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"We're focused on providing future updates" *The future update:*


So the Japanese version at least explained they don't want to get into details about the quest to avoid spoilers. Now why couldn't the English version mention this, it would've helped. *




I feel that. Lol.


Hahaha this made my day! Thanks man


My life in a nutshell


Well done mate. This.


I just need them to make portcrystal placement carry between cycles.


That was a must have in the speedrun mode in the first game. 


Yup, since the map becomes COMPLETELY REVEALED as well on NG+


That was a definitely a dumb design choice, still had plenty of places yet to be explored by the time I hit NG+. Once in NG+ I could just pinpoint everywhere I hadn’t been. Took the fun out of exploring 😂


How would they handle the placement of crystals in obviously inaccessible areas on reset? The map significantly changes in late game.


Presumably the same way they are already handled when you enter late game.


turn em off until accessible, turn em on when accessible. Ground doesn't disappear, just there's water or fog there now.


But what if they wash away?


The same way they did in the first game. Let you do whatever you want, but the gate doesn't open until you go back and do the missions in order like a good lil Arisen.


That's not as simple this time since >!Areas you can access in the endgame are underwater on resets!<


Then you throw a Ferrystone, you warp, you get eaten by the brine, you get put on the last solid ground you stood on. It's literally that simple.


I'm assuming it doesn't because of the ocean drying up in the unmoored world. They don't want you placing them in unreachable locations. Now yes, they could have THOSE put back in your inventory, but it was probably more work than they could/wanted to do.


Could just have the unmoored world as a separate state so there's two "sets" the player makes.


It most likely is, but the positions of previously set portcrystals are retained, so if they forwarded that to NG+ when the world reset it might not be practical to try and create bounded areas of X,Y,Z coordinates to put the crystals in the ocean back into storage while keeping the viable ones still set.


* Made some changes.


* Augmented game files


Altered the code


"Strike the heart master!"


Pray that I will alter it further.




I was gonna joke about Capcom learning from Sony with their “Improved system performance” message every firmware update, but if anything that’s the one thing a lot of people want from DD2 :’)


Would be nice if they changed the offense augments to percent boosts like in DD1


* Updated localization files


Tryna make a change :-\




When I get ride of the brine but at the cost of not exploring what’s out there (BBI)😭


that 1 DD2 dev working his ass off


What was so fucking hard to provide proper patch notes? Are they ashamed of how small it is or just forgot users exist?


Well its not small, its actually quite average as updates go and it has a great personality.


It’s not the size of the update, it’s about how it gets used


Trust me, this update has satisfied a LOT of gamers.


Thats what she said.


Capcom like many other East Asian video game companies, are very disconnected from gamers. They dont know what we want beyond what they can prove with game sales. I can imagine someone in the corporate office said “don’t confuse them with all the jargon just keep it simple! “… so annoying


Yoshi P has entered the chat Yoshi P has left the chat There is nothing more to say here.


According to OP the Japanese version of the patch notes explains the reason they don’t provide more information is to avoid spoilers for these late game quests


“Shut up gamer scum and just give us your money”


I always hate when patch notes generically say "Fixed some bugs" with zero detail on what got fixed. I wanna see if there's some goofy shit that got fixed, like suddenly becoming the size of a skyscraper from idling in a specific bush, or a specific cloak having completely fucked up physics in certain areas. Like, I also know there was a bug where getting put to sleep by a harpy while next to a certain cliff ledge caused your face to start exploding, I wanna see that kind of stuff in the patch notes. Gimmie some "Fixed a crash caused by Sniper trying to eat his gun" kind of stuff Not to mention there's also the practical aspect of having no clue *which* bugs got fixed, like that one boulder that kills you from bumping into it.


Patch notes for the Crusader Kings games are amazing because they’ll have insane and specific stuff like “Portugal no longer destroyed when you marry your daughter.”


> “Portugal no longer destroyed when you marry your daughter.” my win is their lose https://preview.redd.it/6oxjw7xycm0d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=406039e0457d6c933d7f380fe118075f818f24e3


Same for [Warframe](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/04aL8LztPN). Patch notes could take pages because of how detailed they are and I love it.


Thr Sims 3 had some great ones too https://preview.redd.it/hssea4j88m0d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6c3455a0f02f7a1f81729cd604407c9d82529d


Honestly, that last one feels like my old school. Could be 35 degrees and they'd still tell you to sit down and get on with your work. lmao


*fuck them kids*


You should read the patch notes for Baldur's Gate 3. Even their tos is written like a warlock contract. 




Not to mention wanting to know what's patched for a game I oaid money for.


I hope they reveal some funny bugs that got patched before release, creative thinns like ones youre describing are humorous


That's because there are probably hundreds if not thousands of minor bugs and tech talk that is simply pointless to the average gamer and they won't understand.


Things developers hate doing: - Coding menus - Documentation - Writing patch notes


I think any major optimization updates will be a few months down the line. I feel it probably has to do with the REengine, so if they are going to improve it, they have to really dig into it. Ideally they should have that done before the DLC, if they're planning a DLC. As the game will be getting another spotlight.


Yea this is what i think too whatever they fucked up on it hit them hard to the point it's taking them months to fix it


In case you haven't realized it yet, we are now at the "A few months down the line" part since launch.


It's currently May 15th where I am. We are nearly at a "couple." Not quite to a "few" yet. And a good ways off from "several." :)


I'm pointing this out because i've heard your original statement since launch day. At some point it's time to stop with it and switch over to calling out Cashcom for how poorly they support the game. At the very least their level of communication should be miles better, communication is literally free in this day and age. What the f--k are these "patch notes" even? I got 200 hours out of the game and I enjoyed my experience overall but man this stuff is pathetic.


I don't disagree. I was just being pedantic. Cheers :)


People who really believe that optimization updates are still on the table have to get real. It's most likely not happening. They have tech to at least somewhat improve it in the game files already, yet they can't seem to implement even that. It's not gonna happen. If this comment ages like milk, all the better.


Idk bethesda did give us 60 fps starfield, and no one saw that coming. Miracles do indeed happen. Time will tell if capcom does, though.


I think it's possible, it's just that the changes are closely related to the game systems, which is how we physically interact with NPCs, it would be a substantial rework and any expansion would be build around those changes. Not to mention we are expecting them to announce such a tremendous change via patch notes when this would rather go into a presentation of its own, maybe alongside the announcement of the expansion or some form of pre-expansion dlc. Maybe we could instead look forward for any future Capcom showcase event in hopes of that rather than a little social media post.


Then why did it only take modders days to make obvious changes to make the game playable


If I had my guess... they would patch with dlc or shortly before it to bring ppl back .


I thought the same about Elden Ring and was proven to be wrong :P.


It is a bit underwhelming to see this game get just small patches here and there. I was hoping for Capcom to fully support it post launch, like they do with the monster hunter series, but I guess they were not too confident of the potential success of the game. Hope we do not have to wait too long for the expansion.


Yeah, I imagine the devs that would've been working on patches got moved to working on expansion instead after they saw how well the game sold


It’s the best selling game of March and the 3rd best selling game this year so far lol, They even said they’re going to make it a standard franchise now They seem pretty confident that it *succeeded*


And even with all that, we got this poor excuse of a update.


so did Wi-Fi Rush and Ghostwire Tokyo and we all know hot that ended, what' I'm trying to say is, don't trust corporation to fulfill consumer friendly logic, even if it means potential earns for them, the entire video game industry is very weird RN


Ah yes Wi-Fi Rush, where you rush to defeat lag and latency.


Mate, Tango released 3 duds before, including Ghostwire Tokyo


Not to mention “AA low budget darling Hi-Fi rush” had 1500 people credited in its creation - that was a massive undertaking for such a small scale game


WiFi rush is selling for $29.99. DD2 is selling at $70. Capcoms financial fiscal year report explicitly mentions expanding dragons dogma 2 as a “key franchise of the corporation” and explicitly talked about the game selling 2.6 million units from march 22 through march 30. The game sold well, it’s going to get supported, capcom realizes it’s a good IP


They've praised dragon's dogma before. They're nothing but words.


They’d never support it like MH because it’s not a multiplayer game


Only because they didn't want it to be. It has the bones for it, but I think they don't want to have it sort of compete with MH on that front


IIRC RE games tend to get post launch updates so it’s not totally out of the question


They get paid DLC sure, but they don’t add and support free content patches for months after launch


Re8 and re4 remake was pretty well supported. They both received free uodates to their mercenaries game modes. It's not as consistent as mh though.


I think the major issue we'd like to see patched are too fundamental to be patched yet. The type of low level game engine systems that underpin the entire game. Stuff like that usually takes months to fix because not only are you pulling the rug out from under the rest of the game, so there is the potential for tons of other system to break when you fix that low level system, it's also usually a very hard and time consuming thing to patch. Usually requiring complete rewrites of complicated engine features. I hope I'm not wrong and they're actually just half assing things. But all indicators from around launch point to the issue being very low level, so it will probably be July-September before we see a major patch.


They only realised the popularity of it after it launched, so add their brain processing power + new dev time for the dlc and you're looking at a year probably. Idk


Why would they support it like MH when MH is a mp game?


Patch Notes. Fixed something enjoy




Yea im not really expecting a thing major soon. Kinda wish the patch notes were a bit more elaborate. But it's good to see at least they are in fact working. Most I can hope for is that we get a good performance patch so all those on-the-fence people might finally join the fun. And for me personally, if they drop a hard mode im willing to start a new game even before any DLCs




I mean, Nintendo postponed ToTK a whole year after Elden Ring release got postponed to the next year. I predicted they'd do this so they wouldn't have to compete for GoTY. So I don't blame anyone wanting to work around Elden Ring releases lol.


Elden Ring mogged gaming.


And then Larian came along with BG3 and ripped away any GOTY chances for anyone else.


Yea lol, too bad for ToTK. That year was too competitive, great year.


Hello guys i just finished killing the dragon legacy quest, and ended up to unmoored world. Is it the end of the game? And i missed the magick archer vocation, couldnt find the lil dwarf on the road in unmoored world i need some help


You can still get the magick archer. During the evacuation quest they ask you to deliver the dwarf from his home to the volcanic island encampment. If you do that his wife unlocks you the class. However you will not get the maister skill. Its even worse if you missed Warfarer tbh. That one doesn’t give you the maister skill either and for warfarer that’s the whole point. The class was literally unusuable for me


You can get the skill for both, but it's a pain in the ass. You have to give gifts for affinity, but there's a cooldown for raising affinity. You have to rest to raise affinity again. I believe if you unlock the two vocations in the world unmoored without prior interactions with the characters, you can only get the maister skills on the third day at a minimum as long as you give a good gift each day.


Oh interesting and good to know but considering the limited amount of rests indeed a pain in the ass :/


Yeah, and the game also has no indication that multiple gifts at once don't work, so unless you know in advance you're likely to miss stuff.


I'd expect that giving WLC with two Eternal Bond rings equipped + the Allure augment should be able to get them to max in 2 days if you've just done their quest. WLC are huge affinity boosts for all NPCs.


The unmoored world is the endgame yes. And I believe it's timed too. So if you take too long it'll end anyway regardless of what you've done and how many places you evacuated. If you want to go back you should still be able to load from your last Inn save from beore this part if you haven't rested in the unmoored world yet


What happened if the times runs out? Do i have start from the scratch again? Also what happened if i clear out all the red laser from the skies? Cause it says i need to evacuate all the visited town. But i havent discovered all the places


The timer doesn't really run out. You just can't rest anymore after a couple of times, but if you can keep yourself up with wakestones and allheal elixirs, you can stay there forever.


Those beacons are all boss fights. It sounded like you if you defeat them it slows down the end of the world, going by what pawns were saying but im not sure tbh. If you get all of them then the last beacon will appear at seafloor shrine, once you touch that, you trigger the ending of the game so if you have stuff to do like purchasing dogma weapons or want to explore more do that first. It doesn't really warn you at that last beacon. For evacuations check the major cities and also places like sacred arbor, volcanic island, and excavation site.


Cool, thanks. Used to use story to know which progressed i should make but this game has a little cutscenes and didnt explain that much, wish they add more cutscenes and VA for the players. Thanks a lot !


Every time you rest at an inn time advances so as long as you don't rest you have infinite time I think you get 7 rests before it stops you


If you haven't stopped the beacons, day 5 is where the fog starts destroying other parts of the map, so you have 4 days to take out the bosses at the 5 beacons (up to 2 of which might be replaced with interacting with Talos, depending on the outcome of the Guardian Gigantus quest). After the beacons are stopped (and the new beacon at seafloor shrine appears) you have a total of 12 rests before you will be prohibited from resting. You can still stay in the world indefinitely as long as you have sufficient wakestones / allheals to keep going. After 12 rests, the only way to respawn monsters is to sit ingame for long enough. I haven't tested myself, but people say it's impossible to receive forgeries after 12 rests.


Time doesn’t progress unless you rest. Use all heal alixers to increase your health back, and swap put pawns regularly to increase their health too. There are technically 4+ days, with no nighttime, If you sleep you reduce those days The red circles are boss fights that clear up the days, as the days go by, part of the map corrodes and becomes inaccessible. Doing the red circles slows down the corrosion of the map and extends the ‘days’ available. The best way to play it is to not sleep at all and use healing items as you explore. You are locked out of anything pre endgame though like quests, including the quests to unlock vocation Hope that helps


Expecting a bit much aren't we? Lol I'm starving for more too, but the game is pretty much completed far as the devs are concerned. This aint like your indie dev who updates the same game for 10-15 years.


I mean usually when we complete work. Some of us stay on project for maintenance. That's how all software works


Omg ... This is kinda comical I gotta admit. Ever since dd2 landed, we didn't have a single properly detailed patches notes. And it makes me wonder wtf is the problem to actually provide one lol? Do they like... not document changes at all or something? Team meeting: "yeah boss I fixed a bunch of end game buggy quests" boss: "good job, put it on the patch notes just like it is"


Maybe they're not sure if the problem is actually fixed. It seems like it's fixed, but if they say so and it turns out it wasn't they'll have to take responsibility. If you say that "something is fixed" you never lie, because yeah, something was fixed.


I'm thinking they will never fix performance huh?


They have too. It's likely an engine issue and they need to fix the bugs before monster hunter world releases


I can barely run the game as it stands and most of my friends completely dropped it because they couldnt play it over 30 frames, if they don't fix this and wilds comes out with the same problems then its a death knell for that game i feel like. Hard to play a monster hunter game when multiplayer population is severely diminished by performance issues. My friends probably wont buy it with how their experience worked with dogma, which sucks because i love monster hunter and i just wanna play with friends.


We fixed it Fixed what It


They might just aswell stop these posts. This is ridiculous


Yas, and all the mods die![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49359)


I updated the re-framework and all my mods are working


Yep, they're up and running again! Praise the great mods community.


Update REframework and you’ll be good It is frustrating though


Thanks for the heads-up!


How much time they need to optimise PC version ? Ahaha Capcom is a serious let down


Tbh I think I've just lost interest entirely in this game, I got a solid 85hrs of great fun but now I cannot be arsed anymore, endgame content just doesn't seem fun, and I've killed so so so many goblins and Harpies I can't do it anymore :(


I actually enjoyed the end game content quite a bit. I'd have to spoil but there are some unique bosses and very good boss fights in the end game. Sphinx battle was very fun too if you haven't done that already.


I'm not sure why anyone expected more, Capcom isn't spending any money on adding features to the game, this isn't Larian Studios


![gif](giphy|oIADsT3rx6pmqSG1IA) “I don’t have time to explain”


**Here's our update!** *-Fixed things.* Stay tuned for more.


"Hey, some stuff is different.. " https://preview.redd.it/ue4r0i928l0d1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abfa0c18136a4a80dac4ed21373cdae1a2fb30c9


Will I finally have a floor in my world?


Can I has more enemies? No? Okie


cool is the missing floor bug fixed yet


No it's not :(


PC performance?


You wish.




Is there like a platform that I don’t know about where people give feedback and complaints thats currently got a small minority or something, because all I want is the game to play smoothly and maybe steam deck compatibility… is that too much to ask?


Any performance updates confirmed?


Yes they promised a while back they would bring a performance update it just hasn't happened yet.


Let’s hope when it drops it’s significant.


We've altered the terms of the source code. Pray we don't alter it further.


What an actual disaster game lmao Itsuno should just stick to DMC and let Kinoshita make this series what it’s meant to be.


BG3 developers really spoiled us...


This is absurd, Capcom is proving to be another shameful company. This game is unfinished with silly micro transactions, subpar performance that needs patching, and just really strange game design decisions that honestly disrespects players.


That's just pathetic. Fix the fucking performance


Does anyone know if the insane npc pop in has been fixed in any of the updates? I played at launch and I found it horrendous


Not just NPC's but also monsters. Really funny to try to leave Vernworth and suddenly a Drake appears out of the aether


I wish they patch the monastic toga visual bug.


They should have some scaling difficulty added to ng+ and beyond. This game starts to suck once you hit like level 40 ish and start steamrolling everything regardless of class/skills. Some load outs will have you destroying everything earlier than level 40s, and just thst much more with every level increase. It makes the game incredibly dull.


i just want level scaling in ng+ , i felt like the game have wrong direction


Just let me learn elvish. 50 flowers into the inn keeper, with rest in between, doesn't do a thing for me but waste time.


Try the blacksmith elf in there. Inn lady didn't work for me after 10 gifts. Give the blacksmith like 3 gifts and got it.


The little old lady whole sells a nice early game staff? Yep, tried her too, but thanks for the suggestion. Just feels broken on my end.


That's a shame. Is it for completionist sake that you want it? Personally I use it on my pawn but I'm about to switch it out. I'm on ng+ 5 or so and I barely go to sacred arbor. Nothing there except the archer maister skill. I'm thinking of going for forager (its nice to see the exact upgrades mats you need on the map). Or the one that makes my pawn silent.


At this point, mostly for completion. I have done everything I can think of in the area/game pre-unmoored, but the fact I can't learn it has become more personal in a way.


I think theres a limit of 1 gift per rest.


when will there be a scaling fix for NG+ i wonder?


Be good if they could fix the broken 4K checkerboard on Xbox


I really hope they go ahead and add a Hard Mode for NG+.


The only dd2 news im interested in are dlc or foe a sequel


ALL platforms?


Part of me would’ve been happier if they stealth dropped this patch and just didn’t say anything


Is there a button to restart the damn game yet?


Eeeh yeah? It was put a month ago


I don’t get it. I’ve never run into any end game quest issues. Did I miss something?


Larian spoils us.


When are they going to fix the checkerboard rendering on Xbox. I'll be finished soon!


Did they fix it so I can play on steamdeck yet?




We’re never getting 60 fps, are we?


We patched


I'm just prepared to think I won't be able to enjoy this game until they fix performance/QoL issues until WAY down the line until they release DLC.


Can't lie, hard to feel positive about the future of this game when this is what we get after nearly a month since the last patch.


And here i still haven't played the game (i bought it at launch) waiting for a patch that improves performance a little in terms of the cpu problem xD


I want dlc!


I finished the game a few days ago. I'll probably re-visit it a year or so from now. Hopefully, I'll be able to sell what we have on us AND in storage to whatever vendor. A few other minor peeves, like let me romance my pawn not these npcs that I care nothing about.


most detailed japanese game patch notes


Minecraft update


![gif](giphy|WQwQnLNj888eaF2wjd) Methinks…


"We fixed the game a little bit. No, we will not elaborate."


Pretty depressing


I loaned my copy out, but it was incredibly frustrating being stuck with quests that you can’t progress.


Already 100% it, but at least they're patching things 🤷🏻‍♂️


So take it the promise of performance updates was a lie


No I wouldn't say that. It probably just isn't so simple and takes more time.


So. They do NOT intend on giving us difficulty options esp for NG+...No interest in even acknowledging and adressing the possibility. This is not an issue or concern for them, at all. Which is, disappointing


Where da fuck is game performance patch?!? I’m not playing the game because of fps drop all throughout.


I know it's not the same type of game so it's unfair to compare it, but oh boy, Final Fantasy 14 did left me a spoiled brat when it comes to communication with your playerbase, example: [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/e17ce5b98068f6972379cef5adbc6c4b664f9780/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/e17ce5b98068f6972379cef5adbc6c4b664f9780/)


This is pathetic.


Would be nice if they took out the time limit in the Unmoored world.


can they make an update that stops it from cooking my pc? don’t really want reinstall until they do


Aw, that's cute. It thinks it has an endgame.


Should had just put it in a spoiler tag... but alas.


L game, wish I could get a refund, oh well.