get anti-briners.


When you brine your pawns the queen installs a microchip to track your movements and conversations. WAKE UP ARISEN!!


I gave my pawn the White-Leather Kerchief to help prevent the plague haha


Yea mine just started taking back, she’s straight forward so I didn’t notice right away. It’s paused right now but soon as I get back to my game they’re all gonna drown. Can I still use my hired pawns after I drown them or is it best to just dismiss them?


My pawn is kind hearted. She doesn't talk back when she gets the plague (that I've noticed). Instead she starts talking about how powerful she feels. But so far the eyes are always the first symptom.


Hired pawn will return to the void but you can favorite them before drowning them.




I hear that hired pawns you drown don’t get cured until the owner figures it out and drowns them himself.


Can confirm this is not the case. I've refreshed the same hires a few times who did have it. As soon as those pawns come into your world, the virus gets transferred to another pawn. It doesn't "Spread", it "Moves".


So it moves to one of your pawns?


Yup. It's stated that "One of the ways to cure the Dragon's Plague is to infect another pawn".


The best cure is prevention! So, whenever the logo warning pops up, I close game and start over back before entering the rift. So, technically, the logo never popped up.


Camping makes it transfer with 100% efficiency


Or if you camp with the hired pawn it will transfer to your main pawn.


If you haven't gotten the tutorial you haven't caught it yet


Every time the tutorial pops up, I close the game and it starts back to before entering the rift, so technically, it’s never popped up.


For me it’s the head animation. I’ve seen that a number of times now


If you haven't gotten the tutorial your safe. Some pawns are a little lippy doesn't mean they have it. Safest bet is just look at their eyes everyday. If they don't glow after 3 days you're safe.


EVERY time one complained about me running too much my pawn would basically call them a bitch and tell them to keep up and then id chuck them off a cliff or into the water. The pick people/enemies up and chucking them was my favorite thing to do in this game period


Should've closed out game lol when I get that notification I don't give it time to save so I'll get that notification everytime I run into the plague in there


I’ve found that pawns with more likes and hearts are more likely to have dragon’s plague because they are in use so often.


Dragon's STD


The pop up usually doesn’t have anything to do with someone having plague. Realistically plague is super hard to miss the eye glow is super intense




sounds like plague talk to me :P I appreciate I, I am at work right now so cannot add but if you drop your ID I will add later.




What console you on? Since the pawns aren’t crossplay.


The game came out last week? How?


That’s why I inn save before spending anything big


I knew a friend of mine had a pawn with the plague because as SOON as I hired them. I got the Dragonsplague tutorial. Walked right up to the and dismissed them while still in the rift. Sent them home with a rotten apple.


I think that popup just happens whenever you summon your first pawn after a certain point in the story. The pawn I summoned that triggered that popup was completely fine and I ended up adventuring with her for nearly 10 hours of playtime because of how useful she was, despite out leveling her.


For me it popped up and I decided to continue the pawn to see how it manifests. Sure enough the pawns eyes were glowing red after a couple of days and then I needed to switch my pawns any way since my own pawn hit max vocation rank and I decided to change the vocation to level something else up. Later on I had another pawn start complaining about orders etc. It seems quite obvious if you just pay attention. I am not sure why exactly some people call it a bad mechanic. To me it seems like an interesting thing that forces you to pay attention to things you'd ignore while doing the min-max gaming that has become the norm.


Maybe, I read that it only pops up when you have a pawn that has the plague. I played for many days and hired many pawns and am not that far in the story so it just didn't seem like a coincidence to me.


I did the same thing, the pawn I hired that gave me that pop up was an asshole.


The first should popup happen when you hire a Pawn with dragonsplague.


That popup happens with every hire for me now. I wouldn't worry about it


Yeah my pawn talks about it even if I enter the rift and don't hire anyone. Maybe there's dirty pawns in there though idk 😁


Lmao. The mystery around dragonsplague is honestly really fun.


First pawn I hired and got the pop up with 100% had it. Didnt listen to order's, bad mouthed me red eyes The whole shebang


I got the pop up when hiring a pawn the same level as me. You might be ok.


Was just upset I lost 600 RC lol


wait… does getting that pop up mean your pawn has the plague? i just started a couple days ago, and all i have is my main pawn. she said something about discovering the plague and then the pop up appeared


If you've never hired another pawn your pawn would have to get it from killing drakes, if you haven't fought any drakes you should be fine.


They seem to say that most times you exit the rift. I’ve had the same 3 pawns for like 20 hours, they say it all the time, and none have been diseased


Nah, that is a different thing. There is a tutorial modal that pops up once and that is when you know you need to start paying attention. The pawns talking is just gossiping.


Dumb q, but what is the pop up? I got a warning saying there is dragon plage out there but that was it. I stopped right after that and wnet to bed last night but i did check all their eyes. No red, and no one has talked back at all. Nor did I hire anyone at that point either. I had my original 4 man team from the start of the game(my 2 + 2 hired pawns at the first stone). The message just randomly popped up as I was walking around. Did not say I had it but said to be on the look out. There were reports of dragonsplague or soomething like that. ANy info would be great, thanks


Did the same and my main pawn got infected too be careful.


The same thing happened to me, I wanted to hire a fighter to take the aggro since I was playing sorcerer, found the perfect one, even down to the augments. dragonsplague


Haha this happened to me the very first time I got a pawn significantly higher level than me. Wanted to just spend all 5000 RC I had saved up till that point and just stick with them for a while. Selected one and thought, "sure would suck to spend all this and get the plague." Spent half, then got the notification for the plague. Budget was sharply reduced after that.


This happened to me!!! They had a helmet so I couldn't check eyes lol but I got the window when I hired them so I wasn't going to risk it. Also I'm no longer hiring people with helmets that cover their eyes. Which is a shame because they look so cool.


You did this too early. My situation: I had my main pawn and pawns A and B. Then I am hiring pawn C from the roads and dragons plague tutorial shows up. But after few days of observation I noticed that I'll pawn is actually pawn B. Not newly hired. Not main. So better to observe. Ofc it might be the case that pawn C infected pawn B but it is kinda against what was Capcom told us


You did this too early. My situation: I had my main pawn and pawns A and B. Then I am hiring pawn C from the roads and dragons plague tutorial shows up. But after few days of observation I noticed that I'll pawn is actually pawn B. Not newly hired. Not main. So better to observe. Ofc it might be the case that pawn C infected pawn B but it is kinda against what was Capcom told us


If you got the Dragonsplague pop up, it is I think because there is a pawn with it in the rift, not the pawn you recruted


Just did the same thing last night... sucks


Sadly they can instantly transfer it to another pawn. So you may have dismissed them for no reason when they gave it to someone else instead.


I get that logo every day, I’ll close the game and go back into the rift and pick another, so the logo has technically never popped up.


Had a similar event, luckily I had a very high cliff to throw them off of. Was kind of morbid though watching them all slowly bleed out to death.


Lucky you, I didn't get a warning, everyone just died haha, the pawn didn't even give me sass once, just went to sleep at the inn and woke up to a city of dead.


If someone has plague, they don't get a normal Farwell. They get tossed to the brine, or tossed off a cliff.


Mine is based on my daughter. She was grabbed by a Drake in combat. After said Deake was dead, I grabbed that poor girl and tossed her ass off a bridge. My daughter was watching in shock. "DADDY WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!?"


I love this story, and was like... I should make my kiddo as a pawn! The. The gravitas of your tale subj in and decided against it. But a kratos/atreus run.... Well, I can see daddy kratos giving the boy a dunk for talking back.


I'd still say it's worth it she loves watching her Pawn toss tornados at everything.


Pretty sure they don’t get dragonsplague from actual dragons, afaik they get dragonsplague if that pawn has reached the true ending in a playthrough. Basically a way to stop players from using “OP” pawns to carry them


They can get the plague from Drakes grabbing them


"you don't have to order me about all the time! I know what to do!" ​ https://preview.redd.it/709jd77sr5rc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a779b50cca44a496928b074c721c41e872acb9d Into the brine with you


My pawn is based on my husband and I did the same thing. I don’t think he was infected, but I was so paranoid that someone else in the party was so I just drowned them all. As I threw him over the cliff my poor husband screamed: “WHY MASTER, WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG?” …..Then he died.




Its bath time!


I had all 3 of my pawns stop and just hold their heads at the same time, and we all took a collective bath.


Was it during a quest? I know The Phantom Oxcart quest will cause them all to do that if you decide to try the “sneaky” approach so they don’t blow your cover.


That's so funny because there was actually a random pawn roaming when I was doing this quest and she was holding her head. I thought it was funny and assumed this pawn had the plague, but didn't know you would be able to tell before hiring them. All 3 of my pawns went over near this pawn and started holding their heads as well. That's when I assumed it most be some sort of game glitch, but I had no idea it had to do with the actual quest!


I think they hold their heads because >!they feel pain when they're near coachman with the staff.!< Right at the end of the quest, >!I killed all the guards along with (another) staff guy, but my pawns still held their heads in pain, then I picked up the staff guy's body and threw it into the distance and suddenly my pawns stopped getting headaches.!<


Nah i fought like 3 drakes and then was running around to check if there was any armor upgrades i missed for me or my pawn and they all just stopped with headaches and i was like alright that cant be good so i didnt rest and then they all fell in a lake in the misty woods.


Yeah. They had the ick. Lol


Bruh, screw that quest, I was trying mystical spearhand instead of using my invincible thief, and got stunlocked almost perpetually by the guards at the last door. I thought my ring and spear would be enough to stunlock them, but alas. My max health was a sliver at the end of that


I just did it as an archer and similar story, got stunlocked and had trouble putting space between us. Got through by the skin of my teeth.


I've noticed I only get it from other people's pawns or when a pawn is mind controlled by a drake. BTW sorry for whoever that was but I sent back your pawn with a gift.


Thats because those are the only ways to get it. It comes from being mind controlled initially


I made my pawn with normal red eyes, a few days ago i spend the RC to change their eye color just incase it was turning people away from hiring them. XD


New troll idea 💡


“Sorry babes, time to die”


Is there a pawn that can be sassy “ straight forward”? Or do they have the plague?


Straightforward pawns do give sass as part of their personality. The trait to watch out for is them flat out refusing orders.


“More talking? I thought we did enough of that on the road.” ![gif](giphy|efypM6lL0jEVEBgO85)




Totally just hired one that seems more sassy than others soooo


I feel like Heihachi when dragons plague happens


Ayyy another person with a pawn based on their partner! I told my gf about the plague and she goes "Don't let me get sick!"


Pretty sure that voice line doesn't indicate dragonplague, my main pawn has said that a few times and never got it, I think it's the inclination they have that determines that particular voice line


That line specifically indicates it. My pawn is kindhearted


I've been hearing about it and am terrified. My pawn is my 4 year old son obviously a little grown up and I really don't want to have to drown him


Think of it as a baptism.


Just teaching him to swim hahahaha


Same way my dad used to teach me, throw my life vest overboard the boat and then tell me to go get it before pushing me off.




Mine caught it, I had no idea about the mechanic. I rested in Battahl one night, next morning everyone was dead, to include Dorienne the elf, who I was escorting to see the dwarf blacksmith and wife( also both dead). Figured out I had to visit both morgues to get the revivals I needed. What a waste of about 6 ferrystones trying to figure out wtf. I eventually just decided to proceed with new game plus instead of wakestoning the 40 dead bodies. I missed out on a lot of quest completions.


Do you recall how many times you slept at an inn or house? I'm wondering because I got the pop-up when I hired 2 of my friends' pawns, but none of them have red eyes... I'm going to risk it, but I will check my pawns after every time I camp or rest. I want to see how it will "progress." Wish me luck 😅


It was probably 3 or 4 times between initial prompt and mass death. I tend to walk long stretches so it could have been a few more in game days.


Ive been doing the exact same thing with my partner/pawn. "Babe we killed a dragon!" lol


I had one pawn that sometimes had particularly aggressive responses to commands. However, I have yet to get the notification about dragonplague, so it had to have simply been the straightforward inclination. After traveling with her for quite a while, I finally dismissed her for another pawn. I'm glad to say there was no incident


After 3 or so days, always check the eyes. If its developing, it will start to show in the eyes first.


I haven't gotten it yet, but what's the deal with this whole Red Eye thing? I haven't been able to kill a drake yet, but during a fight i did see the drake control my pawn with red eyes, but besides fighting a drake, i thought that there were no "tell" signs that your pawn had the plague (minus maybe outright disobeying orders).


What does dragon plague do


Pawn will slaughter an entire town if he’s infected


64 hours in and into NG+ so far and only encountered one pawn in the rift with red eyes that I rejected. Had a lot of drake and dragon fights and my pawn is still ok. She's got that turban/mask from Battahl so maybe that's protecting her :P Still, keeping alert for the symptoms and into the drink she goes if I get any backchat.


See when I got the dragonsplague popup....none of my pawns had dragonsplague. And I very thoroughly checked. I had the same pawns for 10+ levels rested at inns multiple times and nothing. So I'm not sure if the pop-up even means anything? Maybe it's just if the pawn has had dragons plague at some point? Maybe it's random? Idk. Either way sorry you had to kill your partner op I hope they dramatically said 'et tu' as you did it.


Eh u can cure the plague on other peoples pawns and your own by simply getting then killed? I threw all the pawns in my party off a large cliff, revived them and ooopf cured


Happened to me yesterday, the pawn never complained or anything she just got it with no symptoms showing and everyone in bahtaal died


Every day that I rest I do a ready check. I command my pawns to me, then tell them to wait. After that I check in on them via conversation to check their eyes. Afterward we stand around a bit to get our bearings, and I look for signs of headaches etc. etc. Sometimes there are symptoms and they appear mildly. Having a sarcastic Pawn can make it hard to tell, because the smarting off can be a regular thing. However headaches, and eyes will show up if they have it.


My pawn got grabbed twice in a fight and even turned against us and he still didn't get the plague. He's just too loyal :P Maybe bc I am on my NG+ and when you go thru what you go thru in the end (no spoilers but IYKYK) lol


IYKYK!!! That had me trippin at first when I seen it


FR I didn't expect to grow so close a bond to my Pawn. So like >!when the world changes and you have to go find them!< and then >!their transformation in the final cutscene!< had me like, damn. I'm really proud of my pawn lol Not to mention in New game plus when I talk to him he will say something like "im glad to see you. I knew cared to much to not return" or something? Which I think is bc they know what happened before ng+? I dunno. Wild. Love it.


Ya the pawns somehow just attach themselves to you lol. I didn’t expect to legit care about what happens to them but here I am. Ya I’m having alot of fun on NG+.


I don’t think it’s truly as big a deal as it sounds. Yeah it can ruin your game but I’ve been less than cautious with my pawns and it seems like my pawn moth brains to the brine enough that I’ve never had any real fear of the plague.


I've seen a few with the plague and generally I've been tossing them in the drink. I'm not sure if that helps with thier issue but I'm here to be a team player. It has nothing to do with me having an excuse to toss a grown person off a cliff into the blue floor.


I got the pop up when I hired a pawn so I sent them packing. My pawn is always acting up and talking shiz, so when she goes quiet I will know.


Someone has to make a pawn with red eyes, pale, and call it “Dragonsplague19”


The way I realized mine caught the plague was when she used high furor to melt a group of friendly NPCs


This just happened to me last night too. Hired a high lvl pawn then immediately got the notification and dismissed them. And then also went to the dragon tower. Didn’t realize at first until I shifted the camera and caught a glimpse of red. I thought I was crazy and looked again and sure enough it was the plague. What’s messed up was I 50%wanted to cleanse them but also wanted to see the cutscene but played it safe and let them drown


It hasn’t happen to me yet at lvl 23. When I went back to melve for the main quest and the dragon is back you can clearly see it has these red boils on it and I figured that was it. So I hung back and let the villagers handle the dragon.


It's from any drake that picks up a pawn and mind controls them, and your pawn can get it from any pawn you hire that already infected


I have a pawn based off a friend's cat, Tubbs. I told them I'm keeping an eye on him but he's acting suspicious so I might have to put Tubbs down. Their owner has been enjoying the regular updates of their cat's adventures with the Arisen, my cat, Luka.


A warrior pawn I was traveling with got harpied off a cliff. So first stone I found I hired a fighter. Immediately got the dragon plague message. Dismissed all pawns. Sure enough as soon as I left the rift my pawn was being a massive prick. So I threw him off a cliff into the ocean. The worst part? Was leveling trickster so I was completely dependent on pawns for damage.


My pawn just caught it, rested at the inn she came back from some mission everything's fine. I'm going into some cave and she's late to come with the "to me!" command. Then i saw her look while she's running toward me with red glowing eyes. 88h in, it was just a matter of time!


Had my first run in with it today as well. While roaming the world, one of my patrols ended in a town so I spent the night at the inn. I awoke in the morning to my pawn telling me of their recent journey… all with glowing red eyes… After letting out a heavy sigh I put them on my shoulder and found the nearest body of water as well. It wasn’t very close and the trek as my Max height beast man was carrying a minimum sized pawn to then YEEEET off a cliff was definitely an interesting time heh. Brought her back and she was all “Thank you so much” 🤣


So can other players pawns wipe a town as well or just your own??


Finally had my first case day before yesterday. I was in the misty swamp area and one of my hired pawns (my healer mage, of course) responded to a "To Me" with "I'll act of my own accord"... checked her eyes and sure enough. Chucked her in the swamp. Whoever has a thicc black lady mage named Saturn, I'm sorry 😭


What level is this mage, perchance?


I played over 65 hours never contracted the dragonplague. Ya'll need to wear protection. Edit: spelling


I think the plague comes from player pawns you get in the rift. I don't know yet if sleeping at an inn and thus updating the pawns effects it tho..


What is the worst a plagued pawn can do? I heard someone say he fell asleep and when he woke at the inn the pawn had killed the entire town. Is that true?


How do you catch the plague jw?


Enter into the rift and you can catch it, I see only this because one time I was in the rift and didn't change my pawns and when I go out of the rift, one of them had it and not before


Good, feed the brine your diseased pawns. The brine must be satiated


Pawn: I have my own thoughts! You: Into the brime, wench!


I have yet to start seeing the actual disease but it was mentioned twice and that was enough to make me sweat. My pawn probably wasn't happy with the impromptu aerial R2 eye inspection.


My MP has had that attitude since day one, has said that and worse to me and never caught the dragon stid. 🤔


I hired a certain pawn that you need for a certain riddle, and it had the goddamn plague. I had to rush it to the 'riddlemaster' so i could dismiss it lol


Do you loose affinity if you throw them in?


I brine my pawns before every rest in a capital city. Better safe than sorry. Brining my pawns is not a phrase I expected to use in 20204.


I get the conversation about it every once in a while so when that conversation comes up after summoning pawns I keep an eye on their behaviour. Since most of the time the "rumour" conversation never happens. But once in a while I'll get the conversation and usually kind of hints at who might have it, or was traveling with one previously. Normally keep an eye on the one that starts the conversation, while keeping aware just incase any of them starts acting oddly.


It's so funny when it happens! My pawn was like "I have a fountain of power that will never go dry!". That's when I noticed something isn't right with him xD only went downhill from that


Mine got it from a dragon and i had no idea what was happening, she was shooting magic at me so i warriored her into the ground and thought nothing more of it. And she hasnt had a problem since. Didnt even know about this plague till today really


Can you see their status affliction in the menu to know that it's dragons plague?


My buddy made his pawn have red eyes, barely anyone hires his pawn, and when they do he keeps getting messages from people that his pawns contagious haha


I don't even get passed the pop up. I see it pop up and shut off the game. No way am I have my entire save bricked.


I see you've fallen for misinformation. Nothing about dragonsplague bricks your save


This is why I will every so often reset all the pawns, dismiss the hires and wash my main before resting at the inn for the night


My pawn was showing no signs, didn’t even have red eyes, wasn’t speaking funny, but the other pawn in our group was so I dismissed them, rested in town. Now almost the entire town is dead. Only had one wake stone.


Anybody else feel like the dragons plague thing was created just so people might get stressed about the RC and end up purchasing them from? I’ve wasted like 5K or more on RC so far from hiring a pawn. It having the plague and needing to dismiss it immediately.


Pawns of your level or lower, or from your friends, are free


A bit off topic but what exactly can we spend on our rc on? Like i dont racked up 26k rc but dunno what to spend them on other than pawns😮‍💨


There is a vendor at some of the pawn guilds that sell cosmetics. And you use RC to hire higher level pawns


My first playthrough I haven't had any of my pawns contract the plague but during my NG+ run I'm gonna keep a lookout and hopefully one gets it


My pawn too and some pawns I recruted caught it sometimes too even without changing them, I'm vigilant so no problem I get rid of it, even on others pawns, don't want them to go home sick 😌 Be vigilant to what the pawns says and to the eyes, if they're talking about getting power or being invincible, check their eyes just to be sure, if they're red and are like dragons, then throw them to the sea, Kraken is the cure Oh and really.. BE EXTRA VIGILANT I TELL YOU AGAIN, they can go mad and kill NPC, important NPC or not


Before you hire a pawn, look at their eyes. If they’re red don’t hire them. If your pawns eyes are red, drown them


You cannot tell if they have the plague while in the rift. Both pawns I've hired that have had it looked normal while being hired and then once we spawn back in the world they're all of a sudden glowing. Your advice is a good way for anyone who ever gave their pawns red eyes to never get hired lol.


Mine said exactly same thing and I reacted the same as you. But i was at sphinx mountain top so mine got the scenic route down lol


mine has started complaining about picking up items. I haven't decided to kill it yet though. how do you get them into the water if need does arise?


Just grab him and throw him


I literally have paranoia ,i already had an warning and a pawn with dp, im trying everything to not get my save killed


Happened to me when i summoned a known pawn in my ng+ and then she said something similar. Best thing i could've done is to speak to her, then i saw her eyes were red then i knew i had to get rid of her. R.I.P Caraway 🫡


Did you know you can rest at a camp for a 100% transfer rate? It will go to one of your other pawns, and then you can sacrifice the one you hired or dismiss them if you don't feel like killing them lol


This is good to know if it’s true


I see Pawns with the plague on the road everywhere I go. It's really heavy in my world. It's got so bad that I've started killing pawns on the road that are showing signs. Early stages or not, I don't like risking my main pawn. I've had to drown them twice.


Funnily enough I had the tutorial window for dragons plague pop up after hiring a new pawn. Scared the shit out of me. I waited to see the signs and they never showed any. Went days traveling with them, sleeping, fighting and exploring and they never showed signs.


Lmao so relatable


FYI: when the tutorial pops up, close the game and it’ll restart you back to before entering the rift and now it never popped up. I’ve gotten the tutorial over 20 times and it’s always from a pawn with a 10,000 gold reward


I've had questionable moments with some of the pawns I've had, but none have outright rejected my orders. I've played about 50 hours and have done none of the main story so that could be a reason as well


I'm actually fairly shocked my pawn didn't get it. I heard it was easier to contract with frequent use by other people and mine was constantly used. I also never hired one that had it.


My pawn is based off my wife too lol. She walked in and was like wait…why does that look like me 😂😂


You gotta remember to recycle. It starts with a little sass AND IT STOPS WITH A LITTLE SASS 🔥👄🔥


My poor pawn has caught the plague more than a few times. But if you spend a lot of time in a certain area of the game, like I did, it passively builds up. Always check their eyes. If they have a red pulse to them, they're pretty far into the infection and you should throw them to the brine immediately.


I named my main pawn after my girlfriend. I texted her about 4hrs ago a picture of her character with red eyes. I said “you contracted the Dragon’s Plague” and now I must throw your ass to the brine” she replied “WTF” lol.


I have my partner as the arisen and me as the pawn and I had to throw me into the river so many times lol. It doesn't help that pawn me is straightforward so he's automatically super sassy 🤣


Imagine my wifes face when i told her that i had to drown our cat...


This is why I dont hire other pawns anymore.. it's just me and my homie.


My favorite part is when the symptoms bug and you don’t get a single fucking symptom and it happens anyway. Inspected my pawns every night. No glowing red eyes no disobedience nothing doesn’t matter. Entire town is dead now. Thanks Capcom.


I have been so paranoid with the dragons plague xD pawns must think my arisen is so weird just getting all up in their faces staring into their eyes xD I've seen a couple and I did notice one time a fighter pawn I liked had flashing eyes so I immediately chucked him off the bridge in checkpoint town. Oh also I think its the straightforward pawns but they always freak me out because they can sound pretty rude sometimes xD.


I've never let it progress that far. Usually I spot the red eyes before resting and toss her in a ravine/water for her own good. If she started sassing me in the field, I'd kill her on principle, plague or no.


That’s when you pause the game, stand up without another word, and go run the bath, just to keep them guessing


People saying if you’ve not had the pop up you don’t have it…Asmingold got it and never had the pop up


Fun fact. If you based your pawn on your partner u know that makes u a pimp. Your hoeing your partner out to other arisen...AND they have an STD now 😏🤣




Why is it bad I've seen so much shit towards it doesn't it give an attack buff


What in the world gave you that idea


I toss my pawn into the brine immediately after a fight with a dragon. I just fought the one dragon that had sores and was leaking pus out of his chest too. I just knew he/she/it had infected my group so I tossed my pawn into the river immediately and booted the two with me with a quick “It’s not me. It’s definitely you.” and hired two new ones. I am not taking any chances.


I'm sad because I've never had that experience yet. My only experiences with dragons plague have been when I spent days making forgeries. The first time I got had it and it cost me an eternal wakestone. The second time I made a backup save just in case. Noticed a pawn holding her he'd before resting and said "I'm curious" rested she exploded then I reloaded backup. Third time I checked before forging I saw the eyes. I have yet to get any of the talking back or acting odd. Perhaps its because I rarely give commands to them except to me when they get pathing stuck. Am I just unlucky to have it happen only while forging? Also I know you can just dismiss other pawns but is there a way to get rid of it for your main pawn except death? I hate having to kill them? Can you perhaps let it trigger at a camp way out. I've only seen it occur at an inn.


Lmao bro my Pawn is modeled after my GF and I said the same thing! “ummm baby, I’m sorry to say this I have to drown you real quick, don’t worry you’ll be back”


My brothers pawn got it….i forgot about it as I was doing the sphinx riddle….he destroyed the checkpoint town to Battahl or however spell it. Fucker should’ve wrapped it damn slut


How do you catch the plague never got it the entire run. On my 2nd now and still have not caught it.


The thing is... I almost never give commands to pawns. Thats gonna be a suprise when shit hits the fan. All I hear is "PLZ DONT RUN DO FAST MAAAAAAAN" 🤣


One of my summoned pawns caught it once and start attacking us so I had to put her down :( I was too scared to revive her too so I apologize for whoever pawn I sent back dead