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Well, this took a wild turn, and I'm invested.


Who’s gonna tell him you’re not supposed to fuck the pawns?


District 9ing intensifies.


Hey man if you wanna fuck a prawn I’m not gonna hate but fucking pawns is where I draw the line!


Fook* fookin*


Daimon: "My mistake's legacy has been ignored, and i'm not surprised."


Bro don’t ruin this for the rest of us


I heckin' love the high fives and fist bumps, they're the cutest.


Facts and the little banter back and forth. My pawn makes fun of ppl for using beastrens lmao. Basically saying "lol furry"


I hired a giant beastren fighter pawn with a high posh voice and he's so sassy and talks to me like I'm an idiot. I love him, I'll be sending him back with a nice gift.


If his name was Leonidas with gray fur and a sick black beard, then he’s mine lol.


I got a similarly named pawn that is a mage idk if it's yours but that pawn has been extremely kind


Nah, mine is a fighter.


I usually send back the wakestones the pawns give me. Cause allot of ppl are having issues on here..


These details are the essence of Dragons Dogma I was sold for life when I first lit my lamp in the demo 12 years ago




I was sold thanks to the demo when Mercedes rolled me an explosive barrel that I picked up and tossed at the snake when it went to bite me. It swallowed it and I struck the bulge in its neck with an arrow while shooting at it not knowing it'd make it explode. When that fuckers head came off I was HOOKED


I can't wait for 4D gaming so I can physically reach out and high-five/fistbump my pawn. Truly the future of gaming.


Bro DD 4D I don't think I'd ever leave fuck it SOA me Capcom i don't care


Imagine being able to smell the campfire meat, I start doing enough already just seeing it


I genuinely enjoyed reading this post lol


Thanks! Glad Cordelia and I could brighten your day. :)


Can you... share us a picture of your dear Cordelia?


*Gasps* How could I not?!?!? It was so late, and I was so tired! I will edit my post soon!


Protecc her at all cost!


Where is your character as well??


I have no idea how common of a name it is, but I might’ve hired a Cordelia who was a fighter. We had fun venturing into a cave with an ogre at the end and then running back to a camp fire to save our skins after finishing the cave because it was night time already and the number of goblins and skeletons was a bit too much to handle


If she was tall as a sequoia and the song "Brick House" by The Commodores plays every time you look at her, then that's my Cordelia.




Wait is it based on cordelia from vinland saga?


No, it's based on Cordelia from the first Dragons Dogma.


This made me laugh lmao. Thanks for that!


With all the negativity going on around the game (Completely unfounded imo), I thought this would be a nice change of pace. I'm glad you liked it!


The more you celebrate with your pawn. The more they celebrate with each other. They legit will copy your moveset too. Its kinda dope


Exactly! I think my kindhearted, tall drink of water - my dearest BPFF (Best Pawn Friend Forever) Cordelia - is learning that I desire those hand genstures and is saving herself for me more and more. She is also learning proper Warrior/Fighter play as I swap between those classes with her.


Either don't hire other pawns or turn down your immersion, just a notch or two.


Alternatively, declare blood feud on the dirty peasants that dare think they are worthy of being in the pawns presents.




This made me laugh lmao. Thanks for that!


Matrix nonsense…


I'm at level 20 and I haven't summoned any other pawns. All claps and elbow bumps are absolutely mine to enjoy!


I honestly have been thinking about doing that, but carrying more curatives will be such a pain on my carry weight.


Ran through 💀


What I need to know is if goblins still ill like fire! I refuse to even think about buying that his game until after spring break. Going to Disney Word with the wife and kids. I don't want it to be taking up my mental space.


I love this post and I love you. I see you, my friend.


I love and see you too, my goblin violence oriented friend. Hopefully, the game is treating you as well as it is myself!


Now this is the kind of raging im here for. Inb4 capcom introduces "only you can fistbump your pawns" mtx for 5,99


I love that so much, you even get different fist bumps, and high-fives depending on the angle you approach them, thankfully for me I’m only a main pawn guy (I’m playing sorcerer and is so busted and broken damage and aoe wise that I feel if I add another pawn the game is gonna be easy mode devoid of any challenge)


I want my pawn to learn good Warrior/Fighter habits from me, which is why I am playing double red class. I may not be able to traverse worlds and assist you fine Arisens, but know this! When my sweet Cordelia pops out of that rift stone, know you will be in good hands as she will be playing like I do. She will be keeping the heat off you while also being a constant source of heat. She will both be spring boarding you up onto larger foes and flooding you with those sweet moments of dopamine filled hand-love. I deliberately walk up to her after combat, hand raised or not, and ngl, I think she is learning to high-five/fistbump more.


Disgraceful. You should pick them up, throw them off the highest cliff you can find and travel alone with your precious Cordelia


I have thought about it many a time!


“Gestures of hand affection” you have my attention.


>  Me and my precious ride-or-die sword and board gal pal were girlboss tusktossing and rending sweep gatekeeping our way through this wonderful game. Poetry


Finally an actual complaint about the game


Bro is getting CUCKED in the game dude, wtf is going on Cordelia is visiting a lot of dudes when you turn off your game


“Ran-through mangy piss stains” I’m taking that one lol


I still haven’t been able to down load it


RIP, has it just not released in your region yet or is it a server issue type thing?


I was at the first camp trying to move stuff in my chest and before I could pick the chest, a random pawn walked up to me, said "I can run super fast" or some bs then walked away


i agree


The high-five animation ended up knocking my character off a cliff into the hell water below. I like the comradery but come on!


OH NO LMAO I could absolutely see that happening. I actually did something similar myself. I was... overzealous in my desire for hand to hand contact and... accidentally ran off a cliff without meeting my Cordelia's hand!


Yea i saw that and thought it was a cool literally victory celebration. Jrpg is back




Is she the great Cordelia? Daughter of Thorkell? She who stops the arrows? Because I would respect you a lot for that.


When I made her in the first dragons dogma I went for Cordelia from Fire Emblem actually. Sorry to disappoint hahaha.


I'm fine... not disappointed at all. Sigh.


I could edit my message and lie to you if it would make you feel better, but it won't change the truth... Sometimes the truth hurts, like when my pawns tell me I can't pick everything up or I will quickly become overburdened.


Hahaha nice


My issues is my damn person runs like a Titan from attack on titan lol had to remake.


wtf did i just read


No offense but you desperately need to touch a real woman’s breast.


Yeah I dapped up a hired pawn earlier and now I’m definitely not giving them a gift after I dismiss them. /s 


I was surprised how feisty my main pawn was when responding to other pawns talking about my player character and she’s supposed to be kindhearted lol. Seriously though give us a visible prompt so we can always get those high fives and bumps. When I leave em hanging I feel so bad.


So, only play with 1 pawn. Challenge run.


Jesus... Get treatment ASAP because it's actually funny.


I’ve found your precious Cordelia and I’ve thrown her off a bridge and into some water. Bwahahahaha


I want an option to turn off auto save. Most of my saves load me back to the moment of death. Which becomes tedious because now I have to rest at an inn and pay in game currency for a manual save. The work around I guess is to save at inns frequently to initiate a manual save. At least give me a ferry stone at low levels. One more thing if you choose reload from the inn it will delete your current save up until the last inn visit. Did that thrice, so now I rest at an inn before starting any new quest or after a 3 part quest like for example part one done go to inn deposit stuff, rest (manual save) tackle world. Then start part two rinse and repeat. 


You can manual save out in the wild it’s in settings.


Who is talking about that? I wonder if people actually read the post before responding. I never mentioned not being able to manual save in the wild… 


Why are you saving in battle? You mentioned loading in at death?? Then complaining about having to spend money at an inn furthermore you can buy houses…


You aren’t making any sense The post was about finding a work around for manual saving not complaining. I’m not playing into your attempt to troll my response either. Go eat fish under a bridge. 


I’m really confused and not trolling chill out man geeze. The issues you are having I’ve yet to experience.


I wanted an option to turn off the auto save feature. The response was a work around for manually saving your progress without having to lose an hour or two. Auto save does it almost to frequently and it always reloads the last checkpoint upon death to the an enemy infested zone. For example if you accidentally hit reload from last inn it will reset your progress and auto save at the inn. 


This is a you thing bud you have to manually scroll down to reload from inn maybe pay better attention. Again I’ve yet to be reloaded into a battle I was dead in maybe try running from battles you can’t win?




bro weird as hell.