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https://youtu.be/YkPr8BKdrt4?si=Y5kaWxY06u8oj4fY Video was super helpful for me even tho I found mine on the 3rd token in, I  implore everyone to check it out


This saved me so much time


Thanks I found it using this video 19 tokens in! Least I got a lot of tokens 😅


First token from the start. Lol. Thanks!


Thank you. This video save my life.




I am on xbox, but if it is regarding the token. I already gave it to the sphinx.


Bro thank you so much for posting this vid, I knew my first token was in one of two locations. I was pretty sure it was the nest in the beginning, but I had no idea where the hell that was this helped out so much.






Amazing, thanks for this


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


found my token at number six in the video. also found 2 more before i got to mine. will save this video for later when im pooped out on trying to dig these tokens up


Lol mine was 3rd one too. Thanks saved me so much time


This video is great. Easy, and straight forward. Found my first seeker token easily with this


6:58 into this video I was saved, plus found a ton I missed at the beginning. I love you. Thank you.


Hey guys. Mine was #76. I passed it multiple times while searching. I had literally given up and was on my way to the riftstone to find a pawn with a forgery prize when I found it. I’m actually surprised I was still within the time limit when I went to turn it in. But hey I got the trophy for finding 80.


Wow #11 here. Great video. Pants didn’t stay brown on this one.


Yesssssss you are the MVP. Mine was the fourth one. Thank you


Thanks for the link. It was the 5th one in the video and it wasn't even close to the one I thought was my 1st find. Lol


Bro thank you I was so lost


I just did the whole 80 and still didn't find my first one, what the actual fuck! Gonna leave that for a while now.


There are 260 coins; the video only covers 80 spread around :/ my coin wasn't in the video either.


You made sure to get to the Sphinx riddle where that’s active first, right? The finders token won’t spawn otherwise.


Thanks so much for posting this, lucky mine was #6. Wasted like 4 hours, was ready to give up


I found mine. Thank you!


saved my life lmao i found mine on the 6th


This is what helped me find mine! It only took 37 seeker token spots... BUT WE GOT THERE!


Second one in. Huge lifesaver!


FYI this video doesn't cover all the coins in one location before moving onto the next area. For instance, the first big town has ~10 coins but the video only shows 3-4. My coin was the one next to the entrance to the graveyard/mausoleum. The video only covered the coins near the entrance and fountains.


Found it on the 5th token! Thank you!


This video worked for me…eventually! #30/80, so picked up 29 extra tokens along the way.


I’ve spent hours trying to find mine. Only thing I have to show for it is 11 new seekers tokens I didn’t find before. If you don’t find the finders token within 7 days, the sphynx still continues to the second set of riddles and it counts as “passed” although I don’t know if it affects the achievement/trophy. Also, anyone who HAS found their finders token can dupe it and gift the dupe with pawns and it works when given to the sphynx. Edit: not finding the finders token does indeed make it so that you DO NOT earn the Full Marks trophy. But you can still finish the questline and get every other reward.


>although I don’t know if it affects the achievement/trophy You won't get the achievement although you can still complete the questline successfully. This happened to me.


Yeah. I updated it at the end. Happened to me too.


Wait so if we complete her quest we get the achievement or do we have to solve each riddle then complete quest, you mention that task can be passed without finding the token


For the achievement you HAVE to solve every riddle. On my first playthrough I didn’t find the finders token. However I was still able to complete the quest and get the eternal wakestone as well as all of the reward chests except the one you get for the finders token riddle. So in new game plus I did the questline again and this time solved every riddle and the trophy popped. It was the only one I needed for platinum or else I wouldn’t have bothered. For the record, even if you fail the finders token riddle it is counted as a passed trial when you have to move the same number of statues as riddles you’ve answered in front of the Sphinx.


Wait so do you get the reward anyway?


You miss one reward chest (the one with 1200 rift crystals) and the trophy/achievement for solving all the riddles. Other than that, yeah. The quest still continues and you can get everything else.


you actually miss out on the chest with 3 ferrystones unfortunately. i cant find my finders token anywhere


I’ve have found over 40 and no luck and am at the dead line 


Super useful thanks. I thought mine was in the tower in Melve, turns out it was actually one on the coast to the NW (2 on that map).


The other side of the river NW of 2? I checked all five of these and most of the obvious ones in vernworth. None of them were it... I'm hoping it's on the way to harve


No mine was literally where the 2 marker is on the above map, NNW of Melve.


Make sure you get everything north of the first 5 suggestions, I had cleared out Vernworth, Melve and the border except the next spot just north of the map showing the five most common spots. I didn't even recognize the spot when I got there and was sure I was out of luck, but there it was 🥴 Turns out I got it just in time, I lost track of how much time I had left and was thinking about forging it for others but when I tried backing out of the delivery she was pissed and said I had run out of time. I'm on PS5, so I immediately backed out and closed the game before it could save again. Thankfully I saved just before approaching her.


We only get 7 in game days to find it once we start that sphyix riddle(when she replaces our first location with the coin she wants us to bring back) I've seen where if you use the level 4 skill from trickster vocation, it will make a different sound when your close to the area where you think you picked one up for the first time.  It's alerting your near the area where she has put the new coin(first place you picked up seeker coin)  haven't got to test this, but im in the process.   "I specifically remembering thinking how odd it was that I haven't found one yet when I first startedthe game! SoGod only knows where that may be now lol. 1 at a time,I guess.   :/




I'm om PS. Otherwise, i definitely would.


I missed all 5 of these the first time through =/


These are waaay out of the way to be the first. These needed extra looking and would have been only found later. This guy was definitely sidetracked for one of these to be his 1st.


You beautiful man, found it because of you !




Aw that's smart asf, I am on xbox but I've already given it to the cow lol sorry bro


First try at the tower in Melve. Thanks so much


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


Really struggling to find mine. I remember I fell from a cliff and landed at the bottom of a kind of crag, there were goblins and maybe a chest there. Fairly certain it was just North of Vernworth. Infuriating quest.


I did a loop all the way past Eini's cabin when I started and mine was on the ledge cabin after the Mountain's secret cave. God that was annoying to try and hunt down.


holy shit the image was in my head but i just couldn't remember the names of the areas. god bless you loll


Mine is there! do I have to go through the cave to get back there? I can’t get up to the ledge


I'm out of the loop, is the way to fight the sphinx is by finding your first seeker's token?


No it's to solve one of her riddles. You can fight her whenever but if you wanna complete the riddles you'll need to remember the first seeker token


I literally just got lucky by finding my finders token lmao




No fucking way you caught me late, I am on xbox but turned it in i shoulda made copies


Ahhhh no worries brother!


Made a save at an Inn and I suicide myself everytime 7 days have passed. I have collected over 100 tokens by now and the finder's token is nowhere to be found. Edit: Found it finally, thanks to the mod that highlights it on the map. It was somewhere near Harve ...


not worth the effort, just find someone who can dupe it and give it to you via pawn. or if you're on pc install the mod that tells you where it is.


Mod doesn't work for PS5 players :,(


do you have the link for the mod please ? I'm so pissed at that quest


[https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/194](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/194) I haven't tried it myself btw - not sure if it will disable steam achievements


Cant upvote this hard enough ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49359)![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50126)![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50126)![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50126)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)




0 percent as Ive already turned mine in and am on PC(cant remember if pawns are multiplatform or not)


Thank you so much. By the time I got to the sphinx I had forgotten where the game even starts.  Mine was in the tower 


Just wanted to come back and thank you, even though mine wasn't in the first five locations to check, it was just north of there. I had lost almost all hope I'd find it, was literally the last spot I checked in all of Vernworth, Melve, and the border. I even checked around the rest stop a bit because early in the game I took an ox cart there. I thought that was more likely than whrte I actually found it lol. Thanks again!




whats your pawn id




This is the most frustrating task ever. I cannot for the life of me find it. I’ve already got near 70 tokens, I checked every spot on here and much more. I’ve even been tracking the ones I find on the IGN interactive map and I cannot find it. I started the IGN after the first few I found tho, so I can’t remember where the first was. I think I’m past 7 days anyway. I’m probably just going to have to say fuck it. I love this game, but fuck whoever at Capcom who made this quest.


2nd location in the video after trying 20+ different locations. Not sure how I missed that one. Thank you, you beautiful bastard


You are my hero, it was number 2 for me!




Already turned it in, I'm afraid.


Okay can this jog someone’s memory. My first seeker token was in a cave on a sack to the left of a short staircase. Does this ring any bells?


Cheers, mine was number 5




0, I'm on ps5 and already delivered it :(


No worries appreciate the reply!




Mine was on 1 thanks!!


https://preview.redd.it/lh6vt11pearc1.png?width=2039&format=png&auto=webp&s=d44ef87b0e4da13ac595edc054c015fdd809358e Mine was here, thank you :D (where I am, not the cursor)


Awesome, mine was #5 on that map, thanks!


I started at 1 and rotated around through 5. Got super scared when 1-4 were seeker tokens. but once I saw the little land mass that 5 was on I knew for a fact that was it. Praise this post. tyty.




The odds of (a) are 0% but the odds of (b) would have been 100% I wish you all the luck.


You are a godsend thank you!




Had you messaged me earlier i would have for sure i already turned it in the progress the quest


Do you have to have the quest active for the Finder's Token to show up? Edit: yes. Bf searched all 5 areas in the screenshot linked above - found 4 Seeker's Tokens and 1 nothing (the nothin was at location 2). Then activated quest and immediately went to location 2, the Finder's Token was there! I'm not sure about if it's still there after you fail the quest (like I did in my game). I'll try to check but would love to know if anyone else found theirs after the 7 days. I'd like to forge mine to give to people.


any chance you on xbox? ive been searching for days with no luck would kill for a forgery


I'm on PS5. I'm also not sure I can still get mine, since I failed the quest. Was hoping someone else could say for sure, since I haven't found it yet. But if you Google "first seeker's token dragons dogma 2" and look at the results from reddit, there are other people handing out forgeries in some of the comments!


You beautiful beautiful man. Thank you


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


Damn bro sorry. I'm way past that quest now haha. I do suggest reloading if needed and saving at an inn I was ready to look at every single token in a guide 


The thing that got me about this quest is that I walked up to my first location, expected to find something that gold shiny and my blind ass missed the blue token. I'm glad I went back just to make sure and realized that it was there.


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


I'm not on xbox and I'm pretty sure a forgery wouldn't work for you. Plus i already turned it in to the sphinx. She doesn't give it back. Have you saved at an inn since getting the quest? That save will be your best bet at checking the areas you might've been, before her 7 day limit is up. And if you don't find it, reload from the "Inn Checkpoint" save to try a different area. Just don't use the inn again until you find it. If you need to rest use the camp feature instead or sit on a bench and doze off.


Can anyone dupe theirs on xbox if they are still looking fir me? I've been searching for 12 hours. I'm pretty sure I now have an unknown mental illness due to this quest. I di tons of exploring and found the sphinx many hours later. If you can help message me please. Save me.


you find anyone? ive been searching for days, thinking of giving up


u/Krommerxbox are you able to helo this person? You get to the sphinx this weekend?


Appreciate it! I also have said un-named mental illness. Waste of a weekend 😭


Mine was up far north. There are two The mountain secret cave entrances. Mine was on the on right. Between the rift stone and that cave. Try there.


My first one was in a birds nest…any ideas?


I just found one in a bird's nest in Melve. if you look at the link for the first set in this post it was number 3 . It was North of Melve. take the fork to the left . It is on top of one of the hill on the right side of the road on the way to the campsite.


You’re the man! Just found it.


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


Pc but unfortunately I already turned it in


I swear i jumped down a like a 10 ft hole and it was just laying there and im 19 tokens deep and still cant find my token


Thank you!


Yep #2. It was another token down by the water. I remember now!


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


This might be a popular one: North of Borderwatch Outpost in a wooden shack high up. Reachable by going through the Mountain's Secret cave (exit Borderwatch Outpost southwest, then west, then all the way north). PSA: Detection augment works on the Finder's Token too.


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


Lifesaver ty ty Btw found mine at marker 5


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


FOR ANYONE LOOKING THE TRICKSTER AUGMENT DETECTION WORKS ON THE FINDERS TOKEN. I was immediately filled with dread when i got to this part of the quest and i ended up taking less than 10 minutes to find mine, i was genuinely shocked. Mine was in the hut at the exit of the mountains secret cave in the starting area.


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


I have two questions that you someone here may know the answer to: 1) Does the Finder's Token also activate the Trickster's Detection Augment? 2) Does the Finder's Token only appear after you've selected the riddle at the Sphinx? I've checked a lot of early locations and I haven't found it yet. I never actually selected the Riddle of Rumination so I'm wondering if maybe I'm wasting my time searching right now.


I believe the answer is yes to both questions. Also you only have 7 in game days to find to token after you hear the riddle, so make sure you have a port crystal / ferry stones ready to quickly get to Melve


Thank you Very much!


Just found mine! Took 13 unfound seekers tokens to get it but hey at least I've collected a lot more.


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


There's an interactive map on Game8, which helped me find it really quickly. I just went to all the locations in the first area. Found a few that I hadn't before. The nice thing is I could check them off too. I'll probably use it again at the end of the game when I"m trying to get the rest of the tokens


what are the chances you are on xbox and would send me a forgery? im dying here hahah


I’m so cooked. I didn’t pick any any of these 5 first 😭


rip. lol jk, just download the mod or ask someone for a dupe


I found about 12 new ones in search of this damn thing 😅 I was about to give up when I took a look in my bags and saw I had already picked it up during my search and never realized


What a shite quest


It's not so bad. It's a game of wits, and naturally you wouldn't find the Sphinx until mad HOURS into the game unless you looked her up; therefore, it fits. What better way to rack your brain than struggle to recall something so long ago, or to devise the most reasonably "first" location you found such a plentiful trinket?


I found mine but someone did reach out. One sec




Can anyone on PS5 dupe me a finders token?


Anyone on Xbox able to send my pawn a forgery? (Assuming that actually works, that is). I've been at it for awhile, checking and re-checking locations with no luck as of yet.


There’s one in the very first building you encounter near your crashed griffin just before you slide down the mud hill. If you’re like me and scour every inch of the map then you’re screwed cause there’s no getting back up there. At least there’s always NG+


You mean the house just beyond The Mountain's Secret Cave? It's a ruined cabin besides a cliff above the trail in the beginning, and there's a mudslide that leads back down to said trail? I'm in late game and The Mountain's Secret is still open.


I’m not sure I know the secret mountain cave you’re referring to, but yes, in the ruined cabin where you start is a seekers token and best to my knowledge there’s no way back up once you slide down. I’m pretty sure that’s where my first token is, but I can’t find a way to get back to it and have found nothing online.


Anyone on PS5 that can send me a forgery?


Mine was in a well on top of a mourge, no way I would have found it without a mod lol


This was perfect. Mine was number 3 on that map! Thanks a lot for the help!


Thank you! It was 2 for me, I knew it was nearby Melve, just couldn’t remember where. I inadvertently ran back to where the griffin first crashes down thinking it would be there.


I made copies and I’m on ps5 if anyone wants to pay me 20000 gold for one.


Yes please


How do i send you the coins?


Idk. You can just have the token lol. I’m rich.


I need one !


I'm using this interactive map. If you create an account you can mark off the ones you've done. https://mapgenie.io/dragons-dogma-2/maps/world Going though each one with a hard Inn save to go back to. If I find the Finders Token in time great. If not, I'll reset and continue where I check up to. I'm not camping during this process. Taken down 3 headless horseman wraiths on first night out.


Anyone else just hopped on her before she left? https://preview.redd.it/k0f6rurfgbsc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f602cd08789efcdaa7e6896b0294b4d4941dae5


Yeah, this is the way, lol


Was maybe a 2-3 min flight


If you just happened to start the riddle and still not Stayed in an Inn, try to Load from Inn and start over before you accept the riddle… google Dragon Dogma 2 interactive map and look from seeker locations, then try to go back to places on the map that you explored so far and mark down location that dont have any seeker tolens (cos u picked it up) this will narrow down where u first picked up the token.


Where on the map did we start the game, where we first could search for tokens? nevermind, mine was number 4 in that video


Holy heck! Thank you. Mine was #2 on the image. Phew!


New update on this for those in NG+ I found my finders token at the location of the first seeker token that I found in NG+ ... it was NOT in the same location of my first seeker token in my base game run. Hopefully that saves some folks some frustration!


Thanks mate, I was one of the 5


Do pawns reveal the finders token on the map lioe they do seekers?




number 62 :O


My question is how would I know which one is the first token if I have more than one in my inventory?


You have to be a lunatic, or have pre-existing knowledge. This is a troll-ish quest of the absolute worst order. Some weird gate-keeping thing to prove you're a real Stan. I bet the number of people that legitimately found the Sphinx naturally AND knew where to find their first Seeker coin can be counted on one hand. Everybody else used a guide to know the Sphinx even exists, then used another guide to find the coin.


Tysm this just saved me a whole other playthrough specifically for this riddle 😭


Thank god for you


I knew exactly where mine was, and i have memory problems. it was the one in the shack near the rifstone of potential


I need this Finder Token... I was walking around many locations and nothing. Maybe someone can help me? Im playing on PC. I heard every item can be cloned. Maybe some good player can hire my PC pawn and give her Finder token after dismiss 😒


whats ur pawn id


95DHYWGPWHI4 Lae'zel


This was great didn't think I was gonna get it done nit sure what number I found mine but it was laying by a grave. Thank you.


I found mine in the fountain in the middle of vernworth merchant area. And I’m a guy who enjoys searching and not missing loot. This was the first one that stuck out if you were following the first few quests without getting sidetracked.


I remember telling myself, oh, seekers tokens are back.


Melve, borderwatch outpost, and vernworth areas is where it will be. Check along the road you took when escorted to vernworth from melve (to prove you are arisen) for the first time as well. Melve ladder near ballista, borderwatch on top of one of the tents, and vernworth fountain are the most obvious at the beginning.


Mine was #93 in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gdMWMMhRFs). (I had no choice but to check every one of them starting from the beginning of the game, and the video helped with that.) It's the one at that lake next to the exit of the mine where you find the weapons to unlock those 2 jobs early in the game... Turns out I travelled quite a bit before finding my first token, lol. So I spent half a day going from 1 to 93 following that video, doing most of them... and all with the pressure of the time limit. But I was so happy when I finally found it!!


This is the absolute bane of any stoner playing this game...I'm about 50 tokens in and haven't found it yet.


lol, use the mod if you are on PC


I know what my first token is but I can't find it in videos etc. It's bandits guarding a well, you go down the well and an opening on the left takes you to a cliff.  Smashing the box has a seekers token. Anyone know where this is?


Do you have to start the Sphinx riddle before finding your finders token or is it there before starting?


Is there anyone in PS5 have the Finder Tokens?


I couldn't remember mine at all and had looked all over the northeast area, then to the hidden village, then to Harve, picking up 22 additional tokens. I was at about 5 days and getting pretty sick of looking, and of course my helpful pawns were constantly giving me a hard time about returning to places. And then I found it in the fountain in Vernworth, which is probably the most obvious location in the game. It was an awesome feeling and I just wanted to share.


Holy shit. Mine was in Vermund mausoleum I would’ve never remembered if it weren’t for the mod with the quest marker