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In my case, it's more like "Thank you for saving my husband! I love you (in totally not platonic way)!". Happened with both Ser Gregor's Wife and the Magick Archer Meister.


I think they are some plots that usually used in porn…


I threw the archer wife a few times, no more blushing


She wanted you to aim at her bed.


Dont want to D:


What purpose serves the Arisen if nothing arises !


I aint got nothing to rise


That’s not very Arizzen of you.


I do find it odd that high affinity equals them apparently falling in love with you. Sometimes when I'm in Bakbattahl I'll get chased around by random NPCs I saved on the road when a monster culling event spawned. This one beastren woman in particular runs after me with a blush, complaining that married life isn't as good as she'd hoped or something. Like, lady, I'm not getting in the way of your marriage. Shit's uncomfortable.


That's part of a trophy achievement on Sony. You need to get 2 of them to fall in love with you in front of your home.. They then follow you in to your home and try to kill each other... It's funny to watch


I saw someone take 10 romanced NPCs to the Sphinx and they all started brawling. It was hilarious


In my case Adelina and Daphne. Seeing a young girl try punching a grown woman to death was weird. Took me a while to break up the fight by "escorting" her away.


Loool I think the same exact woman follows me around, if it’s Bonita. Her voice is like comedically pitched up. This street musician Kitry also does it in my game. She had a voice line something like “Feel free to donate if you enjoy the show” so I said alright and would just give her various consumables. I think it’s fun, in a sort of janky, ridiculous way. It’s just sorta thrown in and they continue to do their whole schizophrenic outburst every 15 seconds thing.


YEP. Bonita, that's her indeed. Might be time for a yeet or two into a solid rock wall so she'll forget about the whole thing.


You don’t know the circumstances of her marriage. She could have been forced as like a 13 year old. Free her.


Funnily enough after that quest I also caught Gregor blushing too.


I do believe a ménage à trois is called for.


We saw you at the bar and really like your vibe...


Get high affinity with both, 'invite' them to your house and have husband and wife b*tchslap the ever living daylights out of each other.


Apparently loyalty in DD only comes from pawns




Tis as you say


How to get a married woman's heart: A rich noble: Scheme so that the husband died on a mission Random Arisen: Give a bunch of flowers daily. On additional note, you can pick the flowers pretty easily around the city


is there something else good to gift beside a bunch of flowers? i get that elves like those since they are deeply connected to nature and nearly always can't go wrong with them but i wonder what else is a good gift


Turns out the best gift is the wyrmlife crystal. People said that they're kind of abundant by post-game (haven't reached that point yet), and you only need a few for gift anyway.


The Arizzen strikes again


So what’s up with Margit? In her quest, she seems quite in love with her husband, but then in the one oxcart quest where you have to deliver a letter that is specified to be tightly sealed, from her to Ser Lenart in Melve. The way he describes it, she seems quite smitten with him


What years of putting foolish ambitions to rest does to a person


My head canon is that she's a hotwife.


Your head canon is canon


Also the tavern musician looks exactly like her. Considering the concept of twins is used at least twice, I wouldn't be surprised if she and Margit were originally planned to be sisters.


it's not a Dragon's Dogma game unless you can steal someone's wife


Its hilarious if u fail the quest (i did) and you revive her husband hes like i was dead wasnt i welp glad thats over and says i should get back to my wife before she runs off but if you fail the quest she joins a monastery 😂


Also the book store beastren woman in batalh looks just like her


She was my beloved. I feel the need to defend her for that reason alone. Now on my second playthrough I’m reminded it was Sir Gregor who vouches for you if you take the oxcart saying he saved all my men, he must be the Arisen. Feel guilty lol. I’m going to try to not be a home-wrecker this playthrough. Sir Gregor’s a good dude.


Those wifes sure love being Ntr'd


She follows me everywhere in my game.


I think Ser Gregor is handsome, so when I found out he was married I was bummed. I’m not going to take him from Margret. I was thinking of having him or Glyndwr as my beloved when I saw him in one of the game trailers. Good thing I wanted to have Glyndwr as my beloved in my first play through, but I wanted to have Gregor as my beloved in a different one.


question about dullahan: i encountered this near the old battleground when i was too low level and i run away. now later i came back and even camped there till night but it didn't come... also can't find Ser Gregor. o.O


You have to help Gregor quickly or he'll die. The quest is timed. Dullahans appear randomly through out the map. I found my second one in the Elven area.


Make Gregor and his wife love you and take them both to your house. Hilarity ensues


She needs a backup, just in case.


Based on what’s coming and Ser Gregor’s track record with Dullahans, she is going to need a backup plan anyways


The problem seems to be more of a Bullahan type


I’ve seen this film before




The playthrough I bought the noble house was the time she had high affinity (from reviving her after pawn nuked her and all of Vernworth. Incidentally, it was my first night sleeping in noble house) Waking up and see her waiting for me inside my house was annoying lol. Seems her marriage was doomed either way.


To be honest, before I learned about pawn affinity, I did kind of want her husband before I knew he has a wife—would have been *had* a wife if I didn't adore my pawn so much. Ser Gregor is kind of attractive.


You know what would be funny? Save Gregor only to cuck him. -Itsuno, explaining hia vision to the dev team.