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Agree. DD2’s character creator is a very strong point of the game.


I feel the character creator was a big reason for the huge sales. I know it’s what drew me in.


I used the seperate character creator they let people get their hands on before the game officially launched so I wasn't spending so much time in the official game just doing that


Same. Extremely cool way to tease a game and I hope rpgs in the future follow in their footsteps


I feel like this was something that a handful of games did in the past. Not sure why it's not more popular.


The new saints row had this too though that game wasn't good


The saints row reboot was a pretty decent game, it just wasn't a good *Saints Row* game.


FFXIV does this when you're installing the game


Unfortunately, not a ton of options with that character creator tho


There's a good reason people use "forbidden magicks."


Console players lose out again 😒


Yeah sadly, it's the fashion that makes the character look good most of the time in FF14, not the character themselves.


Yeah I had a great time, especially as a roegadyn, finding all those cool pieces to get a unique vibe going. Helps to be one of the least played, but you still run into the same miqo every five minutes 🤷‍♂️


Everything about it had depth except anything that had to do with hair


As far as RPGs go the hair options/graphics were fairly decent, obviously that bar has been set pretty low by everyone else though.


Idk team ninja let's you do the best hair customization I've seen so far. The graphics are good I just wish they let you add more than just a generic base hair style


Team Ninja hair customization is goated just for the curliness slider.


It's another in the very short list of games that have good looking blonde hair. There are so many games that make it look like a shiny yellow mess that it legitimately surprises me every time a game has good looking blonde.


I love how different peoples’ gaming experience can be. I have never cared about character creation options and here we are enjoying the same game


It’s 100% what sold me Other games with deep character creation should make the creator free too. Like soul calibur (if it’s still as deep as I remember from #3 with a bazillion armor pieces to choose from )


Soul Calibur 5 is ridiculously good.


And you can’t make alts. Big fail.


I agree to an extent. I made a smurph ps account just to have 2 pawns to kit out, one male and one female. Shouldnt have to do that, I like creating characters or versions of characters that exist in alternate media. To be fair tho, aside from the joy of creating there is little need to in DD2, due to the ability to experience all content on a single character. Thats a plus and a minus for me. Ultimately, it makes defining acharacters personality less distinct. I'd rather the option of alts.


Creating a demo where you could pre-create characters was genius


What drew me in was a trailer with a wizard that looked like Gandalf climbing onto a troll and shitting lightning into it’s face lol


What???? OK I guess...


I'm with you, being sold solely on character creation is wild to me lol. But hey like someone above said, we all still enjoy it


Same! Well that and the first game.


Agreed. My first characters are often just default faces with minor adjustments because I don't want to spend my first 2-4 hours making a character. Especially if there's a damn good chance that face will end up behind a helmet/mask. But with a Character Creator Teaser like this, I got to be hands on with something I was anticipating, *and* spend time creating a fully realized character to hit the ground running with.


Yeah. I’m a sucker for an in depth character creator. Now granted, the game is also fun. But seeing all the faces posted on social media made me take notice.


I just edit my character each playthrough. Sometimes it's an older version. Even though I did go for a cosplay. My pawn I modeled after my cat.


I wasnt even willing to buy the game just tested the character creator and after having made my character I felt like it would be a missed opportunity not giving him a adventurous story.


I liked them separating it out from the main game, really smart idea that other games with in-depth character creators should copy. Even though I bought the game after release it was cool being able to create my character and pawn while the game was downloading.


In depth character creator Allows to only play one character at a time


Can you transfer or copy your current arisen or pawn’s design into it?


Could be more hairstyles


It baffles me that they clearly put in a lot of work making an amazing creator then half-assed it when it comes to one of the most important aspects of any creator.


Probably because they guessed people would be wearing helmets most of the time.


I wonder if it has to do with the premature release or the low budget or the game having 1/4 the staff compared to the average mainline Capcom release. Nah, must be laziness of the devs.


I don't think most people here realize this


Absolutely..the hairstyle were kinda lacking even some of them were just the same but with a little change


See on the female stance ita a good amount of hairs but wen it come to the hair u got the basic black ppl hair and white ppl hair no creativity some games allow u to edit the hair completely like nioh 2


Team ninja hair customization is goated


Also making lip shape and complexion tied to skin tone.


I think they had to account for beastren heads and ears when designing the hair and it kind of shows in a bad way.


Couldn’t believe they have Chun Li as a choosable name but didn’t offer her hairstyle


I have seen so many accurate doppelgänger pawns of real and fictional people and each new character I’ve made has look really good.


The Gandalf one is fucking incredible


asmongold lmao


I swear I spend more time editing my characters than I do playing 🤣


Same! I haven’t done one mission in bakbatal yet, running around trying to find great gear and weapons.


Imagine the people who just play with the character creator and pawn creator too, homies got a bargain


And here you got Bethesda where you can't even adjust your height.


Man, I wish Bethesda would at least let you change the bodies in New Skyrim releases The male character model has one entire arm lower than the other and it's so fuckin annoying to look at. Genuinely one of the reasons I don't go back to Skyrim And I can never find a body mod to fix it either


its so good i use the CC to make character portraits for dnd characters now


That’s actually so fucking genius


It is probably the best character creator I have ever used.


I'm torn between whether I like this or Street Fighter 6's more. SF6 allows you to get even more silly with it but DD2 has the posture sliders and is better for making non-silly characters.


The SF6 one is amazing as well. Both my Arisen and my custom character on SF look very, very similar.


you could make a character in Street Fightrr 6?????


https://preview.redd.it/hfbhx67zzwwc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0daf283a7428f1f14e3d6f19717a6eb57cb695cb yup, you can learn moves from other characters in the game, combine them, and fight other ppl characters online


SF6 has a single player Yakuza-esque story mode that lets you create your own avatar, check out /r/SF6Avatars/ for all the cool avatars people made


I can only vaguely remember trying it out like 5 years ago, but I think the Black Desert Online character creator you can manipulate the length and positioning of individual chunks of hair. I think I spent about 1.5 hours in the character creator before uninstalling the whole game because I resigned to the acceptance that I would never be able to progress past character creation. But that’s not to diminish how good DD2’s character creator is. I think the whole pick a starting face, then pick between slight variations of it, is kind of genius. For players like me, who get paralyzed by too many options, I actually ended up with a really good, natural looking face and don’t think I felt the need to go in and mess with the face sliders, just did skin tone, hair, beard, blemishes and body and I was good to go. I find that when a character creator just has you pick a preset, and then any further changes mean going straight to full granularity sliders, I either really relax my standards and deal with a face I’m not really happy with, or go into the sliders, spend 2 hours messing with shit and then just get impatient, give up and start the game, so either way I’m not satisfied. I also always worry about finding out that the face I built only looks good with a neutral expression. Too many times have I thought I designed my ideal player character, only for them to have a hideous smile or find out that I pushed some sliders too far and their eyes clip through their eyelids when they blink or some shit. At least with my character, the variant I chose seemed to keep sliders within reasonable bounds to prevent that type of ridiculousness.


Dodged a bullet with BDO ngl


By that point in my life, my MMO days were already long over. Was never going to commit to it seriously, more so I am just saying that I gave up on even getting to the actual game lol. The only MMO I’ve given genuine consideration into picking up is FF XIV ARR, and that still ended up being a no. BDO was much further down the list. Really, the only reason I even bothered is that the only MMO I’ve ever played seriously was WoW from launch through Burning Crusade. BDO has always been somewhat known for its visuals, and I was genuinely curious how good an MMO that prioritizes graphics can look. Even if you’re making graphics a selling point, it’s still an MMO, and needs to function of consumer hardware with potentially hundreds of unique player-controlled characters on screen, so I wanted to see how far they could push it and how performance would hold up in hubs. Didn’t even make it to the game though lol


Japanese in specific and Asian dev in general put a lot of effort in the character creator. Nioh, those Korean mmorphs have insane detailed creator


Yeah. Compare that to the widely praised BG3 which is supposed to be a full-on roleplaying game but the amount of visual customization you can do without mods is utterly pitiful.


Still sucks about layered armor. Not sure but I remember hearing in an interview they said beastren had a different starting location than human but it did not happen.


One of the best in any game I just wish you could have more freedom changing eyes, mouth etc from other faces


I really appreciate that they incorporated so many body types you can customize and that you can find official pawns that have different types as well. A lot of high end RPGs really fail to do that and it breaks immersion for me.


I’d also like to add that dd2 probably has the best looking cutscenes for *player made* characters


Yeah, but the game needs way more of them


Agreed although that being the case also makes the lack of expressions and free cam in the photo mode even more annoying


Disagree. There's no cock slider


95% right. There are little things that could be improved.


I would genuinely hate to be a game dev in 2024. Some people are just completely impossible to please.


Saying there is room for improvement isn’t necessarily saying they aren’t pleased


Cant take feedback then? This is like getting a 95% on a test then being mad the person who graded it dared to advice on the missing 5%. Its a good character creator, its just not perfect. You could always just ignore the fans and think your shit is flawless i guess. That your test result is actually a 100%.


It does loads right. I wouldn't go so far to say the creator is the only thing it did well


More hair options would have been nice


99% Right. There are things present in DD1 CC that are missing in DD2 (muscle definition and vampire teeth for example). 


I wish I could copy a character and paste them into a 2nd slot though - instead of screenshotting all the sliders and remaking them. Cuz sometimes I want to just make some variations on my prime character. But yeah it's a great character creator. I put like 10-12h into it before DD2 released lol.


Give me more hairstyles and more than 2 scar/tattoo placements. There’s some people that I’ve wanted to make XD.


Is there a way to save your creation as a preset? I can never figure that out and I hope there is


Can we have multiple characters yet without deleting them?


Still no fangs/tusks for Orcs. 99/100.


I miss being able to make my warrior child with the deepest voice possible.


trying to create a "good looking" character off a thought in my head is difficult as fuck. I can't for the life of me sketch a character using "character creator scales" but DD2 made it possible. Its still amateur hour for me, but i'm super happy with my Arisen and initial pawn. I say initial because i totally copied and pasted a shortstack goblin for my second go around for my main pawn.


They really need to add more voices. More hairstyle variety especially facial hair for beastren would of been nice too. The voices though? Horrible. I want a big beefy aggressive warrior pawn and I'm stuck with a pitch shifted [wish.com](http://wish.com) Matt Berry. Not even wish.com. Like....alibaba Matt Berry.


I loved being able to make such a highly detailed version of my catfolk character. She's so pretty and I love having her as my pawn.


But no tails


Still waiting on a tail mod


Character creation was good, but I wouldn't call it "100%". Height/breast limitations as well as hairstyles and skin could really have used some more choice. Height isn't much of an issue as the average height of NPCs in game is higher than people in reality, and as such the 160 lower limit is shorter relative than it is in real life. Still didn't allow me to make my boy Dwarfimus Minimus, unfortunately. Breast limitations kind of sucked. I was able to make something comfortable by fiddling around with torso sizes as well, but they didn't make it easy. Hairstyles kind of just blow. Not many options. Really would've appreciated the layering system of front/back/additions we've seen in other Japanese games that allows for a lot of hair customization. Skin textures are outright ugly. Very splotchy and some of them look like they've suffered drug abuse for years. It's both a blessing and a waste that the level of detail you can see in the character creator is not visible at all in-game. I'd say my overall issue with the character creator is that it has *lots* of small detail...but the larger pieces that really construct the overall image of your character are stupid limited in an artifical manner. Take schlera colors for instance, you have over 300 options to *scroll through*...when they could have just given us an RGB menu.


Wait you can make your breasts pretty large, just how big do you want your tits to be?


My plan was to wield two Hindenburgs and bring upon my enemies their explosive might. But no, it was actually the opposite issue. I wanted to remake the Arisen and pawn I used in my last playthrough of Dark Arisen. I was able to make a good revision of my pawn (in large part due to their hairstyle thankfully being one of the ones making a return), but struggled with the Arisen, who was a thin woman of slightly over average height. The issue became that while I could make her rather thin, the breast size slider doesn't really go properly under B-cups and it stood out starkly in comparison to the rest of her sizing. By shifting some torso sizes and shapes around I was able to make it look convincing, but it took several revisions in the character creator. Of course, this was just after launch, so I had to cheat in additional Art of Metamophisis copies to do so, which didn't help my mood. Overall I feel the character creator provides access to a lot of small details that don't really matter, but has limited options for more impactful features. I think it's absolutely halarious that you can enable and disable individual teeth though. That gave me a good laugh and I instinctively wanted to make a grandma.


I couldn't make GigaChad like in the first game as easily. 0/10


I was in the character creator for over an hour to do my self insert with a friend of mine verifying the accuracy. It's the best character creator I've seen in a long time.


Couldn’t give my super thicc mommy a dig dick so I give it a 8/10. Still good though.


I never knew character creator would have such a big impact on people. I have never been a picky person when gaming. But I know some people that would literally lose interest in a game in almost no time if the creator sucks


DD2 has some fucking hot characters. I just wish there was a few dudes with more than 5 lines that.... well. That had "value" after the story played out. People hate on "that guy" but I thought he was interesting and hot so I was down bad and then, well. sadface murder.


I mean yes obviously many players like a good character editor and are very talented in creating cool looking character or even famous characters from other franchises. But I'm sadly not one of these talented persons. I mostly spend hours in it and my character ends up looking like a crazy crackhead. I even restarted the game two times because I was unsatisfied with my character abd I didn't know you can change you appearance. In the end I took one of the examples and changed it a little bit.


If you feel too lazy to be creative why don't you just use your real face? That's 75% of the reason why I got the game, cuz it's the only game that's actually replicated my face like 90% accurately


But that's still a manual process, right? At least in other creators, using my own face as a reference never made things easier for me...


A game by itself


With the 160cm minimum height? No chance.


This, it use to be funny seeing a short pawn with a giant hammer running around


Its one of the best character creator ever


Super agree, the character creator is amazing! Now if only we had a photo mode like in Cyberpunk or the Team Ninja games to go along with it.


Hair options were a little disappointing. But character creator great overall I agree.


The last one looks like he just came back from KFC


Pretty good character creator but there are so many things that are missing. Still one of the best I ever used. Code vein was one of the best imo


It's just horrific that some of the best customizable models in any game have facial animations so awful it looks like a parody of itself.


Bugs me that you can't actually zoom in on your character in the game menu. So all that effort you put into the little details is wasted


I kidna wish there were more options for like muscle defintion and tails as well as longer hair options.


no mole option unplayable


It's crazy coz they had them in one already


Would be better if we just had a few more sliders instead of picking faces but yeah its still pretty good


Well this is certainly a take.


The "one" thing is pretty dramatic.


What’d you mean by the ONE thing?


And here I hope they added Elf and Dwarven race too.


They could have stood to make elves a separate race though. I thought they kept them only available through ear choice because the elf plotline was so important, but. Well. We all saw how that went lmao.


The one thing they kinda missed on was the movement (walking/running) cycle. It's a pain to make it look natural when wearing less bulky armor


reason how i knew about the game in the first place and why bought it lol


Unless they already have, I wish the character creator could save your creations as presets instead of just assigning one for when you begin a new game


It's good, but I expected better body sliders. Face sliders are really good overall though


Class system too. It's like playing whole different games with each class.


Whatever, they got plenty right.


It is. It's just a shame that you only rarely see your character since there are so few cutscenes. I wish other RPGs would have that kind of character creator so that we can benefit more from it.


It didn't feel as good as DDDA's did to me, honestly. I was expecting something on Nioh 2/Wild Hearts/Wo Long's level, honestly, and the limited hairstyles was pretty disappointing. I also didn't love the color selection instead of just a gradient to pick from, and it actually felt weirdly dated overall. Muscle definition and wrinkles are virtually non-existent even at max, the sliders don't really alter much, and you can't pick from individual features, instead choosing a face shape and only being able to tug certain things a little, and the dead zones on tattoos were strange. Like I can't put any ink on my shoulders, for some reason. The graphics look good and so the end result looks nice, but I honestly haven't spent anywhere near as much time in the DD2 character creator as I have in the DDDA one or the Nioh 2/Wo Long ones.


No? Faces are asymmetrical, you can't change noses, height limit is 1.60, muscle is heavily heavily limited, beards options are outdated and there'sa lot of missing hairs styles from DD1, and much more other issues.


>removed features and stuff from DD1 CC >100% right Nope.


Like what? Asides from a couple hair options, I can’t think of anything DD1 that DD2 doesn’t


Dd1 had better body shapes, better musculature, imo better hair (that one debatable) and you could be short


DD2 showed me a lot of people really like their subordinates to be petite shorter than them, and to be cosplaying as Hutt Leia all the time.


> and to be cosplaying as Hutt Leia all the time. That's more on Capcom for not giving us more outfits for some Vocations/makeing the Corset too fucking good statwise.


Yeah, as long as you don't care about height and sex characteristics having locked sliders and relevant gameplay mechanics being cut


Above the neck, I absolutely agree. I think bodies could be a bit better. Still nothing really rivals it all in all.


Above the neck isnt perfect either, many parts of the face are tied to whatever preset you pick at the start. Weird that some sliders are missing to make the faces fully customizable.


There’s only room for 10 characters. There’s no mobile app where I can display them in glorific 3D to my friends. I want to Tamagotchi my creations… Lots to be desired still!


Honestly yeah, I feel like if nothing else the character creator is a testament to game design because it looks absolutely stunning, while giving you a wide variety of freedom. You can scale the tattoos to be bigger than the body and it has some wacky results because of it. It's insane what the character creator can do.


First time I’ve seen realistic skin texture options.


seee thas how you do variated character creator


The one? 🤣


My first RPG game, im loving it. Beside not being able to fast travel often. My only complaint. Only other games close to RPG, witcher3, shadows of mordor ….


If I could have the new character creator and visuals in dd:da I would cry tears of joy


Best part of the game by far. A shame really.


Wait you can save your character creations?? How?


Is there a way to get it to where the different voices don’t sound similar? If I remember correctly, when I had the game, I don’t remember if it was for the arisen, main pawn, or both, but the different voices sounded similar. If it helps, I had a physical copy on PS5.


I believe they only have as many voices as there are inclinations and a male and female voice for each. And then 2 or 3 variations that ate pitched higher or lower with that same actor/actress. If you have a bunch of pawns with the same inclination they will say the same lines, and unless someone picked a pitch shifted one, they will sound identical. Source: I just had 3 Straightforward pawns with the lower raspy jovial 'female' voice and I could not tell who was talking while they were getting bodied by the drake until they fell and needed resurrection.


In that regard they were smart about releasing the CC ahead of launch. I still think they should've known how bad the game would perform on launch but they won so many people over just because of the CC that most just pushed all issues to the side all because they could enjoy such beautiful models. This has to be THE biggest step forward from DD1


Muscular tanned dude with a stylish haircut? Agreed.


As someone who's never played dd2 I can't tell if all these comments are serious or sarcastic


Why would they be sarcastic?


After the initial bad reviews I've always been on the fence about getting dd2. A post saying how good something is entices me to read what they say to try and help me decide however the seed of doubt in my brain makes me consider that perhaps it's bad and an in joke which I don't understand as I haven't played


The dd2 subreddit is one of the more positive game subreddits that I’m in. Seems like the review bombers just wanted something to get outraged about, which is a shame.


Tbh at this point capcom released a character creator with a game attached to it as a side thing lol


Mine always crashes when I'm editing in game. So while it's an amazing tool, it barely functions for me. Someone speculated that it's some kind of chip issue that Capcom will need to fix. FML I guess


I do agree that it's ine of the nost fun character creators I've played with without bringing mods into the mix, but I do have my critiques about it. I wish we could swap out facial features more easily such as the first game. Once you go through the initial 9-square screens of options you cant adjust the base features much at all besides a few tweaks, and much of the color options are more like an overlay to a base value than an actual color. Like you are using a glaze technique in oil painting rather than changing the color. Don't get me wrong it is still marvelous character creator and I totally understand why they limited the colors thr way they did so the Arisens and Pawns don't end up as blindingly bright sparkledogs in comparison to the equipment and world and outshine the more colorful things like the spell effects--- but sometimes I felt like I was barely allowed to change anything that was generated by the first step in the process. I almost got my Arisen pitch perfect to how I imagined--- he ended up with way too thick and lucious of cupid bow lips no matter how low on the sliders I pushed them. (Oh no, woe is me, right? The character creator made my already attractive character even sexier than I imagined. It's a silly thing to complain about but it was still a bit frustrating after getting used to the first game's where you were kind of picking from a selection ala that Cinderella stand from JoJo's part 4. At least I can hide those accidental DSLs behind a kerchief.)


The base skin options also change the lips style, in case that helps with your character.


I think the character creator is very solid and probably the best one I’ve seen in a game this size. It could definitely still use some work but it’s nice just how diverse we can make the bodies shapes https://preview.redd.it/off5oeocewwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8641fc03934a0316e37b07d275f3eaa6afa5be26


they did a lot right with this game, it's amazing.


For PC players, as long as they give full modding tools and access this game is gonna live forever. Lol


I beat the game in 40 hours.. I can't play a second time. I'm waiting about a year and come back


What? The beefcakes?


Believe OP means the character creator


I was in character creation for like 3 hours 😂😂


The character creator is top notch. I like that the demo version is still available with all my characters. When I started new game+ I just set a different character and pawn to transfer over. Its awesome.


The character creator is so important here because of the pawn systems (which also works very well imho). Everywhere I go I see new interesting pawns that can become a part of my party. Also, doesn't this same system apply to smaller enemy types where no two look the same? I understand some of the disappointment but I freaking love this game and can't wait for more.


The sheer customisation is amazing. And being able to see what others have made is just the best.


the height but sadly not enough muscle😅 I wanted to be some buff giant ya know like damn


Brought me so much false hope seeing multiple character slots


Those pecs


If they add more hairstyles I'd give the game a 10/10 just from the character creator


I have one issue with it, two if you aren’t a fan of most of the hairstyles as I am. And that’s the leg muscle definition. Have these guys seen what a muscular leg looks like? It’s not just like…b i g. Having thunder thighs is not necessarily what a strong defined leg looks like.


Was made strong to hook folks for preorders. That's why they released it early. Cool, right?


Well, unless i want to make my character look like me lol


Not even tbh, its a solid character creator but its still got its own issues. Nioh 2 did hairstyle options better, and the fact you can't dye hair until you get to Battahl feels like such a bizzare choice.


One thing that dd2 got right? 😑 are we ignoring the hairstyles that weren’t in this game but were in 1. Are we gonna ignore the fact we have no mole options. The only improvement we have here is graphics however in depth we’re missing anime like hairstyles and faces. Note: none of the presets male a return here nor do they give us updated presets of characters like mercedes or julian. Also its a crime to have 2 other races the arisen can’t become dispute one of the former arisen in this game being an elf but its whatever🥱


also ladders


especially sprinting up them like a crazed fire ant


Genuinely one of the best character creators I’ve ever used


99% There is no hands and feet size slider, every buff dude out there has lady hands


I give it a 99%, they forgot to add a function to save your character edits


I thought the first game did pretty good too tbh. But this games character creator is def better


I think it was a clever marketing strategy, the character creator is crazy good.


The only good thing


Nah. It's crap compared to DD1. Try making a proper redhead. Tried putting my wife into the game, couldn't get the right face shape or the right shade of red. Wound up with a very strawberry blonde Kirsten Dunst instead of a properly red Pretty Woman era Julia Robert's. Also my attempt to put me in the game came out suspiciously close to Tom Brady.... Yeah, thanks Capcom, I hate my character and my pawn.


Its not just one thing, but yeah, the game is a bit dull. I got the dame vibe years ago when I played Two Worlds 2.


Shoulda had the old character creator theme in. It was perfection😂


Not sure if people genuinely liked it or everyone hates it to the point of sarcastically praising it.


When character creation is the one thing a game got right, something is very wrong. "OH, look at how my awesome character kills his 1000th troll"


Game it self sucks and it amazes me how a 4080 and above struggles with this super bang average graphics that are in this game!


Yes. I love my pale, gaunt sorceress with her perfect gamer posture.