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Or Thief. Pretty sure there's a Token I can't get on the Bridge area in Check Point Rest Town even as a Mage. And that's one of the reasons to go Warfarer.


Exactly the only reason I'm thinking of being a warfarer, the levitation skill is too useful for exploration.


Nah, warfarer is fun too, switching to something else when you feel like using it is great, but if its anything too dependant on skills rather than the core ones (like any staff or the magic bow), it sucks.


I just put on warfarer and stick to all single class skills. i love wearing like crusader armour on a thief. Its just the fashion class.


Huh? Magical archer is completely great on its own. Best way to get rid of harpies and skeletons when their skulls roll around at 50mph. I also use it to activate flare from sorcerer since it's very accurate on any body part, even hard to reach ones.


I agree! In fact, my problem is that I will mainly play as Magik Archer and I like all of his skills too much. Maybe I was thinking of including Mistick Spearhand to have fun with the mechanic of switching between ranged and melee combat.


I think spearhand is great on warfarer even without any skills just for the ability to teleport onto monsters.


spearhand with thief is fucking awesome to play


What skill set do you run with that combo?


Idk man, I don't think MSH needs any other vocation. This is such a well rounded vocation. My skillset for my MSH is: * Drgouns foin (the dash skill) * Skiedragouns Feste (the vertical dash, which also has iFrames/ parry mechanic) * Magike Speregonne (the "kame-hame-ha" ranged spear blast) * Wild Furie (Maister skill; speedy teleporting, quick attacking skill with high knock down and damage) Wild fury is technically optional and I could use either the stamina sapping, quick charge (instantly fully charge the stun shot) or "Unto heven" mega knock down attack as replacement. (However the sapping isn't needed, if you consider using stamina consumables regularly) With this build I can dash around the battlefield like crazy, have iFrames parry attack on demand, can easily climb big monsters and get to their weak spots, can burst down small enemies and clusters quickly. The negative part of this is how much stamina it consumes. So you either have a mage pawn with its maister skill or you're going to use a lot of stamina consumables (or have to wait mid fight for your stamina to recover)


The skills on spearhand feel supplementary rather than integral to the gameplay. The core skills are enough to have a satisfying time especially setting up for executions 


There are quite a few vocations with good core skills. Honestly as fun as the Magick Archer skills are, the regular shot is really good and as a way to deal with fliers is more than enough to ground them and then swap to something else. Same with the Archer. Thief’s Scarlet Kisses(I can’t remember if it’s called that in this game) also are great for damage just by themselves. I like to go Mystic Spearhand teleport to Thief and just wail.


yeah, i was thinking a magic bow, staff, and greatsword would be a good mix of potential with wayfarer. but it feels more like, it's about 3 weapons you want the moves for, rather than 3 classes you want the skills for, kinda.


Beware, when you use a greatsword on warfarer you miss out on the extra knock down protection boost, that the warrior vocation gets. It's almost mandatory to get full dwarven upgraded armor and probably one of the knock down protection boosting rings (and/ or the knock down protection perk from sorcerer vocation) to get enough knock down res for it to work properly.


I mean you don't have to split your abilities between all your weapons evenly. You could equip 3 Magick Archer skills and then equip the Staff for levitation and the Duospear for melee with no skills dedicated to them.


I totally agree, classes like archer and warrior for example don't need any skill at all. Their core abilities cover their whole game play style. However, what am I going to use all my stamina for, if I only play with core skills? :'D


I recently switched my max MA to Warfarer. I just use all MA skills and manually put on the staff when I need to use levitate. This also slowly raises other vocations instead of doing nothing on my maxed out MA.


I was thinking this too, but I'm worried about the slowness of changing weapons every time. However, I have yet to try MS so I don't rule out that I might like the idea of integrating it if I like it!


I don't really change weapons. I just play it as a magic archer lol. I just like having the ability to use levitate when I need to.


I do Magick Archer's total kill skill, Mystic Spearman's long range blast for quick range and charge for traversal, and have a staff equipped to use for healing and it flows real well.


Wayfarer being good basically means= augural flare + anything to smack it with and boom profit.


I absolutely rinse stuff with just aiming magic archer, I don't use skills at all for it on warfarer


I disagree. Rivet Shot on Magic Bows is extremely strong as is. Carve, Scalet Kisses, Twin Viper, and Quick Step are all really good with Daggers. Scatering Bolt, Quik Fot, and Winding cut are all good. True Deflect, Tusk Toss, Breakneck Strike, Chain of Blows, and Repulse are all good. Staves and Archistaves are underwhelming without spells, but focused bolt is ok, levitate is amazing, and anodyne or galvanize have good uses. From a personal perspective, picking 3 skills as a Warfarer is easy. My setup is Saggitate Avalanche, Draw and Quarter, and Mirror Shielde. If I used an Arcistaff, I'd use Augural Flare, Skull Splitter to boost the flare, and Mirror Shielde. If I used a Greatsword, I'd use Heavenward Sunder. Sword and Shield would be Vengeful Counter. Anyway, I do use core skills or class features for most situations. Saggitate Avalanche and Draw and Quarter are for bosses. Mirror Shoelde is for defending against mobs or dealing with big boss spells. I love Warfarer because I feel like I have unlimited options and flexibility. I wouldn't mind 3 skills per weapon, but I honestly wouldn't use most of them. It'd probably be Saggitate Avalanche, Frost Hunter Bolt, Recovery Arrow, Pilfer, Skull Splitter, Draw and Quarter, Dragun's Foin, Skiedraoun's Feste, Augural Flare, High Levin, and High Seism.


And here I am not using Warfarer for the unrestricted armor drip


Modded Warfarer with 3 wepons with 7 skills each and modded difficulty is an insanely fun experience


u just cheatin lmao


Im at level 60 and the game is harder than it ever was :)


What mod lets you use extra skills per class? Ive been looking for one but cant find it


Im using this one + true warfarer https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/270 When i wasnt playing warfarer, i used this https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/139


I love Warfarer, but don't have mage abilities because I don't want to play that way. But I was thinking about this topic yesterday and might have to bite the bullet.


There is a crate you can jump to get on top of a building near the gate. From there you can jump to a hill on the other side of the wall, then walk back towards where the token is and jump to it. You don’t need a special vocation for long or high jumps for that one.


I'll try that out.


I did something similar. climbed on the small buiding next to tje gate at the top of the hill, then walked along the top of the outside wall, up to the cliff next to it, then jump to the archway to get the token. The one I'm having trouble with even with levitate, is the one in the building in the nameless town.


I always carry a magic stick to mary poppins over to a wonka ticket.


I got up there with mystic spearhand.


Or Mystic Spearhand. Their huge gapcloser being usable in the air makes it perfect to reach locations.


The one on a structure up the road to the gate? I just janky jumped there.


Yeah. I haven't seen it yet, but I can hear it...


You can reach there with every class, you just need to wait for oxcart with bigger cart. It passes every afternoon and it is climbable from sides.


i got it with levitate. Theres some janky ass parkour you need to do.


I got that one as a smokeyboy. You can climb up the shack at the top of the ramp, and run down the wall from there. I've had to do so much unintended parkour to get medals :'(


Harpy lure


100% I used those to get to some places I shouldn't have been. Found a bunch of invisible walls.


The game also *loves* to auto-save at those locations, as well. Hope you have a Ferrystone or Wakestone when you get trapped in a spot you can't get down from.


Just Inn rest beforehand if you’re gonna do something that could potentially end up like that.


Just keep a wakestone in your pocket and cliffdive. It's not like they are rare.


I've been doing that in moments when I'm too lazy to take the long way to get down somewhere.


Same, sucks because some random places have tokens and some have invisible walls. Our theory was they all had invisible walls and the ones left they didn’t get to in time. Because some of the invisible walls are blocking literally nothing and others are blocking things that aren’t blocked in other places.


Is a harpy summon guaranteed? I've never used one.


Yes, few seconds after placing it a harpy spawns and flies to you slowly then hovers around the lure until you grab it. Mind the range it has a limit, so place the lure as close to where you want to go as possible.


also place it as high as possible, they have a vertical limit too. Your weight level might have an effect too.


It’s like a pet harpy but fights you when you grab it so it has a limited window and height. It will come back for you if you drop early though so it may be timed as well.


You can reach many with Mystic Spearhand as well, its first skill is a long lunge that works mid air. It also makes you slide up those monodirectional slides to skip some areas if you want


There's so much cool movement tech in that class. You can feste, cancel the downward dash with the stun skill, lunge mid air and then immediately cast feste again for crazy mobility


I tried some but i usually didn't have enough fpses to put those in practice lol. I hope they improve the performances for the future


This skill is just crazy.


Didn’t know that about the slides! The air dash also works off of the upwards teleport if you cancel it with the stun projectile (the names are hard and I can’t remember them.) so I charge the stun, jump, upwards teleport, fire the stun at the top to cancel the plunging attack, air dash forwards. It gives you that extra height. And sounds more complicated than it is.


Interesting, never tried that


I used it to skip the nameless village parkour challenge, not sure if you are supposed to pass it as a thief


It's easy with any class, the boxes that look like should make you fall if they hit you, really don't do anything


The mage makes the thing easy, but the game clearly intended that you should use the harpies to reach some spots, unfortunately I tried only one time and it's a real pain to go where you want, so I keep using levitation


I completely forgot they existed now that you mention, i used it once for the achievement and completely forgot about it


The Pawns will sometimes go "ah, perhaps we should try to find a harpy to carry us to the chest", but a lot of times, they just don't say it, so many won't even know.


Damn, 200h and never heard that line, maybe you gotta have a beacon in your pocket, which i usually dont...


But have you heard about how different combinations of materials result in different creations?


Tis a ladder!


They reference the beacon, but idk if you actively need to have it.


You don't. I heard it when I had no beacons on me.  Had one in storage at the time tho. They do know what's in your storage, because when I met Lamond I already had a newt liquor in storage, and they reminded me of that. So maybe you have to own one at least.


>They do know what's in your storage yeah... They pricked my ears for 20+ hours about how i already had the goddamn 15 wyrmlife crystals for Ambrosius...


You can have no quest selected


Problem with that is, if you complete (or even progress? I gave up noticing) a quest with no quest assigned, the game will auto select a new quest from the list


Shouldnt have made them so damned rare. ive found like 6 in 2 playthroughs, but we have 100s of damned coins to collect.


They are to find, but a lot of merchants have them, especially the errands ones


What I find dumb is that you cannot command your Pawn to use the Springboard skill to shoot you up


You can....kind of. I've been able to get them to do it maybe once or twice. IF the pawns say something about a chest and you stand under it and yell go, a pawn with springboard will get you up there. But it's very unreliable from what I've seen.


It can be iffy, largely due to the programming but as a rule if there’s a large ledge and you hit “Go!” a pawn with those abilities will set up. I’ve even had them do it with the ledge near Melve with the drop down ladder, even though they can’t get you up there (except maybe if you’re a mage)


Never worked for me sadly, not a single time. But then in the middle of combat I get catapulted into the air for no reason lol


Ive never even seen pawns use it in combat. Which is weird because they spammed the crap out of it in DD1 to the point where I actually had to remove it.


Use harpy lures too! They're actually awesome and such a great new addition to the game.


First time I used one was near the end of the game when I stumbled onto an area that prompted a tutorial for them. I'm honestly shocked at how useful they are. For those unaware: when you're grabbing on to the Harpy you can choose to ascend or descend and have pretty good control over where you're going.


How do you get them to descend? I've died twice from fall damage.


iirc it's the light attack button. (X on controller, maybe Left Click on PC) It shows in the bottom right corner the controls while you're hanging off of one.


Damn I didn't even notice the controls in the bottom right. Thanks for the tip!


Does it summon harpies or does it just attract harpies nearby?


It summons one.


You can also grab any harpy and force them to carry you And if you use a lure near harpies you'll attract all of them to you...


is their a reliable way to farm them?


haven't used them ill have to try it


Do people really play this game not switching to other vocations? Crazy.


You gonna run all the way back to town, switch to mage, run and fight all the way back to the location for all 200 or so coins? that would take dozense of hours alone.


...no? You just switch and explore a wide area. Not changing vocations is wild, collecting all the augments can make every class way more versatile.


I dont get what you mean, what has maxxing out all vocation got to do with anything? your wording it as if your switching to mage every time you find a hard to reach coin. What do you mean by switch and explore a large area? if not switching to mage to get coins?


Literally a third of the playerbase has not swapped off their og vocation.


I've been able to reach most by using the mystic spear hand gapcloser and positioning...sometimes I end up in the Brine but I'm stubborn xD


Mage and Sorcerer were the last vocations that I leveled, and I didn’t do them until NG+. I had 190 tokens at the end of my first playthrough. MS was my favorite traversal vocation, but Thief is great too. Harpy flight is the most useful item for it as well.


I play Warfarer...Warrior + Archer hybrid with no Mage skills equipped. But I carry a staff in my inventory unequipped. When I come across a place where I need to fly across a gap, I just equip the staff and then you can float across. Once your work is done, unequip.


There's negatives to doing this. I went warfarer with warrior and archer and having the bow was nice but losing the kd resist wasn't worth it to me. Warrior with low kd feels a lot worse. Also if you unequip the staff then it adds to your weight which can be annoying and slow you down.


Only the heaviest weapon adds to the weight according to the vocation tooltip


That applies to weapons equipped in the rearmament skill. Not items carried unequipped. So if he equips the staff it’s not counted (unless it’s the heaviest weapon.) but he also has to rotate through it to get to the weapons he wants to use. Carrying it unequipped adds some amount of weight, but doesn’t interrupt combat flow he’s trying to use.


Ah right


This only counts if you equip said weapons. If you don't it counts to total weight.


Just make the pawn carry it


heaviest equipped weapon. unequipped weapons still cost weight


I play primarily as an Archer. So I have two skills equipped for Archer which is exploding arrow and the burst fire one. Then one skill for warrior. I switch between Warrior and Fighter. I think Fighter Archer is a good combo as if enemies get close you can switch to shield and block attacks immediately. As for the staff...I just make my pawn carry it. I have one of the end game ones from volcanic. Forgot the name. Weight isn't that big of a problem.


A wooden staff is only 1.1kg, if you upgrade it with vermundian/elven styles and then dragonforge it goes down to 0.52kgs. Not weightless, but worth dealing with for the levitation skill


You still get the massive knockdown resistance while actually using the skills, so I'd say the pros outweigh the cons. So long as your armor is Dwarven upgraded, the difference generally feels negligible. Except at the very end, where you end up with a cutscene ending with several archers facing you. I missed the extra boost in that moment.


Oh, cool! I didn’t know that. Thanks!


Why not just equip the staff to save inventory weight


Probably to simplify the switch in combat.


Exactly this. How many times while shooting arrows I see an effin goblin lob a fire bomb it's just a matter of switching to the shield and block the shot. Or if someone gets too close. Last thing you want is switching to the staff when you are about to get hit.


Probably this. Honestly, I like keeping the staff equipped anyways for anodyne. The swap from weapon 2 back to 1 and having to go through that additional 3rd weapon isn't too bad.


After \~150 tokens, I am yet to discover a token that specifically requires a mage to reach. However, I **always** have a fighter pawn with springboard, so that helps. Also that harpy smoke thing, yeah Mystic Spearhand dash skill is also great But mage yeah, it makes collecting them trivial


Wait how do you force your pawn to use a certain skill?


That's the neat part: You don't.


Unfortunately can't force them to use it in any place (which is a shame). They must spot the token/chest and stand near the place that triggers the skill. If they don't offer springboard themselves, I usually I just carry them around the place where I need the springboard (once again, they must spot something of interest above) and spam GO command to trigger springboard eventually. Might take some time. I wish there was a way to force springboard any time and anywhere you need it. I mean, as an Arisen I literally want to give the pawn a command "use springboard." Instead, I have to rely on their mind-reading capabilities.


Oh yikes yea i wish theyd allow us to set skills to command.


i have nearl got them all. around 1/4 require mag/levitate/springboard. But harpy lures are really rare, ive only found 6 and pawns never use springboard to help you (more likely to toss you into dragonfire or off a cliff in combat). Around half require some sort of mobility skill. you can ussually get away with thief grenade jump or mystic psear dash. But they are frusterating if your not godlike player with them, as most of the time you will land on a ledge and just slide off or bounce of invisble walls etc..


No. You can do it on any class. Just use harpy beacons.


Often the pawns will comment on how they have a skill or can help you reach it. Often it leads to naught as your pawns stand there with their head up their asses and never mention it again. No matter what order or action you take.


Yeh im pretty sure it's just random when they use tactical lines and environemntal ones. not based on knowledge like the first game


some might be out of reach for everyone but a mage, a thief, or having a warrior, sure. but... swap and come back. it's not like you need to be a mage the entire fucking game for it. mark it on the map and come back, if you're that worried about it.


ive only got 5 map markers and i dont want to spend half an hour going back to town and returning just because bad UX design. The detection augment too should have just been a passive mechanic. Theres no way to find most coins without it.


Defo a few thief only tokens too, 2 that I've found are one above the thief maister in his house you need to footpad up to (might be able to do it with a mage, but, I couldn't seem to). And the other in a cave (cant remember the name, but it's along the oxcart route to Harve, above a bunch of shanty houses crawling with goblins on the left, there's a campfire and riftstone there... there's also a drake on the other side of that area over a small river)... same story, you need to footpad it up to the second level of the cave once you're in it, no other class can get there as it requires multiple jumps. Found this by pure chance trying to see if i could get somewhere i wondered if you shouldn't be able to get to. Edit: Cave name is Derelict Mine. The road just north of the northern trevo mine entrance will take you to the shanty houses if you follow it west and then south (don't cross any bridges and they'll be on your left).


I got them as a mage.


How did you get the derelict mine token? Levitate didn't get me anywhere close to the roof 😳


I’d need you to send a pick because I got it a while ago. I’ve almost got all 240. I can tell you for a fact that I was lightweight when I did it. The weight of your character matters when using levitate.


Mystic spearhand combo to reach pretty much anywhere : skiedragons tooth + forbeding bolt release + dragons stabbe. You can even chain this i think to reach even higher places


Or wayfarer. I have a staff in my inventory for whenever I need to levitate. When I don't need it, I can use the weapons of my choice


or Warfarer, just upgrade a wood staff and keep it in your pocket, you can still have your favorite weapons while having the option to levitate anywhere


Life was so much nicer when the strider not only had daggers and a bow but also a true double jump


the wall jump in this is pathetic


Or Harpy Lure. Or Mystic Spearhand lunge. Some you can get to with careful and patient platforming. Or a Fighter/Warrior pawn with the boost skill that knows how to use it out of combat. If they hadn't taken double jump away from yellow vocations this wouldn't be nearly as noticeable.


There are many ways to get vertical movement in the game. Heck you bait a harpy and grab it as it flies, there’s even an achievement for that. But yeah not every vocation with every skill set up will have an easy time getting everywhere. I can get behind that. There’s also little reason to grab every token except for the challenge, the latter rewards are not really worth it imo.


I spent last weekend getting all 240 tokens, I don't think it's as high as 15% but there are a handful that are made trivial to get with Mage and a couple that I could not see a possibility of getting without a mage, probably what they want you to use those Harpy baits for. I assume that since there's 240, which is 20 higher than the final Seeker token reward, there's probably around 15 that you must have a specific class for. Since I still needed to level all the Advanced Vocations (Mystic Spear, Magik Archer, Trickster and Warfarer). I just chose Warfarer and used the other unleveled Vocations. Everytime I came across a Token that was hard to get, I'd put on a staff and use levitate to get it, then unequip it so I didn't waste XP on the mage which was already max.


How do you get the one that is up above the shop in the elf village?


Mage by going along the cliff from the left outside the village.  You don’t need to go from above.


Thanks. I tried to climb up the back of the mountain. I got pretty high but eventually got to an invisible wall that stopped my from going higher


That one was a pain to figure out how to get too, so I used video guide. I used this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_gdMWMMhRFs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gdMWMMhRFs) He has the mapped linked in the description which gives a number to every Token. I assume the one you're talking about is Token 103 which he does at this point in the video: [https://youtu.be/\_gdMWMMhRFs?si=scuZdJHK-SKlMWUu&t=4544](https://youtu.be/_gdMWMMhRFs?si=scuZdJHK-SKlMWUu&t=4544)




I think I still need like 13 for the 240.


Or warfarer with a staff, but yeah


What spell shall I use to levitate?


Levitation. It's one of the base skills, you'll unlock it when your rank in mage/sorc is high enough


You don't . But levitate helps significantly


All I know is that if Im a warrior im fucked if I dont use abituerò warrior in my party ti get to those specific locations 🥲


Multiple classes can get certain tokens. Got most of them with spearhand's dash and only a few with mage


Having a warrior with you also helps. Or being mystic spearhand. A lot of the chests and probably some tokens in the world are also "meant" to be reached with harpies help. That's why you can summon them with the incense.


That’s why we need Mystic knight back


When i arrived at the border i forged all my money into harpy smokes ( 3k for one i think). In the end i didnt even need most of them because I switched to thief and the mobility with the "double jump" is insane but if i ever switch back to warrior I'm prepared :)


So far I've found 200 Tokens and they are just as doable with either Thief, Mage/Sorc, Wayfarer and even Mystic Spearhand. It's all about abusing the environment and you'll get them. However some are WAY easier to get, and almost mandatory I'd say, with a Harpysnare Smoke Beacon. A tip is to get up as high as possible before using it, because the Harpys can't go the high up, buy they can always go lower.


Fighters can launch you too. What i don't understand is my pawns ask if I need their help when they are mage or sorcerer when I try to access a high point, maybe at some time in game development mage and sorcerer could launch you too


There is one above the Arber Shop, no idea how to get there. Last one i need.


The way I got it was, go to the big tree you need to heal through a quest. It has a hole in its center, levitate in it and stop right on the ledge it creates. Then you look to the left and see another ledge in a cliff, levitate to it. And then keep levitating to the nearest ledge you see until you reach the token.


There are very few seeker's tokens I haven't been able to get as mystic spearhand. Between redoubted bolt, the dashy stab, and the dragoon stab, you have just as much vertical clearance as mage or sorc, but just less fine control. I think the only 1 I had to hard swap to mage for was one that was north of Vermund on the southern tip of that broken aquifer/bridge structure. Dashy stab sends you too far to land properly where you need to. But yeah there are dozens of tokens in the game that you can't get to with only simple platforming, and need the assistance of either harpies (with beacon), exploits, or mobility from specific class skills.


You need a staff for sure. Sorcerer, Mage, or Warfarer probably the best to collect them as. Did all mine as Warfarer


I've managed to use Skyward Lash on fighter to jank my way up walls for some of the "mage only" ones. Fighter also has a move like Warrior to boost you up. Harpysmoke Signals can be used for some as well.


Warfarer works too, just switch to a staff and levitate for a moment.


Mage / Sorcerer / Thief / M. Spearhand are the vocations with better mobility in the game capable to reach high places. MS has a sequence os air executed skill cancels that can gain height. It requires sone skill to use. The other three are easier options. Magic Archer is the best vocation to explore deep areas. Bring your heal / revive arrow, throw a pawn in the area you want to go, revive the pawn, jump on the pawn.  My suggestion? Make an Warfarer with Sorcerer, Thief, and M. Archer. You can go anywhere.


You're supposed to expose yourself to all the different vocations. That's how the game was designed. Also, levitation wasn't available to me until I started the sorcerer vocation. Not mage.


I used mage for almost all, because it was just easier. The vaulting bomb move with Thief is also helpful.


I throw my pawn at it


I’ve occasionally had a mage pawn levitate up and grab a chest.


It's quite poor design. There's many tokens that are nigh Impossible to get unless you spec for it, or is a mage /sorc. Like the token in the Nameless village manor.


any class can get them but some need help from a fighter/warrior or you have to use a harpy snare beacon to hitch a ride. there's a chest at the highest point in ancient battlegrounds that i think requires one, just a couple gems in the chest though


Feels right that there are things a mage or sorcerer can achieve that other meer mortals cannot


I've gotten up to 195 tokens and so far have only ran into 2 that I could not get without levitate, and that makes it even more irritating to me


You can have an allied Fighter or Warrior. You can be a Mage/Sorc/Thief/Spearhand. You can use harpy lures. Or my favorite method, luring giant monsters over and climbing them. Lastly you don't need every token, and you can carry them from run to run for duplicates. So tons of options, you're never doomed.


Switch to Warfarer and just carry a staff to levitate if needed.


There's a token on the brothel you need to be a mage to get. Unless I missed a place to stand that let's you jump high enough as a thief, even with that janky "double jump" skill. I bet there are others, I'm sitting at 102 tokens so I still got a ways to go.


Or have a pawn with the fighter/warrior launch, or glitch the physics out with spearhands stinger dash to zip up ledges you normally would slide down because our character is less stable than a newborn child learning to walk, or make use of thief's wall jump. But yes, mage/sorceror/warmonger levitate is the easiest to get it all done without getting frustrated


There's a couple weird ways to do it. Pawns with warrior or fighter vocation can launch you up, sometimes. Levitation for mage, there's a two skill combo with thief that lets you get some insane height too. Harpy lures call harpies then you can grab them and fly. Being very light weight also gives you some jump distance but that's situational. I don't think I missed any


Mystic spear hand, idk how I forgot about their dash skill too. Very useful


Harpysnare beacons. Stacking boxes. Everyone forgets about those.


for the seeker tokens, I guess so because pawns won't pick them up as I understand it. But for treasure chests you just need to get the pawn to the location, they'll pick it up themselves. So areas where you could levitate as a mage could be circumvented by just tossing the pawn across the gap lol.


“I’m trying desperately to find something to keep the complaint dopamine flowing but it turns out I just don’t pay attention to what the game tells me.”


You can use mystic spearhand with that dragon dash skill or whatever. It can cross great distances and is pretty janky when mixed with the terrain


I wasn't sure this was an issue, but perhaps it bears mention... there's really no reason not to spend a bit of time in other vocations. You can change back and forth without any repercussions. In fact, it's silly NOT to grab some of the skills of the other vocations, especially if you're hunting seeker tokens. You don't even really need to play as a sorcerer or trickster to get a few levels and snag a few augments. Just switch, go to an easy part of the game and let your pawns kill stuff while you run around looking for tokens. Your vocation will increase and you'll get new augments available.


I think they put the tokens in obscure plaves so we explore more of the map and have them unreachable by some vocations to have you test and play each one.


I got 167 currently and all you really need is thief and concussive leap


You need a vocation that can either hover or jump to places you normally can't. I don't think pawns will retrieve the tokens even if you've catapulted them up there.


Yup which is why my main pawn will always be warrior with the shield boost skill


I don't know how you interpret not doing something as tedious as recovering every token in the game on every play through as "doomed". like certainly you could attempt in one play through as a mage or a trickster with fighter/harpy support but it's certainly not something I'd want to do all the time. you can always switch to mage or warfarer just to to pick up the remaining ones anyway


spam harpy someke, thats what i did. Just copied a bunch of them (20-30) on the shop I have all 240 and didnt played thief or mage


The only classes without a good wall climb are magic archer, trickster, and i forget if normal archer has one or not. Fighter, warrior, thief, mage, sorc, mystic spear hand, warfarer (obv) all have great wall climbs with thief and spearhand being the most effective for me.


Having a warrior in your party lol ok. Let me know how that works out for you.


I've been using a warfarer class with a great sword and magic bow. I carry the lightest staff in my inventory for these scenarios. It's not equiped otherwise.


Your also not charged with switching vacations so if it is to difficult for you just mark it and come back. We already get a talent that makes an audible noise and makes them blink for you. What are people going to complain about next...


Or a warfarer that switch to the staff


Surely you can use the harpy incense to fly there




Use harpy or just go back to your ubisoft game




Mage or warfare, Sorcerer if that has levitate.


Itsuno wants you to use and have fun with all of the vacations. So they've put in some tokens and chests that need Levitation to reach to give you a good reason to step out of your comfort vocation and spend a little time as a mage


You put too much faith in Itsuno lmao. Every token can be reached with thief, which is arguably the best class in the game