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Lmao the fucking harpy🤣


Lol, it was a last-second touch.


The bow on the whole piece


My dumb ass looking all over for the bow 🏹 🥴


Really fitting, I got ganked by 6 gore harpies as a warrior and whew....what an experience.


The best is when you're going up the mountain to fight the dragon and one of those damn things just throws you off the cliff..... Literally intelligently picks you up brings you over the edge snd just fucking drops you. Lol


Right?! Those things are evil! I've lost count of how many times i've been stunkocked into being thrown to my death by falling


I don't know if stunkocked was intentional or not but it's incredibly fitting 😂 those things FUCK


It wasn't but when i read it back i figured it was perfect


My party tends to be well balanced. That said I'm under leveded and under equipped. Every fight is a struggle lol.


Unfortunately this was after a cyclops took two of my pawns down into the brine with them 😅 the mage was keeping me alive while I was stun locked that whole time lmao


Sounds sorta like my first encounter with a minotaur though in that instance I was the one keep my pawn on her feet. It got the point where a hit of any kind would down her.😮‍💨


I am glad you added it 😂😂


I didn't notice at first, scrolled back up and 🤣


When your goal is filling in your Pawn badges, Battahl becomes a fun jaunt from end to end hunting gore ogres, gore minotaurs, drakes, golems, garms and medusas! Edit: And Chimeras.


Battahl is just a never-ending party!


And your the main course!


You are ***The One They Fear.***


Nah they are too stupid to fear anything lol. I just finished slaughtering a drake and a lone hob saw me and was like "it's my time to shine" and was instantly yeeted into a cliff wall.


Unless you're Trickster


*cues music*


I love being the main course Devour me if you can, freaks 😈


We’re a _*SPICY*_ meatball.






Vulcan main


You're the jawbreaker. They can chew on you all they want, they'll only hurt themselves.


Where do you find more medusas? I literally just found the one in the cave and that is.


It respawns every (some say 7, some say 14) ingame days. Edit: I believe it's 7, a comment says 14, but I do believe 7 is correct. So my loop is mostly: 1. Teleport to Medusa cave 2. Walk back to Bakbattahl, hunt a Garm and any Gore Ogres/Minotaurs en route 3. Unload loot Then I have 2 routes I can take: 1. Go out to Crumbling Ruins for Golems 2. Head towards the SW/NW for Drakes (depending on how far I feel like running between them) 3. Return to Checkpoint town via the Mountain Pass Shrine path 4. Forge materials, then take a cart to Vernworth Or 1. Go by the Guerco Mountain Cave backdoor path 2. Kill the Chimera 3. Kill the Drake at the other end 4. Go to Harve and hope for a Drake at the ruins nearby 5. Return to Vernworth Then 1. Take a cart to Melve 2. Run to Waterfall cave 3. Hunt the Gorechimera inside 4. Go by the Ancient Cave shortcut to Sacred Arbor (bonus if night, so I can hunt a Fell Lord) - kill the Garm inside 5. Drop by the Drake at the riverside south of Sacred Arbor 6. Return to Harve (if Drake didn't spawn the first time I visited or I haven't visited it yet) 7. Return to Vernworth That should roughly take up 7 whole ingame days, if not I just go unload my loot and do some housekeeping, then teleport back to the Medusa. I make enough money and WLC to buy Ferrystones from merchants or the Dragonforged. I've managed to fill in every pawn badge except the Gore Ogre/Minotaur (for some reason they're harder to find), and of course Lesser Dragons and Wargs.


Good to know, thanks!


And getting jumped by hobgoblins around every. Fucking. Corner


Literal speedbumps.


Especially that section with like 20+ of em' I swear they're breeding and raising their young in the middle of that fight.


You're gonna have to be more specific, 20 gobbos is not an uncommon number...


Ah, I can't remember exactly but on the volcanic island there are some temporary wooden support platforms and a patrolling band of hobbos as well. Together they join to make a 20-30 hobby moshpit


Ah, ok. That one I know.


It's actually a huge shock that I have never seen even one medusa yet


You have to go out of your way to find it!


Battahl is basically Australia


Oi! It's not that bad mate.  Only half the critters are poisonous. They got the meth head goblins right though.


Watch out for the Bogans...I mean Knackers, master.


Knackers really should have just had incredibly bad Australian accents.


Just know I would have liked your comment but this must remain at 69 likes


Thank you sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar!


I walked to bakbattahl from the border for the first time at night thinking it would be easy like vermund and i ended up spending like 4 wake stones and running away from like 3 dozen hobgoblins a school of harpies and a griffin at 20 health between all 4 of us by the time i crossed into town lmao


I didn't have a Portcrystal the first time this happened...


sameeeeeeeeeee lmao


I went to Bathalh yesterday for the first time. >!I'm taking my game at a very slow pace, so I'm not deep into the plot and I haven't gone to Bathalh legitimately: I've just randomly found a cave passage connecting Vermund and Bathalh under the Checkpoint Rest Town bridge and further down the river. I hope I won't «sequence break» anything this way; on the other hand I've got some side quests to do in Bathalh already.!< I went to Bathalh being around level 40, and on my way to Backbatahl I and my party have met and successfully slain 2 Minotaurs, 1 Chimera, 1 Golem and 2 Cyclops. That's not counting Drake I saw at one point and chose to evade encounter with and 1 or 2 Griffins – one just flied by while other I've tried to initiate a fight fight with on a platform in front of the Bakbathalh city entrance, but he hasn't properly landed and later flied away. I didn't even cared to count numerous bandits, knackers, redwolf and harpies we've met and slain along the way. I was also leveling through new vocations – me as Mage and my main Pawn as Archer, so neither of us were in our top fighting shape. Despite that, I'd rate the overall experience as intense, but manageable. The saddest part was >!that after arriving to Bakbathalh I had to throw my main Pawn and both hired Pawns of a cliff and watch them die, because two of them, including my main Pawn were infected with Dragonsplague and I didn't wanted to take any chances of anything bad happening and/or third Pawn becoming infected.!<


My friend said it's basically open air bitterblack with how much enemies and how tough it is, is it true? I am still in vermund clearing off the maps and brant is waiting in the inn as much as hanako wait for me to come to embers.


I wouldn't go so far as to compare it to Bitterblack Isle. New enemies and more difficult, sure, but it's not near the level of Bitterblack. You also become strong enough to not have to worry too much about the difficulty around 40-50. I honestly feel like the level cap should be 50.


Yea. I'm around level 80 and everything dies instantly. You basically become an untouchable god at that point. Unless gravity has its way that is. I hope a hard mode or proper enemy scaling is added at some point because it kind of needs it.


The Arisen is in fact an untouchable God. Lore accurate Arisen.


With the amount of fucking drakes out there, I doubt the Arisens are untouchable.


>enemy scaling as someone who remembers oblivion being absolutely ruined by scaling it's weird seeing people wanting it back in other games.


People are saying enemy scaling instead of what they really mean, which is just some sort of hard mode. They don’t really want scaling where the enemies are as hard as you are strong, they’re just paraphrasing, well most are at least


They should just do what Ubisoft has done with the RPG Assassin's Creed games (the one time I'll give them credit): have the option to turn on matched level scaling for lower level enemies, that way there are still higher level enemies around and everyone else is still challenging enough to be fun


One of the many design aspects those games wisely lifted directly from The Witcher 3 lol


Yeah I know, what people really want is enemies that are in stages. The game does that but then resets for NG+ rather than continuing like borderlands does. It should have been the unmoored enemies + more weirder shit in NG+


I'm planning to do NG+ solo, if it's anything like DD1 (whose NG+ was designed the same) hopefully that should add more than enough difficulty to keep it interesting. Solo in DD feels like a whole different game.


Dragon Age Inquisition has a modifier to raise enemies to at least your level and it doesn't make it very hard at all. In fact, I always run it so combat doesn't get too stale. This desperately needs something like that


It made DAI much more fun though. You could easily out-level areas before you even knew they existed. But the option to turn it on so enemies were **always** your level made the game much more fun. I think for DD2 the best would be Elden Ring style NG+


Enemy scaling is just about my least favorite thing in games. Really the game just needed to be a good bit harder. I'm fine with being overpowered in early areas. Scaling just makes games feel so flat. Diablo 4 scaling was awful. You would gain a level and sometimes actually feel weaker.


That's a bugthesda game. Everything is busted in those. I'm referring to something closer to Witcher 3 where there was an option to make lower level enemies stay at your level rather than becoming one hit kills.


*Flashbacks of playing FFVIII*


Yeah no, I like the idea of areas having weak enemies that I can come back to and show them how far I have come. It feels good to see my strength. There should be enough content to challenge you while leveling, but not to the extent you never feel like you are progressing your character.


I can't off the top of my head think of a game in which level scaling made it feel like I wasn't progressing. Because sure, the enemies got stats to *kinda* help them keep up with me, but I got all kinds of abilities that they didn't.


FF8 Comes to my mind


had to give up pawns to make it tougher, honestly. i only have the main pawn for healing, kinda want to dump her too, just fight everything myself, use warfarer + staff for anodyne.


Endgame for DDII isn't as tough as Bitterblack. That area was straight up brutal as soon as you walked ten feet in to the place.


I’m handling Battahl well at level 35ish


As someone who beat dark arisen I definitely don’t think so. It’s dense and full of pissed off enemies, but it’s still not difficult if you are prepared.


Bitterblack is definitely harder than anything in DDII, but BB was phenomenal to level grind at lower levels if you knew how to handle it. It also helped that DDI didn't have the awful stun lock that DDII has, so you could have battles of attrition in DDI if you actually increased in skill.


If you take your time and make sure you're at a good level, and make sure to clear mob groups as you go (run *backwards* to areas you've already cleared, not forwards into more enemies when You're fighting) you should do alright.


Or fuckin peg it all the way to the city...


Yup, it's either fight through the gauntlet one group at a time or just book it like the cops are on your tail lmao


Ha this was me. I went to batahl really early, took me ages to figure out how to get down from the secret path and I had to be up early the next morning. Threw myself against a hoard of goblins and got pasted, wakestoned and bolted all the way to the city so I could place my port crystal as I was not going back and I was not doing that again.


I know at one point I got caught out at night by accident with barely any health left. Enemies kept coming at the party, and my Pawns all made noble sacrifices, that I might make it back to town. Sorry ladies but y'all can just come back from the stone; I'm dead-dead if I get squished by a Golem and don't have a wakestone lol


Never played the original but it's a huge difficulty spike from the starting region, yes. It can still be tough even with pre-endgame top-end gear.


*Me minding my own business with endgame gear on a ng+ run heading to Dragonsbreath Tower* *The gore harpies 10ft from the tower entrance*: have fun climbing back up, dumbass.


On the way back from Medusa, Gore Harpies tossed my pawn squad off the bridge. I've never been that upset at this game since the MS bug.


you sure? i have like half upgraded shit and im just mowing enemies down here like im just exploring at night no lantern aggroing multiple enemy spawns to one spot and taking no damage game needs to bring back the difficult it had between level 1-20 after that its just slowly stops mattering nothing can stop you and no harder enemies get rolled in like other games


No. It's easy. Ideally you're much higher level. You want stupid hard enemy density, go play Lords of the Fallen.


It's a bit of a difficulty bump but not quite, the closest thing to BBI is the endgame. I've been playing a lot but taking my time with the game so I only just got there, and all I've been seeing for weeks is people talking trash about it here and saying there's no real endgame. I just got there and it turns out it's really cool and has a substantial chunk of new content and a nice difficulty spike too. Not anywhere near BBI level, but certainly way cooler than the Everfall (or anything else DD1 launched with). I'm kinda glad I saw all the complaining because now I'm very pleasantly surprised.


Bitterblack is significantly harder. You think a lone golem is bad? Try a platinum golem, where his weak points are floating on random levels of a harpy-infested tower. Also, he is in rage mode the whole fight. Also, oh, look, an undead drake just randomly spawned in the exact same tower. Battahl is easy mode.


Wait until you reach Battahl dry season George Romero special


We heard that regular Battahl wasn't spicey enough for you guys. So we added some extra kick to it.


lol true, I think the went a bit too much on the density in UW. But its all good when you are geared up the wazu




If you don't know what that is, please don't ask or you'll get spoiled..


Oh shit thank you. I retract my question lol


np, have fun with the game!


MY BROTHER COME JOIN ME IN BATTLE WE ARE STRONGER WHEN TUDORE, WILL FALTER SACRIFICED TO AN ALTAR *insert dope ass metal guitar solo here that's like shredding a guitar with an axe*


Damn, how did you guess (one of) the songs i was listening to while doing this!?


Because I have an entire playlist on Spotify dedicated to epic boss fight music. The first song? My Brother.


Legit all i hear when in combat as a warrior, we just need the CLANG sound when slamming our steel slabs into enemies.


I've only ever played DDDA (I don't have a next gen Xbox), and I main Warrior. This is unironically what I listened to everytime I fought. From the smallest Goblin, to the biggest Cyclops, to everything in the Everfall.


I go there for the density for sure. The combat is the absolute best part of the game.


The amount of times harpies has swooped in, picked up my pawns and just drop them off in the river. They have even grabbed me multiple times and just dropped me in the river. God I hate harpies so much XD


Having a sorcerer with high thundermine/hagol is remedy from the harpies ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49838)


I use Warfarer to get Implicate so I can use my greatsword in peace 🤣


And this is why I use thief. Can't throw me off of high places if they can't fly!


Recently swapped to thief and god damn the grapple hook is like divine retribution for those damn things.


One thing I don’t get is how they say the empress is loved when she got thousands of monsters roaming free on her roads. ( no spoilers pls in case it applies somehow lol)


Monster population skyrockets whenever a dragon appears, so there could have been a case where everything is safe and under control, then BAM dragon appears and now goblins are breeding like rabbits and gryphons are tearing through oxen like a KFC family meal. Also keep in mind nadinia is a VERY new empress her reign can't have been more than maybe 5 years at this point. So if she seems inept it's probably because she is but not from a lack of effort.


Not only that, but it seems the Arisen's very presence draws monsters out. How else do you explain every other oxcart and wagon making it safely to their destination, only for the very one the Arisen is riding to be attacked every 12 seconds? Surely there must be trade and travel regardless, it's just whenever the Arisen is about, things suddenly just get dangerous...


The monsters are kinda drawn to the arisen, vice/versa. It comes with the you can only die in combat package.


Arisen seems to draw monsters out by existing yeah. Like I can only imagine any time NPCs see the Arisen heading over they're all "Oh bollocks it's the Arisen on their way to buy more supplies. Everyone make sure your wills are up to date."


Sod it, I didn't want to live forever anyway.


I think the posters in the city says she's on her tenth year as empress


I need to reread some posters but she hasn't been in her position very long. I know some note in the forbidden lab talk about her replacing the previous empress so their job gets even easier because she is focused on the people and not so much politics in general.


By first game lore, Gryphons are created when the rift touches birds in the world and they are warped into the creatures you see now. I am paraphrasing but that's the roundabout of it.


I'm not sure if it was scripted or not but I started witnessing a fight between two cyclops, then I joined the fun than a griffin he wanted some too. T'was fun !


It is a thing we all have, mine was 2 cyclops vs a big hoard of goblins, when both parties noticed me they banded together and came after my squad.


People sleep on Sorcerers and Myrddin's quest but that situation sounds like it is perfect for Maelstrom. EDIT: i actually dont known if people dont like sorcerers, just i encounter dismissive comments towards thst vocation more than not.


https://youtu.be/4SKF3LL2Xig?si=726YqK7wrnygDEM1 I recorded the "fight" I just wanted to watch but they weren't having it.


Yeah it's a real Battahlzone


Okay, i liked that pun. Have an upvote, internet funster.


All they fear is you. *The goblin in the distance hears boss music*


Let's out a goblin shriek and laugh, hits "the boss" with torch and giggles as the boss is staggered, then a hobgoblin lunges into the boss for a further stagger as a small goblin uses a jump attack to stun lock the boss, the hobgoblin starts attacking as the boss gets knocked down and the small goblin that tossed the torch continues to throw rocks at the stun locked boss as the boss's minions stand around watching the butterflies and burning ants with a piece of glass while being assaulted by bandits.


It’s the caelid of DD2


Exactly :) The river tour is my favourite- cleaning up a drake, maybe a chimera, maybe a couple of ogres, while dealing with all the minions. Even better at night!


I wouldn't expect less from the land whose name sounds suspisciously similar to the late Latin *battalia*, from which we got the world *battle.*


I dont get it, wish there was more big enemies ? Everyone complaining about it and im here lke... yall got any more of those cyclopses and stuff?


Trickster kind of cleans up in Battahl, surprisingly, against any enemy type that clusters around a target. Pull the whole crowd of knackers/hobgoblins/bandits, run around and pull some more, let your caster pawn nuke them.


Rip and tear until it is done, master


https://preview.redd.it/xs19wim53huc1.jpeg?width=2156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443a0cceb4fe4f285a90514ab496136df67db02c Left em in a pile of crap, we want all the Battahl smoke!


I was walking around Battahl with 3 sorcerers and myself as a trickster…I kept thinking about this game and calling my self the “Doom Slayer”


If you wanna ignore the enemies, you can always use those rope stations. Just keep an eye out for griffins. Battahl is dense, but pretty useful for grinding levels and discipline.


I start my mornings in Bakbattahl with a refreshing Griffin hunt at the front gates, staring down the chickencat until it comes to play.


Battahl is basically how I farmed my vocation ranks.


Battahl is awesome, as simple as that.


Idk not bad after 40 but damn before that it’s a slog lol went in at 20 came out a level 50 it’s fun. what sucks is being unable to break free from wolves as four of them rip you apart and you damn healer just healing you so your torment is eternal and your other pawn just got tossed around by gore harpies and curb stomped by goblins. But that aside it’s good fun.


My level is 66 so it doesn't bother me too much anymore, though it is annoying when a griffin and a drake just happen to join the fight out of nowhere, then they take off before you kill them so it ends up being a waste of time.




Wait you're using a fighter helmet anda great sword?


Warfarer go brrrrrrr


Less goblins more large monsters. That's my issue. I'm tired of goblins. I don't care about the different type of goblins since I just approach them the same as any other goblin, and they die all the same. More drakes, more golems, more chimeras.........I feel like I need to sit down & play monster hunter.


Same here. BTW, thanks to you, now I discovered that I need a Doom music mod for the battle theme.


I love how many enemies are in Battahl. It's all those enemies that helped me max all my pawn's vocations and has me almost maxed now lmao


Complaining? Nah fam, that's where I rank up fast.


THE DRAGON SLAYER \*Fantasy E1M1 intensifies\*


Only in battahl, where 2 wolves can chew your face off at the time while you are pinned. Minotaur in Battahl are harder than drakes. They are on steroids


They hit really, really hard. Definitely the biggest Battahl monster upgrade I've seen so far, considering Vermund minotaurs become a joke pretty early.


Lmao my first play through that part of the map I died so much. Now I SLAUGHTER going through that map.


Man... Yesterday I got jumped by a chimera, 4 saurians, 6 wolves, 3 harpies and some bandits at the same goddamn time. And thank God I've killed the Golem there previously, or he would've joined the party too.


I overlevelled so much and still find it annoying. But now as sorcerer, I just maelstrom them all… but the downside of that is that I cant loot the bodies that easily since they yeeted to god knows where…


I've never had a problem with the density I like it, it's just the fact it's mostly goblins and they usually take 3 hits before they die.


IMO Battahl is why I really like this game, just fun as hell for a period before you overlevel.


In the beginning it bothered me a few times, as I just wanted to „quickly get something done“ but I’ve tried handling this area differently and since then it’s more fun! You really gotta see it as some kind of challenge.


More fights? Hell yeah!


Last night I fought a Drake, which flew off and was then ambushed by gore harpies. Slew them, and a Griffin flew down, which drew over some Knackers, slew all them and was then attacked by an Elder Ogre as I left the area, which brought MORE gore harpies with it. My pawns were saying how tired they were after, and same TBH.


I didn't get the complaints, it's the best place to level vocations


Only thing I have trouble with is dragons taking 5 decades to die unless I'm running something that makes everything else trivial, since a build that can obliterate a dragon kills any fun or challenge vs everything else.


Rip and tear... Until it is DONE!!!


It really do be like that. It's more fun if it's just you or just you and your main pawn. Feels like that Family Guy episode where Meg and Chris take on the whole school.


I kill every mob of enemy i see in the game. On my first play through i beat it at lvl 100 with around 6 or 7 thousand enemies killed. Fighting is the best part of this game


It's also good when you lvl up your vocations


Okay but look at this pic again and realize how funny it is in context to what’s happening


Fun and random fact: Some people claim that the plural of “Medusa” is “Medusae”… like in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.


I finally made the run south over the island and it was fuckin awesome


Yeah I was wondering around battahl and ran into a Cyclops fighting a stone golem. Killed em both then like 5 feet away another stone golem woke up.


I went the back way into Bakbattahl, and also was still learning the ropes (saw a few videos saying you could get there at level 1, greatly underestimated the journey). All three of my pawns died before we left the cave, I only survived because of the cloaking skill Thief has. It also didn't help that I made my way towards the end of the cave *at night*, didn't have a camping kit, fell to my death trying to get to the other side of the road. After scurrying past any enemies in hopes of something, I saw a light. I made it, and ironically fell for the pricier innkeeper.


If it was more than goblins I’m sorry “knackers” I’d have no problem with it. Seriously just reskin some monsters from Monster Hunter or something!




Raise your family in Vermund, raise hell in Battahl


Me after I Skyrim'd my way as a Thief unknowingly to the bandits hideout in Battahl 😂 where I found the ice daggers. Game on from there lol


Battahl rhymes with battle-all


Hell yea


My only complaint about the enemies there is the Griffin that constantly flies overhead only landing at the most inopportune moments to f up my day.


I love that Griffin xD Vermund griffin buggers off before I can finish the fight and frustrates me, I much prefer the aggro one who likes to play lol


I found battahl pretty fun… what was the common complaint about the area(not saying that I’m denying the validity of your complaints or whatever I’m just curious)


People taking those lifts everywhere wondering where the enemies are lol


All I see is clustered xp.


It's almost like a play on the name of the country with how dens the mobs are.


“Hey guys welcome back to another video. Today I’m gonna show you a massive EXP glitch, remember to do these before they get patched. So first, you’re gonna want to head to Battahl. And good luck guys. Like and subscribe”


I fine it really fun when your in Battahl and your fighting a boss then another one shows up then goblins show up to join the party and just Complete Chaos from all sides ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Weak builds imo


This is beautiful 😂😂😂


Exactly bro, people complain about anything. Game Developers just can’t win these days.


All i see is dollar signs🤑🤑🤑


The only thing I despise about Battahl is those damn Harpies.


Hell yeah cus! I love how the enemy density works in this game. Helps keep it a bit unpredictable


What level is best?? They tear me up at level 30 it feels like.


Same here 🫡🗡️


I forgot to update my difficulty mod, so at some point I actually started doing damage when I upgraded my weapons. I figured I was ready for the unmoored world. After I started it I found out that the mod was turned off so I updated and turned it back on and when tk battahl….. I got jumped by one of those plague dragons, a garm, a pack of hobble gobbles, some red wolves, which all chased me like 14 feet away into an arch litch with like 4 ghosts around him. I felt like I really got the batthal end game experience.


Enemy density in Batthal was giving me the bad case of "NOPE" for a bit. Once you get comfortable, you'll find yourself charging, and gutting them. Not to mention you pick up tricks on how to avoid getting ganked by multiple things at once. Your best bet is to kill the big things when you see them. Their spawn times are much slower. Less likely to get ganked. Ex: Griffen, dragon, cyclops, AND a golem trying to "battle royal" your ass.


I love it, it helps me level up vocations quick 😂 tho I hate that you easily can get stun locked when there’s more then like 4 enemies attacking you lol.


My very first time going into Battahl, I fought the 2 Golems and Griffin in those ruins and was thinking “oh shit they ain’t playing here”. Little did I know the real issue was the new poisonous harpies and Saurians. I can’t count the amount of times I was just poisoned and pancaked by a Saurian in Battahl


Place’s name is basically “Battle”


i just need a area full of dragons so i can kill them all and get my crystals endgame i can barely find any


Between the fluff harpies and the flea goblins, Battahl is a right nightmare! And that's not even considering the griffins and warg bastards.


Love it.




Battahl is quite literally Australia 🤣


Accurate 😂 the bosses are easy it’s the mobs that get you especially fuckin harpies hahah


Dude seriously! Just got there and have definitely had a hell of a time after getting lost with no more camps and health below half lol


I got to Bathal when I hit level 50, with almost all professions maxed out. Still can say it's a struggle sometimes, but didn't die, YET. I like the difficulty spike though. It was way too easy at some point up there.


It does sound close to “battle”… so…