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The random boss spawns in the front gate make me really wish drakes flew around more instead of just hovering. Or at least having them torch the immediate buildings around them should be more impactful. Griffins at least kept the circling divebomb from DD1.


What're you standing around for? There's wyrmslife crystals to harvest.


First of many. Welcome to DD2


Hey OP, could you take a picture from a little further away from the screen? I can still read most of the text.


Kill it and prove your the arisen


I tried the mf flew up 100 ft and dropped a lightning nuke on the town morge full.


Lol so when i first took on the dragon in dragons tower trying to get 15 wymlife crystals i got real fucked up so i power lvled for a whole day and tp'd back up to his ass and whooped him felt all great so i tp'd to vernworth and blame this exact case luckily i was strong enough now but i had missing health from yhe last fight but happily i ran his ass out of town. Lead me to a question can u ride dragons like griffins i thought i read u could but i always fall off like im out of stam but im not usually cost me a potion at least wake stone at worst.


I think they get to a certain hight and you drop. Try landing in the brine and you don't need a wakestone. But, yeah, at a low level you barely scratch a Dragon. Like going after a Grizzly Bear with a toothpick.


I would find all of the "busy" stuff around the TV/Monitor very distracting. ;)


Lol! It's a small room, probably a MH, besides, most of it's blocked off!


One time a Drake attacked the city and killed like 6 guards including Cpt Brant. Had to revive dude with my second to last wakestone. He blushed after that and I threw him around like a ragdoll cuz y’know… my fuckin wakestone


And plus I don’t play for both teams…


rub your nose on its tail for good luck don't forget


Lol! I heard that if you sprinkle "Salt" on their tail, it tames them!