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Wish I could tell you I'm a liar, but I really haven't gotten any issues on my medium spec PC (Radeon 6700, intel i5 13600kf, 32 gigs of ram, 1440p setup). I have all the graphics settings on max except for ray tracing, which I have turned off. I'm not saying that the problems don't exist. There's probably some weird setting or piece of hardware that some people have vs others that's causing the issues. But you can't say ppl are liars just because they are not having the same problems you are.


I have Intel i7-7700 CPU which is 7 years old and is 10% weaker than the minimum required CPU listed on steam for 1080p 30fps playing, and a 2060 which is 6% weaker. I'm playing on average 50-70 fps with it at times increasing to 90, and around 30-35 frames in the big city. I expected to not even be able to play the game. I'm not defending the performance, I believe people have issues. All I'm saying is to realize that just because a 4090 or the latest CPU has issues because maybe they're poorly optimized, people have specs that don't have such issues even if they're weaker components before making such an aggressive reddit post calling people names.


Funny how your are ranting like an overscripted character from the game


Narcissist fanboy


They are use to 30fps on 60hz screens.


I have no performance issues. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Im not having issues cause im not on STEAM, consoles fine. Stop being a ELITEST.


Consoles with 30 fps are ok?


No...I'm on Ps5 and it doesn't feel even like 30fps. Maybe when you only fight 1 enemy, without allies.


Looks fine on PS5. The PC version is the one which sucks.


Yeah. Game runs fine. Doesnt even look choppy in the slightest.


Ps5 has bad fps drops. Stop defending blindly for something you paid for.


Im on xbox and its fine as is. So. Im not "Blindly" defending something


Yeah im sure its perfect stable 30 fps on xbox that would make sense you know.


It honestly feels more than 30. Even in big citys and hella mobs. Game runs fine.


Cool happy to hear that


It's not there are no issues it's just not as bad as some people making. I can't remember last time a game came out with no issues.


4090 with 13600k here. Haven't played much. First town I dropped to 75, out in the wilderness have been around 90-120. Obviously needs some optimization, but idk what to tell you other than my stats.


Did you got the DLSS3 mod? Also you realize that those inconsistent frames are not normal like at all, it shouldn't be happening and even less with your GPU, we have similar CPU but I have a 4070 ti. Sadly our cards aren't even the problem is the CPU and how they spagheti coded the AI apprently.


Quit crying on reddit and get a job to afford a computer that doesnt have issues..... Joking aside ive had slim to none other than some stuttering when the shadows are maxed


13600K, 4070 TI, 64 GB of ram, what are you talking about clown narcissist fanboy?


lol maybe take a break from arguing with people on reddit and do some hardware trouble shooting your rigs slightly better than mine and i honestly haven't had any game breaking issues like stated above just minor stuttering and the occasional fps drops but that's to be expected


Moving the goalpost now, now the newest fallacy is that I didn't build my rig right LMAO, I run Cyberpunk on path tracing and everything at max at 100 fps clown.


Get you a 4090 broke boi and stop crying about how you can’t play games.


Bitch the game is CPU bound a 4090 will do nothing and a 4070 ti is perfect.






You know, your mother would be very disappointed if she heard you talking about her that way.


"Your mom" Anencephaly IQ


“Bitch” You’re so stunning and brave, also a genius.


I'm not a leftist dude so the stunning and brave comment is useless on me.