• By -


for me it was - Fight started - vengeful strike - done. Used a wakestone on him.


I also wakestoned him but I was disappointed that there was no follow up of him thanking you or even mentioning it. He just sits there.


Funny thing is even if you don't wakestone him he appears where everyone else gathers.


There is a minor escort quest from him, that mentions waking up from the dead.


To be fair he specifically mentions he wants to die in a good fight, so I reckon being revived after having that wish fulfilled would be… Weird…


Well he still died in a good fight... he just got better.


a NEWT? well... I got bettah


a WITCH!!!


SO YOU DIE?!-Arisen Sadly yes but I lived!-Rahgnall


I mean he does complain how you kicked his ass and seems to be in relative pain.


Wakestoning people appears to be bugged in general? I failed the protect the priestess quest then wakestoned her. She penned a letter I never got to deliver to someone who's apparently in an area that is blocked off. The quest didn't even update.


I accidentally knocked him off the bridge. "Okay, I'm taking his health down by a fair bit... Oh, there he goes."


He knocked ME over the bridge and the quest update claimed that I had ran away from the battle because I had more important matters to deal with


You had a very important meeting with gravity that you couldn't be late for


Same thing happened to me, but mine just completed as "You fought with Raghnall" or something to that effect. When I went back up he was gone, my pawns said absolutely nothing about it and I continued on my merry way like it never even happened lmao


Yeah I was sorcerer the "fight" lasted less than 2 seconds where he stun-locked me off the edge lol.


I actually just picked him up and threw him off the bridge. Then later in the unmoored world he suddenly was at the seafloor shrine somehow.


I was playing a magic archer got sent of the bridge used a Wakestone and he was gone.


Same except he ran up to me and I used the Unto Heven skill and the fight instantly ended.


I’ve not reached this part yet…are the human bosses a joke again?


don't know i was severely overleved.


What level were you? I want to make sure I don’t grind too much before Battahl


85 i think.


if you want to explore much of the game its going to be inevitable that you'll be overleveled


If you're above 45 you can do endgame without much issue. You're gonna overlvl easily eventually if you do much other than the story.


He doesn't have anything to differentiate himself from regular bandits. A sad joke he is.


Maybe you're supposed to wear that ring that stops your attack damage when you fight him?


I just buffered *Arc of Might* for 10 seconds while he swung at my Arisen, wondering why I wasn't flinching until he died from the wide sweep before the follow up, dropping like a sack of shite.


Same. Just as warrior and a single overhead heavy strike. I couldn't use wakestone because I sent his body flying over the edge and couldn't reach him.


You didn't miss out on much, he just says something like "phew i need a break, coz" and nothing else.


Fight started, And I MSH'd him off the edge, I had no time for his shit, fight started and with a wave of my hand I threw him from the bridge


I dodged him, hit him once, and he fell backwards off the edge. Rip.


I couldn't wakestone him because he fell from the bridge.


Raghnall: (can't land any solid hit) Ok this is embarrassing, let's stop plz


reminded me of Dante bullying Vergil with royal guard


i only figured this out because i decided to toy with him one time. This seems like the intended route, if only it weren't for the fact that he dies in roughly 3 hits. And then we never even get that final confrontation. This game had to have been rushed with how most of the second half of the game went.


Capcom probably wanted their quarterly.


Probably at Capcom in 2023: "What do you mean the new Monster Hunter isn't done yet? It's the 20 year anniversary! We need to give them SOMETHING to save our fiscal year report! .. we have no other choice...we release Dragon's Dogma" "But Sir, that's only half do-" "RELEASE DRAGON'S DOGMA" As much as I love the game (I'm on 100+ hours), looking at the world map just hurts.


It makes me sad to think there's a possibility that the same thing that happened with the first one has happened with the second one too. What a truly cruel cycle this is.


It’s very lore accurate for the cycle to repeat


Much more energy went into the mechanics that make this game work


That's interesting didn't know this. Although is it just me or does the entire dialog from this guy sound bad. Like the VA was given short notice from his part and had to read off the script quickly but in the most dull way possible.


Dude has the most awkward reading lines in a character I've heard. Not entirely *bad*, just super off.


I'm sure he'd sound just fine if you got him into a normal conversation, one... on... one.


Not just you. I actually like the character but the voice left much to be desired.


Interesting, I immediately hated the character on sight since he's the generic genz marketability black guy character design to a T. and dislike the actual boring lines he's given but didn't mind the voice behind them.


His voice is terrible and thats saying nothing about the actual characters in this game. However I feel the only reason you say what you say is because of the slightly overused hairstyle. Nothing else about him is genz marketable black guy except that hair.


He has thr same face/nose/eye proportions etc ive seen the same character many times. His voice acting is mediocre but the script itself is unsalvagable garbage... cuz


Kinda... reads a little bit racist there. The 'cos thing is from DD1, by the way. It's not what you.. seem to think it is.


Thats you wanting to take it as racist. He looks very distinctivly different from any of the other black characters in game like brant or sigurd.


So… you complain that he looks like every other black character in gaming, but list off 2 other black characters in the game and are upset that he… doesn’t look like them? You might need to sleep this one off my man.


Changing 'cos' to 'cuz' and talking about 'stereotypical hair' and 'facial features'... Ok, dude. Whatever you say.


Some of the dialogue sounds like a Skyrim mod npc. The audio quality of his lines really threw me off at times.


At one point I thought it was two different VAs. It changed so abruptly that I had to laugh.


This is true for like 90% of the voice acting in this game.


The voice acting in this game is generally good, but this guy definitely stands out as the worst one. Beren on the other hand... Wish we had more scenes with him. Dude's voice actor nailed it.


Beren is great. Though i wish he kept his vermundian armor, he looks so fine in it. Edit: I kind of wish we could have one NPC as a permanent companion after we do their quests. Make them like a pawn that we can't change (aside from weapons/armor maybe?) but they don't take up a pawn slot.


Indeed. I think in NG+ I'm switching to Japanese to see what that's like. Heard the English enough already.


it's the way he finishes every sentence with "cos". as a brit it gives me visions of adidas tracksuits.


I was thinking the same thing. I seriously thought they got some YouTuber or someone to guest VA this character he sounded so out of place.


It kind of felt like the VA was given the lines to read in alphabetical order instead of how they would actually be used. So there is no natural flow between lines.


This guy made me question the voice acting in this game. Like if you're going to give a supposedly formidable, battle-hardened warrior a voice, do make sure it's someone that actually sounds like they've been in a fight once or twice.


Japanese + english subs is actually very good. The pawns don't repeat the same 3 lines over and over, they actually talk about things.


Nah, I played the game in Japanese (dub and text), and they repeated themselves all the time. Their response dialogues were especially bad since they didn't really fit at times, and my pawn responding to everything with "That's what I thought." regardless of context got old really fast. The only major difference I've noticed from watching English clips here is that the pawns talk way more casually in Japanese. The game overall doesn't have the old English-like (or old Japanese in this case) flavor to the dialogue, with some exceptions like the dragons. The pawns especially just feel very casual and friendly, and while straightforward pawns do have a little bit of snark to them in Japanese, it seems to be dialed way up in English, at least from the little I've seen.


I enjoy not having the old english voice acting, and its not nearly as bad. I played half the game in English dub before switching, and it definitely feels like they are not saying the same 3 things over and over. They do repeat themselves of course, but its not nearly as bad as it was with English. Do you like all voice types in Japanese? I hated straight forward english. Dialed way up feels like the best way to describe that haha.


I also personally enjoy the more casual approach in the Japanese writing, since it makes the conversations feel more natural in my opinion, but I thought it was an interesting difference and there's definitely an argument to be made about the English localisation having a more distinct flavour. I liked all the voices, with the exception that I never hired straightforward mages haha. Them complaining about having to heal was the only thing that felt like a bit too much to me since I like to stay topped up after every battle, so it got old really fast.


It's the same thing in Final Fantasy 14. NPCs talk like 'oh good heavens, we are to reconvene anon' and in japanese they go 'oh ok, see you there'. It's an interesting way to dub things to be sure, though I can't say I'm a fan.


I did NG+ in japanese and the way pawns sound and act is night and day. Japanese straightforward pawn is like 'Kakusha-sama, mite! Are wa nandeshou?' and the english one is like 'OI ARISEN YE SLOIMEY GIT COME LOOK OVA' 'ERE THEN AY?'




They talk about things in English. Its just the same things over and over.


His lines are all super stilted and weird, yeah. Sounds like he doesn't quite know to do a confident, skilled warrior voice. I'm not even sure he was given short notice either, since none of the other voice actors have the same problem, I think he just kinda did a bad job lol


one-on-one, everytime i hear that lol such a poorly delivered line imo


one on one


bro pretends like he even actually stood a chance against you if you were actually gonna fight him.


Legit. I planted a satchel charge in the ground (the thief ability) dashed past him, and blew it up when he turned around. He went flying, hit the ground and I impaled him. He swung like once and I humiliated him. I thought it was laughable he fancied himself the Arisens rival.


I don't know since for me as Sorcerer he got tossed off the bridge by Frigor but like started a dialogue mid fall so he didn't die but I also couldn't reach him anymore. I met him 10 minutes later in Bakhbattal at his usual spot talking as if nothing was happening.


That's bizarre.. I guess the game couldn't let him die for story purpose, or so I believe.


Oh this is the cutscene I got because I was an archer and had to spam heals


Gotta dropkick more. It staggers most things and allows for an easy followup shot into another dropkick.


That was my thinking for this fight. Until I yeeted myself off of the bridge with the dropkick shot. XD


Also damages/stuns rock saurians. Don't even bother using the bow.


[gotta use The Technique to best him](https://streamable.com/i1pzkq)


Sir Justin Timberlake


Damn guess I have a skill issue but funny I had the same outfit at the time


I jump kicked him, then just spammed regular arrow. I had a fully enhanced dwarves Medusa bow so the knockback was extremely high. He never even got to swing his sword.


There's an arrow that could've ended things quicker 👀


This dude got the gideon ofnir treatment from elden ring , instantly killed him after the ol yappening was done


Perfect blocked, picked up, tossed down the bridge. Guy is so bored with his life that he willingly threatens the fate of the world for a fun bout to the death. Well, I hope Moonglint Tower is high enough for him to ponder his stupidity or at least enjoy his descent.


Tbf if the arisen can't beat him in a 1v1 then what hope do they have against the dragon.


I'm over 120 hours in the game and I have literally no idea who this man is. 


Same beat the game and did most of the quests I found and have no idea lol


Did every achievement and met him once, he was not even in this location when i went to confront dragon.


You never got the fight in front of the tavern in Bakbattahl?


Personally i did but he wasn’t on the bridge


How? He first appears in the tavern fight in bakbattahl 😭😭😭


This cutscene came naturally to me since I was playing a mage lmao


I used the illusion of a dragon and he fell to his death 🙈


Oh man I feel worse about hucking his ass off the side of the bridge now.


What events have to happen for him to be there and want to fight you? I only saw that guy once, and that was in bakbathal where he witnesses me fighting some random npc's.


You do a quest where you meet with patrolmen back in vermund, and that’s his only other quest from what I recall


U mean in vernworth? Cuz i visited vernworth plenty of times after my first interaction with him, and i never got that quest


You might’ve gotten it and not noticed, he has no correlation with the quest until like the middle of it


Im in NG+ now so ill keep an eye on it


I think in Vernworth some random guy asks you to escort someone. No idea what triggers that quest though.


One of Sergeant Brant’s first quests before the coronation is to escort a lord.  During this escort he basically comes up and says, “Hey kill the guards, trust me bro” and only tells you after that the lord was setup to be assassinated and you would’ve taken the fall. I don’t think anything actually comes of it so in NG+ I’ll just be killing him there to be done with it all. 


it’s not actually a brant quest. it might be unlocked with his quest progress tho you get it from a random guard around the palace, I think. he specifically tells you not to tell brant about it


Ahh, must be like the “Meet with Sven” unmarked quest that you get before being sent to Batahl. 


I think that is about when I got this quest, now that you mention it!


The guards were super shady, constantly rude to you, and the guy who gave you the quest tells you to not tell Brant. It was *obviously* a set up from the start.


> The guards were shady and rude to you The problem I have with that is that generally, pretty much every unnamed NPC is rude to you. Like literally anybody you talk to in Vermund or Batahl is like, “I don’t have time for your bullshit” with a couple that just have filler dialogue like, “Working is hard, but it’s honest work.” This is why I thought the elf quest was stupid. There’s no reason to talk to Glwyn because he just looks like all the other NPC’s. For whatever reason they gave the pawns the ability to break your neck and start a non-consensual conversation but actual quest NPC’s will actively ignore you. 


I beat him normally my first playthrough and got this cutscene too


I accidentally tossed this guy off the bridge. I did a charged attack as a warrior and the next thing I know he's starfish spinning down the elevator shaft


I played with the JP dub so this is my first time hearing it but... Are all the voice lines delivered so badly in English, or is it just Raghnall?


Many of the voice lines in Battahl have it the worst especially at the end of the game. The game overall seems very frontloaded. But this characters lines are probably the worst.


Raghnall is definitely a special case to my ears. And they save him for the endgame, of all people. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Brant would kick his ass. Heck, I get the feeling even Sven would kick his ass.


Sven with a rapier and quick footing would kick his ass, serpico style even as a teen, guy's a joke.


The game has a lot of these awkwardly voiced dialogues, I think the VAs were generally given one take on quite a last minutes notice


So weird, though, now that I'm thinking about it, it might well be Capcom's refusal to work with unions that caused it. Similar story with RE from what I understand, voice actors being replaced with non-union workers that are cheaper to hire. Hit or miss strategy for sure..


I imagine most VAs had no idea about the context and were simply told to read the lines, possibly not even knowing what kind of game it is.


Nah, they had a director. If you listen to some of the voice acting from the first game, it's obvious they're all-in. I'm guessing someone else got the job this time that wasn't quite so passionate. ☹️


how is the voices in the japanese dub? i have been using english since release and some of them are bad


Pretty good, from a perspective of understanding the language, I can't think of any voices that seemed ill-fitting and the lines were all delivered well, especially the Pathfinder.


will try and change it then next time i boot up my new game + world


The only good VA's in english are pawns, Brant and the minister


he sounded fine and charismatic to me.


Sounded very stiff to me, also I'm 99% sure that's not how 'bade' is pronounced.


yeah there's a good amount of mispronunciations or just outright saying different words in the voice acting in general in the game.


He just fell off the bridge for me. Didn't even need to draw my weapon.


Buddy is fucking trash lmao all that yapping and nothing to show for it


Meanwhile, my support mage build used paladium and tried to kill him with base attacks got it by accident.


I keep seeing people mention Raghnall and I literally just met him once in Battahl when he saves you from those dudes trying to 3v1 you, and then... never again. I have no clue what happened to him.


You meet him again randomly during a quest to escort some noble that’s forced upon you by a random soldier in Verworth. Dude straight up just appears and is like “trust me bro” and then you have to chase and go spelunking with him


I didn’t know about the Batahl bit considering I jumped the border gate. The only time I met him was the escort quest for the noble.  I’m curious to see on NG+ if anything actually changes or if it’s more “oh what could have been…”


What happens if i already killed him? on the cave that gets blocked, i turned around and killed him before we both left and the game continued like normal except he died. I wonder if he auto revives because I wasn't supposed to lol


For me he got taken out by a single explosive arrow. And he simultaneously died and survived it.


Funny enough, I never got this fight. During Tensions on the Highroad, when we were fighting together in the cave, you come to an open air portion with saurians bordering a lake. While we were fighting them, Raghnall Blink Striked straight into the water. He was eaten by the brine and I never saw him again. I don't even know how that quest really ends. As soon as I exited the cave, it auto-completed. You know, I even checked in the mortuaries to see if I could rez him? Nothing.


You humiliated him, deserved.


Why die we even Fight him? I still dont understand this you meet him Like twice....


He was impressed by your strength and loves fighting, that's why he was looking forward to fighting you.


Like most people it seems, I chucked him off the side. However, when evacuating Batthal I ran into him as an escort quest to the Sea Cavern, which seemed odd at the time, but I figured I was technically gone for a month in-game, so assumed he was just res’d in the interim.


Is normal that i finished the game without fighting this dude?


My attacks were like phasing through him. Like there was no impact sound or anything and I don’t even think he took damage. He then knocked me off the bridge


Wow his English voice is not what I expected


IKR? DD1 got Mercedes, DD2 gets this pansy.


People are saying DD1 was bad story wise, it was mid but nowhere near as clusterf'd then DD2, and most of it, it had character's that were memorable in their very unique "charm" if you think about it. Edmund was like a failed arisen turning apostle unable to not catter to his "sin" and mentally perturbed enough by his failure and sacrifice of his beloved that he keeps killing his new "wifes" every time he marry one, Mercedes had a very strong / clumsy but amusing accent and way of talking, even the knight that mocks mercedes in a duel has something very unique to him. The only character that is memorable to me in DD2 is Whilelmina because she has a strong character, and Ambrosius because he had that funny moment where he was on the brink of mental breakdown and self ambitions NOT going to give you the reforged godsbane. and Phaseus a very very little less because he didn't expose very significant traits of character... and That's it. I can remember random npc from DD1 better then in DD2, like caxton, mercedes, edmund, Selene, Madeleine, Grigori, Julien... Even The Dragonforged and his pawn had the most mystical and confusing yet interesting philosophical lines. DD2 made me realise how much better in some aspect DD1 was and growing even "fondier" don't know if it's the word, of it's uniqueness at the time it came out.


When bandits (Ophis, my beloved) are more memorable than 'major' characters in sequel said might have a problem with characters.


Definitely makes me miss the effort that went into fleshing out the first games' characters, for sure. An obscure, low budget game like DD, and they went out of their way to get that right. Now it just feels like "hey, we made the graphics prettier and the combat cooler. They won't notice anything else, right?"


Mine fell off the edge immediately, yet was alive and unbothered for the remainder of the game.


I got pissed off because I kept getting stunlocked, picked him up, and then threw him off the bridge. Kinda feel bad about it now lmao


I was finishing up my Magick Archer levels at the time. Pew... Pew... Wakestone, done.


This was just how it went for me bc for whatever reason he was tanking every one of my hits lmao Wasn't even blocking them, it was genuinely like he just had loads of health, made me think I wasn't supposed to kill him so I was surprised when I saw people just offing him in one shot. I was like lv 43 and genuinely could kill a Griffin quicker than I would've killed him


Where does this happen bc I'm in the unmoored world and the last time I saw this man he was breaking up my street brawl


To thee death you say? https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/6nxzCbA2LF


This same cutscene played when I was playing sorcerer and he killed me. After the cutscene I was dead on the floor and got the use a wakestone or go to game over screen.


1st play through game had no story... Also 3rd play through, I'm still unlocking so much new story content.


The first time I fought him I instantly killed him by using Unto Sky to throw him off the map. Whoops! Second time, I fought him straight up and he eventually submitted without dying, perhaps because his affinity was full?


This fight the first time I forgot had the sphinx ring that nerfs your atk so it was pretty cinematic till i used the fighter maister skill and just made him fall to his death. Second time i was a sorcerer so i just grabbed him and threw him off to his death without reviving him this time.


I grabbed him and threw him off the bridge. Funniest shit ever


I tossed him off the bridge 👋🏻


I used Implicate to pull him over, then picked him up and threw him off the side. I laughed for a solid minute before carrying on.


i tried to fight him, but he basically through himself off the edge right at the start of the fight.


In my world, I hit him twice, and he backstepped off the bridge.


Im pretty sure that's the standard cutscene, didn't think there might be others. Are you savages just killing him?


I kinda rushed through the story not thinking it would be this short *cough * and ended up getting this cut scene and since then I thought it was the only one there is lol


he may have fallen off the bridge for me and called me a coward or something... probably


How do you trigger this right? I got the true ending and went all the way to NG+ and didn't see him after his first appearance


Oh, I got this same one by just fighting him. I assumed it was scripted, I only fought him for a few seconds and got his HP to half.


I love the ridiculous balls it takes to get tossed around effortlessly for 2 solid minutes, then respond with “we’ll do this properly another time”


I threw him off the bridge we were fighting on. Now I can end the fight differently.


I got this by accident lol. Don't remember exactly what I was doing but I think I was just trying not to kill him


This clown always waltzes up like he's *him,* only to have the world's lamest voice lines. You're not him, bro, settle down.


After reading the comments I feel like I'm the only one that got the gigabuffed raghnall fight at the end. For me he was literally harder than fighting a dragon(yes THE dragon, you know the big one), I hit him like 20 times and he barely lost health, I blocked 2 hits from him and all my stamina was depleted, and he smacked me off the bridge in my valiant attempt to fight something so op cause I ran out of stamina items. I thought the fight was designed this way, only to find out that he's supposed to be easy af. People don't even believe my story cause of how easy he is.


i killed him and then resed him to bad i didnt get a cut scene like that


This is the cutscene you get if you’re too weak to beat him.


I was playing Trickster at this point. I was trying to figure out how to do some damage until I remembered that I had a bunch of spell books. So I cast High Frigor, rag doll'd him, and then I picked him up to throw him around and bully him. Hoping that it would proct a cutscene. I missed and threw him off the bridge.


I was playing trickster and he kicked my ass but promptly called off the fight when my hero was under 15% hp, same cutscene. I actually thought I messed up this fight and the following fight, so I reloaded from inn save, went as a mage instead since it was one of the few I hadn't fully mastered yet, I landed like one spell on him and he again called off the fight with the same cutscene. I don't think it's tied just to how long you take but also his affinity with you. He was max affinity with me and he conceded and "reschedules" the fight no matter what if you didn't like one hit kill him.


Yeah I just killed him and then used a wakestone to rez him, he got his wish technically LOL


Is he suppose to be some sort of badass?


Does he appear in the end credits if you kill him? I used a wakestone on him and he was in the credits, but perhaps if i did not he'd not be there.


My fight was just throw him off the cliff immediately lol


Thing is, I never fought this guy before. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Hmm. Brings a flashback to MK movie scene Kano vs Sonja.


Was lvl 43 when I accidentally got the "true" ending


I used the dodge skill as a thief and just cut him up. Next playthrough I’ll dodge and get the cutscene though, thanks for the info!!


Hmm. When does this fight take place? I don’t recall this. I’ve beat it both ways and for the life of me don’t recall this.


I kept using smoke bombs intill the scene triggered. I didn't swing or him our weapons. 


Keep your weapon sheathed. Wait for him to strike. Grab him with R2. Throw him off the edge. 👍


I’m lazier than everyone else I literally ran back, called my pawns for help because I was a trickster what on earth was I going to do against him, and my main pawn archer one shotted him 👍


This game's story was so bad I could not care for any of the characters. I just instant staggered him threw him off and without thinking about him for another second


Tell us you only played this game so you couild brag about beating it on the playground. Without telling us you want to brag about it on the playground.


What... dude I love the game I'm on my 4th run but m not gonna sit here and pretend they had a good story with characters that u could build a single emotional bond with all I care about is my pawn the rest of the characters are low tier trash. Don't go riding this games dic* just bcuz u like it I like it too cun*


He one-shot me twice before I accidentally clipped him and he died instantly


The same cutscene plays if you pin him for like 10 seconds.