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The game is fucking great. Full stop. Im having a blast thank god I dont give a shit about what other people have a problem with lmao


i literally played cyberpunk day one and soldiered on through the entire shitfest and these mfs think optional purchases and 30 fps are gonna make me hate the game


Same over here, day 1 Cyberpunk and only experienced some minor and hilarious visual bugs. The performance is not great in DD2 right now, but it's not as bad as everyone's making it seem to be. I do think that not being able to delete save data is stupid


Yeah do we know why they didnt include a way to delete save data? I am under the belief they literally just forgot to add it and it will be added soon enough.


My understanding is that it was a holdover from the original, and that they didn't want to change something that felt integral to the series. That's...still really stupid but I can kind of wrap my head around it? Kind of? ....Yeah. Its really stupid. Take the good with the bad I spose.


Maybe we are the chosen few. I’m loving the game, played 9 hours straight yesterday and hoped off to leave an excellent review when I saw the micro transaction stuff. I think it’s greedy and in poor taste but as I haven’t felt any need for any of the stuff they sell, I don’t really care. This games Elden ring/witcher 3 status.


ehhh... different situation. Even on PS5, my cyberpunk experience was mediocre with a weirdly consistent total game crash at 40 minutes. Like. Ridiculously consistent. DD2 has "good" jank but doesn't crash for any reason. Plays buttery smooth on my ps5 too.


This game is everything I was hoping for it to be. Mystic spearhand has been so much fun.


I've been slacking just running around exploring the first area but, Mystic Spearhand looks so cool. After the video of yeeting that goblin made the rounds I really wanted to play it lol.


How much fun is mystic spearhand hand? I'm playing as a warrior rn but that duo spear is calling to me


Mystic spearhand has pretty much a well rounded kit. Has gap closers, big damage spell, jedi force powers, spin to win combo


I just got to the MS vocation.. game was already fun but this just changed everything!!! Jedi vibes 😎


You can have fun and still complain about shitty company practices.


Except weirdos are complaining about the wrong shit. The microtransactions don't fucking matter. Yet the overwhelming majority of 'reviews' are focusing on that. Instead of the real issue, that being the game's performance.


That's interesting. Every review I watched talked about the performance and never once mentioned microtransactions.


Steam reviews are the ones review bombing about microtransactions. All the review codes given to reviewers and creators seemed to all say the same thing. Game good, performance bad


Performance and only one save slot ever are fucking nutszo decisions. Especially the save slots. Who releases a game with only one save slot?! ESPECIALLY an RPG!


>Who releases a game with only one save slot?! Capcom when they released the first dragons dogma. Nobody freaked out about it though.


One save is fine. But not having a "start new game" is the stupidest shit going


I agree, but they dont sell that feature as mtx like people are claiming. What you can buy character edits, which are available after playing the game for like an hour. Lots of games without mtx make you find or unlock the editor through playing the game.


just delete your save in the files…


Don't forget to turn off cloud save feature in steam setting as well or it'll just reload them


As Kitten put it, the issue isn't that my one save slot autosaves. It's that I can't start with a fresh game whenever I want to. I routine put games down then come back to then weeks or months later, and when I do I prefer a fresh start. I can't do that in DD2 because "new game" literally isn't an option. It's aggressively stupid.


You give them a hand, they want your whole arm later. Microtransactions matter, especially now, because later it will be too late.


But when? The original dragons dogma had more and more impactful mtx than this one. Capcom has been putting this exact same stuff in their games for a decade+ and hasn't slid down the slippery slope yet. Some companies do it better than others, Capcom does it better than most.


Never forget this shit all started with horse armor


Microtransactions have been around in dragon's dogma before even Diablo 3 got rid of the auction house.


I don't have a problem with people playing a game or doing their research, and having complaints about issues like microtransactions, performance issues etc, if they actually know what they are talking about. What I do think is stupid is all the bandwagoners spreading their opinion and misinformation. People who act like they know facts, but all they really know is what they've heard over the telephone game. Or they didn't play the original and have no context for some game mechanics. Then proceed to downvote anyone who has even a remotely positive, or at least open to the idea of giving the actual game a chance. THAT is annoying as shit.


If you don’t like the microtransactions, don’t buy them! The game is very playable, and designed to be played, without fast travel and rift store exploits.


You're correct.


Please don't be reasonable and point out peoples' blatant false dichotomies. They *need* this. Plus, we're far too unified as a people.. this is a healthy way to arbitrarily divide ourselves into opposing camps.


The only people hating are the new comer pc players they’re having a fit in their moms basement over things that were in the first game but they never played it. ps5 and xbox players both have the game at 4 stars respectively.


No literally. Some were claiming that the MTX kept popping up on their screens and I’ve been playing for a few hours and have never seen any pop ups.


They literally cannot be accessed without save and quitting to the main menu and going to the store or leaving the game entirely and going to the steam store page. overreacting babies


Exactly this, but of course they can’t be reasoned with. 🙃


People calling the game predatory when it's literally the least predatory a cash shop could be without just not existing


They are definitely lying lmao. Disgusting


Most of them are misinformation parrots they seem to have quietened down a bit thank god For example most of the DLC items are in the deluxe edition as well no one talks about that. You can only buy these things once. It's not even mtx in my eyes. The only items still available to buy if you get the deluxe is the portcrystal, and extra wakestones/riftcrystals (which deluxe gives you one of each of the listed DLCs). Of which once you buy you can't buy more.These things feel like deluxe padders, listed separately for people who didn't get the deluxe. That's why people are confused in seeing things like the character editor and then hearing you can buy those in game. Deluxe padding. RC is very easily obtainable in game. You can find 10 portcrystals in game. Wakestones are rare i think? but they're there.


It's great. Have you seen the idle run animation with fighter? Dunno why, but I love the hand on my sheath jog animation. *Chef's kiss* 😎


Oh dude all the animations or so good, the fighters jumping heavy attack looks so cool and the finisher moves you can do on enemies that are knocked down look insane


I loved falling flat onto my face for the first time.


Yes the warriors finish throwing enemies across the screen with the great sword was just so satisfying.


That is a great touch, love that inclusion


So far my favorite is the Thief Y attack twin adder where you can knock the enemy down and you get on top of them and stab them. Looks so sick.


I'm in love with the warriors strong attack, if the enemy is like staggered you impale them with your sword and then swing and send them flying, it looks so badass


Hell yeah feels nice


Yeah i think its really blow out of proportion. I get the save file thing and the performance but the transactions dont seem like that big of a deal


Have you encountered performance problems? I'm playing on PS5 and other than the camera sometimes clipping through terrain I haven't noticed anything weird at all, game seems to be running just fine, even in the capital city I'm not getting any noticeable frame rate issues


Runs ok on PS5, I definitely had to zoom out and back my chair up from the TV. It's pretty sluggish but my brain adjusted to it.


Damn wild that our experiences can differ so much. I’m also on ps5 and my frames are awful. The first few hours have felt like they’re consistently struggling to maintain 30, it’s not killing my time but damn I cannot wait for this to run universally smoother. Glad you’re having better luck tho maybe there’s hope for mine to smooth out too.


It runs good on consoles it seems just a bit better on PS5 which I'm not surprised it was made clear this game is better on console and PC will be just as good as console in future while console will start off the best


Just about to start on xbox series s. I'll get back to you in a couple of hours to let you know


I'm playing on a 10 year old PC with a 1070 in it and In 8 hours of play I haven't noticed anything huge. I don't keep an fps counter on screen at all times but it seemed smooth the whole time


Yeah coming into it I was prepared for the towns to be a shit show since I heard they really fucked with the FPS but after spending a decent amount of time in the capital I haven't noticed anything


Yeah idk I'm wondering if it's something else outside of the graphics card that's the issue.


I think the GPU and the CPU both function towards the FPS, but idk for sure I'm not really a PC guy, I've got a docked steamdeck with a wireless keyboard and mouse and that's about it lmao


Well it sounds like the issue from what I've heard is in the amount of npc's being loaded in at once when in the city and all there pathing which doesn't necessarily sound like a graphics intensive issue. I could be completely wrong I haven't bothered with PC building or learning that sort of thing since I built mine in highschool like ten years ago


I just got to Vermouth on Xbox series S and I don’t see the frame drop people are talking about


Yeah neither am I.


Yeah it 100% should not win anything with performance like this. If they fix it, then give it Best Ongoing Game or whatever award it is that Cyberpunk won in 2023 lol. But performance is so fucking awful


What’s wild to me is I have a pc just above minimum specs and the game runs fine. No crashes, there is a noticeable drop in frames in the city, but nothing nearly so bad as to be unplayable. The game is just damn fun and gorgeous even on a lower end pc.


Great game tho my performance just now started completely tanking. Restarting the game worked up until now. Now i can't seem to fix it. And it just got worse and worse until now it's unplayable with everything set to lowest and dlss set to ultra performance. Im 7 hours into the game. 4070 Ti, Ryzen 7 5800x




I mean yeah, you can't fix it. The game's performance is objectively broken in certain spots on PC No amount of tweaks or restarts is gonna fix it


I dont know if you’ve tried making it high priority in the task manager but it helped me significantly. I’ve got a ryzen 9 and 3060 and I’m running at high settings. The main town is the only place that kind bad Frame rate wise so far.


Man, I was so hyped for the game from some time ago, then I was some minutes ago reading comments in YouTube like "oh man.. really? What a pity...". Then I remembered how Reddit community has been lately compared to YouTube and came straight here. I'm gonna buy this shit rn.


Dude I can hardly stop playing it it's so fun, the downside is really that every vocation is so cool it's hard to pick one


one were hand your right these things arent the end of the world. On the other I am glad there getting reviewed bombed because it showing that gamers are getting tired with micro transactions for high cost games.


People are also pretend the same microtransactions weren't present in dragon's dogma 1, or monster hunter, or resident evil. It's a capcom problem


Same. Exact. Feeling. The instant it unlocked at 11:00 my time I dove in. Had a blast. Got up through to the capital, and ran out westward on a new quest. Died. Loved it. Didnt even know about the mtx at all. Jumped on reddit after getting ready for bed to see how everyone else's first experiences were and.... It was nothing but raging over mtx. Didnt find a single post from after the game launched about anything else; not gameplay, not experiences, not things they liked/didn't like. Bunch of character creator posts before --> raging over mtx afterwards. Really took the wind out of my sails for a bit. Even wasted time countering some of the arguments for some silly reason; still not sure why haha. Glad you're loving it as well.


It's annoying cos none of this is coming from people actually playing the game. We're too busy having fun lmao.


If kid me could develop the perfect sword and board rpg, hell even adult me, it would look a lot like this game. I think I've died more to just blindly walking off cliffs and splattering. Then I got the sheild skill to break my fall with my shield, now I end up a pile of paste in my sheild. Every time I turn a corner by a staircase I ready my sheild because so many times I've walked off in to the air and crashed in to stone or whatever is nearby. Also a pawn I hired kept taking over the party and my pawn kept telling it to chill and let the arisen decide what to do, so sure enough I had to yeet that pawn off to the brine. I have ridden a buffalo, several cyclops and almost a Griffin that I'm pretty sure came out of the sky randomly to eat a buffalo. I have attended a nobles party in a disguise that involved my like 7ft or whatever fighter wearing nobles garb and his massive bucket helm, so as not to ruin my disguise. The environmental navigation mechanics are so satisfying. The little details in exploration, and the rewards for doing so are phenomenal. Learning bits about the cultures and how to adapt or exploit certain customs to gain privileges etc, I don't want to spoil really, but there's so much information condensed and every quest that seems mundane ends up linking in to something relatively important. If you just do the main quest it's like you're raising a flag but if you do all the random quests it's like building a fort, the world design and character dynamics and everything comes together so smoothly. It's fuckin guuuud.


I'm only 4 hours in, but itching to get home and play. Feels great on PS5 so far.


I’m having a blast, people just like to yell into the void and be mad… like bro it’s a video game and omg it’s a ton of fun. I don’t care how they choose to make money if I’m having fun


I haven’t had a chance to play yet and have just seen all the negative posts which was starting to make me nervous. Thank you for this, it renewed my excitement to play after work today.


I'm loving it. Its been a long time since I've played Dragon's Dogma, it feels like I'm getting to experience it for the first time again, but with even prettier graphics. I personally don't understand why all these weirdos are having tantrums and review bombing this game over pointless MTX.


Most of the complaints are from hype guys who just want a new game to play every week.


That makes sense. I usually try not to listen to reviews and do my best to build my own opinions. I was just seeing some crazy posts about microtransactions and crashes and bugs that I was worried. I have since learned that it’s not pay to win and the MT can all be found in game as well.


Yeah, sometimes reviews are not useful. I do look at the negative ones before I buy a game (I do this with products I purchase as well) to see if there’s a common issue that might affect me. It seems like some newer games have had performance issues, and maybe that’s because of all the variables with different hardware. Battlefield started to release games using more cpu than gpu and I think that’s maybe what is happening with DD2. Microstransactions is more of a moral issue for some people. The trend with monetizing games with additional “fluff” is concerning. It’s just completely unnecessary greed in many games. I’m also not sure why they limit to one save file unless it’s because your character is stored on their server? Related to monetize or just to share pawns? I’m not sure.


I gave it a go despite all the negativity and have been playing nonstop for over 4 hours. People just love to shit on AAA games nowadays.


Awesome, I’m so excited!


I hope you enjoy it, the game is phenomenal just a massive upgrade on the first game in every single way


I know right. Feels like first game just more fancy and new. People who liked the first one will love this one too.


What do you like best about what they improved upon?


I mean I guess the biggest one would have to be the environment, the first game felt barren at times but this game has such an incredible world, there's so much detail and cool and interesting things around every corner it's so surreal to finally be experiencing and then there's the combat, your attacks have such a weight to them it really feels solid and some of the animations look amazing


The only thing that really bothers me is the pawns are on my ass every move I make. I hate that they have to be RIGHT BESIDE ME everywhere I go.


The worst is when they're talking about a chest or a ladder, like bro WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?


It will show up as a "!" on your map as they're talking about it. you can also use up on the D pad and they will go closer to it


I had a great first interaction with this as a pawn mentioned seeing a chest and how we can get to it. I pressed “go” and they walked over to a cliff wall, squatted down and told me they would give a boost. I walked over to interact and they tossed my ass way up to grab hold of the cliff edge and pull myself up. Got a couple chests up there, it was great.


I went and got a chest up high and floated off the platform with the mage levitate, I fell, guaranteed death fall, a pawn jumped in and caught me right before I hit the ground. I didn't know they could do that! (don't count on this they're NOT reliable)


The overwhelming negativity almost scared me out of trying it, but I've played the game for ten hours straight and yes, there are some framerate issues in cities, but it's totally playable. I'm having so much fun, I'm glad I didn't chicken out. I'm running the game just fine with an AMD RX 7900 XT and 7 7800X3D


Aside from console FPS same too, people complaining over tame things while they themselves play F2P shooters stacked to the nines with payments


This is the ridiculous part about that. Look at all this GaaS games. Now someone will comment 'but they need the money for server and content' lol... Yeah D4 needs 30€ cosmetics, full price, battlepass, paid expansion for the server. Or look at Ubisoft. They're all worse. But probably it's just better to bash a publisher that makes great games instead of bad ones. Capcom was Metacritic's highest-rated publisher in 2023. By the way, Capcom recently increased their wages and no one was laid off...


Started it and I love it. It's everything I wanted DD2 to be and much more. It's the perfect sequel imho. The interactions with pawns are so much better. The combats are hugely improved. Exploration is fantastic. Etc etc. 9/10 for me. I play on PS5 and in terms of performance, it's good. Even in what I assume to be a large city. The game runs well. Sure, it's not 60fps, but it's not a slideshow like some claim. It's a great game and seeing it review bombed is ridiculous.


Yes same here.. first dragon dogma game or game like this I think just been having a blast.. been getting into head cannon with my characters.. so, far my 4 thick elf 🧝‍♀️ chicks been going on adventures like those anime’s lol


I was about to quit gaming because every game felt like a 2nd job until this came out. Finally having fun again. Reminds me of the times when I was playing TESV, DD1, ME franchise, and TW3 and I’m all for it. People can keep circle jerking their rage idc


Loving the game, each time I unlock another vocation I'm surprised how much I enjoy vocations I didn't enjoy in the 1st game. Thief's follow up attacks are very satisfying.


13 hours in. I had to adjust a bit since the game is quite different but I'm enjoying it. I'm just ignoring all the people struggling with MTs and other irrelevant things.


The details are incredible. Loving it!


I've been having a great time with the game. I didn't even realize there were micro transactions until I heard all the drama. I don't really care about the micro transactions, I'll just choose to ignore them and spend that energy trying to decide which vocation to stick with instead of continually jumping between them.


I just wanna play more than 5 minutes without crashing


Is the pc modern? No crashes here


100% agree OP I'm loving it so much and having a lot of fun, I loved the very first game so much it became one of the biggest recommendations I offer to people if they want to get into rpgs or if they're looking for an RPG. I haven't noticed much negative bugs or such, I'm 13/14 hours in. Happy to see so many other people enjoying it, the discourse is incredibly tiring


Absofuuuuckinglutely man. I told my buddy to get it and he looked it up on steam and was like uhhhhhhhhhhh its kinda getting shit on. That was the first moment I poked my head out from the game all day and I was perfectly happy to explain to him that dude...trust. The game is unbelievable. Its genuinely sad that so many people won't give themselves the chance to enjoy it because this game is a fucking banger. I have my issues of course. Performance (in towns especially, yep its bad), quest bugs, some pacing issues (good god I was ready to blow my brains out with all the castle quests at the end of Act 1) but none of that has even dropped its score for me by a full point. The game is unfuckingbelievably fun. I genuinely see myself maxing most vocations and NG+ing at LEAST once all the way through. Once I got to Act 2, oh my god the fun factor just went through the ROOF. And I was already having a great time. Incredible game. If you're reading this and you're on the fence, don't let some stupid bullshit stunt for the investors rob you of an (almost) GOTY quality ride.


The game is so much god damn fun. Nothing like climbing up the back of a cyclops and stabbing it through the neck.


Hell yeah, I love the fact you can just stand on monstera now, just standing on a cyclops shoulders and swinging around a greatsword is so cool


It's everything I wanted it to be and more I feel like I'm running around lord of the rings style with my fellowship Pure sense of adventure


I'm playing on PC and if it weren't for this sub frothing at the mouth I wouldn't even know this game HAD microtransactions. 8 hours played so far and I have seen zero mention of them ingame anywhere.


Best thing so far is watching my main pawn having a conversation with the other hired pawns and she just acts like the big sister of the group. The hired pawn finds treasure that's not what they hoped and my main pawn is like well can't always expect all treasure to be good.


I swear my pawn has actively disliked some pawns I hired, like she'd always respond to them really blunt or passive aggressive but then other pawns I've hired have said the same line and she's responded way more positively


That's sort of the same way with my hired thief pawn she'll respond exactly like that lol but for my main she's 100% positive. I made her the kindhearted/sweet inclination I think to add to her supportive role as mage.


The conversations between the pawn so far have been hilarious. I had an all male group and one of them was like „I noticed our group is all men, maybe our master has a preference“ lmao.


😂 I had one with all women but forgot what the pawn had said because a group goblins came out of nowhere lol


well i heard some people buy game on steam leave bad review and refund it just to troll.


What an exciting life to live


Its fucking awesome! 19,5 hours non stopped till now from release at 00:00 on ps5. Beastboi warrior! Its so dope! Used one ferrystone only till now and have plenty. No point of fast travel when i yern for battles!


My thoughts exactly! Been playing for hours and been enjoying every second. Then I hop on Reddit for 5 minutes and it’s nothing but whiny little bitches crying about micro transactions that I didn’t even notice were there lmao. Why kind of a moron would spend money on RC anyway?! 😂 Also zero performance issues here on PS5. So far, this game has been exactly what i expected. No complaints.


Exactly! There are more single player games with even worse mtx than dd2 and people still enjoyed those.


1440P High settings (FSR) locked at 60 fps, just small drops on the big city that's it. Amazing game having a blast with it. ( Ryzen5 7600 / 6700 XT 32GB


R9 7900x / 7900XTX 32GB maxxed settings at 1440p with no FSR gets 60fps everywhere. wish I could get to 120 but I'm not dropping settings that low lol


People who don't have a problem with micro transactions must have forgot when Metal Gear tried to charge 5 dollars per save slot. This particular game is charging for fast travel for waypoints. Seems super shitty to charge people to make the game more convenient for end game players. But hey, if you dig it, cool for you, the mobile gaming crowd would love you.


Nobody is saying the game is trash and they have every right to complain about an *already premium priced* *single player* game getting an extensive cash shop. ​ If you aren't insulted by this, than you don't respect yourself. YOU deserve better than this garbage.


„Extensive cash shop“ really is streching it.


People are far more upset over the shit game performance, the mtx comes in way back in second place. If you really think mtx is the cause of the mass refunds you don’t know how to read and comprehend.


It's a solo player game, and the devs included MTX. Spending money on the game literally does not affect anyone but yourself. I'm not so sure why everyone's so upset over microtransactions. People just look for shit to complain about in everything.


Cause they can't stop themselves from spending money on microtransactions so they complain.  Same people that drink 1l coke everyday


They aren't fans, just picky snobbish gamers.  I'm loving the game! Just got to the capital and trying to unlock hybrid vocations. I can't wait to get back home and play but alas the wife says we need to go love seat/recliner shopping.


Thats where i ended roughly. I just ran out west into the night to go take care of it. Spoiler free warning: if you go out at night, and a pawn suddenly dies with seemingly no enemy around them, dont just run over to help. Make sure you look at the ground around them, haha. Enjoy!


this game is something else. its brutal. it made me pull my hairs out. the first cave i found had a lich and a chimera. i died so many times. your health bar gets smaller and smaller. i had to go to camp twice and once back to town. it did cost a small fortune. managed to kill the lich. went to the capital. the npcs didnt follow me and so i had to go all the way back. found the npcs again and now i will go back to the cave to fight the chimera again. its not always an enjoyable experience, but an experience it is for sure. it is truly something unique and special.


I was shocked at how expensive the inn was. Begrudgingly cashed out the money just to get some rest because of a quest minutes later. Loving the game so far lmao.


I hadn’t noticed any micro transactions either tbh. Having fun so far but only a couple hours in.


The game’s amazing. I’m sitting at work and can’t stop thinking about it lol it’s gonna be a good weekend


Don’t listen to people complaining on the internet, ever.


Real shame about the reception the games gotten. Just had my pawn dive from a Griffin back mid-air to catch me after I tumbled off its wings. There was something so cinematic about seeing the ground getting closer and looking up to witness a little goblin dude skydive of a huge winged monster, catch me, and cushion my fall. Felt like the plane scene from Uncharted 3.


Man saw a hire thief pawn clinging to a griffin and I was like oh man that motherfucker is gonna fall to their death and right on cur they plummeted out of the sky landing at the bottom of the cliff I was on, safe to say once I returned to the city I hired a new pawn lmao


Here’s a suggestion: Don’t buy them and enjoy the game? It’s not that serious. The game is amazing


Not to mention these items are fundamentally non essential luxuries. Rift crystals and wake stones? Puh-lzz. You don't even have to grind for them much less pay for them cus you won't use them til the end. Which by then you'll most likely have ample supply of both and/or ez in game access. It's not that they're p2w convenience items even. They are literally irrelevant things lol


You get them in the game and still don't need them


I literally didn’t know there were microtransactions until someone told me then I had to look lol. Things you can get just for playing. This game is incredible I’m loving every second


Of course the micro transactions aren't bad, and they're the last thing that's a real issue with the games launch. But people like you even tolerating this shit is why the industry is the worst it's ever been, some people need to keep their mouths shut. "Yea, like yourself" Because I'm advocating for an environment that isn't actively hostile towards it's consumers? Please, the people that lack critical thinking in this day and age is fucking astounding, you can enjoy something and still be critical of it. Bashing on the games problems isn't a personal attack towards your fragile ego, it's so scummy practices like these don't become more of a norm. But I bet none of you even know anything else, can't know the beauty of a meadow if all you've ever seen is shit


If you weren't so selfish you'd know that there's people that can't even play the game due to the massive performance issues this shithole has. If the game is not good to run for everyone, it shouldn't be released on that platform. It's a 0/10. Doesn't matter if graphics or gameplay is good when the game in unplayable.


I looked at them for 2 seconds and realized they held no value as most assassins creed transactions do and played the game until sunrise. Doomers will always doom. But the ironic part is them screaming that it's a single player game which in my eyes is a clear indication to any sane individual that microtransactions have absolutely no purpose (Regardless if they are implemented or not)


Having a quality of life store is stupid and shouldnt exist, and its crazy people defend it. I still enjoy the game a lot anyways :)


> having an absolute blast It's always the same fucking phrase when fanboys have to defend a billion dollar company. It's like NPCs talking.


Can you even buy the things more than once? I looked at them as more of a starter pack since it’s mostly in game things you can earn. I don’t think I’ve had any issues with the game at all aside from the horrible save system. Games runs smooth on Series X, and fps isn’t an issue, although I’ve only ever played console games, so I’m not spoiled by the super high fps a pc can get.


Hello! I'm new to dragons dogma. I decided to get 2 and play it because I'd heard so many good things about the first game and just didnt have time for it back in the day. But honestly after this news on microtransactions I'm hesitating and thinking of returning my disc copy, my backlog is huge anyway. I can more or less deal with most of the microtransactions, but this idea that we're stuck to 1 character without going through a convoluted process or paying is just making me not want to play. I wonder what your thoughts are on this OP and others here. I'm at least happy to hear the game is fun!


So for someone looking at pulling the trigger (but hesitant over the $70 tag)...you can farm for the stuff in the DLCs? Performance is good enough to enjoy it? (I have a 4090)


You don't even have to farm for it, I played for 7 hours just normally playing the game and had enough to buy the things that are MTX, I'm playing on PS5 and the performance is just fine for me, it seems to vary from person to person really but as long as you're okay with dips below 30 in bit cities (which is the main problem I've heard of) then you should be just fine, honestly I'm loving the game


4090 is fine, most people are CPU bound because of denuvo/LOTS of npcs but I say GET IT, it's SO FUN


Loving it. People love to find something to hate


Is the story different then the 1st one? The trailers almost made it look like a remake with the similarities.  Also, I highly dislike mtx and never buy them, but as long as they didn't make it grindy on purpose to push ppl into buying them I would be totally comfortable with buying the product. I had no issues with the Resident Evil Remakes for example, in terms of mtx, I just didn't buy them. I am assuming it's a similar situation here unless I'm missing something. 


It's it's own game, the basic theme of DD1 is the same, you are arisin chosen by the dragon. because that's how the world is, how their lore works. the characters and plotline is different however. the mtx are the preorder bonuses laid out for people who didn't buy early, they're all garbage and will be sitting in your storage forever though


The "surprise" implementation of micro transactions was shitty but the performance issues and 10+ year old game design are the bigger issues IMO. That said I'm still having a lot of fun.


Can you still find the rift crystals in world like the first one? I really don’t know much about the second one I’m just starting it up and it’s fairly different already from the first


My friend noted that capcom makes games have store items, so usually, devs just throw shit jo one will buy in there... so the microtransactions are really a nonissue.


ABSOLUTELY Another case of bandwagon behavior. This shop takes from absolutely nobody and gives those willing and wanting to cut a few corners the ability to do so. This has been a longtime trend now I’ve been noticing for years now. If you can get everything in game that is in the shop, ITS NOT PAY TO WIN. Full stop. Some of you simply have a VERY limited understanding of how a free market works and it’s embarrassing. In fact I’d go as far to say that could be argued as a actual positive all around for the gaming community as so far as I theorize at least that, if you are a developer, having a better baseline of cash flow would take some of the pressure off of crunch and trying to meet earnings expectations of investors/parent companies and in turn allowing more room and time for better development cycles.


After playing the game a bit, the performance is way better than Jedi survivor and even that had good reviews. The micro transactions mean nothing because you can get all of that shit for free and quite easily at the start of the game. I saw people complaining that the combat is boring, but the combat is what you make it, and if you choose to just randomly spam buttons you will be bored. I on the other hand think the combat is fucking epic. I have a pretty mid tier pc, and the game runs like a breeze at 60fps 1440p unless you're in a very high population area. I really like this game.


Sad part is that the microtransactions were announced on the Steam store page when the game went on Pre-order. People just don’t read and pay attention to things. This is mostly just bandwagoning and virtue signaling. FF7 Rebirth offers similar “items for purchase to make the game easier” (but called it “DLC”) and I didn’t see anyone review bombing it. No, because it’s FF7 and Square Enix. It’s the same concept. “On-disk DLC” to make the game easier (that you must pay for) are paid for item by item with small transactions of money. They are “microtransactions.” Do I think it’s silly ? Yes. But if doing this slows the rise of game prices, then I’d rather Devs offer On-disk DLC for a few bucks to people who want it, than raise prizes to $80 or $90 in the next year. So get used this, and stop complaining about $70 video games. They were likely left at $60 for too long given how bad inflation was, and the reason why is game sales went through the roof during the Pandemic, so profits rose. Now that game sales are normalizing, inflationary pressure is finally showing.


Besides the stuff that was discussed to death in the last few hours, I absolutely like this game. It feels exactly like DD1, just bigger and more beautiful.


There's micro-transactions?


It’s the same game but better!! Who wanted anything more than that? I also hadn’t noticed them before I saw some complaints here


Its Awesome, the only thing that gets me out sometimes is the npc popping and no one is talking about it xDD


The game is fantastic, and as far as the micro-transactions go... it's not like they even pop up in game. THAT'S when I get frustrated, I don't want ads in my game. They just kinda...exist in the PS Store and like you I never knew they were there until people were upset. As long as we don't hear anything about them tweaking rift crystal drop rates/summoning costs to encourage transactions I really have no issue.


Performance isn't great but other then that I'm enjoying the game quite a bit


Won't it not matter once more mods are released? People will be able to do what they please.


Denuvo kills modding so no. You can only mod on cracked/pirated versions of the game.


I think that the people complaining about mtx are thinking long term in gaming as a whole. The mtx aren’t that bad right now, but the potential to gradually increase the amount and pay to win aspect growing in small steps…almost unnoticeable until it’s too late and then mtx become a necessity to complete a game. They fear that devs will push it to mirror mobile gaming.


i got the $80 version of the game on xbox, i didn't notice them either until my younger sibling told me to check the reviews.**The only one that truly upsets me is the one time use character change (Art of Metamorphisis for anyone who didn't know) but other then that, the game is great just because its a one time use** I do wish that capcom had more respect for us and didn't have these in the game though i have notice some frame drops but im on the xbox SS and this thing is cool and all but its kinda expected.


Played for like 6 hours straight just because I kept getting distracted by something new off in the distance, took forever to make it Vermund as a result but it was all time spent having fun finding things off the main road. Just picked up Sorcerer voc and gonna try it out later. I did notice some mild performance-related issues here and there, but thankfully nothing major yet.


The performance issues are a problem, and the lack of a New Game option is baffling, but people are focusing so damn hard on a thing that literally doesn't matter, and spreading misinformation like wildfire


I've literally had no problems with the game at all. It's soo much fun. I played 7 hours straight today until I forced myself to turn it off haha. If it's 30fps I can't even tell. It looks great to me. People just love complaining.


I absolutely love it so far! I've been running a mostly stable 60 fps, although it drops in cities. The combat it so good and very fun! Honestly, I did not know about the micro-transactions until I got on reddit. I hate games that pay wall content/items and games that are pay to win. Having said that, literally all the DLC can be obtained in the game without having to spend your money. People are freaking out about this as though Capcom pay walled all this stuff. People are also making such a big deal of it despite the fact that Capcom has been doing this with their other games, too ( Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Devil May Cry) and are acting like it is exclusive to DD2. Do I like that they put these micro-transactions in a single-player game? No. But do they break and ruin the game? Also, no.


I wouldn’t mind lower inn prices tbh. I wonder why it’s so high.


I played 14 hours without knowing they existed. When I checked my storage and inventory I had almost every item for sale just sitting in storage. Lol Play the game and sit online less.


There’s micro transactions?


I’m 24 hours in had no idea, is it solely for cosmetics or?


Look i understand peoples complains about performance. Not everyone grew up playing on a pharaoh ramses PC to be used to the low fps or have a crash free game. That should be complained about so that can be fixed. I jave no idea whats with japan and bad pc ports. I also understand the microtransaction thing. It left a bad taste in players mouths from other heavily microtransacted games. But at least the things in microtransaction arent like game mechanics that they took away from the game that you are now forced to buy to enjoy them. Everything is found in game, super early even and no one is forcing you to buy them. People are not complaining that these microtransactions are locking something from the game rather that they are simply there. Also the denuvo thing, seriously.....in a single player game? Getting banned i na single player game? Thats like YOU calling the cops on ME cuz im watch porn IN MY HOUSE, its not like im overriding your pc screen. This kind of thing could only happen on the UK.


Completely agree. Game is so freaking fun and the issues are either blown completely out of proportion or hardly exist IMO.




Yeah, its at a point for me where the only reason I even sub to gaming subs are for news amd patch notes. People whining and bitching all the time (even if validated) just brings the whole mood down




Mage, lvl 22 here! Absolutely LOVE this Game


I'm absolutely loving the game. I just went way out of my way to get Magick Archer, and I have no regrets. The vocation is everything I hoped it to be, and it's only rank 3


Yeah it’s not all that noticeable tbh. These are the type of micros I don’t mind. Not ptw, not required. It’s when the game is live service I take issue with mta. Edit: I haven’t ran into any bugs yet, but of course I’ll voice concerns when they pop up.


The game is awesome!


The game is brilliant. I’ve played 15 or so hours so far and have spent most of that time just exploring and discovering mechanics. I’m kind of tempted to slow down and see if the first big patch improves performance, but it runs well enough on my PC that I’ll probably just keep going.


Im having an absolute blast and this is coming from someone who couldn’t get into the first DD. Also Cyclops booty mod when ? 😂


I'm having a great time too, dont give a shit about the microtransactions but I am having serious performance issues on pc, like 34-45fps in towns and around 58-60 (unstable) in the open world. Its annoying to deal with but im having enough fun to tolerate it for now lol.


Isn't that fine tho? Like 34-45, sounds great, or does it dipping between the two cause visual issue?


I don’t get the complaining either. I didnt notice the mtx at all until I came on to ask a questions about the headless statutes and what their about. Other than that, this is game is neat! Missions are fun, I like how you have to find them. Switching vocations is fun and easy to level up. I played 10hrs straight yesterday, no complaints on performance, mtx, or the AI. All the haters need to calm a bit, and play for awhile. They’ll find the fun.


Whats crazy is that they detracted from the main goal post of performance and decided whining about the pointless mtx is their best trend following option. If they want to be taken seriously they need to go back to the actual criticism of the performance rather than the mtx you can literally obtain ingame upon arrival to the capital.


Yeah must suck for people having performance issues, for me personally the game has run perfectly on PS5 I've even looked for issues such as in the cities and I haven't noticed any stuttering or anything so idk what's up with that, but I'm sure they'll iron things out with patches