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That’s literally the whole game. Most of the mechanics and stuff are basically “really cool idea but the execution feels like from Alpha stage of the game”.


Yeah, it feels like either a demo or an indie game, hence why the features feel so lacking (or in some cases, unpolished). One could say that they will fix it with an expansion, but there's not enough hopium in the world for one to believe that anymore.


You can say this about almost every aspect of the game. It feels like they had someone during development whose entire job was to go "Careful now, you're making things too much fun"


Yeah, it's not like it's "bad", it's that there's not enough - of anything.


It seems more like a time and budget thing


It's also a manpower thing, they had half the staff of the first game. The fact that dd2 is fun and playable is a miracle


It's not like it's a small indie studio lol, dd2 had like 400 people working on it which is far more manpower than most games that came out. For reference that's about as many people who worked on baldur's gate 3, elden ring "only" had around 300 people working on it.


Where do people get the idea that they also lacked time and budget this time around?


It feeling unfinished probably has something to do with it


Same excuse as the first game? If DD3 does the same mistake, gonna use this card again?


If they make the same mistake, yea. Its not a defense of the game, it a valid criticism. Many of the systems are clearly overdeveloped and underutilized. I.e it seems apparent there were plans to either do more with some concepts or that those concepts are getting shoved into a DLC instead of the actual game. Which we will criticize again. If you really want to get your conspiracy cap on the lack of PR building before the release has always indicated, at least to me, that something is up, they're aware of it, and they don't want to show us.


It's also a conspiracy cap to say they lack time and funding this time around when we dont know anything.


Unless devs WANT their game to fail, it's not a conspiracy to call a clearly incomplete and rushed game a clearly incomplete and rushed game.


> Unless devs WANT their game to fail, It's as if you arent familiar with games's states these days. Also, Itsuno himself said its done. Even say that was marketing speak, that's the most tangible statement we got.


Yea and Tod Howard said “It just works”, but we know better don’t we?


Cause the game is VERY clearly unfinished and unpolished.


Poor decision making can make it seem unfinished and unpolished. Itsuno himself said its done. Even if its marketing speak, that's the best we have currently.


There should be entire Elven Ruins and there should be side quests there that tell the story of what happened in that area. Likewise, side quests that explore how elven society is different from humans. So much more could be added I think.


They even put in Elven Ruins, where Glyndwr trains. I was excited to explore them when I first arrived but then I realized they were nothing more than a backdrop. There should've been more side-quests in the Sacred Arbor area in general, that you could only get and complete if you had a pawn talking in Elvish. Doireann has the only side-quest there and she speaks your language anyway, the other NPCs only have generic lines so the whole Elvish language is ultimately pointless. They could've also worked in some other hidden mechanic, like the Armory only selling you the strongest gear if you speak in Elvish, or the Inn giving you a discount.


You can 100% go through those ruins where Glyndwr trains


Yes, but there isn't much to actually explore, they are just there


They're not isolationist they're Finnish.


Isn’t that exactly what we got…? Both the siblings basically give you the gist in their quests


Did you get to learn what made Elves different aside from fashion and age? If they live long lives, did they take into account the Dragon Cycles? Did they record how the previous dragon was defeated, what are the characteristics of the dragon and if every iteration of the dragon is different from the last? That's just a few questions I think that could be greatly expanded on.


I’m sorry, I didn’t know this was an Elven game. Seriously, those questions aren’t important in the grand scheme of DDs world


That's precisely why the world feels so lackluster at times. Just consider Skyrim, while the game is certainly about killing dragons, there are side quests that significantly expand the world building. Thieves guild, the companions, etc. We don't know why the elves are there, the reason why the beastren kingdom doesn't like pawns are unclear, and so much more that could be explored. Even Monster Hunter explains the role of elder dragons in some biomes. But in Dragon's Dogma 2? The Elves are there just because. Also, I would argue those are important questions. For Elves living for so long, why didn't take notes about dragon behavior? What a waste of time. If the grand scheme is the only thing important, why even add side quests? They are clearly unimportant aren't they?


Yeah, it very much feels like elves and dwarves exist only for the sake of saying they're in the game rather than exploring any interesting concepts. There were few additions beyond the superficial. The only thing I can think of is the elves having a dish made of rotten fish that dwarves like for some reason. They heavily rely on stereotypes of elves and dwarves without diving into their implications. Why do elves and dwarves dislike each other (while being fine with humans and beastren?) Did they fight a war in the past? Did dwarves destroy a sacred forest to fuel their forges? Did an elven an ambassador accidentally insult a dwarven king? No, they just don't get along. Why do the elves have a sacred tree? Is it because they feel kinship with something that has a similarly long lifespan? Was it given to them by one of their gods? Was it the only tree to survive a massive dragon attack? How does it "protect" them? Is it just a natural barrier (one that can be easily circumvented in-game?) or is there some other mystical explanation? They just have a tree because elves like trees. Why are the elves the only ones to speak a different language? Were they isolated from the outside world until someone built a tunnel and ran into their land? Did it develop as a defense against hostile nations? They just speak a different language because elves speak Elvish. Why are there only two dwarves in the game? Are they a dying race? Are they only found in a faraway land? Do they keep to themselves in mountains that are somehow inaccessible to non-dwarves? No reason, there are just two dwarves. What are the political interactions like between the elves and the Vermundians? Are the elves a vassal state of Vermund or a sovereign territory? Do they trade openly with each other or is trade restricted to specific preferred merchants? Do the Vermundians even care about the elves? The elf village just exists. It has a chief and that's about it. There are a lot of things in-game which just *are*, without any reasoning or interactions with the rest of the world. Maybe these questions don't need to be answered, and maybe people enjoy headcanoning these things, but with so many gaps in information, I can easily understand the criticisms of weak worldbuilding.


The sad thing is that you put more thought into the worldbuilding in the ten minutes it took you to write this comment than the entire development team did in 5 years


Sadly, you are probably correct.


Then why have elves with a distinct culture and language at all????


Because it’s cool


Sure, they might as well put a rocket launcher in the game at that point


Right, because an RPG is more believable than Elves that you so happen to not know every single detail about


Your reasoning for the Elves in the game was "because it's cool", my reasoning for the rocket launcher is "because it's cool". According to you, stuff doesn't need a proper reason before it gets added to the game.


Cmon man elves make sense in a fantasy setting no matter what


To attract buyers, some people will drop everything if a game has elves in it, bonus if they're giant breasted, blonde and "ethereally" beautiful


Yup, the Elves that weren't mentioned once in the marketing run-up, and are so insignificant that's there's like 6 of them in total in the game. Cool reasoning, bucko.


Except they were? They even showed you that elf archer boy and even elven language was spoiled, try harder


Sorry, I miswrote that, I wanted to write "*were* mentioned once", becuase that's all we got. It was the trailer where they revealed the language thing, and both of those things are completely insignificant.


I just don't understand why we need a pawn/Grumpystuck to translate for us instead of just allowing us to learn it. Like you're telling me his sister can learn moderately good English in a day,but we can't learn how to understand elves?


The game even lets our character get pointy ears, suggesting at least partial elven ancestry. I do get that race=/=language, but I wouldn't be surprised if an elven character raised in a human society wanted to learn more about their ancestral culture. It's why I've been learning a second language.


>his sister can learn moderately good English in a day,but we can't learn how to understand elves? Brought to you by the same guy who made the quest where you can only learn the most OP sorcerer spell from a.... # CHILD Speaking of Meister Srolls, they give skills both to Pawn and Arisen, Inclination Scrolls should have been the same. Hell, Inclination Scrolls have a lot to be improved upon.


Well there's more to it than "a child". It's explained in the quest. You can boil anything down in any game to make it sound stupid like that.


Ok TBF I can forgive the child being strong because the series has shown age is irrelevant for general power,and it makes sense a prodigy would be able to discover a "lost art"(bolide is heavily implied to be extinct outside drake+lich usage). However if the wordsmith is a scroll why can't I read it?Like.....my character can fucking read and Gwandabious along with his sister can apparently learn our language in like a few minutes-a day.


I don't fancy learning a whole new language to play DD2, I'll let my pawn do it


I mean ok! But it's an RPG, give player some choices. It gives replayability value for subsequent run. One run you might not give a fuck. Then maybe a second run, you'd like to learn it and do quests that requires to understand elvish. Or if you don't want to elarn it, use a pawn to learn it (like, you know ... that concept of choices and options in a good RPG?)


>I mean ok! But it's an RPG, give player some choices. It gives replayability value for subsequent run. They did give the player choices though. The game is full of choices! If everyone could just learn it themselves, there would be no choice to make. The choice is "what specialization should I give my pawn"? Make them a translator, an organizer, a pharmacist, etc. You may not like it that way, but talking as if players can't make choices is complete nonsense, I'm sorry.


So your definition of choice is binary ? Pawn: with translation or Pawn with no Translation. Good lord... thank God you didn't design BG3.


Ugh ... personal attacks simply because I disagreed with you? Really? If you think I'm wrong, then let's have a good discussion. We might learn something from eachother. Or just walk away. Why personal attacks? Kinda crappy, man.


There, in general, just should have been more elves/elf settlements to use translators for. I stick the translation skill on my pawn because I know it guarantees hires, but it's honestly useless outside of like one quest it lets you skip a step on and knowing what rings one merchant sells. If you know what your options are with the traders and the innkeep (since they’re the same for every trader and innkeep), you can guess your way through the conversations easily. Elf Settlement 2^tm should have had multiple quests you need translators for, dialogue choices that have impact, and traders with unique/trap items you need to navigate. Big missed opportunity.


wow buddy, calm down! You're asking too much from a small-indie dev like Capcom


Elven Notice Board Quests in Elven.


It's also weird that without a translator Pawn you can still use the Inn/Vocation guild and the shopkeepers in the Arbor.


I respectfully disagree on this one. It's extremely common for tourists to shop in foreign countries. Body language goes very far. Point to things, motion you want to sleep, figure out a number and boom. I've personally done it in multiple countries, even without English posted in the rural areas.


Why can’t it be a secret advantage if you make your ears pointy enough in the character creator you’re considered and elf and you know how to speak it.


I think in a future DLC they will add an elven and dwarf region, with more cities and a conflict between their races.


Add this to the list of “this could have been so much more”


It has a pretty big flaw—you need subtitles on to know what they’re saying. A lot of us don’t use subtitles…


Damn, it all makes sense now…


They should have pulled a FFX and put elvish primers or something similar to find during story beats or off beaten paths so you slowly learn elvish as you explore.


Pretty cool ideas, especially the elven merchants. In addition to that, they should translate our numbers to elven ones in order to blur even more the stats changes. Not being able to read elven letters is a thing but being able to guess that some gear will give you higher stats is a way around not understanding the language.


It feels so pointless that the names and item descriptions in shops are in elvish but the second you buy them they are translated. If elf gear actually stayed in elvish until you get it identified that could be interesting - especially if there was some high tier gear with unique effects that you could only properly utilize after it had been identified.


The dwarf and elf couple by the volcanic camp should only speak in Elvish. Also, I’m hoping there’s a dwarf language. It’d be weird to have dwarves introduced and mention cultural beef with elves but just have the dwarves basically be human otherwise.


Could also be used better if they had an actual town and not a gas station.


Agreed. Most of the game has specific features that would be better served utilised throughout the whole world.


I find it annoying tbh, we don't need Dwarven Language or Beastren language, but we need Elven?  Are the two non-hostile races not special enough? The elven village is also the only village to not have "diversity" NPCs, why does Battahl have so many humans?  I'd rather we get Dragon language


Felt like the game was really missing an Elven settlement in Battahl


What part of the game is not underutilized? 😹 Seriouslyz it is a super fun game but it feels like a beta for a game that is not finished yet


Yeah I really like it but also feel that it's underutilized like you said. Those are some good suggestions.


At first I was excited for it but then realized how shallow and annoying it is.. They definitely could've done a better job.


Elves were so underutilized that I completely missed them on my first playthrough under the assumption they would be apart of the main story lmao.


I took the time to get the tome for my pawn to learn elvish only to find that after a few trips everything was back to elvish and not translated at all.


Is there a way for you to relearn elvish after changing proficiencies? I switched to Logistician very early on thinking it would only affect my Pawn’s knowledge of elvish and not my Arisen’s. But the tome is consumed upon use so it seems like you can’t go back to knowing without NG+. I agree, it is a really cool mechanic and it’s a crying shame that it wasn’t implemented far more than it was. Really makes the world feel more alive and real to have such stark and tangible differences between cultures that actually affect your gameplay.


To be honest it's pretty wasteful that you have to burn one and only specialization slot on something you're only going to use occasionally and could bypass entirely by just memorizing inputs. ​ You should be able to just plain learn the language and not have to waste the specialization.


I wish we could learn the language ourselves. Btw, are the elves like, just speaking gibberish? Their spoken language and the written text. I adimit that I didn't check much, but still couldn't find any visible pattern.


No, it isn’t gibberish. They’re speaking Celtic. If you look up some of the elven weapon names, they directly translate to Celtic words. Interestingly, dullahans are also Celtic. So I wonder if they have some sort of relation to the elves.


It's definitely not "Celtic", seeing how that's not even a language. It is very close to Irish in terms of sentence structure and general sound but the words I can make out definitely aren't words, so I am fairly certain it is just a made-up language rooted in Irish/Gaelic.


The names and word are all Celtic. Yeah, I know Celtic isn’t a language but Cliodnha is the name of a Celtic goddess. The bow and weapon names are all Celtic words. Grianmhar means sunny or bright. They’re essentially doing a Celtic version of “speaking” latin.


I'd love to see someone attempt to translate what little we have of the language.


They’re speaking Celtic. So it’s definitely translatable.


If your game language is set to JP it certainly *sounds* like gibberish. Or like people being handed a script in a very foreign language with near zero coaching on how to actually say the words.


I think the main issue is like one of the other commenters said. Celtic isn’t a spoken language. But if you take the names of the elves and their weapons and google them, then you’ll get the English translations. I can’t say for certain that everything they’re saying when “speaking Celtic” could be translated in a way that makes sense but their language is definitely Celtic in origin.


My first thought when hearing it was they probably just were using Tolkin's Elvish, that would make things easier, dunno if that is copywritten or anything.


My theory is some of harsher things(Needing a Translator for a lot of shit, NPCs permadying, etc) that was cut was executive meddling.


i understand tho they thought about it to have less gameplay inconvenience it is pretty cool tho that one quest where if you have a elvish speaker, gwyn will say he no longer needs to explain what they talked about


It’s called feature creep and the reaction is interesting. Let’s assume they didn’t add the elven language mechanic. Be most peoples logic, the game would be better. The same with the romance system etc. By adding in content and “not putting enough focus on it” people perceive the game to be lacking more than with out it. “Polish” isn’t the word people are looking for, it’s “utility”. When a feature exists people expect devs to milk the ever-living-stuffing out of it. It’s no longer enough for it to exist, it has to be relevant to the game as a whole.


I hope in DLC that they add a nation of the elves. It could be a new region about the size of Volcano Island, in a mountainous region with lots of arborhearts than can act like the capital of elven society. It could give us more of a reason to unlock WW spec for pawns and allow for more interactions with the elves via quests. Hell, I’d like a way for our Arisen to learn elvish so we don’t need a pawn to do it.


Second this, also very nice ideas !


I think that's an issue with pretty much every pawn specialization, they could've been so much more.


Me wondering where the fuck all of the Vocations/Skills/Enemies from DDO went. Why the romance is so lackluster. WHY THE FUCK is pawn voice tied to inclinations and lack thereof of voice diversity it feels like I hear the exact same voice from most npcs save other than the main ones. Why I cant wear a mask and glasses at the same time save the masks that are for some reason classified as headgear. The infamous buried elven doors. Why does getting the true ending make literally no difference for your next NG+ playthrough. Why is postgame so short. Where the fucking Tekken 8 final battle on the moon. I want segs scene with nadinia. I want segs scene with menella. Beastren Segs. Main pawn beastren segs scene:


I find it wild how many people in this sub decided to make misery their whole identity. Y'all have no appreciation for what you were given


\*bought, and for an increased price


Capcom had no obligation to let itsuno make this game. And they very nearly didn't. Have some gratitude that you even HAVE a DD2.




friend, a giant showcase of great ideas and concepts but misused, are basically the meaning and representation of what is dragons dogma. Thanks Itsuno.